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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Does sushi play any instruments or sing? Post what you're working on! Tell us about your instrument!

I've started to learn the banjo for a few months, and play clawhammer style. Currently play a cheap one with some nylon strings. The only song I got down okay-ish is long journey home.

I've really struggled with timing and rythem, playing to a click is really hard :(

pls no bulli, am beginner and left mistakes in bc lazy


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That's hella good, you should join a country rock band.


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r-really sushi roll?

thank you, I've been practicing a lot. Do you play any instruments or otherwise tinker around with making music.


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Hell yeah it sounds cool!

>Do you play any instruments or otherwise tinker around with making music.

Violin but I SUCK, honestly I'm just giving your thread a bump because it deserves proper attention. I know for a fact there's lots of musically gifted people frequenting this fine establishment but they choose not to post even though they could so easily cover their tracks.


If you know any old time fiddle tunes I'd love to play along with them :)


Trust me, I am NOT READY for public performance at my current level.

Have another bump and let's put the focus back on you and every other sushisician (sushi musician) who should have already posted itt.


Been afraid to post it, but here's my soundcloud
don't expect much…


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I made a whole album recently
i actually have two more unreleased projects that are mostly complete and better than this album though

Struggling to promote my music and actually get it heard, scared to release my other stuff considering i mostly do it for my own sanity/sake and there's point in releasing if there is no audience for it.


I played guitar for over 10 years. Got lessons for classical guitar, I I realized that I liked playing the western guitar way more.

I kind of paused / dropped it in favor of learning piano on my own.
I prefer playing on my own / for myself only, so piano seems more suitable. It's slow progress, but I'm pretty pleased. (Also: Piano requires way less maintenance when it comes to fingernails)

Never really got into music theory much, so I'm mostly just playing things with existing Sheets / Tabs.


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As expected, this webzone is full of talented sushisicians of which much to my chagrin I'm not part of. Best I can do is offer premium content from the peanut gallery.

Been listening to this. Second part of "eternal" is the best thing you've got there imo. "Hot summer day" is also really cool (deft pun) and I like the vibe of "the animal". I get that the vocals are meant to be muffled at times but to me it sounds like you could use a higher quality mic (or maybe better sound editing? I dunno how that works, most I ever worked with sound software was goldwaving songs for tf2 micspam). I notice that in a couple of songs you leave in the "turning on the recorder equipment" part ("Tall Mountain", "The animal", "Beautiful And Kind"…). I'm assuming it's on purpose because everything I like has deep intent behind it. Like that anticipation of an orchestra getting ready, all the different sections playing their own little passages out of tune and sync, then a silent suspenseful pause, then BANG.

>I played guitar for over 10 years.
Oh yeah? Well I can play Frérè Jacques. How about THAT!

>(Also: Piano requires way less maintenance when it comes to fingernails)

This guy doesn't even know piano is considered the enlightened yuri lesbian's instrument of choice in Japan because it requires cutting one's nails to hit the keys better, I bet he su- Oh.


(He's actually super mega good…)

What's that piano piece from? At the risk of sounding like an uncultured swine, I'm quite sure I heard it in a game, likely a GBA game. Is the guitar vocaroo an improvisation or is it also tabbed music? I get you haven't looked too into music theory but seeing as you've got so much guitar experience, maybe it comes naturally at some point?

You should form a mariachi fusion band with you (lead guitar) and >>1852 (rhythm guitar + vocals) and >>1832 (epic banjo solos).

I haven't forgotten about you but in order to give you my expert uneducated opinion I must listen intently more than once. I know the wait must be killing you so I'll do my best.


wow, thank you, i wasn't expecting such detailed listen.
my microphone is actually pretty good, its just that i sometimes even degrade the vocals, for a similar reason that i leave some misc sounds in, all of those tracks (expect second part of eternal) were improvised and just me wallowing in sadness, so i try to keep the intimacy to match what it felt to me, in a way..


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Thank you for your kind words!

>this webzone is full of talented sushisicians of which much to my chagrin I'm not part of

You'd be surprised how quickly you can learn an instrument if you invest 20-30min into practice each day. It's never too late to start if you feel like missing out :)
I can't speak for the creation-part of music though, other sushis' need to share their experience for that.
Really cool to see the varietly of instruments & styles in this thread already.

>What's that piano piece from?

It's a piano arrangement by Makiko Hirohashi of "Promise of the World", which plays at the end of the movie "Howl's Moving Castle".

>Is the guitar vocaroo an improvisation

Nope, it's just a very chill version of Seiji Igusa's "Keey the Groovy".


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Been working on cluck 'ol hen. It's in some weird key so I'm having a really hard time improvising with it. Got the base tune down alright, but I can build on it, which is a bit frustrating. My sense of rythem and timing isn't getting much better. I've been getting sick of metronome training, so I've stopped that for now. Really do need to start doing it again if I want to improve further though.


> get you haven't looked too into music theory but seeing as you've got so much guitar experience, maybe it comes naturally at some point?
As someone who is just getting started with music, but has a few friends that are very into it and have read lots of theory let me give ya take you should have with some salt

When you play for a while time you tend to notice patterns that sound nice. You can then groove and improvise using these. As you learn more songs and watch other musicians you'll notice and learn to groove with more of these patterns. Theory will give these names, explain the relationships, describe the vibes, and show you more patterns. It's kind of how an artisan may understand intuitively how their material of choice works, but and engineer can describe it's properties and make predictions using formulas.

>As expected, this webzone is full of talented sushisicians of which much to my chagrin I'm not part of.

I've only been playing for a few months and can play some stuff pretty okay. The other sushi roll is right, it's just consistent daily practice for a few months. If you have the time for another hobby it's a wonderful one.

You're a very expressive player sushi, I really enjoy your renditions. That Ghibli track is great. When I learn to arrange music I'd love to cover some ghibli stuff as well, Hisaishi writes lovely music.

Tall Mountain is a pretty neat track. Reminds me of the drone-y midwest emo stuff that's popular where I'm from mixed with the east coast folk revival music. It sounds nice, I enjoy it.

I've given most of the album a listen. My favorite track thus far is Meet Me Where They Grow. The melody and the drum hits tickle my brain nice, and the random switch ups in there work well and prevent it from getting too stale.


I sometimes yell into a microphone. I wouldn't call it singing. I'm not sure if this counts as an instrument.



let us be the judge


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I've listened to this a couple of times (you're welcome for the 40+ views) trying to figure out what to say, but everything that I consider mentioning might just be a quirk/feature of the genre. As I'm not familiar enough with it and would rather not pollute the mind of a composer with outsider noise, I'll say instead that "Submerged" was the tune I enjoyed the most.

>my microphone is actually pretty good, its just that i sometimes even degrade the vocals

I see, then maybe it's just the way you go about degrading them. If the vocals were ripped jeans, yours would be the overused worn rather than the ripped in production type. People can find charm in the former but they'll believe it's bad wardrobe day rather than a statement more often than not (you can argue that's a statement in and of itself).

>all of those tracks (expect second part of eternal) were improvised and just me wallowing in sadness, so i try to keep the intimacy to match what it felt to me, in a way

That comes across nicely, in an "intriguing, let's listen" way and not in a "oh MAN this guy's whining AGAIN?" way. That takes some level of ability.

>Nope, it's just a very chill version of Seiji Igusa's "Keey the Groovy".

It shows that he's amazingly skilful to play the way he does, but this tune in particular sounds better slowed down. In the rhythm he's playing, he needs instrumental backing to make the song sound complete, but you let the sound breathe and so the guitar solo sounds like a complete piece on its own.

That's MY opinion, at least.


Single take. I don't give a DAMN if I messed up (very rock and roll).


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I am really proud of this - the song is gnarly, oversaturated and downright nasty. The sound palette itself is quite acidic and sour, heavily inspired by neurofunk. It features my signature percussion - fast, relentless hits that gradually overwhelm the soundscape, offering little mercy. I absolutely love it as these hi-hats start cutting into my brain, leaving behind a soggy mess.

Also included a sound bite from a game I have been playing lately. I doubt anyone will recognize it, but it's Toko Kuchiki's response when you choose not to have sex with her.


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