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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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konnichiwa sushi's post some good ambient music. I am listening to pic related right now.


I'm a big fan of Bvdub right now - ethereal vocals have always been my thing.


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Carbon Based Lifeforms are really good. All of their albums are a real journey and worth at least one chilled weekend listen. This song is one of my favorites, invokes a feeling of nostalgia.

Most people signed to Ultimae Records are good as well and all worth checking out.


comfy ambient stuff has a way of always making me feel a little bit better when things aren't so great.


I love the way that the tracks on this album (Music for Nine Postcards) constantly waver between sounding hopeful and forlorn, it's really sweet in an odd way.


I Really like this!

Following a recommended video from that Wave Notation song, I found this:



Brian Eno and Carbon Based Lifeforms are great, also as >>448 says
>Most people signed to Ultimae Records are good as well and all worth checking out
I especially like Solar Fields





glad you like it! it's a really special album to me, it helped me through a difficult year.


I've been obsessed with this album lately. It only really gets going about 5 minutes in, and I think most of it could be classified as ambient even though not every track fits into a single style.


baths is pretty good.


Hopefully I won't mess up the embedding… The three volumes were some of the finest ambient works I listened too recently. I'll post more ambient later



Another great ambient/drone album if you don't mind. I love how silence is used to allow every sounds to breath fully


Used to see this get posted on the /mu/ bandcamp threads when it got released, figured it'd fit in here.


I wish I could make music like that




if ambient pop counts I love Laurel Halo



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This one


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I really enjoy this guy's work. Pic related is a good compilation of Japanese ambient from the same era. Released after you made your post actually, lol. Called Kankyō ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980–1990.


Not really a song since it's only 75 seconds long but this melody is just sooooooo beautiful


I like Cosmo Sheldrakes instrumentals, his use of nature for sampling is a treat.


No idea if flap+frog qualifies for what this thread is aiming for but ignorance never stopped me from ruining a thread before.



and funny that you bumped ambient music thread, because I wanted share >embed


I see this video got removed so here's a re-upload


I really wonder if I posted it… love that album.

Embedded is a song that got me through all of my uni study sessions.


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