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 No.98[View All]

Talk about what manga you've been reading!

I've been reading an older manga called Yume Tsukai by Ueshiba Riichi. It's about magical shrine maidens with weird powers solving paranormal mysteries and stuff. Fairly standard concept but what makes it good in my opinion is just how crazy and bizarre the stories get, as well as some really fantastic art and a nostalgic sort of comedy. It's sometimes goofy, sometimes quite emotional, and other times borders on Junji Ito-esque horror scenarios. I really like the creepy body horror stuff, and the comedy between the weirdo cast is fun. I especially like the over the top lolicon character.
179 posts and 101 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I've been getting into reading manga more regularly, so far I caught up on shimeji simulation which was amazing, and i read kira kira study which was decent but the ending felt rushed and unsatisfying, then i started reading chotto ippai!, but then it got a little too melodrama heavy so i stopped reading it. Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun. If anyone has any recomendations for good slice of life cgdct manga (for context on my taste my favourite anime are hidamari sketch and gochiusa and sketchbook) i would greatly appreciate it. I always thought reading manga is too much effort but it's actually quite calming. And i can read on the train or something that is nice.


>Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun.
good taste. did you know it's getting an anime adaptation?! I was really happy and surprised


I did not know that! I did not expect it to get an adaptation. It sure has some cute girls in it.


I really enjoy reading manga and I need to get back into it. I was reading the Wadanohara manga and it was pretty fun


I read shimeji simulation after I read all of girls last tour and needed more girls last tour and it fulfilled all of my hopes and more.


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Oh I see. Kabu no isaki has more focus on travel. They fly an airplane in a world that is mysteriously 100 times larger than ours, so Mount Fuji, which they visit, actually goes up into space. They are making trips out to explore and trade. They are returning home though, not wandering without a home like in girls last tour.
Have you tried mushishi?


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>Have you tried mushishi?
I had it reccomended to me from time to time. Haven't seen it nor read it, but I guess it wouldn't hurt giving it a shot


I've only seen the show, but if you vibe with it the comf levels are off the charts. I think I'll give the manga a go sometime.


I'm currently reading CITY! Starting with the second volume today.


how does it compare to Nichijou?


So far it's very similar. Fair to say that if you liked Nichijou you will also like city.


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I finished reading kotonoba drive and I've now read all of hitoshi ashinano's manga. I think I liked kotonoba even more than yokohama kaidashi kikou but it's hard to call.
The story follows suu chan, often following her on her short journey seeing supernatural phenomena. The things she sees are often peaceful or somewhat absurd, though occasionally mildly unnerving or melancholy.
As with ykk there is great focus on natural landscape and weather, which I find quite comfy to read at a slower pace, spending time just looking at the pictures.
There are few reoccurring supporting characters. Most notably sub chans boss at the noodle shop. I found some of their conversations quite charming.
Hitoshi ashinano is now my favourite mangaka. I recommend all of his work and would love recommendation for similar works. I'm thinking of trying mushishi, made in abyss, and arakawa under the bridge.
Actually, I haven't read all of hitoshi ashinano, he also did some work in Mushishi Gaitanshuu, so maybe I will read that next.


Oh, I guess only hitoshi ashinano's chapter of Mushishi Gaitanshuu got translated. It was pretty cool. Now I really have read all of hitoshi ashinano's work I think.


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I've been reading this recently, and it's honestly incredible the way they manage such a huge cast of characters and their various arcs. I love how the stories start to overlap too and you can see the vignettes take place alongside each other and how the interactions in one influence other ones.
It's surprisingly well written for something that started off as a cheesecake sort of "look at these girls messing around" kind of manga.


I love how they draw the lips, very sexy


Yeah, you don't see lips like that in anime/manga very often, they usually just blend into the mouth


And the noses too! I wish more anime girls had those
The artist knows how to draw very attractive girls :>


very true!


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So I'm reading Ichigo Mashimaro since we finished it on stream, and there's a bunch of chapters of a very early version of the characters.

Nobue is blonde, Chika and Nobu have a brother, Miu looks very different, and look how rude Matsuri is!!!


punished Matsuri


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Finished Three Days of Happiness. I've enjoyed it a lot, even though the ending wasn't what I expected.

I thought he would die alone


I like shimeji simulation. I hope it gets an anime someday. Mushrooms and fried eggs are a pretty good combo


The manga gets so good later on, also thank you sharing the video, i needed it lol.


Ah… Uh… Oh, I know, right?! Isn't shimeji simulation awesome?


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Inspired by our very nice sushi anime stream I've started reading yofukashi no uta. I like the exploration of the feeling of walking in the abandoned cityscape at night. I used to do that all the time and remembering it through this comic has been nice. Also nazuna a cute!


nice, I've never really lived in that kind of "downtown city" area


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>reading in mangadex
>font changes to comic sans on the next chapter
Ehhh, I need an alternative to mangadex that has more consistency between chapters.


Mangadex isn’t the problem.
You’re reading the work of multiple translations or scanlation groups.

It’s because the original group didn’t finish or didn’t upload. Mangadex is trying to make your life easier. Your other option is to download directly from the groups.


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Been reading Asper Girl, Shiori Experience, and Area 51, rather unfortunately Area 51's translation is incomplete and doesn't seem to have any active TL effort going on, seeing as the last translated chapter seems to have been done over a year ago. Pretty unfortunate, it's got some of my favorite art in any manga I've ever read with its use of stark black and white tones and how its pages often use only the silhouette or shadows of a character to show them. The mangaka's a master of this style.
Douman's one of my favorite mangaka, all of his stuff has this wonderfully unique feeling to it and his art style is up there as one of my favorites.


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I've been reading Pun Pun as of late to cope with possibly the worst time in my whole life.
I got to the High School arc where He blatantly says he wants to score. I just gotta ask does that actually happen?
Because this may be a lot for me. I was abused since earlier than 13 and I just was never able to develop healthily like most people. I never had anyone either. I got a traumatic experience trying to read "Never Let Me Go" and the kids were talking about that and… Yeah…
I won't read Pun Pun if that is gonna happen.


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Chapter 53 (volume 4) of Yuyushiki suddenly got a translation


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I've been reading Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu (the summer Hikaru died). It was described to me as a horror yaoi about your best friend being replaced by some sort of eldritch being. I am only two chapters in but it seems good so far.


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I'm reading Milk Closet by Hitoshi Tomizawa who also made Alien 9. I love the alien scenery and creatures


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I recently picked up Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and have been reading it during downtime at work. Ameri is so freaking cute!


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I've been trying out a couple different comedies to see what sticks. I think my favorite so far has been SE, which is pretty goofy but has some straightforward romance that helps drive the plot. Kindergarten Wars seems to be getting better as it gains its footing. Skeptical about ImoSae but Nayuta is cute.


shame those guys never learned to duck


pretty sure someone recommended me yume tsukai lately. that one op image where she gets… disassembled? is so cool


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I haven't been big on romcoms for a while, or posted on this board for a while, but I got recommended two that I think are pretty good (so far, both are only two chapters).

One is Himegasaki Sakurako wa Kyou mo Fubin Kawaii; it's about a destined loser childhood friend who is determined to kill all the loser flags before they ruin her love life. Without spoiling much, I think it's pretty funny but also pretty cute. It moves along at a fairly quick pace, too; no Nisekoi stuff going on.

The second is Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru. I won't say it's high fiction or anything but it is shockingly emotionally mature for a romcom and also moves along quite quickly. I suppose it's something like Kaguya-sama if it were more horny and less slapstick and dragged out. The author apparently got pregnant halfway through and went on a hiatus but things are moving along quite quickly in this one too.

I guess I don't actually dislike romcoms, just ones that are dragged out with MCs that have the personality of cardboard. Both of these series have active translations so if any sushis pick it up I'd love to discuss it here! I personally think the first is funnier and the second is sweeter but both were really enjoyable to binge.


ImoSae is pretty trashy but it's passably fun if you just accept it for what it is, which is trashy comedy based almost entirely around sex jokes. How did you like it in the end, did you drop it?


I caught up to it. Seems the english tl is still quite behind, though it still gets infrequent releases. Unfortunate considering I was hoping to see more of the romance aspect develop. As-it it just felt like a refresher of what happened in the anime.


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I ended up reading all of this in 2 days, it was really good.


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I've been watching the Manhwa called "Survive as a Barbarian in the Game". The premise is simple and overused. A guy gets sucked into a video game and now must survive. It makes itself interesting by making the game world extra dangerous, has different "players", but no one knows whose a player, has players getting killed off for being found out as "players", etc. The MC has a disability/illness, but is literally regular in all other cases. He had a GF and was about to get a job. All that info's from the first few chapters, so no major spoilers.

I liked the Manhwa because it wasn't like a copypaste of other ideas, the art is really good, and it has its own little charm (being from Korea). The MC's a bit lucky with drops, but I think that's okay since it skips the grinding part out of it. Otherwise, the man's been pretty unlucky so far.

Definitely take a look at this one if you're interested. It's not too annoying in the story, and there's a lot I can forgive. It never becomes too unbelievable.


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I've been reading High-Rise Invasion lately and it's super interesting.


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Cute girls and kys, name a better combination.


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One of the best manga I've read recently, really cool twists, great paneling, cute characters with nice development even though the arcs are never particularly long. It's monthly but every chapter's like 60 pages long.

Shocking it hasn't gained any traction really, the Vinland Saga author recommended it but I dunno why it seems it has no momentum, it doesn't even get ranked. It's somehow got an official English translation though, so it must be making some kind of money.


Can confirm, that's a good one.


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we are just living in her world…


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I want to have a kid as cute as Hime T_T


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Abe sponsored this manga

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