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so good it hertz

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Is there anything more comfy than when posting at night during a thunderstorm while listening to ambient music?
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I already posted this somewhere on this board, but I still haven't found this level of pacification in another piece of music.


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timeless banger


I figure there are at least a handful of city pop loving sushi rolls lurking, or people who would like it if they heard it. This is the album that introduced me to the genre, please enjoy ^^
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posting my top 3 here, so excuse the spam (they're all from the same channel, but it's great for finding some underground city pop!)




thanks sushi, real nice stuff


I'm not really into city pop, but I had a good laught on this mashup.


I took this post as an excuse to practice my shitty japanese, but I'd still like to post a thread about screaming japanese lady-core here. Thank you.
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>screaming japanese lady-core
I don't think that is an accurate categorization lol. Everything seems well in line with Ruins and other Zeuhl acts, maybe we should call this style Jzeuhl.

Fucking amazing stuff by the way, Midori, 385, discovering this shit just made my day. Thanks rolls :)
Here's Ruins, for comparison


Damn sushi rolls have good taste.

I'd say they all fall under the umbrella of jazz-punk/rock/pop, though I think the vocal styles of the Japanese bands her are distinctive enough to be worth identifying as a defining feature.

Here's some stuff that's a little more noise than jazz, but I hope it fits the thread conceptually:
大高丈宙: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv2VzhuD4x0
Watshi no Koko: https://watashinokoko.bandcamp.com/album/--2


fits perfectly, thank you :)


Noise is ALWAYS welcome


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Great music in this thread, absolutely love midori and wakusei abnormal is really great as well.

Since discovering midori years ago I've been on the lookout for bands/groups that are conceptually/thematically similar, so I'll post some of the gems I've come across.

Bleach is pretty cool, though aligns itself more with 385 than with midori (bit more static, if that makes sense… less jazzy?)

Similarly, Otori is less jazzy, though in this case also lacks the punk/metal department (still worth a listen though)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jWs4DqZL4 (serious epilepsy warning for this one)

Bokutacho no Iru Tokoro captures the fun and energy of midori while deviating from the chaotic arrangements. It's one of my personal favourites, though I can't find samples of their (imo) best material
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Recommend me your favorite jazz tunes
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Blue in Green especially, pretty much every rendition of this tune is 100% ace.



But on a more serious note, this one gets me every time

Or for something more contemporary:


this was really enjoyable. thanks for the share.


Emo music didn't originate in Chicago, but there's a subgenre called Midwest Emo, and Cap'n Jazz is an emo band from Chicago.
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Lollapalooza is a huge music event in Chicago.


Riot Fest is another big musical event held in Chicago.


That all being said, Chicago is slowly but surely declining. Many people are moving away in search of a better life. There are many reasons for this: high taxes, high cost of living, cold weather, crime, and the fact that there aren't the best economic opportunities here compared to coastal cities. Illinois has high debt and a terrible credit rating. Chicago might have good private schools, but public education in Chicago is terrible. There's the issue of pensioners possibly not getting their pensions. Overall, things are looking grim for Chicago, and it makes sense for people to leave, if they have the means to do so. But it's good to commemorate all the music and culture that has emerged from a once-great city.


Thread for this amazing band.

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Anyone else listened to Kero Kero Bonito?
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get hip!


The album "bonito generation" has the bumps on it. The song "lipslap" especially is nice and fun to dance to.


They're cool. I don't like the "Dude haha, cutsey thing, Tomb Raider was a good game *sips*" shtick very much, though..


Glad sushis have the best taste in KKB tracks. The Makeness remix of Lipslap is great.
Heard a Song is really catchy too.

What's everyone's thoughts on their newer stuff? I like the brit-grunge aesthetic, but the music just doesn't seem as interesting - they're clearly having a lot of fun, but it's lost a lot of their uniqueness.



Whiny teen music that makes you remember the times when you cared about things you don't care about anymore.


gosh this song is pretty awful
this dude cannot scream

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Does anybody ever just leave the directory page open and listen to the background music ~desu


Sometimes I would, the music on that page is nice.


Yes, Lo-fi is pretty sick.
I only recently began listening to it, coming from Trip-hop.


Wheres the directory page? I'm new here


Just the front page.

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i love this kinda music, even if it makes me feel like an emo teenager (again)

post your favorite slacker tunes here



>makes me feel like an emo teenager
this might not be exactly what you're looking for, but this is the kind of stuff I listened to during my emo/scene phase from back in the day:

Deftones - Be Quiet And Drive

Soccer Mommy - Memories

Sweet Trip - Milk

Cap'n Jazz - Oh Messy Life
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oh, and another one

Lomelda - "Interstate Vision"


Dinosaur Jr. was the first band I thought of. Then Meat Puppets

Also you might like this

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