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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:
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Yes she has become one of my favs. Too bad she isn't a bit more popular. Seems slowly gaining attention though.


A relaxed oli song




Hard to believe this is a loid.


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I have been in a bit of a lull as of late, and picking up guitar helped make time feel a bit better
Figure I'd ask if anyone here is into it, I am no professional, but I do like spending time stringing strings
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Aqua from the ARIA OST


>skill level
Personally I think it's about how much you're physically capable of combined with how much a mind you have to learn/make musical choices.
If you haven't heard this type of advice already, practice the piece at as slow a tempo as you can stand, and if you can, try and memorize the melody to the point of being able to hum phrases from it accurately with all the little fills and such.
It's jazz, so perhaps the melody is better analyzed by how it relates to the comp chords.



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Ahh, didn't practice for a month or so and my fingers are back to normal!

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Anything goes, as long as it sounds incredibly cool to you, and as long as there is a very small chance that someone else has heard it before.

I am somewhat scared to share the following song.
For almost 2 years, it has been a favorite of mine and as a result, i've created a sort of personal bond with it, but at the same time, i think i really trust you fellows, so whatever.


Hope more fellows come and drop their tunes
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really nice tunes

really liked the venetian snares version



A Latino American song that i quite like

fun, groovy and also very dancehall like, before reggaeton was actually well known


I really like this one and wish more people heard it if you like screamo/hardcore


cool! good! DTM! indie! cute! nice! EeL!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myh3DJXtFFI the full album!



A smaller name in j-rock for sure. It seems like one of their videos popped off in the past year, but in general most of their other stuff is pretty unknown in comparison.

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Does sushi play any instruments or sing? Post what you're working on! Tell us about your instrument!

I've started to learn the banjo for a few months, and play clawhammer style. Currently play a cheap one with some nylon strings. The only song I got down okay-ish is long journey home.

I've really struggled with timing and rythem, playing to a click is really hard :(

pls no bulli, am beginner and left mistakes in bc lazy
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Steel tongue drum. Not my photo but it's this one. Couldn't afford the quit expensive Hang drum which i would have preferred this costs like $60. You can pay it by hand but this kind it's easier to use a mallet to get a more pure sound. I also have a kalimba somewhere buried under stuff. I think I still have a keyboard stored away I tried to learn but had too much difficulty teaching myself where I wasn't really making good progress and I found keyboards not as pleasant as the feeling of pressing a piano key.


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Learning to play up the neck!!! Is p fun, I enjoy it. I've also very much improved at improvising and coming up with my own takes on songs, which fills my spirit. I still need to work on my rhythm. Sounds fine when I play but when I listen to a recording I hear it wavering. Me and mr metronome have some long nights ahead of us…

I also need to learn how to record myself, goodness my recordings are rough

your playing leads me to believe your a hot, take-no-shit real life rock and roll superstar! Very nice sushi

If I had to hazard a guess the '1' is tuned to C, 2 will be tuned to D, and so on. Dots appear to deliminate between a high and low octave, guessing based on the relative size of the tongues. The instrument is tuned to a C major scale based on the amazon listing. In music the 1st is the base note of the key (C in our case), the 5th is 5 steps higher, so A. Try playing 1, 4, 5. This is the most common note/chord progression in western music. It'll probably sound nice. If it came with music I'd learn several songs and see if ya can do anything fun after.

I don't know what your goal for the instrument, but if you're just looking to learn to play ya outta pick up as many songs as possible. Once you have a good 5-6 non-trivial songs under your belt (and can play them clean with good rhythm) the instrument opens up a bit and you can learn to improvise and do your own thing, but first you gotta play the thing a lot.


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> I also need to learn how to record myself, goodness my recordings are rough
So rough you forgot to attach a recording.
>Try playing 1,4, 5
It's actually harder to play than it looks since you have to strike it just right. Goal wise I don't know just a way to chill out expressing myself and at least get a better feel for music so I can know I can attempt other instruments some time.


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Fair enough. Play a lot and you'll get there. Like anything it's practice.


I assume you meant to direct your response to the post above you, being me. Yeah it's just a strange layout slowing me down. It would help if I understood why the positions of each tongue note are where they are. Nice banjo playing. Banjos are pretty cool


Here it is, the promised Touhou music thread.

Starting with Shibayan because that's what I listened to earlier.
Download here: http://kuukunen.net/toh/[ShibayanRecords]/2011.10.30%20[STAL-1101]%20ムソウマテリアライズ%20[M3-28]
Alternatively you can check out tlmc.eu if you want that lossless goodness.

I will try to post some more later. If someone has requests for certain genres, I'll try to see what I can find. No promises, though.
Everyone else, post your favourite albums, circles or whatever it is you want to share!
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One of my favourite Touhou songs: Immortal Smoke



Bit of demetori


Important lore implications for this one.

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I've got a little question

Do you think that the quality of an audio file going directly from my computer into a walkman would make the quality awful? I'll buy a cassette player soon, but i don't want to spend money on virgin cassettes since I live in a third world country and, even if they are quite cheap for general standards, for me 3 dollars is way too much.

If any of you has tried the before mentioned, please tell me if it's OK or if it's awful. Thank you!
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Thanks for the response sushi

I didn't knew about the square hole thing, so thanks for that too

>I'd really consider an MP3-player instead though, avoid the added cost of all the batteries you go through and the tapes. Don't know how much more it'd be where you're at ofc.

I use an mp3 player as my main way of listening to music, mixtapes and what not, but i always wanted to put the music that i do on a physical format, and also do mixtapes to put as background on a speaker in my room whenever i invite people over, so that there's a way to start a conversation

The model that i'll buy has a USB C Charging port so i don't really have to worry about batteries, and about the cassettes; i believe i'll be only using one or two, and everything else will be bought in clandestine markets held at parks in the city where i live, but still, thanks for your advice sushi; ill take it in mind


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I assume your local situation makes cassettes more viable than CDs but I still prefer my CDs for physical music releases. Less tape rot to worry about and easier duplication.

I don't think you will suffer from a huge loss of quality using that method. Please be wary of ground loops between your recorder and computer. That can introduce all kinds of hums and ruin everything. Found out the hard way that I get nasty hums when I run both my boombox and my PC off the grid and connect them to different plugs. Thankfully my modern cheap recorder accepts C-cells.

I have never had a tape snap at the end running without an auto-stop but I have had very old tapes snap and mangle while recording. Be prepared for such (hopefully not literal) firefighting.


you've got to master the wax cylinder



>I assume your local situation makes cassettes more viable than CDs

Yup, correct

Is of course, not only because is more viable to use cassettes, but also the fact that I've never been able to have music in a physical format

Im excited and i want to see if i can make a little biz out of my music. You'd be surprised by the amount of people (Young, mind you) That store their tunes on cassettes, and do mixtapes


>>2052 Here

I should've been a little more specific

>I've never been able to have music in a physical format

I meant Analog, excuse me

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i'm really addicted to this song and most of this album…



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Share mixes and podcasts you enjoy. Any music genre. When working on my projects I'm listening to a lot of ambient, drone, downtempo, techno, idm, so I'll be sharing mostly that.
Here a few for a start:


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Full of ambient bangers this one:


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Hello everyone! Let's have a shoegaze thread!!!

Please enjoy the artist I just linked right here, I think you'll find he's ever so pleasant
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If you like blackgaze, I'd recommend Lantlôs.

The artist that got me into shoegaze was Sun Devoured Earth, still makes me comfortably sad.



my favorite from mikgazer vol 1 was parachute, the chords are really out of this world !
I've almost the same favorites as you
1: Loveless
2: Mikgazer vol 1
3 Velocity : Design : Comfort (not pure shoegaze but who cares)



"i'm sure i have this on my drive somewhere"
1 scrobble from 2013
comments from 11 years ago

time is passing too quickly for me, i can't keep up.

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