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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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The new year and season have already started and there's no thread yet!
What are you watching sushi?
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They did the meme


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was this show any good sushi?
the brown girl is extremely cute but I kinda expected the plot to be dumb from the episodes I saw


I thought it was pretty good. Certainly wouldn't call it dumb, if anything I would say that it might be a little too hard SciFi for most anime fans. If you've ever read any of Asimov's novels, they took a lot of inspiration from those. There's still some action scenes and the occasional comic relief, but I would say the core of the story was about the ethics of whether a robot with humanoid appearance and human-like cognitive functions is a "person" or a "thing".


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Bucchigiri was great. Arajin's mom has got it going on!

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Has japanese media ever made you cry? Be it manga, anime, LNs, VNs, etc.
While crying might not be the epitome of what we call comfy not all tears necessarily come out from sadness as I've heard of people crying on powerup scenes as silly as that sounds.
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I'm trans also and this movie makes me cry too, though probably for different reasons. It's one of my favorite movies.


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Revue Starlight movie!
Especially the ending and the Nana vs Junna revue


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I cried like a child during the finales of Haibane Renmei and Fata Morgana no Yakata.


But I am not a crybaby!


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>Haibane Renmei
Yeah this will get me every time, even on rewatch

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Miki-Miki nano Miki, suki Miki kira kira doki doki suki afuu nano. Nano suki afuutte kanji, kira kira, Miki-Miki no Miki teki ni wa doki dokitte kanji suki suki. Afuu Miki-Mikitte kanji no Miki teki ni wa afuu nano. Hani, doki doki suki afuu nano suki hani hanitte kanji?


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 No.4806[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm planning to host a weekly Raildex stream at:
Starting May 2nd 22:00 UTC (18:00 EST/15:00 PST) with Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.
Hope to see you there!
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Daylight savings. Stream is scheduled for 22:00 UTC, that's about 4 hours and 20 minutes from this post.


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Stream starts in 2 hours and 30 minutes


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Happy birthday Atsushi Abe!


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Bump limit reached
Any new stream announcements will be done in the new thread >>6208

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 No.3309[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit, so here we are
Talk about whatever non-airing anime you've been watching lately, ask for recommendations, whatever!
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I first watched it (in original broadcast order) in 2009 or 2010 after season 2 aired and it didn't grab me at first but after a couple episodes I really got into it. I think even though season 1 is out of chronological order it's written in a way that organically introduces characters and concepts while maintaining some level of confusion that enhances the experience. It helps you kind of empathize with Kyon, in the same way I imagine sitting through Endless Eight did when it was airing. I watched it again in chronological order some time later and it seemed like season 1 would be actually kind of more confusing that way since there are dialogue references to things in "earlier" episodes that actually aired later originally which build on the pace of revelation from the original 2006 air order.


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I started watchin NieA under 7. Its top 2000s comfy. The comedy sound effects makes me think of FLCL.


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This dude speaks Japanese with an Indian accent which i did not realize at first.
There is something odd when you can recognize an accent but in a completely different language.


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Oh nice, I'm happy to see sushis watching Niea_7, I think it's an underrated show and super charming as well. I adore Mayuko and Niea, in particular Mayuko was a really relatable character for me. The Chiaki J Konaka UFO girl is fun too.

I wrote a whole lot about my thoughts while watching and after finishing the show in the Yoshitoshi ABe thread!


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I recently watched the film Perfect Blue, and I have decided to collect some thoughts on it

It is, foremost, a finely crafted and engaging piece, which at once has a lot going on, as though they could have moved towards one of many possible alternate focuses in direction, but it is nonetheless comprehensive, at no point is it meandering or does it complicate its storyline any further than is strictly necessary.

One specific point that is particularly effective is its use of orientation and 'clean' editing - compare to something like Natural Born Killers, which uses Brechtian principles and disorienting cuts and angles to create a persistent sense of unease and aggression, whereas PB is mostly of a more traditional form of editing, which I think is of particular effect twofold, the somewhat claustrophobic locales, the apartment and train interior (of which the De Palma influence should be acknowledged also) particularly, which are often established or at least seen through identical shots, creates a sense of familiarity, which is in turn more effectively revoked, as the viewer's understanding and conception is able to be taken away from them, a point which also connects into the story - remembering that Mima does not show the initiative in the career change, there is little indication it is something she truly wants, rather than a point that is forced upon her. Recalling Nietzsche's claim that "a living being seeks above all else to discharge its power", Mima's lack of autonomy is made apparent, within her career for the aforementioned reason, and subsequently within her home life, remembering that it is the sight of her inability to properly establish her autonomy over the fish which causes her to suffer a mental breakdown.

it was a good picture.

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Tummy ep


she needs more screentime


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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As always, post some of your favorites.
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Mou Ippon is great so far
I love Michi so much


Dai Mahou Touge


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Wishing everyone a very WIDE Christmas!
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can someone pls slow down the time
its too fast



this is incredible <3

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Namu amida butsu! Oh my Buddha!


I am so buying this website.


Recite your death haiku, sushiroll-san.


my only regret
born with a giant wee-wee
but i never scored

now tell me yours



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Fancy Miku




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If only I didn't have giant feet ;_;


the aroma…


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