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Life is like a (Sushi)boat

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 No.6562[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a thread about pictures you personally took.

Here are some plants I found around where I live.
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gorgeous forest I wish I was there


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 No.4837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently saw this video

I realized that I never learned how to play chess. Nobody in my family plays it anymore so I never bothered to learn. But after reading so many amazing stories about this game I really felt urge to learn it and get decent at it.
Couple of days ago I started playing regularly on lichess; I'm still really bad but it has been lots of fun so far.

Do you have any interesting stories about chess? Any tips for beginner like me?
Lets have a thread about comfiest game ever.
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White to play
F de la Paz Perdomo vs Y Quesada Perez


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I also don’t have any tips but I for some reason watch chess YouTubers even though I don’t understand chess? Idk why i just feel entertained regardless


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I'm trying to find this one japanese artist who made these really trippy/psychedelic animation. The person had a whole youtube full of these animations, the style was either 3d or hand drawn sketchbook looking things. It was all anime girls too. And very colorful. It was a really obscure channel a person sent me once so its hard to find and i don't have their dms anymore.

i think their username had something potato or dog in their name but i could be wrong

they also had a website where they sold dvds of their animations for really cheap

i think some of their animations had touhou characters too. But it was mostly original characters i think.

There was also a deviantart page too where the person posted their drawings. i think they had a cyborg character they drew often.

i hope you guys know what or who im talking about, i'll appreciate the help!

pics are things that remind me of the artist a little, like a similar vibe
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I always liked bos. It's a little more chill than his usual stuff but has a nice feel. And windmills.





my favorite pigmhall is this one. I wish he'd do me 3d ones because they're cool.


>Oldest vid is 17 years ago


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What do you think of Shinto sushi?
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saw this weird vid


I heard that many japanese engage in shinto practices and ritual, even though they don't strictly believe in it. The way I heard it it was compared to throwing a coin into a wishing well. People do it, but if you actually asked them why they do it and if they are a true believer in wishing-wellism, they would probably say no, it's just a cultural practice. Same when Japanese throw a 5 yen coin into the offering box at a jinja, or go for the first shrine visit of the new year. If you want to "authentically" practice shinto as the majority of people actually do, it's just a series of rituals which people perform because they're culturally normal. To wit, it doesn't make sense to practice shinto if you're not within that culture.


On the other hand, the idea of religion and culture as separate and the idea that you have to "believe in" a practice for it to be religiously valid is a very western, even Abrahamic notion. Most historical religions are shockingly transactional when it comes to the sort of small scale rituals and offerings you're talking about. The wishing well is a pretty good example. You don't need to believe in the wishing well. It doesn't care whether or not you believe in it. It just works. Most "genuine" religious knowledge consists of stuff people simply know is true, like how people in Asia "just know" that if you sneeze it means someone's talking shit about you behind your back. I mean, that's how it has to be. Religion is still talking about the world as a whole, and people understand the world through knowledge. Imperfect knowledge is still knowledge.

Medieval Europeans mostly didn't assume people were separate from nature, if anything they mostly assumed that humans were distinct but very much part of nature (since they could hardly be anything else). What they did tend to assume is that nature was massively powerful and full of things they could not actually control or even understand without divine help.

The idea that nature is something to be protected is extremely modern and would be utterly absurd in earlier times. That would be like saying we need to protect the sun, or protect the electromagnetic force. You don't have the right to speak of protecting nature, you don't qualify to do so. When most ancient types spoke of being in tune with nature they mostly considered it as "being in tune with how you were supposed to be to begin with", because most of them didn't assume that humans were actually not part of nature in the first place. Respecting nature and thinking it needed to be protected are completely different concepts.

Honestly even in the modern world it's pretty weird how "people" and "nature" are separated, or "natural" and "supernatural", or "science" and "magic/superstition". Historically all of these pairs were the same thing. It's really only Enlightenment era windbags who felt the need to prove they were smarter than everyone who came before that started making hard separations to this effect.


The idea that religiousity is measured by the amount of conviction people have in dogmas is really a Protestant idea. I doubt that idea of belief ever really mattered to the vast majority of ordinary Japanese. But you are right that most Japanese are about as 'religious' as Europeans due to a bunch of factors from political meddling to Westernization. State Shinto didn't see itself as a religion and the modern Japanese worldview is materialist. Its more like how Europeans celebrate Christmas but aren't religious and don't see themselves as believers. But still belief in Kami is still around in society and surfaces from time to time, just like Christianity does in secular Western countries. Its indirectly influenced everything from robotics to otaku culture.


I think you guys have read too deeply into my post. My apologies for phrasing myself poorly. I didn't mean to imply that shinto practices are somehow not genuine or are inferior to western religious practices, I was just noting an observation. In particular I wanted to comment on the idea of converting to shinto, and how that may not make sense if you don't live in Japan. Basically I wanted to say that it seems to me shinto is not a private or personal religious practice, rather it's a set of cultural rituals which lose their meaning when separated from that culture.


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Dicks > Bagina
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women? what are those?
Jokes aside, I am attracted to women on a basic, physical level. Beyond that, I have zero interest in women.


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I feel your pain, I feel basic physical attraction to women but I don't think I could ever get in a relationship with a woman again. Just too much disconnect between me and women and I don't like them that much physically, somewhat mentally too. It's embarassing honestly because trying to be in a straight relationship feels like lying to myself but my parents pressure me super hard into straight relationships out of family values and carrying the family name.


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Sexuality is dynamic but its also annoying because sometimes there's a disconnect between what you want and what your body wants.

Why only women? I don't think I could have a relationship with anyone unless its a formality. Humans are impossible to deal with. I will inevitably marry a woman for family reasons but actually being in love blah blah no no way.

>my parents pressure me super hard into straight relationships out of family values and carrying the family name.

I do think carrying on the family name and having an heir is super important and don't mind being 'forced' into a straight relationship to do it. Western culture is obsessed with marraige equality, love marraige and monogamy which are all bad ideas.




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Not sure what beard to post this on, but I'm thinking of putting an itasha wrap on my car. Someone I live with keeps borrowing my car keys and forgetting to return them and it's annoying me. Since she is conservative and freaked out by lesbians if I were to put a yuri wrap around the car of two anime girls in a passionate embrace I think she would be too embarrassed and would just drive her own damn car. I could handle getting weird looks until the sun fries the wrap and makes the colors faded and I have to remove it in a few years. I'm only worried because I'd have to park the car on a busy street and the novelty might make it a target for theives who want a joyride.

I'm trying to think of a good series. Since I'm out of touch with the new anime brainstorming for Yuri only brought to mind: Lucky Star, Flip-Flappers, the Acceleration of Suguri, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments in Lain, Lucky Star, and Simoun…

Any ideas?
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no no OPs solution is a much better one


If I had a car I would do it with something edgy like Euphoria. Gotta double down on the niche factor.


Aren't itashafriends also car nerds? Would they make fun of me for wrapping a cheap car?


I doubt they'd make fun of you any more than a normal person would :P

What car nerds like to make fun of is people who take cheap cars and add silly mods to make them look like race cars without actually changing out the engine and stuff to make them fast.


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necro bump itasha


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Regarding pajamas there is a possible claim to be made about them being cute. Thus I present to you this thread, dedicated to the appreciation of apparel, suited for a barefoot trip to the kitchen or toilet in the middle of the night.
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<3 mashimaros


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For many sushis it's their favourite season of the year, but will it also be their favourite anime season?
Let's find out!
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Nageki no Bourei
Is it particularly good? No. Is it very cute? Yeah.


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NagBou is hella good, what are you talking about? It's sickeningly positive, overflowing with that optimistic genki energy, with the right amount of healthy babes and fun OP/EDs. Andrey might suffer from Ainz syndrome but that's because he wields the greatest power in the world of shounen without realizing it. 3 episodes in and it's yet to disappoint.


A fourth episode is out
I'm not saying it's bad but I dunno man…I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.


Oh, right.
4* episodes in and it's yet to disappoint. As a matter of fact, it's been my AOTS since the first.

>I'm having fun watching it but I doubt I'll remember it by fall season next year except in reaction pictures.

Memorability is overrated. There's nothing bad about a good story sticking to its strengths, then waving goodbye in the end. Lots of shit shows have lived on through the decades.


I guess so, we just are using different definitions of good then. It's very enjoyable so far, I'll agree on that much.


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 No.98[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Talk about what manga you've been reading!

I've been reading an older manga called Yume Tsukai by Ueshiba Riichi. It's about magical shrine maidens with weird powers solving paranormal mysteries and stuff. Fairly standard concept but what makes it good in my opinion is just how crazy and bizarre the stories get, as well as some really fantastic art and a nostalgic sort of comedy. It's sometimes goofy, sometimes quite emotional, and other times borders on Junji Ito-esque horror scenarios. I really like the creepy body horror stuff, and the comedy between the weirdo cast is fun. I especially like the over the top lolicon character.
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I've been trying out a couple different comedies to see what sticks. I think my favorite so far has been SE, which is pretty goofy but has some straightforward romance that helps drive the plot. Kindergarten Wars seems to be getting better as it gains its footing. Skeptical about ImoSae but Nayuta is cute.


shame those guys never learned to duck


pretty sure someone recommended me yume tsukai lately. that one op image where she gets… disassembled? is so cool


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I haven't been big on romcoms for a while, or posted on this board for a while, but I got recommended two that I think are pretty good (so far, both are only two chapters).

One is Himegasaki Sakurako wa Kyou mo Fubin Kawaii; it's about a destined loser childhood friend who is determined to kill all the loser flags before they ruin her love life. Without spoiling much, I think it's pretty funny but also pretty cute. It moves along at a fairly quick pace, too; no Nisekoi stuff going on.

The second is Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru. I won't say it's high fiction or anything but it is shockingly emotionally mature for a romcom and also moves along quite quickly. I suppose it's something like Kaguya-sama if it were more horny and less slapstick and dragged out. The author apparently got pregnant halfway through and went on a hiatus but things are moving along quite quickly in this one too.

I guess I don't actually dislike romcoms, just ones that are dragged out with MCs that have the personality of cardboard. Both of these series have active translations so if any sushis pick it up I'd love to discuss it here! I personally think the first is funnier and the second is sweeter but both were really enjoyable to binge.


ImoSae is pretty trashy but it's passably fun if you just accept it for what it is, which is trashy comedy based almost entirely around sex jokes. How did you like it in the end, did you drop it?


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Hey, let's have a Fall thread!
Do you like Autumn? Is there anything you like to do this time of year?

Autumn is my favourite season but it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful.
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For some reason, every year, I try to quit smoking in the summer and end up failing as soon as we get the first chilly day of autumn. It's pure clockwork. I guess the pleasant weather is a trigger.
It's been abnormally hot, though. I spent a good chunk of the usual cig money on a standing fan instead.


I feel as if autumn is simply the most attractive time to smoke. I think back to all of those people that like to romanticize the fall season with books, coffee, large tweed coats, turtlenecks. I think cigarettes simply play into that vision of autumn a little too well.


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I'd hope you would try vaping to ween your self of nicotine (not disposable, mix your own fluid)

But do agree with >>20009 I can fully visualize the scene they're portraying. The leaves are yellow/orange on a leafy US Uni campus and you clock your prof looking how they describe before class taking a drag outside with their coffee while some mid west-y emo-y type music plays in your ear buds in your beanie. I WANT TO GO BACK TAKE ME BACK (i was never there…)


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I've gone back into employment and these SLAVERS want me to work one day a week. I've been trying to live with this new reality but who knows how long I can last. Outside of that, I've been so busy being the best that I lose all motivation when it comes to enjoying my free time. I have no drive to be lazy… I haven't even been dedicating 1 hour to sushiposting like I used to…


I get sick without fail every autumn and this autumn was no different
But I only ever get sick during the autumn so every year by the time it's autumn again, I've forgotten how absolutely miserable it is to have a fever and be sore all over and be fatigued an hour after I wake up.

But yeah I like the autumn. I can sit outside and it's neither ridiculously hot nor freezing, and it's a good time for jogging, too.

>it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful

The temperature changes too fast. Autumn is supposed to be three months long but the actual comfortable temperatures only last for a month or so. Before then it's just summer but not so hot, afterwards it's winter but not so cold yet.


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Anyone working on any hardware electrical projects? I just found this wiring book at a store and I fixed a handheld emulator switch with some soldering and an extra switch I had.


I'm going to try to fix my headphones, which are dead on one side, as soon as I get a chance to get a soldering iron. I don't have that much confidence in getting it right but luckily I still have multiple old pairs of headphones which don't work on one side to try


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Check out using aspirin on the wires. The wires are sometimes coated in resin which won’t allow the wires to conduct electricity. Ganbare!!!


I’m genuinely too stupid to do stuff like this, I would probably burn myself if I attempted it


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How do you deal with your /arcade/ backlog?

Do you keep some time of the day/week/year to find and play things you've always wanted to, or do you act on istinct? I have a shit ton of games waiting in my room (or to be downloaded) but can't find a viable method to just jump in and finish some.
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>How do you deal with your /arcade/ backlog?
Man's time is finite and the backlog is almost infinite. There can only be two outcomes:
1. Augment man with sophisticated cyborg transhuman tech to play more in less time or some kind of time pausing technology
2. Give up


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One thing that drove me absolutely nuts was playing the first hour of a bunch of games I really liked and then never going back to them. I need some structure, I have brain problems and forget about things or try to do too many things at once.

I have a long list of art I want to experience. I'll choose a handful of them at a time and then I schedule them regularly in my calendar until I feel done with them. I'll never be able to get to all of them. Some things have been in there for almost 15 years. You just have to fully embrace the few things you can and let the rest go. Appreciate the time you have and try to spend it on things that you really like.


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My backlog is pretty small because I just play the games I want to play. I guess that's a weird way to put it but I just play them. I don't know. I will say, one game on my backlog is the Rhapsody sequel (pic rel) because I have a habit of skipping all dialogue in a video game so I have no clue what I'm supposed to do at this point of the game. (My character, i forgot her name, has to look for something. That's all I know is going on in the plot. I don't know what I'm looking for or what I'm doing or anything.)
At one point I thought about starting the game over and actually reading the dialogue so I know what's going on but on the other hand I don't feel like it.


I don't understand why would someone play and rpg and not pay attention to the story


The art is pretty, I like the music, and the fights are fun because the main character can summon candy to attack enemies. I like games where I can strategize fights (although Rhapsody is pretty simplistic in that nature… and the second game is even more simple than the first).
On the other hand, I also like playing VN/puzzle hybrid games and I will read the dialogue in VNs so it's not like I skip the dialogue in all games, just in most of them. Honestly, I just like playing them for the fighting and inventory management aspects.


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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!


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Ehh.. what makes Elaina so pure, yet sexy?


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This. Mediocre and a bit disappointing. Its basically thinly veiled propaganda albeit entertaining. The visuals and setting were enjoyable, if not exactly unique in hindsight, but overall the show lacks polish. There's a real warmth to the show but it wets the bed with unimaginative camp and the mix of realism and fantasy elements is poorly executed. I can't say I didn't enjoy some moments, but it feels like I wasted a day watching this.


>Its basically thinly veiled propaganda
what do you mean by this? Propaganda for what? kamichu is one of my favorite shows.


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I don't mean that in a bad way. Kamichu is a good show just a bit frustrating at times. I enjoyed it even if I was a bit disappointed.


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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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I only played the first one years ago. One of my favorite VNs out there.
I really hope you could play it blind


Huh, maybe I'll finally take that game out of my backlog. Thanks, everyone!


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I just finished da capo 1, personally I really liked it even though it's quite trope-filled and a cliched. I found that aspect kind of charming personally, but I could see how it might put people off.
Now I'm reading Kazoku Keikaku, which seems like a strange case to me. It seems to always make it's way onto top lists of VNs in japan, but it seems like people in the west don't care about it as much. Even though I just started it today, I'm already really enjoying it.

I read the first 2 9-nine games and I really did not enjoy them, I do not see what people get out of it. Kiniro loveriche is pretty good, it's kind of like the best yuzusoft game except it wasn't even made by yuzusoft if you get what I mean. I think how you react to the Ria route will make or break your feelings about it overall.


Oh, I love Higurashi! I used 07th mod to get lip sync on the sprites.


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Finished reading Cyanotype Daydream, my favorite VN in a long time and I highly recommend it.
It tells several separate stories that are enjoyable and unique in their own right and then successfully melds them into something greater.



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I think i liked the first season the most, but the movie is really really good. And i wish i had skipped endless 8 lol.
I really wasnt expecting any of the sci fi or that i would like haruhi so much, thinking of checking the novels too


Love this one so much.


my dear friend showed me this. its amazing.. breathtaking!!



I was around when endless 8 was airing….. just ignored the series for a month. Feels bad man

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