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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.


I mean this is also music related but kind of not.

I just want cute notification notes for my phone. The ones it comes with are too harsh.
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I love these, but I'm so afraid of standing out.

What is she saying?




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I had this as my text notification but it was weirding people out so I set it back to default.


I use this, but just the intro instrumental.


I like simple clean ring-tones.

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Anyone still jamming to cassettes?

I recently bought a compilation tape from a Slovakian cassette label. Pic related. Some really good stuff on there, and it's all new music. (It's 'Spring 2019' from Z Tapes, by the way.)
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I really like this label and the variety of stuff they release. Mainly cassette, but not only


Slowly acquiring some here and there. I'm only really collect dungeon synth tapes which often are tape only. I really need a better tape player than the crappy clock & radio/cassette device I have now.

I spy a Peste Noire album there. Lovely collection.


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I love tapes. It's been quite a few years since I've had the space to pull my record collection out of storage so it's just been cassettes to satisfy the need for the physical. I play primarily on a Nak BX-300.


It's really not any more or less efficient than playing records, sushi roll. Tapes have a specific audio compression which gives them a certain 'feel' that can add to the listening experience, smoothing out otherwise raw and jagged demo recordings or adding a sort of comfyness, if that makes sense.

Lots of demos and even albums are only released on cassette, depending on the genre you're into and for compulsive collectors like me its another fun thing to collect (especially since a lot of these demo tapes are rare and/or have never been digitized).


I own a couple of tapes but I don’t know a good tape player to buy. I am scared of my tapes getting messed up. Any recs?

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This is so comfy.


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Thanks Sushi I listened to this for like half an hour and it was cozy as h*eck


I like how the background is in sync with the beat


Is this lo-fi?

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definitely third strike



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Someone still have the webms of the thread about comfy musics?


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No, but is this comfy enough?


Is this the thread you mean? Reminder that there's an archive!






any reggae fans in here? imo roots reggae is some of the comfiest music there is


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Got some Acid to drop?
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Lord I keep seeing this stuff around the place. See it once, see it everywhere I guess.


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Pigmhall has become popular!


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Drugs are bad. Mmmkay?


He might be talking about acid house, e.g. this type of music.

Acid house is famous for using the tb-303 bass synthesizer. That sound is so iconic that it's still used today!


OK. sometimes doing a bad thing can be good though.

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Post your favorite OSTs.
Can be from a movie, a TV show, a videogame, etc.
I've been really enjoying the Twin Peaks soundtrack lately.
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Wild Canyon (Sonic Adventure 2):

Aquatic Mines (Sonic Adventure 2):

Pumpkin Hill (Sonic Adventure 2):

I Am (All of Me) - Shadow the Hedgehog:

These will always be bops to me.


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>World of Envy (Shin Megami Tensei If…)

>Action (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor)


>F4 Polytheist Alliance Battle (Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL)


>Kinshicho Underground District (Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL)


>Game Over (Shin Megami Tensei)


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Street Fighter II game: Ken's theme has lyrics.

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A while ago, a nice person compiled some songs that went along with the sound of rain. What songs do you listen to when it rains?
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