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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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thinking about Anime and manga characters on rolling stock in Japan again…
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It's all love live and mobile games now. GuP had regional appeal to the town where it was set so I wouldn't be surprised if this train is close to there.


I dunno but I read something recently about manhole covers getting decorations with Uzaki-chan, Asuka and Rei, Kino, the Oreimo girls, and others. So I'm sure it still happens.


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Here's a Love Live one, like >>901 said


Ruby on rails…


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Do you like cirno?

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I love this commercial, it makes me feel good.
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inb4 Shii-chan gets a Vespa


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It was a nice comfy episode hopefully Koguma will be able to rescue Shii from imminent death.


This episode was so unnexpected, off from the usual episodes but nonetheless just as fun, one of the best to me.


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Kinda disappointed with this one. I feel like this episode had potential, there were some comfy and fun moments after the rescue but there were certain things such as Shii begging Koguma to be "rescued again by the Super Cub™" that kinda threw off what was supposed to be an emotional moment.


I feel more or less the same, but mainly because of the way they handled her rescue, it was kind of bizarre.

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Anyone else watching this? Also welcome Samachan users!
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Doesn't this show have a ridiculously depressing bad end


The manga has a sad ending depending on who you ask, but you should spoiler that shit.


Fair enough but I was just asking, heard it from someone else and didn't really want to watch it because of it
was the ending changed for the anime or did it just not finish the story then?


Didn't finish the story, the anime didn't cover the last two volumes.


I watched it in April and the manga ending was truly heartbreaking

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 No.1553[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They love sushi!
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Which keion do you think would have the most successful solo career?


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Yui would have the most successful, Azusa the longest.


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I think Mio could either have the most generic or the most experimental career.


I could actually picture Mugi having the most successful music career, but that career would be doing session work and composing songs for other stars, rather than being a star herself.


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>Azusa the longest
Makes sense as jazz isn't the mainstream's cup of tea. Also

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This thread is dedicated for the discussion of "gekiga manga".
For those who don't know, gekiga literally translate as "dramatic image". This kind of manga was born after WW2 when a group of authors got tired of the overly-comical and children-like contents usually contained in manga and decided to create their own movement based on telling the horrors of the war and showing what kind of lives people led at the time.
Some acclaimed authors are Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Tsuge Yoshiharu and Tadao, Seiichi Hayashi, Kamimura Kazuo and many others
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I'm not a fan of gekiga but i did like a few works (A Drifting Life, Abandon the Old in Tokyo, The Push Man and Other Stories and Akairo Elegy).
To me there's a feeling that they are edgy just to be edgy, maybe it's not true but i still feel it when reading gekiga manga.

I'm surprised to see many Tezuka manga tagged as gekiga in manga-updates, it's funny because i did not enjoy them but for other reasons and never thought they as gekiga. Maybe they are not and it is a misstag?

Oh, and there are many official translations that mirror the pages, making them left-to-right.

I think the author wanted to convey a lot more than the pages had space for, so he skipped a lot details, focused on emotions and made each action exagerated and dramatic. Also it is about a very specific moment of Japan and much of it is lost on us who don't know what it was like, and probably many newer japanese people too.


>To me there's a feeling that they are edgy just to be edgy
I don't agree with this, I just don't find any particular edginess about them. Maybe you could say that, for example, authors like Kago or Umezu could be viewed as "edgy", but I still don't get what do you classify as edgy.

>I'm surprised to see many Tezuka manga tagged as gekiga in manga-updates

Funnily enough Tezuka was the main reason for the foundation of the gekiga movement. At the time (50s-60s) he was one of the most popular mangaka and he almost exclusively published light-hearted and funny stories mainly aimed at childrens. Gekiga artists hated him for that, so much that he suffered a not so short period of depression.


>thoughts on akairo/sekishoku elegy?
Alongside Nejishiki by Tatsumi, it's truly one of the best stories that came out from the entire gekiga movement.


>by Tatsumi
My bad, obviously I meant Yoshiharu Tsuge


>Sharon Kinsella's book Adult Manga
Agreed, I highly reccomend it. A very well written essay.

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Nice first episode. What stood out to me the most was the dialogue, it's surprisingly easy on the ears. Everything flows and fits naturally. Seems to be a pretty intriguing mystery being set up as well.




Alpaca Capoeira.

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Of course it changes things. I'm saying to someone who has already said goodbye that it is not a point of no return. Goodbyes can hurt badly, but no one who cares would feel anything but joy when you change your mind. There's no fake positivity in my post, it is the only thing I can think of to try making a sushi roll feel a little better on the off chance they are not already dead.


Maybe they really did just want to make a sayonara zetsubou sensei thread; they posted it in /otaku/…


I'm in despair!


I watched some of this once and totally wasn't expecting it to be a comedy. I was under the impression it was some kind of very depressing thing but I guess that's all part of the joke.
hope ur ok sushi roll


This, nobody would ever try to die on such a beautiful day anyways.
And the OP picture clearly depicts someone trying to make himself taller, that's all.

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Well I suppose I'm a little late but the season still hasn't started yet so I think I'm safe.

What's everyone looking forward to?
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I'm really looking forward to watching the World Ends With You adaptation.


I honestly don't even remember what SnK was about, I remember the plot was a fucking mess early as hell and not being interested at all despite everyone telling me it was a masterpiece and me telling them they were dumb as fuck
Clearly I had the bigger brain that day.


86 reminds me of the Subaru/Toyota car twins


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Funny to think I 'dropped' SnK 8 years ago now that it's ended. I just couldn't get into it at the time and still can't bother urging myself to watch it.

Cyber City Oedo 808 is great, dude. The dub is also pretty good and has plenty of fitting swearing. Hope you enjoy the rest of it.


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I mean for me personally I had only vaguely kept up with SnK because I cared about since middle school. I only watched the first season and ova, but I started reading the manga when season 2 was delayed. I stopped keeping up with the manga after 2017 and that was when I slowly stopped paying attention to it. The ending did make me feel sad, moreso out of nostalgia knowing it's been with me for almost 7 years. At least I can finally say farewell to the last shonen series that remained since my school years.

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Just starting this one and it's still pretty solid to be honest
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Wonder how long that'll take. There's no chapter this week and we have at least one and probably more chapters of obligatory Maki suffering and Ishigami whining, and probably one of Hayasaka thirst too.


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Yeah, It'll probably take quite a while. I don't really expect her to have much purpose besides wrapping up the mystery of who the fourth 'impossible girl' is.


When will Maki find happiness


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Aka is a huge Makifag, so I'm sure she'll find happiness in some way. Probably.


Fujiwara is going to be found on the floor of the Tokyo Bay.

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It's a New Year and a new season! A bit late, but what's everyone interested in?
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The cat-girl buns of steel scene killed me.


The tail base scene?


this anime went into a direction I wasn't expecting


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buff catgirls…

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