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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Here it is, the promised Touhou music thread.

Starting with Shibayan because that's what I listened to earlier.
Download here: http://kuukunen.net/toh/[ShibayanRecords]/2011.10.30%20[STAL-1101]%20ムソウマテリアライズ%20[M3-28]
Alternatively you can check out tlmc.eu if you want that lossless goodness.

I will try to post some more later. If someone has requests for certain genres, I'll try to see what I can find. No promises, though.
Everyone else, post your favourite albums, circles or whatever it is you want to share!
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One of my favourite Touhou songs: Immortal Smoke



Bit of demetori


Help I accidentally put St. Lucy of Philomena into the computer.

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are there any particular songs or tunes you listen to to feel comfy/or calm down? I find that the theme from Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence to be uniquely comfy.
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This instantly changes my mood each time I've ever heard it. Such power in a score that brings forth determination and strength.


For me it’s „a letter from slowboat“ by Ryo Fukui. I don’t really know exactly that one. Jazz in general can be really relaxing but this one always is the first one I think about when I need to calm down and do nothing except for daydreaming and listening for a few minutes.


that's a very depressing thing to be calmed to です


This was amazing, thank you!

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Since there was an album creation thread a while ago, I thought it might be fun to have a general music creation thread for sushis to share their own music.
What types of music do sushi rolls make?
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I am currently in the process of making an album
I am writing a story to accompany the album and commissioning an artist whos helping me with the storybook/album cover (not sure if they want me to namedrop them on here though).


(the cover i used on the soundcloud is just a placeholder btw)


I've been trying out schismtracker and having fun with it


I guess we wanted something more electronic and grimy and punchy which I'm just no good at on my own.
This is one that was used on an earlier trailer for prototype, looking in the same space for it, but it was meant more as placeholder at the time:

Here's another one we like, but i don't think we could use it for a trailer:


i like to make ambient music stuffs . its alot of fun getting a bunch of shit in ableton to generate stuff for you

i want to learn to use a tracker so bad, looks like alot of fun


It is not hard! At all! Especially when we have Renoise, or Polyend Tracker.

 No.1065[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

any kind, just post it
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Favorite song while taking a dump?
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the sittin on a toilet lady idk if that counts but thats whats in my head when im doing a poo


what a throwback hahaha


Roach - I gotta take a shit


future funk: it's vaporwave's happy and bubbly sister


It sure is. What a thoroughly enjoyable genre… Even at its worst it's still loads of fun.


I've just been getting into future funk in the last few days actually, and like you said >>1651 , it really does seem to be pretty much all good


Here's one of my favorites. I love the dancey stuff. It floods my brain with dopamine.


Would things such as Yuc'e, Snail's House, Neko Hacker, Yunomi, and Honeycomebear fall into this genre?

I enjoy music like this it's fun to drive to

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i've been listening to the same oingo boingo songs on loop for weeeeeeeeeeekss. i would appreciate any songs really!! except country lololol (image not relatedd)



Classic rock, metal, and vocaloid music (all genres) comprises 100% of my intake.

This producer has some experimental stuff but they're extremely popular recently, which is cool.

The song references the Tower of Babel, but I think it's also a personification of the character, Kasane Teto, that was originally conceptualized on 2channel as an april fools' fake vocaloid release that dreamed of becoming a real vocaloid.


Any roll here into this genre? Recently got into it and I'm looking for suggestions
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I came across this channel recently that has a tonne of live recordings of Tatsuro Yamashita:
Enjoy it before it gets taken down.

Here are two longer live recordings.

As a bonus, here is some actual live footage of him:




Thanks for letting me discover this song. What a gem.


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These are the top 10 greatest rock artists of all time.

1. Robert Wyatt
2. The Velvet Underground
3. Pere Ubu
4. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
5. Nico
6. The Residents
7. This Heat
8. Bob Dylan
9. The Mothers of Invention
10. King Crimson


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Who's scaruffi?



>best rock artists



Well there's post-punk, folk rock, and experimental rock here. But if falls under the umbrella term of rock music.

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