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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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France Gall is a total qt and her music is sweet as hell. If you know more stuff similar to her please post it here!
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gentilé/gentil and méchant/marchand have totally different meanings!
As suprising as it could seem, it's not at all a wordplay, at least natively.


Relaxing 50's progression with french lyrics



It is pretty funny though.
At least to me.


Love this type of stuff. Jacques Brel and Joe Dassin are great too, plus everybody that's already been posted


Is anyone here into this style of music? I used to dig it really hard, when I was a teenager and recently rediscovered it for my liking.
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Absolute classic but I got one better


Honestly I should get into more Happy Hardcore. its a really nice genre and makes me feel happy and warm



Nightcore Säkkijärven Polkka Remix


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What new kinds of music do you want to see come into existence, or that you want to pioneer, Sushi?
I've set my sights on going off of the sound of A Rainbow in Curved Air (https://youtu.be/5PNbEfLIEDs), or taking more modern music (instrumental hip hop, electro-industrial, purple sound etc.) and man of tastelifying/dumbing them down into just a man of tastele keyboard (e.g. organ that plays man of tastele square waves) and maybe an electric guitar.
Maybe mix that with more intense, rock-based music. I'm just blog posting at this point.
Well, what are your ideas?
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I'm making cute electronic pop mixed with trip hop? My sister said it sounds like animal crossing and 100gecs… I think I'm getting somewhere? I'm just having fun and haven't released anything. I wonder how it would be recieved


I, for one, would love to hear it. Sounds like Kero Kero Bonito but maybe even more sugar-sweet?


I've been busy making a eurobeat album with a darker tone than the usual upbeat poppiness. It's taking a long time because I've never done vocals before, so I'm giving myself a crash course before recording. I've never done eurobeat before either, and I'm constantly worrying whether my songs sound enough like eurobeat to be called it.
Post it!


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Been trying to invent a new evolution based on synthesis of doom/drone metal, shoegaze, and ambient noise. Sounds a bit pretentious I guess but I'm having fun making it.


I listened to it and enjoyed it, even though from your description I thought I would hate it (not my usual genres). Keep it up!


Do you like memphis rap?
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Check out DJ Sacred & Roland Jones, they make Memphis rap revival music.




Sushis, I can't stop TRΛPPIN. I have lost the ability to do anything but TRΛP all motherfuckin day long. I TRΛP in the bathroom. I TRΛP in the kitchen. I TRΛP in my bedroom. I TRΛP next to the baguettes at the supermarket. I TRΛP at the bookshop. I TRΛP on my bike. I TRΛP while working from home. I TRΛP while studying. I TRΛP first thing when I wake up, and TRΛP until my head hits the pillow. Even then I carry on TRΛPPIN during REM sleep. I would ask for help but I'm too busy TRΛPPIN


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bumping this epic thread, I love eurobeat man


Post some tunes m8!




Can we have some pumping music? I feel super motivated by new retro wave.

Post your power tunes!
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I listened to it all those days, i guess whats mostly for me there are the songs that are like na na na, i had fun searching other versions of na na na around too.


I remember I bought this on CD when it came out. Kinda nostalgic.


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We All Lift Together [Warframe]


Most Lightning Bolt songs will do, really


YMO has some pretty good workout bangers!

Yellow Magic Orchestra - Taiso

Haruomi Hosono - Sports Men

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Hi sushi, I made super cool playlist that I wanted to share. If you have a lot of angst, sadness and other mixed feelings, it is for you. Enjoy.


>Plastic Girl in Closet
>She Her Her Hers
>Kinoko Teikoku
>Tokyo Shoegazer
I like it a lot.
Very good work, you have great taste in music sushi roll.


You should check out Burrrn :)


Broken Little Sister is another good shoegaze band, recommend them!


It's that time of the year again
Post christmas music


Lets have a thread to share songs and bands we like! I'll start
Any sushis like punk rock/emo stuff?
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Let's do a bit of ska and some ska punk.

Johnny quest thinks we're sell outs - Less Than Jake

Silver box - The Last Slice


Keen on some ska

big d for good measure


this was pretty neat


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Nananananananananannanaaa… Batman



Beats and trip-hop thread!

Nujabes and Uyama Hiroto are musts, as are Emancipator and Flying Lotus.

But more than artists, if you know of channels that post dank beats on a regular basis, post them here! I have a few that I've found:
https://www.youtube.com/user/timbeluski [not active but has some good stuff]

Here's the song that probably first got me into the world of beats.
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Anaconda song by Not Nicki M



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