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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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sad tunes
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Gives me the feels.






This place needs a new one.


I just realized you can't always tell from the thumbnail whether something is an image or a video embed. I thought this was a spam image for a second until I clicked it, and someone also reported it by mistake.

We used to have lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to playing on the front page, but at some point the stream went down and I didn't notice for a while. I replaced it with a touhou piano medley for now since we've had touhou piano on the front page before.


I don't know, I think it's pretty easy to tell just by the lack of a filename. Honestly, I kinda started noticing that subconsciously at some point.


This album got released last month, personally liking it


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Talk about music that doesn't fit easily into any of the other threads, or just anything strange/interesting.

World's End Girlfriend is one of my favorite bands, give them a listen!


I remember listening to that album a long time ago and really liking it, I should give it a relisten. 100 years of choke is such a great song. I liked their album Seven Idiots too, though its a bit more bombastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrQ6HSQkAc

Here's some interesting experimental folk:


Ah, I messed up the first link. It should be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx87PWgyZvA


The Books probably fit here. Great band, really interesting to listen to. Lots of samples of strange and interesting things, combined with acoustic guitar and occasionally actual singing from the band.

I like all their albums, but Hurtbreak Wonderland is my favorite from what I remember. I'll relisten to Seven Idiots soon!

Also that's a cool song, thank you for sharing.


That's my favourite album! The way that 100 years of choke and bless yourself bleed slowly build up is incredibly well done.

This is a weird song but I love it to death. Very unique structure, can't think of anything quite like it. I remember the artist saying they only started making music a few months prior which if that's the case is unbelievable.


Today snowed, everything is white outside my window.
Let's share some music perfect for this kind of day, when the world seems untained.
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People always say Satie is best with rain, but I quite like it with snow. Well, either way his music is never a bad choice.


Thank you for reminding me that this song exists!





>started out listening to liquid dnb mixes on youtube
>Enjoyed this for about a year until it got very boring
>Start listing to older dnb tracks by the likes of goldie, LTJ bukem and Adam F
>Love it
>Start listening to more artists
>check out jungle
>this is amazing
>check out a few breakcore albums
>its like jungle on crack and is great

Anybody got any breakcore albums to recommend to me?
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if you like some gabber mixed in with your breaks


Hakushi Hasegawa is amazing. Really ahead of its time stuff that is sadly criminally underrated


Man, this album is so good. Thanks for introducing me to this artist.
Have another underrated composer in exchange.


I'm new to the genre myself, but I found it through Sewerslvt and I'm shocked nobody here has mentioned them yet


Sewerslvt’s stuff is great. It’s more DnB than breakcore but still nice!

This one is my favorite


how do we classify the more aggressive, metal attitudes that employ beats more than guitars these days? scarlxrd, ghostemane, etc.?

i see this kind of thing referred to as "dark trap" or "trap metal" but only in the circles where it's well known. the rest of the musical world has a hard time placing it and consequently it gets blocked out from forums, blogs and reviewers, etc for either not being hiphop enough or not being metal enough.

will we be seeing more of this now that metal and rock is so out of style?


1. scarlxrd and ghostmane arent trap artists. Cause the meaning of the word trap has warped. Trap used to stand for technological rap what stood for rap with a heavy emphasis on the beat of the song. But the genre had a spike in popularity and now trap is a genre on its own and nothing that it used to be. So these artists arent trap artists cause the meaning of the word has changed over the years.

2. metal and rock probaly wont go out of style anytime soon. As rock was at the center of the industrilization of the music industry and there will never be such a big following for the artists that where then up and coming (Beatles, stones, the kinks (kinda), elvis presley, etc).

3. the genre you are referring to is more referred to as trash rap.

if you like that kind of stuff than you would like probaly like XXXtentacions older stuff:
King of the dead,
Run op on me,
I spoke to the devil in miami and he said everything would be alright,
Look at me,
Take a step back,
Dang son,
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>Trap used to stand for technological rap
what? It's called trap because of trap houses i.e. houses where you store/do/deal your drugs


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>will we be seeing more of this now that metal and rock is so out of style?
i really hope not. i dislike trap a lot, its just not my cup of tea and i really wish there more underappreciated facets of electronic music and punk could get more popular. trap just seems trashy to me and I dislike the emphasis on drug culture and sometimes misogynistic views even though it has its presence in all music cultures sadly.
unfortunately, i don't rule the world of music but I'm hoping one day to put out an album that can at least encompass the views I have on music.


I found this sushies.
Good stuff, though you might like it
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I love this song.


yeah, this is a touhou song with autotuned vocals. still one of my favorites though



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Hello sushis, I am looking for a file of Tiny little Adiantum from TOHO BOSSA NOVA 2 without the lyrics for a karaoke night I have planned with my friends. If anyone happens to have something of that sort, I would much appreciate it if you could upload it here.


Have you considered trying to make it instrumental yourself?


This is too late probably, but it's on Shibayan 3rd instrumental album



Great album.


Love this style of music. I've always been into eastern electronic (Happy Hardcore and Trance mostly).
Here's some starter links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euT5f6OImAM (up until around 20:00 and it gets shit)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O40daL6Reis (DJ Genki is awesome)


also forgot to add this one https://youtube.com/watch?v=NSxTRRDuELU
Uploaded it here because I couldn't find it anywhere except Soulseek


I stumbled onto this on yt and wanted to now what it was and if other people do stuff like this


It is the song "Hamburger Lady" by the group Throbbing Gristle, one of the innovators of industrial music. This is from their album "D.o.A: The Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle". Other significant industrial acts are Coil and Einsturzande Neubaten.


Oh throbbing gristle is amazing. Huge innovators for all of electronic music as a whole. You knoe thry actually put together thr first modern synthesizer? They did their last show in 2009 I think.

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