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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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Holycrap, I completely forgot about this place lol, nice to see that this is still running XD


Me on the left.

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I remember seeing a manga screen thread in the past but since I cannot find it anymore I am starting a new one. This one also includes anime and other (VNs for instance).
The general idea is that I love collectiong screens and sorting them into different categories (picrel) and would like to hear if any others here have a similar hobby. Regardless of small or large amount, I would love to hear about it.
8 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I posted on the last thread already and have very few screenshots so some may recognize them.


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That's the pottery anime isn't it? I never finished it, was it good? Oh and what manga is that other screen from, looks very interesting…


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Sports tops like that are so sexy


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Yeah, Let's Make a Mug Too. Those screenshots are from the second season, iirc.
I like it a lot, a fun little anime.

It's from Alenzyas.


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Maybe I'll give it another try then.

I made a lot of progress cropping and sorting screens today, it's the perfect activity when too tired to do anything else.

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Fall is finally here!
What will you be picking up sushi?
44 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This show is so good, I was really surprised by it. It takes the stupid premise and just runs with it 100% and the most impressive thing is how it's able to be both very silly and very emotional, often at the same time, without feeling like it's clashing with itself or taking itself too seriously. Bravo PA Works.


Yeah, it's probably my favorite show of the season, certainly of the new one.


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No thoughts


new desktop background found


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share in this thread the waifu sushi's would spend their life with.
one a waifu is claimed, it can never be reclaimed by other sushis ! and you need to find new ones

i wish i could have kids with pic related, i'm sure she'd make a loving & caring mother
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Claiming Linca.

Very cute.


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Cute free-spirited electro tsundere athletic tomboy ojousama with gyaru characteristics and childish hobbies also known as Misaka Mikoto is my one and only.


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Very much the only one for me.


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She's like a radiant sun and I love her

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For the holidays I'm running a Gundam Wing Endless Waltz stream at:
The stream is set up to loop so it should be going whenever you happen to drop in! Well, as long as you drop in before it ends :p


Oh, I get it. Endless waltz, so it's an endless loop. Clever!

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We will likely never know who this girl is, but she sure managed to look goofy in her appearance.


she cute, despite looking like she really didn't wanna get out of bed this morning


Why is everyone gathered?


Goemon (right) rescued them all and brought them back to Agares' castle.


I seem thanks.
They seem disappointed to be rescued.

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hello i am a sushigirl and this is my first post on the boards, sushigirls taught me about ichigo mashimaro during my time of lurking and it was very special to me. i have made this pixel fan art of the characters. thank you
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




great work!



It would be cool if Chika was a bit more dynamic, she's kind of just t-posing lol.


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I've seen this image many times but I only just now noticed the little Deltarune patch on Chika's skirt. Neat! Not surprised with Barasui's penchant for putting band logos on his girls. I wonder if he played it?


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This is now a general use Ichigo Mashimaro thread
Check out this really cute Chika picture I found the other day

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It turns out that if I don't make this thread then nobody will.
Anyway, new season, for those even following seasonal stuff anymore.
22 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


gonna watch the last ep on stream in a bit, can't believe it's gonna be over ;_;


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Very beautiful and heartwarming show.
I like how they included some nice changes and original content and how they managed to fit it all together.
They OST is simple but fitting. I appreciate tracks that make use of dynamics as they can evoke powerful emotion at moments. I'd love to listen to the full thing.
The complains I have about it is that at times it looked inconsistent, and I feel 12 episodes is not enough for all these characters.
Overall this adaptation managed to exceed my expectations and I must say that I'm quite saddened that it's all over.
I hope there will be an eventual second season or at least an OVA covering the Tokyo trip.
What were your thoughts on this show sushis?


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Feel free to post about your favourite characters and episodes too


I loved it, one of the best fanservice shows I've ever seen in that it focuses on so many more aspects of cuteness and attractiveness than just tits and ass. It was also an incredibly beautiful show, both in showing off its beautiful characters and in terms of animation, OST, backgrounds, and atmosphere. I found it interesting how many tricks they used to make the show look so good, and how well most of them were hidden. There's more CGI here than anyone would notice at first glance, and while I have mixed feelings about that in general, there's no denying they did a great job with the visuals.

I also really liked the character designs. Some people found them off putting but I found them really expressive, attractive, and fitting for the tone of the show. They feel supernaturally cute in the way that anime girls should.

I agree that my biggest complaint about the adaptation was that it suffered from character bloat. I'm lucky in that my favorite girl (Usagihara) got lots of screentime, but I still felt like I wanted to see more of everyone else. I mean, Akebi's pink-haired friend had what, 3 very short scenes? Same with the tiny blonde girl. My second big complaint is that Akebi as a character felt a little *too* perfect. It was never enough to bother me in the moment but looking back I roll my eyes a little at how all the other girls basically worship her, especially when they did such a good job at characterizing the side characters and giving them believable flaws, aspirations, and personalities.

My favorite episodes were the one where they hang out in Usagihara's dorm, the fishing episode, the one where Akebi gets stuck in the rain with glasses girl, the people-watching ep with the bug girl, and the one where they hang out at the mall. I think I liked this show best when it was focused on the friendship aspect of the characters.

For fanservice the best episodes were the one where they all strip in the gym, the lewd selfie episode, and of course the swimming competition.

For emotional impact the episode with the guitar girl, the chubby tennis girl ep, and the finale were the best

Thinking about it now another wonderful thing about this show is that I don't think it ever had a bad or underwhelming episode tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Let's have a thread to discuss visual novels, light novels, and other non anime/manga related otaku media! I would preffer if we avoid v-tuber discussion in this thread, I personally consider it more youtube/streamer culture than otaku culture. However if you feel differently that is okay.

Recently I have been getting into visual novels and eroge. My favorite so far is subarashiki hibi.
Right now I am playing chaos;head and Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo. Chaos;head is pretty good, but it's a little frustrating, because it feels like characters often speak in a cryptic way to the main character for no reason other than to stretch out the plot. I find myself frustrated with the characters sometimes although in general i would say the vn does a good job with regards to making the reader unsure of what's real and what's delusion, putting them in the emotions of the main character.
I am not really far enough into sharin no kuni to make a judgement on it yet, but I thought it was interesting the the mc is a stoner. Not something you see often in japanese media.
What is your favourite vn? what have you been reading lately?
17 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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I played Katawa Shoujo, I have known about it since 8 years or maybe 9, but never picked it up until now. This is because I often stumble across something on the Internet that makes me think I could enjoy it, but then it slips my mind a few hours later. Luckily I have encountered it again and had free time too, so I finally gave it a go. After having seen all scenes and endings I have no idea what to think. Media that makes me think and feel is my thing, quite a few things gave me stuff to think about, made me cry, helped me coming to terms with something and much more. Until now Va-11 Hall-A was what touched me the most, but Katawa Shoujo, damn.

While the game itself has hentai, it can be turned off. I had it on because I entered it blindly, afterwards I got the feeling that it is out of place though. On the wiki someone called the hentai even awkward and the game being better without it. Sooner or later I will surely play it once more to see for myself if this is the case, I imagine this being true, because the hentai didn't add anything of value at all. The characters will talk about the h-scenes now and then after they happened, but during the scene itself nothing of value is being added and it is enough to know that they took place. Furthermore the stories are so touching that wanking to them feels straightforward wrong. My guess is this is why I considered them out of place, even though they get mentioned a few times and even drive the story forward in a few cases.

The strong points of the game are the characters and the stories about them. Every route hits hard, I was especially left with a lot of feels after Rin and Hanako. So much about it were exactly things that I have already thought about, that I went through too or I am still going through now. Hanako's statement of having given up on friendship even made me flinch, then this is something I did subconsciously too. After all those years with countless of experiences, feelings, decisions, ups and downs, somewhere along this I grew tired of reaching out. Tired of making people like me. Tired of sustaining a friendship. Tired of the exchange of giving, taking, hanging out, talking. Just like her I yearn for more. What good is it when they live their life and you yours, you still sitting there, being alone, only sharing an evening or a day now and then. Yearning for something deeper, closer, more intimate. With more interactions with each other, more affection, tied so close to ePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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This whole ride lead to old ideas emerging again, ideas that I have forgotten like many other things. Learning Japanese, traveling, learning how to draw and making a game. Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about Japanese, drawing and creating a game, while traveling is nothing my introverted character wants, even though a part of me is curious about things. Thinking about what I could do opens up the question why I want to do so. Why learning Japanese? My motivations are being able to enjoy things that have not been translated and otherwise not having the need for translations anymore. It also helps regarding traveling, because Japan is one of the locations that would interest me. Why traveling? Now and then I see and hear things that look simply beautiful and create the urge to see for myself, I also hope to learn and experience new things that can help me to grow as a person. Why drawing? So I can draw what I want, not having to search around to find things I like. This could also help for creating art for a game. Not to forget that it would also be a huge personal success for me, because I have trouble doing activities that involve fine motor skills. At last it could also help to leave something behind in the vast Internet, somewhat like a legacy, in a place that helped and hurt me alike. Why developing a game? With how much games gave me they also nourished the thought of creating one. To give something back of what I have received, to participate in this whole beautiful mess I love and once again to somehow leave something behind. As a last point I could create a game how I want it, which interests be a lot to see if people would like it. Thinking about this makes me tend to lean towards drawing and developing a game, but who knows. I am tired right now and tipsy. And I miss my cat. And would lowkey sell my asshole for a hug.

Overall I recommend Katawa Shoujo to everybody, I think with the stories it tells it can offer everybody something, to some more, to some less, but I am convinced nobody will be bored and just press space bar to be over with it. A Advice I can get is to avoid the bad endings at any cost, they hurt like nothing else I have ever experienced in a game. Keep a save before every decision too, in case you mess up and to go back and get every scene.


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Without meaning to be adversarial; I started reading Katawa Shoujo some months ago, and stopped partway through shizune's route. I found the mc to be boring and unlikable, the music sounded repetitive; had an elevator music feel to it most of the time iirc, somehthing that annoyed me particularly were the shoehorned comedy interactions with kenji which were interspersed often, lame & uncalled for.

Given; My interpretation of it caliber might be misled via having accidentally gone down shizune's route, which seems to be considered the worst and was one of those less appealing to me; I find rin to be a wonderful character even though I had so little dialogue with her when I read it, the sort of rare constitution I wish was embedded in a piece of art I would care for, I would definitely go with her route if I were to try reading it again (I have since learnt reading other vns that I should take the choices more seriously). Also should be mentioned that it's a non-profit doujin game and in that sense it's impressive I guess.

On a separate note, I relate to your yet unrealized aspirations; I have been meaning to learn japanese since I was 12 and have only this year started properly yet slowly learning it; Japan is probably where I would most like to travel to, though I have various apprehensions relating to it. Not to mention drawing etc. sorry if this writing seems robotic; i'm not used to articulating myself.


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>What is your favourite vn?
Little Busters was a great time, good fun and big feels. The VN is by far better than the anime. I was really frustrated when it came out, knowing that this will be the first and only exposure to the story for many people.

>what have you been reading lately?

Subarashiki hibi


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>What is your favourite vn?
Aiyoku no Eustia. Nothing really comes close, best world- and character-building I have ever seen in a VN so far.
>what have you been reading lately?
Natsuiro Recipe, it's nothing special but comfy. Standard slice of life romance but in a Non Non Biyori setting.

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I read this book and in English and the localization was more readable than the chapters by the fan sub group of Immanity Scans. Maybe their official translations are not all bad?

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