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Life is like a (Sushi)boat

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 No.8722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
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I've been having a lot of unusual sexual dreams lately. Strange. I don't dream much at all.


Dreamt that I was in a party with old friends reminiscing of the past. We were all watching scary movie on an old TV in someone's apartment, I started a conga line too.

Getting dreams back ever since I got a job, hope this lasts for a while


I dream of a better tomorrow
Here's to 2025…


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Had a dream in which I got rejected by a girl. Why would my brain show me this… to strenghten me up? I know dating is a numbers game - try enough times and you will get some - but I don't think the prize is worth the effort.


I had a few dreams, but I won't go into them much except for the last ones. First one, I was in South Korea in a huge tunnel with other people on a conveyor ramp that's made for people. Think about the ones in the airport. It leads to a few place like this cute little shop. I finally go for lunch for some Baozi and I manage to pick up the buns with a chopstick perfectly and eat it without spilling the juices inside. I've never even eaten Baozi buns and I suck with chopsticks.

Second dreams. I was playing Minecraft on a boat… It was a modded playthrough, and I was in survival mode. So, to get the boat to stop, I needed to stop the engine by removing the soul sand that's placed near the engine that makes it move. I did that, and I'm in the water. Then, when I'm in the water, an egg appears in the water. An egg that looked like a giant ender dragon egg. When it hatched, I'm pretty sure there was a message saying, "get back in the boat!" It was too late, and I believe it was called, "The Hunger"(?) dragged my from the boat into the water and sent me THERE. I only figured out later what it looked like later when I was in creative mode. I remember it was black, for one. I think it looked like a squid or something like that. I never got a good look before I bolted. But I remember the next time I saw the egg it hatched from, there were three of them this time.

So, I go to snatch another boat, but this one was much larger this time. It was made of prismarine blocks, wasn't fully solid (think of like, a cylinder where every other wall, there's a gap. So it goes wall, gap, wall), and it was partially submerged. I managed to fly fast enough under water to get to the little engine, but instead of taking the soul sand out, I place it to where the boat goes downward. Then, I grab hold. Bad idea.

Next thing I know, I'm being propelled deeper and deeper into the ocean until it's all black. I feel a coldness as I look around. Then, the water stops, the boat is gone, and I'm still falling. I can feel the air around me as I start to see… purple? I go deeper until I finally rich the bottom, and the text reads something like, "THE BENEATH" or something. I've been here before, and I felt the same feeling of needing to desperately needing to get out. Like I was in serious danger. However, this time, I was in creative mode, so it wasn't as bad. I still felt the need to LEAVE though. There were malformed zombies and skeletons fighting in thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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 No.3302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread isn't meant to be all about me, even if my writing makes it seem like it, it can be anything to do with friends.

Do you have any online friends sushi? How did you get them? What do you like to do with them?

I have a problem making online friends, because all the sites I go on are sushi rollymous. I have tried a few forums, but I can never commit to them, and they're usually pretty bad anyway. I dont have time for IRC, and I always make a big old booby of myself in live conversation. Do you think it's possible for me to make online friends, or should I stick to being by myself for the moment?
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I've had the same online friend group for 10+ years now with new people very occasionally joining by happenstance. I like them but I'm basically the only one who tries to get group activities going and it feels like pulling teeth most the time so I'd like to find another group that does stuff together (also just more variety in socialization would be nice in general). Don't really know how to find a new group though since I guess I'm looking for a general hangout rather than somewhere dedicated to X game.

I mostly just talk in our server, there's only one guy I talk to individually outside of that, mostly about seasonal anime. I'm so used to the group chat setting I don't really know how to start individual conversations anymore.


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uncomfy rant:
**i absolutely love when friends from old communities and places you used to frequent who acted like they were your best friend now act like you're some sort of stranger or give only one word responses. i have a "friend" whos been doing this and i can never get him to open up anymore which is funny because he acted like he was my best friend back in the day. some friend he turned out to be…
Sometimes this shit makes me suicidal just because how meaningless a friendship can turn for the other party that meant a lot to me. this has been happening a lot with my old friends from pre-sushi times. especially irl friends. it drives me crazy because whats the point in gathering new friends if they are probably going to end up like this too?**


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You just can't expect internet people to behave as your friends. It is all too fleeting. I remember reading one horror story on some altboard, where two sushi rolls befriended each other. They shared private info, but it went mostly one way. After a year or so the other guy just decided to terrorize the other. He started stalking supposed friend, sending weird things to family and work. As someone who can overshare I learned to not cross certain boundaries.


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You're right but it just hurts at the end of the day because whenever I go on my steam profile or look at old things I've done, his comments are there and it just feels weird and sad because we don't interact like that at all anymore. It also doesn't help that I have made some close friends online who later became irl friends. Sometimes it's just how I think about this kind of stuff. I do miss my old friends despite really appreciating my new ones too, and I wish there was a reality where I could get my old friends to meet my new.


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I can't maintain friendships. Online offline it doesn't matter. Always the outsider of the outsiders; I wonder if any of them liked me or if they only tolerated me because they had no one else who would reliably be there and listen to their complaints without interrupting. It's mostly my own fault though. I don't make enough effort to stay in contact with people or organize events so I'm constantly hanging on the fringes. I'm barely capable of conversation outside of niche hobby topics, and even then, long conversations grate on me. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and I avoid people or change my internet pseudonyms and start over in another community. I hope I don't make anyone too unhappy, but also I don't think I'm an easy person to deal with so it might be improving their lives by not having to associate with me.


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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:
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woow i so love the sound design here


I felt my taste boundaries moving to accomadate this song. It is so energetic and both Miku and V Flower sound wonderfully robotic.


soo nice.. calm migu.. piano.. granular sound effects!


nurse robot type T love


i really like that the producer just used her untuned voicevox version



Post your favorite MADs ITT.
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this is so good wwwwwww



Thanks Deeply-san. I don't even know these guys.


The last year was not so bad after all.


long live otomad


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 No.20102[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Learning guitar is like playing Osu.
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and also apparently this is fake..? how much more betrayal can I handle?


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momoka lol


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neets disgusts me (no.. its not jealously…)


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Tried socializing today. I went to a bunch of clubs and got nowhere. Just don't feel anything from them, no emotional connection. They feel so distant even when I'm faking it well. One girl was pretty obnoxious to me for pretty much no reason and I kinda scolded her but otherwise everyone was friendly.

When people smile to each other its like they are sharing a warm feeling. For me its like watching something on a screen. Like pictures in a book. I don't feel anything. Now that I think of it, I used to be attracted to women years ago but now I feel nothing when I step outside. I don't glance at them or get turned on or attracted to them. Its just empty. I think something is very very wrong with me.


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I just tried this yesterday and its delicious! thank you mokouposter


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brown girls and feet
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Here you go.


those hands … dsuafgaaahhuha oooh


You could make some fun lewd art with clothes like that. I'm just too afraid of offending people.


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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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anyone's buying since memories? the premise sounds awesome but i know nothing about the dev nor the writer.


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I have finished the second part to Kara no Shoujo story. I have no thoughts, I just suffer.


Does Mita Miside count as a VN?


You wish… normie game.


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I'm reading Adabana Itan right now. I bought it on Steam because I found the art style interesting. I don't know of any other visual novel with a similar style. So far, I can't say I'm really enjoying the writing style, it feels unnecessarily complex. Maybe it's because English isn't my native language.


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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!
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Recently finished Azumanga Daioh, Fun show to watch in the evening and wind down, one of the better SoL shows I've seen, the chemistry between the characters and the bizarre moments that drop in outta nowhere is what I think made it great.
Sakaki is best girl, right after Osaka


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I went through Air (2005) recently, it's absolutely beautiful. I feel like not a lot of people talk about it.


Liked the pretty visuals and Misuzu chasing the seagulls at the beach. And the gaos.


I’m watching Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume. It’s wholesome, family friendly, and erotic too.


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New year, new thread
What are you watching sushi?
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You are watching Behemoth, right sushi?


picked up


loli nipples in current year?!


Truly we are blessed


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do you feel happy today sushi
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I haven't really felt happy in quite a while sushi
Its like everyone is constantly breathing down my back, even though theres not really a reason to be anxious all the time
I wish I could have just a moment of peace


I've been feeling almost exactly the same lately sushi roll. Maybe it's something in the air. I need to go out and sit in the woods for a while, but it's too dang cold right now.


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me too, times arent bright it seems
i hope nothing catastrophic happens to anyone


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Downloading all of the music from one of my favorite bands today. A small joy.


I feel a bit anxious but optimistic. I'm worried about my future and shitty life skills.


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hey sushis, I went to a game tournament last week and it was fun! I didn't do so well, but I loved talking to people about video games and stuff! have you guys gone to tournaments before?
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Third pic goes hard.


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Glad you like it.


Went to my college's Smash local as a spectator, got cocky and fought some Bowser player way out of my league for a few matches. Didn't say anything big, just thanked him for playing against a massive scrub. It reminded me that I love WATCHING and analyzing games but I don't have any mechanical skill of my own.


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Play more games then.


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New Capcom (retro) Collection is out.


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 No.4837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently saw this video

I realized that I never learned how to play chess. Nobody in my family plays it anymore so I never bothered to learn. But after reading so many amazing stories about this game I really felt urge to learn it and get decent at it.
Couple of days ago I started playing regularly on lichess; I'm still really bad but it has been lots of fun so far.

Do you have any interesting stories about chess? Any tips for beginner like me?
Lets have a thread about comfiest game ever.
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I feel like it's too hard to keep track of all the possible moves that I could make and my opponent could make and all the possible plans. Any tips for what I could do to improve in this area?


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Since there was no thread for this topic I decided to do it myself. I'll start.

I've finished The World Ends With You, and I left it fairly cold.
It's partially my fault for playing an undub on a game that has no subtitles for its cutscenes, but even after seeing the ending on youtube, so much feels as if all that happened in the game was pointless. Which sucks because I really liked the game up until the ending.
What is happening with me that I'm not appreciating games as much as I should? Same thing happened to me with Omori, I went in thinking it would be a surreal game with some Mother inspirations but the game was far too tame for me personally. Even after hearing about the topics that the game tackles.

If sushi finished a game and also wants to talk about it he can post here freely.
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Not a full video game, but I finished the Twilight Forest mod from Minecraft. It's a weird feeling, actually. I liked a lot of bosses, but didn't really like the huge castles and areas because it's super tedious and long to go through them. The best thing to do tbh is to skip these huge areas and go to the top of them by bridging or an elytra. The only boss I really had a problem with technical-wise was the hydra. It just wouldn't work when I fought it. It eventually worked, but not without a lot of pain. After that though, it was a cute boss fight. A lot of the boss fights are simple, but still very charming, like the ghast boss fight. You had to draw him in with a ghast trap and hit him when he's temporarily trapped. The biomes are also really nice as well. I'm going to have a lot of use for the flat biomes for sure. Finally, when I went to the final area to fight the final boss, I knew that it was never finished. The mod has been notorious for that. However, I really didn't mind, and even preferred it in a way. It may feel cathartic to some people, but I'm just glad I'm done fighting the bosses. I just fought all of them in a span of two days.

When I finally beat the game, there was a sense of completion that I usually feel for games that were in my backlog. It's an odd feeling. I knew about this mod, but never played it. I had no connection to it at all, but still, I think the fact that it's so old makes me feel similarly to those other games. I feel like I've completed a part of Minecraft history.


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Been playing a lot of Quake recently. Mostly Arcane Dimensions. Very good stuff, everything from core mechanics to visuals is significantly improved, without going out of style. Many new weapons and monsters too, and the best thing is maps, those are heavenly good. I did finish it yesterday, and today gave a try to some standalone maps from Siteseer. Found this gem on 2-3 screenshots in the latest Black Fog Zine. Quite small, but very well made and with a nice final fight.


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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is probably the best mario kart i've ever played. All the cool technical stuff you can do while still being a relatively simple and streamlined process compared to Mario Kart DS or Mario Kart Wii is really refreshing and makes me more engaged in learning the game on a competitive level. Time Trials are really fun.


Just finished Burnout 1 for the PS2. Great game with very fun gameplay. I would usually just play music over it while playing. I found the game to be very lenient at times, so I never was stuck in one place for very long. There's very obvious rubber banding, but it's really good rubber banding (unlike Mario Kart for the N64) where the racers behind you will be close, but not too close and the one in front of you will slow down or screw up more often. I kept that in mind when playing since the goal was to have fun instead of challenge myself to become better. I had a lot of fun doing that and I even made the top scores for best lap and best race a few times. Overall, pretty solid game that I really enjoyed playing. I probably won't be playing Burnout 2 any time soon, but I know if I do, it's probably going to be just as good.


I just 100% Wario World. I didn't like it very much. Combat was good, graphics seemed okay, camera was mostly fine. Solid game in all those regards. Even though it was short, it didn't really outlive its stay. Still, man. I just didn't like it. I felt like I was inching through the game, honestly. I would spend like an hour on a small stage finding everything. I just didn't like that. I also felt like the game was pretty uninspired. The bonus levels weren't really in the theme, the hub and stages made me feel like the game was lifeless. Like, it does its purpose of being a place "outside" of the world, but it didn't really make me feel like I was playing a Wario game. Although, I've never really played one except for the wii version, so I guess you got me. Still, the Wii game had themed world while the worlds themes were kind of all over the place. Also, the wii game is much longer. I would say the combat was really boring, too. I didn't interact with it unless necessary, like the arenas, which I didn't like. Usually I like arena-style breaks from the main game, like in DK64, but the timer kinda ruined it for me. There were also really only a few moves, so it gets stale. Still, great moves that show Wario's character.

I actually liked a few things from this game, too. I liked the clown stage a lot because it was pretty difficult and was generally a theme I liked. I really liked using the glue balls to navigate through the stage. It got really difficult when flamethrowers were involved. I liked the haunted mansion because I just love haunted mansion levels. Enough said. I liked the snow level a lot despite there were two collectables on slides that you couldn't control yourself on when going down. I just like snow levels tbh. I thought a lot of the platforming was solid and the camera was really good for a gamecube game. Even though it shows the age, it really wasn't bad.

Still, I just didn't like the game that much. I'm glad it's over with. Sorry if the structure of this post was kinda weird. I don't want to type out a huge post about this game when honestly, I want to play other games. I thought this game was REALLY cool when I saw the demo on my collection of Ocarina of Time special edition for the gamecube. The one with flipped levels and had like, a blue side and a red side on the cover. So awesome. Now, I just think of it as a mediocre game. Not good, not really bad. Just not Nintendo's best. I'd be disappointed if I bought this forPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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 No.6173[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are physical features you pay the most attention to?
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cute face and hips and tummy uwaaaaa


legs, specifically the calves.


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Like this?


power output of electric locomotives

wait why are you guys talking about human features? ew pervs haha
tho if i had to speak about that, i think i never fetishized any part of human body, except for eyebrows maybe, i love when they are natural and thick


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random youtube video but her nails are mesmerizing

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