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Life is like a (Sushi)boat

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.


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The 27th anniversary of Hunter x Hunter's first chapter has passed by recently, and I thought it might be a fun idea to stream the 1999 anime series.

Stream link: https://cytu.be/r/GreedIsland

The stream will officially begin on March 13th, 20:00 UTC. See you there!
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c a n o n i c a l
damn wordfilter


the Scunthorpe problem


4, unless demand is high


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if demand is high I'll stop by and ask a bunch of stupid questions about what's going on :P


I will join to sleep. HxH will be my sleep soundtrack.


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I just think it's fun to know who we are in terms of moral alignment through DnD's Alignment System. I'll show you mine first!!!
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True Neutral also but I'm a bit all over the shop.

My autism kicks in with questions like "27. You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:" Depends what type of crime, how I feel about it and other specifics.


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Identical scores across evil and neutral alignment… fits me very well. Good test.



Dude why are you tied between True Neutral & Neutral Evil????? (O_O;)


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Weren't hugged enough!


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it would seem im also true neutral, but this was not what i was hoping to be perceived as
can this curse be lifted !? perhaps an elixir of love


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Wanna play shiritori? I was thinking since we're in english we could play using the last syllable of the word, rather than just last letter. So for "bunny" it sounds like "bun-nee" so you could respond "needle".
More by sound then spelling. And no one syllable words I guess?
Does that make sense? Anyway, I'll start:

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syllable-based seems more in line with shiritori traditionally









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This is NOT a suicide/euthanasia thread. Death was once an ever present part of life, in all its beauty and all its horror. Our ancestors lived with the ever present threat of death, from the butchering of livestock to accidents, the death of elderly family members, even public executions. For us moderns, death is something we like to ignore. Except for Hollywood movies and video games and internet gore, we do not see it. We don’t think about it. As scientific means have extended life, witnessing death and dying is no longer common place for us. So we conceal death, pretend we’re not dying, try not to think about it, and when people do die unexpectedly its scandalous.

Once, we would have ended our lives on our deathbed surrounded by family and friends. Today, your end of life is more likely to be a sterile white hospital or hospice surrounded by strangers in medical gear and masks. Scientific medicine extends life, but maybe it allows us to cheapen it too? We’d rather extend our lives artificially in medical facilities, even if it means a wretched existence, than die peacefully in dignity at home.

There is a Japanese tradition about dying beautifully, Sufi sages and Buddhist monks call upon us to die before we die, to make peace with death. So sushi how would you like to die? What would you want your end to look like? How do you come to terms with your mortality? What do you want to accomplish before you go?
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The idea of death, why it's more tragic than living, and what to do with life in relation to death has been a common touchstone for me. How I'd like to die isn't important to me. It's inevitable and there's nothing that should or can be done about it, how I feel doesn't add anything. A few months ago I woke up scared over whether I could help a family member who's having a heart attack. The most I could do is be prepared for the possibility, but the possibility rather than the certainty is what's terrible about it, that I might've been able to do something more if I failed or better if I succeeded in preventing a death.
I don't think it's all that deep. The possibilities and what-ifs of life are the tragedy, how to heal the pain of a defect is what's most concerning. I guess the question of why are you alive is what I care about.

>There is a Japanese tradition about dying beautifully

I think a large part of that is first having lived beautifully. Anything else is an afterthought.


I don't like much of the rest of his opinions, but I did get this notion from Jeremy Clarkson: It's important to die in an anecdote, how else are your kids going to be entertaining at parties?

Idea being you should always factor in how interesting a death it might be when considering risky activities. Dying in a bed of some obscure cancer with a tube up your nose at age 96; boring. Dying going 210 MPH sideways in some home made drift car to win your loves honor; interesting.

So as long as my death is interesting enough that people have a good story to tell that's OK with me.


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>What do you want to accomplish before you go?
I don't really have any grand aspirations. Just trying to live a good life and be a decent person. Explore the fruits of collaborative society while I'm here. Have some good sips, eat some interesting food.
Something neat I read the other day: in the older days when folk felt their death was impending they brewed beer intended to be had at their funeral, to make sure it'd be up to snuff.
>What would you want your end to look like?
No idea honestly. Not even sure if I'd prefer to know in advance it's coming up or to go away without warning. It would be nice to set things in order before passing, but just having a meeting somewhere new to me gives me brutal anxiety.
>How do you come to terms with your mortality?
Mostly just trying to focus on life I guess. Already spent years with existensial angst and the rest. Death might also be preferable to some potential futures, based on tech we're developing now. Don't want to get into specifics because it's fucking horrifying.


It used to be different, at least from what I remember. Slow but good posts. Quality over quantity. A back and forth can take a couple of days between replies, no hurry. Now there's some semi-spammy elements around that makes it harder for the actual slow discussion to take place. Quantity over quality posts, 2-3 words kinda on topic and an image/embed. Sometimes completely unrelated to the thread, like the last handful in thread >>>4502 . And since it's not really against the rules or actual spamlinks, it's not taken away, so it masks the actual slow paced discussion. I don't even understand why. Somebody who wants to post but doesnt know how to interact? Somebody under the impression that more new posts equals better, regardless of content? A bot, but then, for what purpose?

Just to be clear I don't think short posts are inherently bad, but the ones I have in mind just carry a different vibe. Maybe it's just the old school internet slowly dying. Maybe it's something else. Who knows.

Sorry for the OT rambling, but it's been on my mind a while.


There is nothing beautiful, brave or natural about dying from some horrible disease that can be cured.
>but maybe it allows us to cheapen it too?
lol, it actually does the contrary. It makes life valuable. Life was cheap when people died like flies.

>die peacefully

Only painless deaths are peaceful in nature. And they don't really make majority of the deaths. It's better to die in hospital while medicated and numb to the pain. Existence is enough of a suffering already there's no need to make it worse.


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I would like to die fighting for something I believe in, it is a beautiful thing to sacrifice your life for a meaning that is greater than your own life.
I'm not very afraid of death, I think its actually quite comforting that no matter how bad things go it'll at least end sooner or later.


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I love alcohol. I am drunk right now, sushi! I love drinking whiskey when alone… whiskey sour is out of this world. White Russian as well. What type of drink is your favorite?
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Got drunk, made a child cry for some reason, just said something super insensitive, don't remember what, got kicked out of a bar for it. Logic dictates i don't deserve pity. Why would a child be at a bar anyway, fuck it all.


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Got me three whiskys of the cheapest available kind: Teachers, Bells, and Lauders.
Been trying them out as of late. Both Teachers and Bells are okay sippers, but on a whim I mixed the two together and the result is a bit better than each on their own. Smooths out the Teachers roughness while adding more character to the Bells faint tone of madeira.

No joy in sipping Lauders though, has this off quality to it, while also being just very simple one note sweet. Might have to mix it with something to be enjoyable, but no idea what. Tips would be appreciated, only drink whisky neat. Sprite maybe?


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Whisky on ice is good enough for me, but there are a few things you can try. The easiest to try first is a whisky highball. 1 part whisky, 2 parts ginger ale. But you can tinker with the formula by using a different soda. Coke is common and popular, though not really my taste.

Other option would be to make a whisky old-fashioned. It's really simple if you get the right ingredients. Whisky, syrup, and bitters. I prefer a demerara syrup and orange bitters. Experiment with the ratios, I use the easy to remember 2-2-2 ratio. 2 ounces whisky, 2 barspoons syrup, 2 dashes of bitters. Throw in an orange skin if you please.


Rum & coke please.


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I don't think I've actually ever put ice in whisky, now that I think about it. Ginger ale sounds like a good idea, gonna pick some up next time I'm at the store and report back.
Old fashioned would be interesting but a bottle of bitters is pricy for something I might just make once. Used in a lot of cocktails sure, but all of which would require additional expensive bottles…

I did try the Lauders in coffee, not undrinkable but it just ruins the coffee. Also tried it with the broth from beetroot soup. Not that bad honestly, but wouldn't go for it again. Makes me think a splash a whisky that actually tastes decent might make for a really interesting beetroot soup though.

I would highly recommend rum and grapefruit juice instead. Tastiest mixer for rum I've tried.


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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees (Ragtime Rockabilly Cover) ft. Wild Bill




Santa Baby




Holding Out for a Hero - Hildegard von Blingin’ & Whitney Avalon


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Do you guys see yourself in the context of society and decide, ultimately, that you are the one to blame for your problems?
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Ride the Lightning


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Sushigirl is the capitol of everything is your own fault and if you fail at life it's because you're not trying hard enough.


Well most of my problems come from a genetic disorder which isn't my fault, and I can't get it treated because rich assholes have decided that my life isn't worth their marginal profit loss. So no, I'd say it's not my fault.


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I don't have free will so I can do whatever I want.


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Be the best version of yourself. Peace out.


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 No.16199[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I really wish more poeple would be present. I often come hoping for reply or new thread but it seems like nobody is there anymore :(
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By being more retro?


We need to install a large electro magnet



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To attract the android users.


Attract more users with cat videos


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how are you holding up sushi
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da ba dee da ba di


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It's fine…


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I'm doing ok but feeling very lethargic.


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i've been with my girlfriend for 3 months, quit my office job, living NEET life but its all good :3


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Pretty bad.


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New year, new thread
What are you watching sushi?
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take your meds!!


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Moments become minutes, which turn into hours, days, weeks. Already behind.


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Is this supposed to symbolize her emotional baggage?


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Sometimes you need to take a moment and relax in a nice warm bath.


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 No.6517[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (about 3 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're continuing watching Munto episodes 7-9 and seasonals
Hope to see you there!


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If only this had been the golf anime, stream would love it!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 9 hours and 30 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Tonight we're watching Cossette no Shouzou
Hope to see you there!


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I'll be streaming HxH on March 13th, at 20:00 UTC. Feel free to come sushis!



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There aren't any blue foods, except a few fruits and artificially died foods.
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>Those people do NOT sink into insignificance just because you don't know them, you benefit from your labor while pretending they never existed or mattered.
But its precisely because you don't remember them that they've become insignificant. The computer I use is simply one of many of the same design mass manufactured according to a blueprint. Its a copy of a copy. The Congolese child that mined the ore, the office worker that designed the processor, the Shenzen line worker who assembled it, did not leave their mark on the product, at least not more than any other worker made faceless by the system. The computer is the product of a logistical system larger than any single person and which makes its individuals members irrelevant. Behind the branding and corporate marketing, the people who made it are sushi rollymous unknowns, unimportant and easily replaced at the swish of a manager's pen. Anybody else could have taken their place and it wouldn't make a difference. Its alienating and indistinguishable from any other machine of the same model. An artisanal piece of furniture or a painting embodies the artist. Every little identifying mark, every personal touch, their life and soul is poured into it to produce one thing unique and just for me. Its why the bad drawing my niece gave me is worth so much more than any tech product I own.

>Because yes, the planet predates us. But we made the planet into a world. A place full of culture, history, art, architecture, and beauty. And every single human that has ever lived was a part of that.

Why should I privilege what humans have made over other living creatures? Birds and bears don't have architecture (besides maybe nests and dens) or music, why should I think of myself so highly for being part of a species that has these things? I am sure birds look at us all proud and boastful. And what have we humans achieved in the grand scale of things? Volcanic eruptions dwarf our nuclear weapons and they sent rock and ash into space long before our satellites. Sea turtles have better navigational skills than we could ever hope for. Dolphins conducted wide area networking via ultrasonic waves a millennia before our sonar. We don't have a right to own this world to the exclusion of other beings that live here, and we shouldn't claim we invented everPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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i wish schoolwork wasn't so mysteriously overwhelming. even tiny assignments fill me with dread.


I know the feeling sushi roll. Even opening emails is stressful for me.


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I supported an artist on fanbox expecting lewds, instead I got some nice suggestive art. Not bad.


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i has a knife!!
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I has a three knives!


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i am sorry


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give it up now or the hostage gets it


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UNO Reverse


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Landships actually make sense for girls to use. They are not more expensive than a

And are
fun with artillery&
air supremacy


i agree! all girls should have a nice landship so she and her friends can go to tea parties and stuff.


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Sword of the stranger: two different animation studios collide

I would like to see the studio that animated these two doing anime about that, as well as a big classic Sengoku Jidai anarchy anime about many different clans.

For the first one, imagine some girls find a big old tank and just make their own separate world in it. A slice of life. Funny. But the tank still has ammo

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