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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Hello everyone! Let's have a shoegaze thread!!!

Please enjoy the artist I just linked right here, I think you'll find he's ever so pleasant


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Sun Devoured Earth introduced me to the genre. This stuff can be heavy on the mood, so proceed with caution. Anyways the mere amount of material he put out guarantees the possibility to grow into the heart of any dedicated listener. Here are some of my favorite tracks.



This whole EP is pretty damn good.
(Kinoko Teikoku - Long Goodbye)



Don't have link handy but Tanukichan's Sundays and Nothing's Dance on the Blacktop are two recent releases i like a lot.


Hold my tits! This is just washing me away. Crystallize and Turnaround are both very good albums.


heavy stuff coming through!!


i never got around to listening to this, thank sushi roll the whole album is very good


i've been thinking about this thread/OP image for months and i'm so glad i came back around to listen to the links provided
thank you so much for linking blush response, sushi roll. finally some new shoegaze to listen to uwu


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chinese Shoegaze

I like this cover a lot.


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I discovered this album today. It's really very nice, lovely vocal and guitar tones. I hope someone enjoys it. https://uchunekoko.bandcamp.com/album/kimi-no-youni-ikiretara


One of my favorite shoegaze bands. I really love their vocals, they're just a little bit creepy and remind me of chanting sometimes, but also really beautiful. I think their songs have a really nice "momentum" to them, whatever that means.


I liked it! Thanks for sharing


Ok fair warning I don't even know how I found this band but here




I love this song so much I made a video (unofficial) for it. Fantastic band everyone should check out.


I will definitely listen to their new album


This was amazing! I feel different in a good way after listening to it.

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