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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Do you have any guilty pleasure songs? If so list them and why.

To start off this thread bubblegum dance, think "The witch doctor", "Barbie girl", and "ay ay I'm your little butterfly". I checked out the discography of the band behind "witch doctor" out of curiosity and I unironically liked their other songs. Looked into the genre they were in and I liked the rest of it.
I guess my main shame with liking it is the same reason I enjoy it; it's so gratingly kitschy and over the top it loops back into being good fun again.


For me it's Aqua's first album, it's odd but it's filled with a lot of energy


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mine is bay city or Japanese pop music in general I'm usually a rock and metal kinda guy but Japanese music really strikes a nerve

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