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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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File: 1736021556908.png (6.81 MB, 1047x7112, winter2025.png)


New year, new thread
What are you watching sushi?


Nothing, except for Ave Mujica.


File: 1736167660674.jpg (1.71 MB, 1920x2205, [ASW] Class no Daikirai na….jpg)


File: 1736395901896.webm (7.04 MB, 852x480, Gudou.webm)

Some day I'll reflect on this moment, and I'll turn to my son and say "I was there you know! I saw it with my own eyes when GoHands saved anime. Waiting every week with bated breath in anticipation of the next episode of what's now regarded as the most influential anime of the 20's." Then he'll look at me and sigh and say "Mr. Sushi, I'm not your son, I just work here. Now let's get you onto your walker so we can go say good morning to everyone in the common room."


Waiting for Vampires, Sakamoto, and maybe Ranger. For now, Ave Mujica, Sorairo, and Ameku have been pretty decent, but I have yet to try out most of the other seemingly quality offerings that the anime gods have left for me this season


I am watching a handful of anime, all good, alas none excellent.

Medalist, Tasokare Hotel and Zenshuu appear to be best this season even if it is too early to tell.


I can’t decide. What should I watch?


>You should always elaborate on your opinions rather than just spilling the soykaf.

What do you like and what are you looking for?


File: 1736896028672.webm (9 MB, 852x480, Onee-chan_in_a_pinch.webm)

Take a moment to consider, do we exist in this world only to suffer? Is this the age of Mappou, when great works can no longer be created? Is there nothing left but to look back on the past and think of how things used to be better? Or should we accept the changes, move on, and create the best future we can?

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