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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1640371615235.png (1.8 MB, 1280x720, (Hi10)_Hidamari_Sketch_x_H….png)


Wishing everyone a very WIDE Christmas!


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merry christmas :3


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Yuno what time it is!


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Finally, a Hidamari Sketch thread on this webstie


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born to be W I D E


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It's been a long time coming


Remember to take care of your nutbladder everyone


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No worries, I have insurance.


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>it's been 15 years since Hidamari first aired


10/10 video here


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Oh my! Yunocchi is now an overworked office lady counting years before retirement. How time fly. Or maybe she became a fancy painter?

Anyway hoped you sushi had a good chritmas and you're going to have a stellarly wide new year.


Those characters don't age, unless they do in the source material. If the source ends while they are 18, then they are forever 18.


You mean Yuno has been stuck doing college entrance exam again and again all those years ? What a life.




can someone pls slow down the time
its too fast



this is incredible <3


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I once, very long ago, wanted to make an imageboard dedicated to hidamari. I gave up on it though after seeing what happened to /azu/. Some good series are best left as the friendly bar in hidden alleyways in the busy imageboard city street, away from the public eye. I do wonder how it would've fared though.


w-what happened to /azu/?


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I'd rather not get into it but long story short: instagram meme/hip hop fans overtook the fandom mostly because of one guy who decided the capitalize on y2k nostalgia in an /azu/ discord server/instagram "fan" pages causing a divide in the fanbase with the annoying meme/hip hop people overtaking it gradually, as well as later some edgy right wing nutjobs. These groups preceeded to ruin the fanbase while the actual board /azu/ got left behind and eventually shut down, with the few new posts from newcomers being the shitty ironic instagram/discord meme garbage.

Apparently there was/is (?) a revival of the board but it was kept pretty closed off from the public for obvious reasons. It's also the reason the azumanga daioh fanbase on twitter and elsewhere is so terminally online and underage. The whole thing soured me on being open with my interests/having niche online communities for specific things because of how fast it can all be destroyed by a handful of assholes seeking to desecrate nice things without a care. I was friends with some of the staff/active users of /azu/ and its splinter discord servers so thankfully I'm still in touch but man it saddens me what happened there.


How sad, I used to visit it every once in a while just to lurk. It feels sometimes like nothing can exist online anymore without being ruined by warring groups of retards.


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I don't want to sound rude but could you guys move your discussion to >>>/hell/ or something?
This is quite frankly unrelated to Hidamari and anime.


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>>>/hell/3646 seems like a good start for the /azu/ discussion. Do not bring other board's drama here unless you actually have the initiative to bring its users here.

Any continuation of that topic here will be addressed swiftly and effectively.


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