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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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let's keep pretending i'm miorine


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How easy is it to keep that seam flowing perfectly along the front of the leg? Miorine's tights are sexy as hell but I don't think they'll translate well into 3D.


I would guess extremely difficult.


If the tights are form-fitting, it’s not too hard. Depending on your definition of “perfect”. They’ll stay in about the same place.

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Another year, another season.
What are you watching sushi?
17 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I felt it was a little silly so I'm glad multiple episodes weren't spent on it. But maybe it only came off as silly cuz it was rushed.

In any case Tomo-chan has pleasantly surprised me with having some actual developments between all the characters, even if Misuzu and Carol do kinda overshadow Tomo and Jun as interesting characters (imo, and I say this as a tomboy fan)


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Yeah I think the target demographic is more towards middle-school age, but it's pretty comfy and has a lot of cute girls.


>I think the target demographic is more towards middle-school age

And yumejoshi.
Can't forget the yumejoshi.


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It's over. After months of production delays it's finally over. Sadly this may be the end of the anime project, but the game project looks like it's still going on for now.


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wtf not the ending I was expecting

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lit. "they have small assholes"

heh, learned a cool new phrase today


what did he mean by this though
is butthole size correlated to your likelihood to be charitable?!


It's a Japanese idiom for stingy people.

From what I understand, it's because if you have a small butthole, you can only let out small amounts of poop at a time. Similar to how a stingy person only lets out small amounts of money/information at a time.

So at some point, saying that someone has a small butthole became a (rude) way of implying they are a stingy person.


'ate when people don't give me enough poo

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Anybody ever see this anime? Wow, it’s so satisfyingly weird. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anime quite like it. You sushi rolls know of anything else in the same vein as this?


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This movie was the first thing UY I ever watched years ago, it also made a big impression on me. I think it's not surprising considering it was directed by Mamoru Oshii who is a big shot in animation (and live action for that matter). Years later, because of that movie I've watched countless of hours of Urusei Yatsura media.

There's no anime recommandation that comes to my mind right now, but if you like live action I'd recommend Lonely Heart by Nobuhiko Obayashi, it has a similar magical/melancholic bubbly high school atmosphere and it's very beautiful.

Also want to share my favorite scene from Urusei Yatsura, I find the song to be very calming :

File: 1674274274123.jpg (17.32 KB, 480x464, FB_IMG_1612275892523.jpg)


Holycrap, I completely forgot about this place lol, nice to see that this is still running XD


Me on the left.

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File: 1673287588361-1.png (73.49 KB, 841x124, Namnlös.png)

File: 1673287588361-2.png (102.03 KB, 286x334, Skärmbild (7953).png)


I remember seeing a manga screen thread in the past but since I cannot find it anymore I am starting a new one. This one also includes anime and other (VNs for instance).
The general idea is that I love collectiong screens and sorting them into different categories (picrel) and would like to hear if any others here have a similar hobby. Regardless of small or large amount, I would love to hear about it.
8 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1673446557461-0.jpg (130.39 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0001.jpg)

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I posted on the last thread already and have very few screenshots so some may recognize them.


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That's the pottery anime isn't it? I never finished it, was it good? Oh and what manga is that other screen from, looks very interesting…


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Sports tops like that are so sexy


File: 1673530440712-0.png (456.26 KB, 652x520, Can You Become A Magical G….png)

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File: 1673530440712-3.png (645.64 KB, 1681x1200, Jiraishin Diablo v01 ch02 ….png)

Yeah, Let's Make a Mug Too. Those screenshots are from the second season, iirc.
I like it a lot, a fun little anime.

It's from Alenzyas.


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Maybe I'll give it another try then.

I made a lot of progress cropping and sorting screens today, it's the perfect activity when too tired to do anything else.

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File: 1664379206243-1.png (2.03 MB, 1047x3446, fall-2.png)


Fall is finally here!
What will you be picking up sushi?
44 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This show is so good, I was really surprised by it. It takes the stupid premise and just runs with it 100% and the most impressive thing is how it's able to be both very silly and very emotional, often at the same time, without feeling like it's clashing with itself or taking itself too seriously. Bravo PA Works.


Yeah, it's probably my favorite show of the season, certainly of the new one.


File: 1671839105584.png (2.99 MB, 1920x1080, [MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….png)

No thoughts


new desktop background found


File: 1673500932830.webm (5.64 MB, 640x360, BocchiSaturdays.webm)

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share in this thread the waifu sushi's would spend their life with.
one a waifu is claimed, it can never be reclaimed by other sushis ! and you need to find new ones

i wish i could have kids with pic related, i'm sure she'd make a loving & caring mother
1 post and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Claiming Linca.

Very cute.


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Cute free-spirited electro tsundere athletic tomboy ojousama with gyaru characteristics and childish hobbies also known as Misaka Mikoto is my one and only.


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Very much the only one for me.


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She's like a radiant sun and I love her

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For the holidays I'm running a Gundam Wing Endless Waltz stream at:
The stream is set up to loop so it should be going whenever you happen to drop in! Well, as long as you drop in before it ends :p


Oh, I get it. Endless waltz, so it's an endless loop. Clever!

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We will likely never know who this girl is, but she sure managed to look goofy in her appearance.


she cute, despite looking like she really didn't wanna get out of bed this morning


Why is everyone gathered?


Goemon (right) rescued them all and brought them back to Agares' castle.


I seem thanks.
They seem disappointed to be rescued.

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