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kaitensushi - kaitensushi

Life is like a (Sushi)boat


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i'll be in 日本 for a few weeks, what are your favorite things to do and places to go in Japan? do you have any fun stories from your trips or daily life here?

i've been having a blast so far! i love the food and the atmosphere and everyone is very kind. pic related is the entrance to the Meiji shrine in Harajuku. Takeshita street was packed shoulder to shoulder which was not as fun but nonetheless an interesting experience.


Never been to Japan, but if I were I would rent a car and just drive around the countryside. It has been few days, mind sharing some more photos?


I hope you have been having fun sushi :)
Any favourite places so far?


seconded, I'd love to see pics!


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OP, do not miss out!


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I just returned from a trip!
Went to Tokyo and Kyoto, and some other places nearby. My Japanese definitely leveled up while I was there and I got to do a lot. I agree with the other roll, would definitely prefer countryside stuff to these big cities usually, but they have some wonderful things to offer too!

Went to the National Art Center Tokyo, which was doing a CLAMP exhibit. They had framed originals from manga where you could see the small marks from edits, the text cut out and glued on separate, etc. Gave a better impression of how their manga is made and overall just impressed me. Lots of people were taking pictures so I'm sure you can find good stuff if you search through Japanese twitter, if you're curious.

Went to Mt. Takao, which is usually an easy family-friendly walk, but I took a back way there which made it a proper nature hike. Takao is featured in Yama no Susume and it was great seeing the same things they showcase in the show.

Went to Tobu Zoo and saw the place Grape-kun once stood. Surprisingly there was still a bit of Kemofure merchandise in the gift shop, and even a bit of specific grape-kun stuff. Also lots of other cute animals of course! I never get sick of zoos.

I went with someone whos a big cooking nerd. We took a little cooking class, if any sushis visit me I'll make good tempura!
We also went to get some professional (and stylish) old fashion knives. I really enjoyed seeing the small family multi-generation blacksmith, they showed us their forge and were very hospitable. That was in Osaka, not exactly rural, but it definitely gave me a taste of an older lifestyle.

Aside from those particular things, I got to experience some good cultural things I hadn't yet. Internet cafes are very cozy, yukatas are wonderful in the summer, and of course- there was tons of wonderful sights and food. Saw monkeys, bamboo forests, shrines, even festival floats, all the nice Japanese things. For food, it was my first time having Hitsumabushi, first time having Torisashi, first time dumping matcha on random foods (thanks, Uji). Spent most of the trip exploring places and eating. And of course I bought lots of cute things, it was really great seeing cute 2d girl cut outs and posters so often.
My favorite part of the trip was a particular hidden place where it was very intimate with the chef/owner, he was surprised I even found the place. He made whatever he wanted, drank sake with us, chatted anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Most of this board is about the pleasure to be found in the everyday, so I thought we could have something a little different; whats the most exciting thing you've done recently?
I went gliding today with an instructor and did some acrobatics. Shit was cash.
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Lunch is exciting


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KFC for dinner


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Riding bikes is always exciting


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Excitement is where you search for it


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I found a cafe last week that did all the little things right…



It's Friday night. What are you guys doing?
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Cookin' pasta and cuddlin'


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Sleeping; sleep debt is a thing…


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Saturday morning is meeting with my bros to play boardgames and cards and vidya.


Let's play some games…


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Watching the Paris Olympics 2024 with LVMH product placement


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 No.6082[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Volumes 1 and 2 on sale NOW
Digital versions can be bought on Amazon Japan, Rakuten and Book Walker
Print versions also on amazon Japan, Rakuten, 7net, Honto and Yodobashi.

Extra goodies when bought on specific stores (Gamers, Tsutaya, Melonbooks, Mangaoh, Toranoana, Comic Zin and affiliated stores - some offer international shipping)
Details here:

Asano Yagura's exposure dollars HERE:

(Support using real dollars now available)
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Oddly similar


Another fantastic chapter, another snafu. I was so focused on the general surface-level, diagram-supported table tennis terminology that I didn't give a second thought to Tomono (with an N)'s line.


Apparently, this is lingo used throughout all racket-based sports to define the moment when you readjust the racket and stabilize momentum after hitting the ball with a backhand swing (with the forehand equivalent being the フォロースルー - followthrough). Kind of like "swing recoil". It's why Madoi's super fast-paced rallies are troublesome, because they don't allow Agari to get in position and/or pace herself. I sort of incorporated it in the translation of Tomomo's line in >>6841 but in >>6825 you'll need to spare me a lot of good faith and squint very hard to make it fit.

In >>6825, Tomono is saying because Madoi is so flexible, she can build up her swing with a ton of takeback behind it (meaning, Madoi hits the ball with such strength that the swing recoil is very pronounced, meaning there'll be a lot of spin on her balls).

Essentially, the whole page should be re-written, so here it is:

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic.
As well as the "high" thing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm using "uplifted"/"uplifting" whenever that word shows up.

I noticed this and thought I should get on with reading chapter 9 part 2 and translate it as a birthday present to the most tragic girl in the series, unawares that the chapter would end up being so fitting. I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both.

Either Agari loses this game to get the ball rolling and finally allow Hanabi a moment to shine, or she learns from Koyori's bout with Christine, takes a huge gamble, wins and inspires the rest of the team and Koyori in particular (it's game 1, there's plenty of leeway to create the opportunity to put Hanabi in the spotlight).

This might sound hypocritical coming from me, but I'd appreciate it if you put images like these in spoilers if the chapter isn't translated yet. I have the self-control not to open these, but I can still see major elements in the thumbnail.

Sure, but can you imagine how troublesome it will be to keep up with Hokuto's gimmick? There's only so many types of panties.


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I don't think it's Hanabi's turn quite yet, she still has to meet "that person" at the tournament. It's probably foreshadowing for more Hanabi backstory.

>I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both

No way. If imagining Agari enjoying herself with Koyori made her violent, then seeing Madoi break Agari is on the same level, maybe worse, double NTR. I bet she'd want to 1v1 Madoi herself.

Also, Asano messed up the first drawing and didn't add the moon highlight. It feels different despite it being a minor part of the picture…

>spoiler page

Yeah I messed up, sorry.


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The TAKO is in katakana too.

>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).

I tried googling this and I only see this really occurring in Japan (水磔 lit. water crucifixion)

Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXION


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 No.5724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Kind request to refrain from posting AI generated or AI assisted works
Thank you


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in this thread full of lust i will post something pure


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Wakame-sensei, I may not have read any of your manga but thank you for bringing miracles in our world


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How much does the average sushi roll's computer cost?
How many of you own fancy GPUs/processors, and how many of you prefer simpler/cheaper hardware?
Does anyone own more than 2 or 3 computers? If so, why?
As always, keep it comfy~
Thanks for your input!
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I have a little acer netbook I got at a pawn shop. I barely use it, but it's comfy. When I first got it I liked to think of it as my little hacker box. I did some programming in it, a lot of distro hopping, and so on. Sometimes I hold on to that old feeling, but I don't really have much to do with a computer, y main device is a tablet as some 80% of my screentime is reading books and I do it in bed, on a comfy chair, or sometimes at a table with a notebook, which could be anywhere.
I also get very anxious about what I am running and what my workflow should be like. It's very stupid, but I can't seem to help it. I like a minimal linux box but I constantly feel I should be using this or that environment or programming language. Ultimately, though, I have nothing really worth doing on a computer. So I spare myself the trouble.


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I built a PC for myself in 2019…
Athlon x4 845
Radeon Pro WX4100
32gb RAM

Adding up the parts, it comes up to about $640, but I spent more due to it being my first box, and making a few missteps during the process. It's a low end box, but it does most of the tasks I ask of it, so I'm happy with it. I'm happy I built mine just before the prices of GPUs ballooned in to insanity.
I mainly run Linux on it, though I have a Windows partition available just in case I need it.


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I urgently needed a PC for developing an Android app for my thesis. Using my company's laptop wasn't comfortable, even ignoring all the spying software.

Unfortunately, I had to buy my setup during the release of a new component generation, so I paid a premium. My setup includes a 13600k CPU and a 4080 GPU, costing me around 2500 euros.

I also have a giant OLED screen, which I use as my only monitor. I absolutely love it for gaming, but the font rendering doesn't seem as good as on a regular LCD. Additionally, on uniform light backgrounds, there's slight evidence of burn-in.

Regardless, I love my 'puter! All of my friends are inside it!


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I have 4 computers:
A ThinkPad P52 I use as a daily driver with an eGPU setup (RX 6700)
A Thinkpad P51 I used to use as a daily driver until the charging broke somehow (I think it might be a port issue but I haven't found the right part yet)
An old Ryzen Ideapad 330
An old desktop with a 2008 Athlon
An old Dell Latitude a first gen i5
I used to have a T420s when I was a teen and carry it around everywhere with the dock plugged in

I'm emotionally attached to all of these machines. I used to always make sure to use my secondary computers for some kind of task because of the memories I held using them. They all had little quirks and annoyances and were generally underpowered compared to my current PC, but that didn't stop them from providing me with many comfy days.


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I have a tablet that cost about 400 dollars and I bought a logitech wifi keyboard so I can pretend its a laptop. Someday I will be able to buy a computer I hope. I might even build my own.

I've owned several laptops over the years, the last one just recently died (Acer Windows 7) but the last Desktop computer I had access to was probably my Dad's old Dial Up in 2009. I absolutely need a PC eventually because I absolutely must finish reading Majikoi before I die.


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 No.6230[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anything caught your eye sushi?
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ah just my wife with her acquaintance


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Rupa's rupas…


it is NOT FAIR that the sexiest and most level-headed girl got no episode


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What are you watching in the HOTTEST season of the year?
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Oh well it's just the typical MC is a nobody but he gets transported to a different world and whoop-dee doo he happens to be different from everyone else so the skimpy hot goddess gives him preferential treatment.


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I'm giving this a chance but only because


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Bye Bye, Earth has really impressed me with its world so far, lots of interesting ideas.


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cute eyebrows
cool lewd goddess design


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hey i don't really know this site but how do i log in and set up my profile can anyone help?
thanks in advance

13 wins in fortnite and counting

i need a girl whose name doesn't end in .jpg

Sent from my iPad


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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:
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this song really got me into chinese music back in the day







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What are you doing this summer?
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Don't worry, we all have to learn it at some point.


It's not so bad, life isn't a lottery ticket after the other, you can't just force the slots to do as you want. Sometimes you just gotta buckle down and accept it.


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Almost absolutely nothing, which is my favorite pass-time. Lots of napping in the warm Summer sun.
As of late I've been trying again to eat more every day to put on some pounds, I want to start exercising but I don't think I eat enough to really get much benefit. Maybe that's just an excuse though, I'm not sure how that stuff works exactly. I'd eventually have to decide when I've hit a point where I should start exercising, so maybe I should just start looking into that stuff immediately anyway.


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visiting canada and l.a. with scouts

besides that just sitting in my room doing fuck all because i ran out of friends recently


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 No.17386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of a rule to hopefully make it a fun challenge in English while keeping it natural.
Will you play with me sushi?

1. The word posted must start with the letter that the last word ended with. "Girl -> Lounge"
In this case, lets call L the "Bridge Letter".

2. Besides the Bridge Letter, the word posted may NOT contain any letters that the previous word had.
"Lounge -> Easy" is allowed, because there are no shared letters besides E.
"Lounge -> Egg" is not allowed, because there is a G in both "lounge" and "egg"

3. The word must be a single English word

4. The word must not have been said previously

Let's start with…
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Post more monkeys.


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This is Sonson, a capcom character


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Sentinel! Did I do it right?


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bet you won't post comfy here
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Shoryuken Doesn't Come Out [EngSub]


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beautiful <3


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Why does she dance like that?


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1 - Why shouldn't she dance like that?
2 - If you knew what she does, you'd be dancing like that too


Big guy


for u


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How do you want to dance?


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it's not like it really makes a difference or anything, but is there any reason the audio on the main page comes from an embedded youtube video rather than just an uploaded file? i guess it works either way
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Thank you, I have just done this now on both of my sites.


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A very minor thing, but I think it would be convenient if there was a catalogue link higher up on the page. Right now the only way to access the catalogue is to scroll to the very bottom of the page.


I have added this, above the post form.


I am not seeing the catalog link unless I am in reply mode. Also the sushi gif vanished and so vital "Remember to keep it cozy" text.


also cant post images without a body .. unless it is a countermeasure to these ugly gallery threads on kawaii

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