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For many sushis it's their favourite season of the year, but will it also be their favourite anime season?
Let's find out!
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not sure if I have this in me… to watch the last episode >_<


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I will miss these beautiful Wednesdays.


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Acro Trip ended in a weird way that did not resemble an ending. That said, it was a good anime worth the time.

I read that it was the 6th most popular show in Japan, to me, the possibility of an OVA with an episode or three is there.


Yeah, it had no resolution. I didn't mind though, I felt like most questions that arose during the season were answered anyway, even if implicitly. Apparently, it ended halfway the manga, so I am praying for more.

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Slow loop is an airing anime about some girls who are doing fly fishing! I thik it's really nice. What do you think? Here is a thread to discuss that show.
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I do not trust Koi. This character is certainly hiding something.


hiding the fact that she's best girl from people with bad taste :^)


They really have cgdct for everything…


This isn't even the only fishing one.

I'm waiting on Chess girls though, still nothing for that.


Yes, I see boobies.

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20th anniversary soon
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New animation
Yes, Raildex is a pachinko franchise now


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maybe i should start gambling


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New Raildex event happening in Tachikawa upcoming November


New fripSide covered Only My Railgun for the Toaru Kagaku no Music Festival that took place on November 5th!

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Talk about anything that ABe has had a hand in. Anime, manga, doujinshi, art, etc!

I finished Texhnolyze on stream not too long ago and loved it, even if it was a bit of a tough watch at times. Certain parts of that anime absolutely blew me away (namely the scenes on the surface) and more than made up for its shortcomings.
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good! I think everyone should see it


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one of those younger people and im very glad i found it. i feel really attatched to it and niea_7…


yay! did you catch the Niea_7 reference in Haibane? >>1907


woah!! that's so cute…


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I saw Despera mentioned earlier. In March 2021 Konaka said it was 80% funded and we haven't heard any news since even though he said he might give an update in 2022. No news from ABe either. I hope it isn't under some more hangups. With that much funded and a good portion completed I'd expect it could show up in Fall or Winter season of 2025 if there has been no further problems, but that's just speculation.

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Would you hug a Bondrewd?




I'd lewd a Bonedrewd desu


why wouldnt I? he did nothing wrong



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If you answer correctly you will be rewarded thusly. Merry Christmas!
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Her forehead is very kissable.


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She is simultaneously a great friend and a desirable waifu, that's 200% value for many otaku.


I think this is a rhetorical question since every time someone talks about k-on, there's a lot of love for Ritsu.


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Sawa has deemed it so. If you don't think so, then consider the following


ritsu is dumb and her forehead is too big. alice bands are stupid.

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

As always, post some of your favorites.
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I don't understand why Liru is so popular, when Pachira is clearly the best girl!


yuuma is best girl


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good taste!
(all the pokans are good of course, but Uma is extra cute)


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When I was young, Pachira was my favorite so she is special to me, but now only second to Aiko.


For Studio 3Hz's swan song.

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What are you watching in the HOTTEST season of the year?
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Open ended for now because it's adapting an LN.


Is it really though? Because what I got is that Nukumizu is actually attacking the generic MC, his whole thing is that he's an edgy retard who fails to get pussy and fit in because he's an edgy retard.


It's self-aware and maybe ironic in that the MC might read a light novel but it doesn't bombard you with obnoxious self-deprecating meta jokes, it embraces elements of the harem genre while being down to earth about it.
I also can't see how overcoming a rejection, keeping your head high and accepting yourself while not feeling compelled to get into the MC's pants makes them sluts in any way, it's quite frankly the opposite of self-degradation.

Personally I didn't feel like there was any romantic chemistry with the girls besides Anna, and with the last episode (anime original) I get the feeling that it's trying push those two together.


There are no good shows anymore. I shall watch the ant crawl upon the ground. This is thy last testament.


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 No.3309[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one hit bump limit, so here we are
Talk about whatever non-airing anime you've been watching lately, ask for recommendations, whatever!
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One thing I especially love about boccrock is that it doesn't hold its punches or make excuses for the several characters who are pathetic freaks, and yet it still manages to be kind to them. We see abnormal or self-destructive types of characters pretty often in it who in other manga might just be a source for gags or contrasted to the more normal main characters but are in this one portrayed as competent and valuable even while they are made fun of. The fact is rock music is not really that popular in the mainstream anymore and a lot of the people in the scene are kind of weird or have addictions or other social problems so it kind of reminds me of the scene in real life in how people like that are just there and everybody accepts them as part of the action.


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At least it's something you don't see that often in manga about kids like this one. It helps that there are a lot of adult characters even though it's a Kirara JK story.


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bocchi really makes a good point that there is something valuable in everyone. thanks for highlighting that.


today I finished Wandering Witch. i really liked Eleina – distant and self-absorbed, rather a calculating observer than a hero. just like me but in a form of a petite ashen-haired witch.


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Hibike! Euphonium is beautiful and S02E05 is best thing I experienced in my whole adventure with anime.
I can not find adequate words to describe the cruelty KyoAni encountered.
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My genuine appreciation was immediately rewarded with a pool episode! Thank you, universe.


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I am devastated; I couldn’t remember a single note from the final performance. It hurt me terribly that Kumiko didn’t play the soli. And while it’s wonderful what career she chose, it can’t compensate for the bitterness. If there was a resolution, it wasn't meant for me.


I slept it off, gave it some more thought… I am so upset I could die.


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