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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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New year, new thread
What are you watching sushi?


Nothing, except for Ave Mujica.


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Some day I'll reflect on this moment, and I'll turn to my son and say "I was there you know! I saw it with my own eyes when GoHands saved anime. Waiting every week with bated breath in anticipation of the next episode of what's now regarded as the most influential anime of the 20's." Then he'll look at me and sigh and say "Mr. Sushi, I'm not your son, I just work here. Now let's get you onto your walker so we can go say good morning to everyone in the common room."


Waiting for Vampires, Sakamoto, and maybe Ranger. For now, Ave Mujica, Sorairo, and Ameku have been pretty decent, but I have yet to try out most of the other seemingly quality offerings that the anime gods have left for me this season


I am watching a handful of anime, all good, alas none excellent.

Medalist, Tasokare Hotel and Zenshuu appear to be best this season even if it is too early to tell.


I can’t decide. What should I watch?


>You should always elaborate on your opinions rather than just spilling the soykaf.

What do you like and what are you looking for?


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Take a moment to consider, do we exist in this world only to suffer? Is this the age of Mappou, when great works can no longer be created? Is there nothing left but to look back on the past and think of how things used to be better? Or should we accept the changes, move on, and create the best future we can?


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I spend every spare moment gaming; you could say I'm something of a gamer. I love games, I love media about games, I practically even live life as if it were a game. Sometimes I stay up too late gaming and have to consume lots of caffeine buffs to function the next day. I don't know how my coworkers manage to keep up constant small talk; they must've discovered some hack to communication. Or maybe they allocated their skill points to it? Seems impractical, I'm minmaxing for efficiency.

Do you like games, sushis?


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Wait a moment. Girls loving girls? In my pure lily anime? How can this be?!


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In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony brown loli feet blessing, but because, I am enlightened by my onee-chan's bags of wisdom.

TL NOTE: 知恵袋 (chiebukuro) is literally written as "bag of wisdom" and is used as a metaphor for the sum of a person's knowledge.


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I am sorry for doubting Ave Mujica


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You are watching Behemoth, right sushi?


picked up


loli nipples in current year?!


Truly we are blessed


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I can't tell if this moment is sincere or smirking behind 7 layers of irony. Making videos of playing video games on a handheld console in a swimsuit, planking at the pool, reminding everyone to like and subscribe. Is this supposed to be silly, or is it satire directed at "content creators"?


Watching a few seasonals but the ones sticking out to me are Medalist, Zenshu, and Sakamoto Days. Giramasu is okay as well. Would be watching Apothecary Diaries but am not caught up yet. Also need to start My Happy Marriage s2.


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I'm no fashion expert, but aren't bras normally worn underneath the shirt?


looks like a layer order mistake and they had no time to rerender, lol. are you enjoying the show?


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yeah although I have a hard time following the side characters, seems like everyone is in 2 or 3 different bands


Ave Mujica is a direct sequel to It's MyGo!!!!! Should have watched that first, desu.


Does MyGo have schizo rich girls though?


hell yeah. its almost the same cast


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Guess I'll have to watch it after I finish Ave Mujica then!


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by far the coolest episode yet


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can't be a successful musician without crippling substance abuse!


take your meds!!


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Moments become minutes, which turn into hours, days, weeks. Already behind.


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Is this supposed to symbolize her emotional baggage?


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Sometimes you need to take a moment and relax in a nice warm bath.


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sushi roll bumping the thread. can we also has thread for spring?? i dont know where to get an image of the list of shows


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1. Go to https://google.com
2. Type "spring anime chart" in the search box
3. Click the "Google Search" button

you can thank me later


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thank you i found it!!!!!


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oh my god i can't wait for mekaku city actors and soul eater not! but some of these show are not really all that interesting. take hitsugi no chaika for example - you can't just slap funny eyebrows on a character and expect it to be still popular ten years later


RIP the penguin empire's terrible angelfire style website. Still archived on the wayback machine though


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he lost…


I still cant believe we're getting more mushishi


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These moments have so many Japanese language quirks, makes me miss the old days of silly translation and 3 line TL notes that boil down to "trust me, this would be funny if you were Japanese"
Yuri's DON! DON! DON! works as an onomatopoeia in any context.
Ayame's chuuni lines work.
Renge's KAPPOU! has a nice ring to it, although the etymology is totally lost.
Hina's gamer jokes come through, but her "Hina-teki-ni" quirk seems to be totally ignored. Eri's "bags of wisdom" joke is totally ignored.
Sazanka's gyaru got standard gyaru localization, but her old sayings are simply translated with no explanation of the meaning.


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I knew this moment would come…DOPPELGANGERS!


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absolute kinography


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There were some cool moments, a couple of really good episodes, and Saki's delicious feet in the grand finale. But what was the point of it all, lol. Ave Mujica was the embodiment of `please be patient, I have autism`.


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anime is a psyop to export weird japanese fetishes to the west


Uika/Saki arc was kinda weak and way too long for not much happening, but there's still 1 more episode. I'm guessing it peaked with the Mutsumi arc though.


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I thought that was the last episode, ok - nevermind. Good you told me, lol.


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I sure hope you're not one of those nerds who skips the ED/PV :P


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If you :P me I might think you hate me.


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