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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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You have just been put in charge of creating an original anime for your favourite studio! What story will you come up with? Here is mine:
A loose adaptation of don quixote, instead of being obsessed with chivalry novels, the main character is obsessed with light novels and thinks he's a light novel protagonist, joined by his next door neighboor ie sancho (who should be a cute girl probably because anime), and maybe instead of a horse it's an old beat up bike or something. Make it like an adventure comedy that mostly follows the original plot but in modern day japan, and I think that would be pretty funny.
What ideas do you have sushis?


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I just found out about this genre / subculture called 'solarpunk'. I think it's an attempt to push back towards utopian sci fi, but taking cautionary inspiration from cyberpunk, and taking inspiration from clean energy, hippie peace and love and just general techno utopianism.

I'd like to see an anime that pushes the boundaries of 'nothing actually happens' slice of life comfiness. The stories would follow a few friends doing random things to amuse themselves, maybe learning about the world and its technology, traveling, or building things. But mostly not having any responsibility or really having to do anything at all because the world has become so easy to get along in.
I'm thinking like in K-on friends hanging out vibe, but in K-on there are a lot of traditional "here's a problem how do they overcome it" type plots. For the plotlines I'm thinking something more like how in Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou most of the stories are Alpha just doing things because she wants to, mostly without any kind of conflict that would drive a more traditional story.


Slice of life in unusual settings is my absolute favorite genre, good taste roll


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I really want like something about mermaids but like really deep sea, no interaction with actual humans, just slice of life/borderline no story anime in the deepest part of the sea with really cool fish and squids and stuff

maybe something like Arakawa Under The Bridge but a bit slower paced? idk


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Woah that could be really cool and calming. It could have relaxing underwater sounds and distant whale calls. What would deep sea mermaids look like? could they have bioluminescence?

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>The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls U149 Manga Gets TV Anime

>The manga centers around girls under 149 centimeters tall (under about 4-feet, 11-inches) who aspire to be idols

You have my attention, IM@S


No Sachiko no buy.


>Height: 142 cm
what the heck Sachiko is tiny


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Imperialfag conversion: 4.65 ft.
Yeah that's short.


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Sachiko a cute

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I have the same issue with nyaa.si for my router. shanaproject.com doesn't have this issue or if I have a VPN connected either.


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"Yuru Camp" movie new "off shot" (i.e. candid) visual featuring Aoi Inuyama:
The movie is scheduled to open in Japan early this summer. (Studio: C-Station)


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I want to MARRY the dog


i love the adult/grown up designs so much


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I get my anime news via imageboards and talking to friends
This sometimes leads me to not learning about things I'd otherwise want to because of gaps in preference but I think "anime news" sites are boring and kinda dumb so shouganai

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What're you already planning on watching? Anything that catches your eye?

Unfortunately the virus has made this season like half the size of what it was meant to be, so probably only fishing and Fruits Basket for me at first and maybe I'll pick up Kanojo and Uzaki-chan. Feels like a super weak season, at least partially because there's so little to choose from.
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Which game have you been hooked on?
Also have you not been watching fishing?


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It's been 2 actually. Chrono Trigger and Xenoblade Chronicles, fun stuff.

And Teibou didn't lure me in (heh) last season either, usually those shows are carried by the character designs and the theme but unlike Koisuru Asteroid which had geology and astronomy on the side fishing wasn't really that appealing to me overall so it was out.

There is this one I'm tempted to pick up as anime aimed for women usually have really attractive designs for their females and you could even self insert as 4 cool dudes if you wished to but not fully convinced yet, considering I'm falling behind on seasonals and the backlog is in danger too. Guess time will tell.


I've been mostly keeping up with just Teibou Nisshi, Deca-Dence, and Oregairu. I'm not really interested in fishing but I'm somewhat tempted to try it at least once now.
Lately been replaying Dragon Age Inquisition. I say replaying but it's really just playing for the first time, since I originally bought it but Origin or whatever the shitshow software was called never worked.

>HxEros webm

Shit now I want to watch it even if you're blasting it


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Those RPGs huh, always sucking the life out of people one way or the other it seems.
For fishing just be sure to select your fishing spot properly or you're have a really boring time, take note of whatever the teibous teach you about that.
Nice, another Deca-fren, will refrain from commenting about that as I'm behind by 1-2 episodes now but hopefully you're enjoying it too. Same with Oregairu for now.

I wouldn't say blasting it, I mean HxEros has the keyframes and to a certain extent the VAs (Kakuma Ai offsets whatever bad traits the main female character, Hoshino, could have at least for me) but it sometimes is lacking on the animation department and there are off model characters every once in a while plus the censorship (which after careful frame by frame analysis of episode 3 was all but confirmed to be decensored on the BD) so no wonder it's not wildly popular despite the ecchi. That said it's one of the series I have up to date so there's something pulling me back, I assume the mild ecchi-take it easy atmosphere it has plus the times where they do use some budget. So if at any point you decide to give it a try be sure to grab either the ATX-d-animestore ver. or wait a bit for the BDs.


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Get together already!

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First (non-sticky) thread on new board!
A bit late, heh, but what's everyone watching if anything? I'm still following Hamefura, Yesterday no Uttate, Listeners, and Arte mostly but also keeping up if less zealously with a few other shows. This season has been good to me.
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Arte is a harlot who eats aphrodisiacs for lunch


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Arte is dead


oh my god


great edit



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Should I watch serial experiments lain?
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of course you should, it's the correct choice!


I think it doesn't really matter since that's a translation and not something the original writers thought about or am I talking out of my ass?


No, they do use the English word "Wired" in the original Japanese.


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Depends, do you enjoy animated shows? Are you working through classics?
I'd recommend it regardless as it's relatively short and quite the experience. Plus you'll know what all the cool kids are talking about.


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Watch Ninja Slayer too.

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How would you defend anime/manga against the accusation that it's sexist? Obviously there are anime/manga this doesn't apply to, but I'm talking more like moe/bishoujo type stuff, like 90% of what's on this board.

I'm just playing devil's advocate here, and if you exclusively like gritty action manga like Berserk this doesn't apply to you, but think things like Konosuba – Aqua being a 16 or 17 year old character with no pants and huge boobs with jiggle physics. Most moe media focuses on high school or middle school characters and is not shy about sexualizing them. If someone you respected approached you and your Kuroneko dakimakura pillow and said you were promoting a sexist subculture how could you reasonably defend yourself?
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>"actual" as in their official age is that of a minor
Okay, and? What is your point here?


that they are csushi rollically minors, stop being obtuse


I'm not being obtuse, I want to hear what your problem with that is.


You want to know what my problem with lusting after csushi rollical minors is? I think that it's very clear and if not you're being deliberately obtuse…


I don't like to just assume what other people think because I don't like to argue in bad faith, but you're basically inviting me to state your position for you so here goes:

If I had to guess it's because you think finding any character under the "csushi rollical" age of 18 attractive is morally reprehensible. At best you think it's "gross" and should be censored, and at worst you think anyone who commits such a thoughtcrime should be shot/tortured/fed to a woodchipper/etc. (The latter end of this spectrum is concerningly common). You probably don't have a good reason for this beyond how it makes you feel but if you do I'd genuinely like to hear it instead of just smug non-replies.

The response to this argument would be that the availability of fictional, sexualized depictions of minors has been studied and everything I've seen seems to show that it causes no societal/real world harm beyond hurting your feelings, and may in fact be a positive force. In addition to that, you're ignoring basic, proven biology. The majority of adult men are going to find neotenous features and the expression of secondary sex characteristics attractive. It doesn't matter what character those features are attached to. This is just science, and you can look it up yourself if you don't believe me. The reason we have laws against sexualizing minors IRL is not just because it's gross. It's because it has the potential to victimize, cause trauma, and hurt real human beings, all of which are things that cannot happen to purely fictional characters. In conclusion please take this kind of "criticism" somewhere else.

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What shows aged like wine and which ones aged like milk? What are you watching and what are looking forward to starting?
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>the OP
Courtesy of Koji Morimoto.
Although he's not responsible for the most iconic shot in Akira as embed related has, that was Hitoshi Ueda.


A couple days ago i finished "Key: the metal idol"(1994 to 1997) and i liked it. It reminds me of Lain and blue seed.


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I watched Yokohama shopping trip. It was so comfy I had to read the manga… I just finished it now and towards the end I found myself crying more and more. I dont know how much was in the story, and how much it was making me reflect on my life…
I dont really like sad stories meant to make you cry, but I really liked this one anyway.
I want to watch the anime again now, but I don't know if I'll be able to bear it.


Slice of life that makes me reflect on my life is exactly what I love. The bittersweet realization of things, seeing flaws in the present, mistakes in the past, drawing conclusion how to better myself… It feels like they fill me with what I have lost, or never truly learned. How to be human, how to be a decent human being. They also feel now and then like a therapy session, confronting me with things I experienced but never truly found peace with or gained something positive out of it. Yokohama is on my list since ages and I will definitely prioritize it now.


>Slice of life that makes me reflect on my life is exactly what I love
Me too! I love shows that are SoL at their core but have something extra to them, like a message or overarching plot.

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Anyone watch this yet? I was really impressed by the first episode.
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I'm excited for Hokuro and Domas going off to train and redeem themselves. Still mad at Domas but he at least seems to have a lot of remorse for his weakness to authority. I also feel bad for Daida but I'm not sure I can ever forgive him for ordering Domas to kill Bojji in the first place.


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what a fucking boss


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caught up with this today so I could watch the new episode, what a great show so far. All the characters are so interesting and cool that I'm really on the edge of my seat whenever something bad is happening to them. Especially Hilling, she's turned out to be an unexpected favorite so far.

It was cute to see Bojji's return, and a bunch more magic than what we've seen so far. I'm excited for where King Desha goes with his whole "take over the kingdom" plot.


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After Ouken kills Kingbo I thought it was a little odd they gave him a backstory for seemingly no reason other than to make us feel bad since he's (not?) dead now. But then I realized that in the flashback, his dad is totally the forest king from episode 04. Since we see him being visiting by the Ranking of Kings person before burning and murdering his own kingdom, it kinda fits with my early theory that the forest king was someone who won the ranking. They explained in some episode that people who win the Ranking of Kings are given a gift from god, but they always go crazy after seeing it or something. I think that's what happened there.


It was nice to see Domas again but I kinda feel like most of last episode could have been skipped by just having Desha come in and say "yeah I wanna get that mirror friendly lady too"

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 No.142[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you like Hololive personalities, sushi?
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Pikamee also accidentally turned her stream on and spoiled some stuff for her return, kind of a funny moment


Ryugon is a pretty fun dude, I like his streams so far


These TMSK shitposts are always good


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I wonder what's up with Tomoshikas hand hovering over Pikamees waist. Reminds me of pic related.


good pika post

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