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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Any roll here into this genre? Recently got into it and I'm looking for suggestions
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I came across this channel recently that has a tonne of live recordings of Tatsuro Yamashita:
Enjoy it before it gets taken down.

Here are two longer live recordings.

As a bonus, here is some actual live footage of him:




Thanks for letting me discover this song. What a gem.


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These are the top 10 greatest rock artists of all time.

1. Robert Wyatt
2. The Velvet Underground
3. Pere Ubu
4. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
5. Nico
6. The Residents
7. This Heat
8. Bob Dylan
9. The Mothers of Invention
10. King Crimson


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Who's scaruffi?



>best rock artists



Well there's post-punk, folk rock, and experimental rock here. But if falls under the umbrella term of rock music.

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any prog fans here?


Yes here is one :D

I love may of them classics like Yes, King Crimson or Pink Floyd but I guess everybody who is into prog Rock alrady knows about them so ill try to recommend some less known albumbs that i find entertaining :)

>(Libertés?) - Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes


>Iconoclasta - Reminiscencias


>Mess - Sven Grunberg's Proge-Rock Group


>Tohpati Ethnomission - Mata Hati

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Good to see appreciation for the best music genre <3

Thanks to the poster above for the albums, most are pretty damn great. Here are some of mine favorite lesser known(?) albums you lads might appreciate:

>MGP - The World of Genius Hans


>Electric Sandwich - S/T


>SHINGETSU - S/T (from japan)


>Michal Prokop & Framus Five - Město Er (from czechoslovakia!)

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hi sushis any tips for making your first mix ? i just wanna play around with mixing songs


Mix like in "adjusting frequencies" or like in "sampling to make some sick ass breakcore"?


it's a just do it thing. making a mixtape doesn't need any fancy skills you can put gaps between each song. it's the selection and order you care about.

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Post things related with industrial, Industrial Metal, Industrial Hip-Hop, and Electronic Body Music.


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I really like this :wumpscut: fan music video.


:wumpscut: overall is my favourite electro-industrial project, Ratzinger was a master of synthesis and it really gave his music a unique texture. I'm glad that other sushis like industrial. ^__^

Here's my other favourite tracks:


probably one of the catchiest industrial songs


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That :wumpscut: fan music video is pretty good, nice. I guess you could almost just label electo-industrial as Electronic Body Music, but in that genre I've only listened to these songs you've sent me so I'd probably need to listen to more. Out of all the songs you sent I enjoyed this one the most.

Very heavy, and very well arranged. I'll keep an eye out for :wumpscut:. I think you'd like these guys.

Great song from a great album, although I wish he'd shut the fuck up about the 6 million in it. I think out what I've heard from foetus so far Nail is my favourite.


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Back when I was an edgy high school student I would listen to almost nothing but industrial, EBM and aggrotech. KMFDM was my favourite band, :wumpscut: was probably second and Front 242 third. Some punk and metal also, but mostly industrial. Pretty cringe I know. This thread is giving me a nice nostalgia trip.

Here's a smattering of what I listened to.


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First of all, I would like to mention that this idea is not mine. Such threads existed on 4chan's /mu/ since many years.
- submit a track with a name and it ends up in the album (to submit use https://catbox.moe/ or any site from which I can download an audio file.)
- suggest an artist name, an album name and/or album art
Feel free to submit music even if you're a beginner, don't forget our goal is to have fun!

I'll make a bandcamp page and put the album there.

have fun! ^__^
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sushi this is amazing, you study music theory? Only real criticism I can think of is that the drums sounded slightly out of place at times, nothing good mixing couldn't fix though. Good work!


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, listening to it now I do hear a couple spots where the drums could be switched up a bit. I also hear a bit of bad-sounding ducking of the percussion that I must have missed when mastering.

I don't really study music theory, instead I practice by making songs, lots and lots of songs. Music theory can be somewhat helpful but in my opinion it should never be the core of your practice but supplemental.

Incidentally, can one switch the audio of a song with a new file once it's already posted on bandcamp? I need to know if Aug 1 is the deadline for me to fix my track


yes, it's possible to replace tracks on bandcamp, no hurries :)


here it is rolls!
share it around and if anyone wants something changed feel free to suggest it


Congrats on putting something together, everyone! No matter the scale, I think it's always super impressive when something comes to fruition.

I'm disappointed I couldn't find the time to participate this time. Hopefully next.

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Bonobo is amazing. I keep the black sands vinyl in a picture frame on my living room wall.


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Share your Vocaloid music.
Anything is ok.
Just because it sings, doesn't mean it must have lyrics.
And more poppy stuff and songs are alright too.

>Just don't advertise your homebrew AMVs.
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athmospheric chiptune whatever
featuring strong influences of makeup and vanity set imo


discovered 刑の字 by way of mysterious youtube recommendations the other day. Similar vein to ゆよゆっぺ and オカメP but seems to be significantly less widely recognized


Seeing the powapoworks album in the OP really made my day.

My taste is as standard as it comes, but here's a handful of songs I really enjoyed this year.


Is soundcloud okay? I found this cover of Penguin's Detour and I prefer the voice used in this one over the original tbh


Oooh. I actually have a playlist for a bunch of sounds that are similar to Koro-san. Feel free to take a look.

Embeded is my new favorite tune atm


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Mine is Metronome Melody by Prism/Susumu Yokota. Lots of relaxing /tunes/ on this one.
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You're quite right, HYC is more "quintessentially" Drum 'n Bass, But I have to say, I didn't mind the movement toward the rock/EDM style, and Immersion felt polished and cohesive in a way I find difficult to describe. I understand that among DnB enthusiasts this is a bit heretical. I tend to view different subgenres of DnB seperately, so for something like more traditional DnB I'd go with Formless, or LTJ Bukem's Journey Inward for artcore. if we're going harder than that, I'd end up settling on something from the neurofunk or techstep world, though I'm not sure what. Maybe something by Spor?


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Doing the same, can't pick one so I'm dropping a few:

Floating Points - Elaenia
FM Skyline - Advanced Memory Suite
Röyksopp - Melody A.M.
Aphex Twin - Syro


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hard to pick only one album, so here's 4 I've been listening to a lot recently.

Lolishit - Chest Flattener
Kettel - Volleyed Iron
Goreshit - Loather
Xanopticon - Liminal Space


Chest Flattener is the greatest album name of all time


I'm enjoying giving liminal space a listen. So I looked up the word liminal. It's a pretty cool word. I have an affection for liminals like twilight, Halloween, the space on the stairs between floors… idk. Also, the pandemic has been a very liminal time if I am understanding the word right.

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Kinda surprised we don't have a plain old genre-agnostic favorite songs thread yet. Post those tunes (or albums) you really enjoyed or found meaning in, that never left you.
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Best 80s cartoon OP


Bingo Highway was always a favorite of mine for being such an intense and catchy song managing to stick with me more so than the songs that better fit my tastes at the time such as Bullet Station and Rail Canyon.


I was looking for this song but I had no idea for how to look it up, then I saw a parody in Family guy and now I got it!



Guess that jRPGs are Olympic themes now…
00:00 Dragon Quest - Roto's Theme
01:40 Final Fantasy - Victory Fanfare
02:27 Tales of Zestiria - Sorey’s Theme The Shepherd
06:10 Monster Hunter - Proof of a Hero
10:24 Kingdom Hearts - Olympus Coliseum
12:33 Chrono Trigger - Frog’s Theme
15:33 Ace Combat - First Flight
18:22 Tales of Graces - Royal Capital Majestic Grandeur (Pomp And Majesty)
21:20 Monster Hunter - Wind of Departure
24:48 Chrono Trigger - Robo’s Theme
26:41 Sonic the Hedgehog - Star Light Zone
28:17 Final Fantasy - Main Theme
30:55 Phantasy Star Universe - Guardians
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