I've been getting into reading manga more regularly, so far I caught up on shimeji simulation which was amazing, and i read kira kira study which was decent but the ending felt rushed and unsatisfying, then i started reading chotto ippai!, but then it got a little too melodrama heavy so i stopped reading it. Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun. If anyone has any recomendations for good slice of life cgdct manga (for context on my taste my favourite anime are hidamari sketch and gochiusa and sketchbook) i would greatly appreciate it. I always thought reading manga is too much effort but it's actually quite calming. And i can read on the train or something that is nice.
>>3925>Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun.good taste. did you know it's getting an anime adaptation?! I was really happy and surprised
>>3926I did not know that! I did not expect it to get an adaptation. It sure has some cute girls in it.
I really enjoy reading manga and I need to get back into it. I was reading the Wadanohara manga and it was pretty fun
>>3925I read shimeji simulation after I read all of girls last tour and needed more girls last tour and it fulfilled all of my hopes and more.
>>3892Oh I see. Kabu no isaki has more focus on travel. They fly an airplane in a world that is mysteriously 100 times larger than ours, so Mount Fuji, which they visit, actually goes up into space. They are making trips out to explore and trade. They are returning home though, not wandering without a home like in girls last tour.
Have you tried mushishi?
>>3981I've only seen the show, but if you vibe with it the comf levels are off the charts. I think I'll give the manga a go sometime.
I'm currently reading CITY! Starting with the second volume today.
>>3991how does it compare to Nichijou?
>>3995So far it's very similar. Fair to say that if you liked Nichijou you will also like city.
>>3997Oh, I guess only hitoshi ashinano's chapter of Mushishi Gaitanshuu got translated. It was pretty cool. Now I really have read all of hitoshi ashinano's work I think.
>>888I've been reading this recently, and it's honestly incredible the way they manage such a huge cast of characters and their various arcs. I love how the stories start to overlap too and you can see the vignettes take place alongside each other and how the interactions in one influence other ones.
It's surprisingly well written for something that started off as a cheesecake sort of "look at these girls messing around" kind of manga.
>>4029I love how they draw the lips, very sexy
>>4030Yeah, you don't see lips like that in anime/manga very often, they usually just blend into the mouth
>>4031And the noses too! I wish more anime girls had those
The artist knows how to draw very attractive girls :>
>>4132The manga gets so good later on, also thank you sharing the video, i needed it lol.
>>4149Ah… Uh… Oh, I know, right?! Isn't shimeji simulation awesome?
>>4219nice, I've never really lived in that kind of "downtown city" area
>>4242Mangadex isn’t the problem.
You’re reading the work of multiple translations or scanlation groups.
It’s because the original group didn’t finish or didn’t upload. Mangadex is trying to make your life easier. Your other option is to download directly from the groups.
Been reading Asper Girl, Shiori Experience, and Area 51, rather unfortunately Area 51's translation is incomplete and doesn't seem to have any active TL effort going on, seeing as the last translated chapter seems to have been done over a year ago. Pretty unfortunate, it's got some of my favorite art in any manga I've ever read with its use of stark black and white tones and how its pages often use only the silhouette or shadows of a character to show them. The mangaka's a master of this style.
>>2210Douman's one of my favorite mangaka, all of his stuff has this wonderfully unique feeling to it and his art style is up there as one of my favorites.
>>7024shame those guys never learned to duck
pretty sure someone recommended me yume tsukai lately. that one op image where she gets… disassembled? is so cool
>>7024ImoSae is pretty trashy but it's passably fun if you just accept it for what it is, which is trashy comedy based almost entirely around sex jokes. How did you like it in the end, did you drop it?
>>7296I caught up to it. Seems the english tl is still quite behind, though it still gets infrequent releases. Unfortunate considering I was hoping to see more of the romance aspect develop. As-it it just felt like a refresher of what happened in the anime.
>>99I ended up reading all of this in 2 days, it was really good.
I've been watching the Manhwa called "Survive as a Barbarian in the Game". The premise is simple and overused. A guy gets sucked into a video game and now must survive. It makes itself interesting by making the game world extra dangerous, has different "players", but no one knows whose a player, has players getting killed off for being found out as "players", etc. The MC has a disability/illness, but is literally regular in all other cases. He had a GF and was about to get a job. All that info's from the first few chapters, so no major spoilers.
I liked the Manhwa because it wasn't like a copypaste of other ideas, the art is really good, and it has its own little charm (being from Korea). The MC's a bit lucky with drops, but I think that's okay since it skips the grinding part out of it. Otherwise, the man's been pretty unlucky so far.
Definitely take a look at this one if you're interested. It's not too annoying in the story, and there's a lot I can forgive. It never becomes too unbelievable.
No.7516 of the best manga I've read recently, really cool twists, great paneling, cute characters with nice development even though the arcs are never particularly long. It's monthly but every chapter's like 60 pages long.
Shocking it hasn't gained any traction really, the Vinland Saga author recommended it but I dunno why it seems it has no momentum, it doesn't even get ranked. It's somehow got an official English translation though, so it must be making some kind of money.
>>7516Can confirm, that's a good one.