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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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I think i liked the first season the most, but the movie is really really good. And i wish i had skipped endless 8 lol.
I really wasnt expecting any of the sci fi or that i would like haruhi so much, thinking of checking the novels too


Love this one so much.


my dear friend showed me this. its amazing.. breathtaking!!



I was around when endless 8 was airing….. just ignored the series for a month. Feels bad man

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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:
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thank you very much for these. i have been exploring the artists you posted for the past week. also - indietronica! i listen to higma, ukaihi and anzunokumo a lot and that term i think fits them nicely.


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also.. nekobolo is my favorite out of the bunch you posted


I wanted to go to a Kikuo concert near me this year, but I had some conflicts.




I missed out on the Latin America tour due to my country not being included :(

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Share Music! Have fun!
Please try to be detailed about what your sharing. Include the artist, title of release, cover art, and file type.

Tell us why you love it! Include a link to where we can buy a copy, because piracy is only fun if the artists keep making music!
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cute and clear voice


Brise​-​lames by BÂTARD
I really like this album. Its black metal but unlike most other black metal, the songs feel more alive and jumpy (sorry idrk how else to describe it). The bandcamp page says blackened punk so its probably the punk element thats causing that feeling. anyways my favourite song there is the third one, Mille Feux


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forgot to post the album cover soo
i like the album cover too its a part of why i was drawn to the album + it has an old painting. the paintings name is Christ in Limbo if anyone is interested in it


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Hello samachan,

I have found this artist 猫祭り姫 (Nekomatsurihime, "cat festival princess") in a record store in Tokyo. I bought the album HAKOIRI because the cover is cool and I was surprised to find out the music is really, really good

It's very quaint desktop pop music set in a cute shinto world. A lot of influence from Akino Arai and light post-punk/indie bands like Nav Katze, Zabadak, D-Day, Zelda, but it's not rock music. There's a minimal and DIY feel on a lot of it. She rereleased 3 albums a couple years ago on CD and streaming, めぐる is my favorite

I found her old website, it had some free downloads. It hasn't been updated in almost 20 years. These are early variations of songs later on albums, songs on albums unavailable since 2002 and some one-offs. I also checked everything I could through wayback machine to find a couple songs that I don't think anybody has heard in 2 decades. I compiled them here:

猫祭り姫 - 宵町

Most of the audio is very low quality because they are .rm files from 2000-2005. I find the dated encoding charming and fitting. The cover is artwork she had on her site in 2000.

Thanks for reading, gurochan. I'm hoping to dump rare stuff I come across from time to time in this thread


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Hello 38chan,

I was going to wait less than 8,000 years to post this but I kept feeling too demotivated to do anything. The last album I posted was of 猫祭り姫, so it makes sense that next is 幼虫社 (YohChuSha, "larva house".) They are a duo of producer/composer 井蛹机/Tsukue and singer/keyboardist ヂヂ/dgidgi. Tsukue helped to produce many of Nekomatsurihime's music (but I think most or all songs on the last post here are produced by her) and has a similar range of influences and very post-punk tinged style of pop music. Also like Nekomatsurhime, it has a distinctive early DTM feel I find endearing (although I think it's all rompler-produced.)

In this case it is particularly easy to tell who the influences are because the producer had a last.fm account https://www.last.fm/user/tsukue

YohChuSha's first album is a collection of demo recordings from 92 to 98. For the first 3 or 4 years, Tsukue was the only real member, with whichever friend or classmate he could perform live with but never being in the group for long. Some recordings are Dgidgi's vocals over these older compositions, and some are newer ones she helped compose herself. The album was released on cassette, but all of these mp3s are free downloads from their website. It's the earliest instance I know of a band uploading their (physically released) album for free online. Very dreamy and borderlines ambient music at times

幼虫社 - 幼虫期

Their second and only "real" album came out in 2001. Only one demo song made it onto here, with the album having a more dramatic overall style while still being heavy on atmosphere

幼虫社 - 廃園Eden
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>BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. All song data is contained in the URL at the top of your browser. When you make changes to the song, the URL is updated to reflect your changes

Just found this website and I think it's kinda cool so I wanted to share it with you guys. Post music you made itt, I'm curious to see what you guys come up with. This isn't a shill thread btw, I don't own this

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No worries, it's cool to hear one of my pieces get remixed!
Cute song, I like the pitch-bends


can we have a comfy indie rock thread? i've been in the mood for it recently, specifically punk rock-ish stuff.

emo/punk/math rock songs welcomed too
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Do YOU remember this song???


Here's a cool pop-punk song that was considered lost for a while.


song so good that when i heard it for the first time it made me get out of bed in the morning almost immediately


Advantage Lucy is always great!


These are both really beautiful. I love female driven punk/indie bands, I don't think females get enough credit for basically shaping a lot of the scene to be honest.


Post your favorite MADs ITT.
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embedded - 8 Bit Men Made Out Of Clay

https://youtu.be/DUpRelRaz3g - Acidjazzed Miruking

https://youtu.be/S2OoJxgx8bg - Chop Force Autumn (go check out Colton Watson plz)

https://youtu.be/0llSAAHadNI - Captain Yama - superstar!


Finally, some mandatory Sushichat "fan service:"


this is so good wwwwwww


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konnichiwa sushi's post some good ambient music. I am listening to pic related right now.
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No I'm not, but if something happened to him, I hope he's ok


I listen to this while walking around in the park in Wan Chai at night. You can see the colorful lights on Sogo and the nearby buildings and sky scrapers and its peaceful late in the evening. The park is especially quiet compared to its surroundings. The Kowloon waterfront is nice too, you can see all the lights from there, but it gets busy and there are a lot of tourists and random people hanging out there.


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black metal ambient

Darchon - The Stygian Black Beyond

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Lads can you recommend me some metal bands? I've been getting into it and liking it, but I don't really know of any bands besides the absolutely most popular ones.
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Forest Stream - The Crown Of Winter

such a gem



I need new DnB for my coding sessions, it helps me stay focused.
Drop some recs if you got 'em
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Whoops, meant to reply to OP. Oh well, more for everyone


found this yesterday
is this dnb?



i would list ni ten ichi ryu as one of the songs everyone should hear


Here's a nice dnb album

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Do any of you sushis listen to podcasts?

A few years back, I would listen to some longer podcasts every now and then, but for some reason (mostly missing time, I guess), I stopped.

Now I kinda want to get back into it, but most podcasts are somewhat long and it's hard to find something that's interesting enough to keep me listening for an hour or more.

So, what do you like to listen to, sushis?
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I listen to a ton of podcasts, but the most comfy one I listen to is a bit left field cause I'm not even invested in the subject that much.

I listen to a podcast called, "Shannon's Lumber Industry Update"

It talks about just about everything woodworking and the behind the scenes of it and while its never something I partake in, the host just has such a nice voice, great vibes, and is very engaging I'm going from the start to the finish with this one. Some episodes run for a typical hour or so, while alot also run like 30 to 45 mins at minimum. Here is the YT link, you can find it on most podcast apps and stuff from what I can tell.



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I listen to a lot when working/driving - lately my favorite has been Controlled Pod Into Terrain, which is about air and space disasters. I like that it avoids clickbait and is well informed, and after the first few episodes the hosts are fun to listen to.


I only recently got into podcasts since I can't stare at the computer screen as much anymore.

I've been listening to fiction ones like The Magnus Archives, The Amelia Project, and We Are Alive. There are a lot of them but honestly, they're not written that well, but I still enjoy them casually.

I'm looking for more chill/slice-of-life ones now.

I'll check that one out.

Controlled Pod Into Terrain looks interesting, I'll try it today.


I think Hermitix is bretty gud



Those hosts are so obnoxious, I don't think I can do it…

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