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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Welcome to Sushichan!

Original Samachan.org migration discussion thread at >>>/yakuza/776

This board was made to handle some of the discussion topics that were common on Samachan but not so common on Sushichan. Japanese and Otaku culture as well as Anime-related discussions can go in this board, whether you were originally from Samachan or not. In addition, if you are from Samachan and you're not sure if your topic would fit in one of our other boards, you can post it here. If the moderators think it would be a better fit for another part of the site, it might get moved.

Sushichan Guidelines
* Read the rules! Also take a minute to look around.
* All conversations should be comfy and use polite language.
* Less comfy conversations (within reason) can be had in /hell/.
* NSFW content goes in /lewd/. Keep 3D threads in /lewd/ to a minimum.
* Site meta discussion goes in /yakuza/.
* The /culture/ board is mostly for literature and artwork, despite the name.
* Cute stuff goes in /kawaii/, but it is an SFW board.
* The /arcade/ board has been expanded to include all kinds of games, including tabletop.
* Keep most Japan / Otaku / Anime related topics within this board.


Archived copy of Yuno's goodbye message that was posted on Samachan.org before the 4chan redirect: https://web.archive.org/web/20200517154448/https://samachan.org/

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Been thinking about starting a Tensei Isekai Buddhism sect. Basically the idea is that as long as you follow the teachings and are kind to others, you will be reincarnated as a teenager in a fantasy world. Of course after being reincarnated, you get a cool cheat skill and cute girls/boys will like you just for being yourself.

Think this could take off?
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Maybe a better outcome is a religious interpretation of isekai? Seeing how we might find (Buddhist or otherwise) non-secular values in the isekai genre, critiquing some major moral themes in isekai and finding positive things in isekai that are new to us and that we can learn from. But this should not be based on claiming isekai _is_ Buddhist or _is_ Christian or that we should make a specifically Buddhist purified isekai without ruling out how a Buddhist _ethos_ might shape art.

But when it comes to fictional world building, look at Frank Herbert's Dune series. In his world, centuries in the future, the major religions have changed, deformed, and been reshaped in ways we wouldn't recognize. To some extent, this has always been a feature of religious history in more subtle ways. I'm pretty sure Henry Olcott or Sayyid Qutb's reform of their religious traditions would seem like an anathema to their 10th century predecessors, even if there are many continuities and that isn't the case with Herbert's Zensunnism and Buddhislam. Maybe we shouldn't try to be accurate when doing fiction?

I find it interesting that many Buddhist precepts restrict in a simmilar way to Islamic law and Jewish Halacha (abstinance from intoxicants, smoking, avoiding shows, wearing ornaments) but whereas those religions are depicted as cruelly harsh and unbearing Buddhism doesn't have such a negative reputation. Although it seems like most of these rules apply to monks and not so much laity. A rule like 'no wearing fancy clothes' is hard to really sustain in a liberal society where fashion and defining your own identity through clothing is now a surrogate religion leading to an insane amount of wasteful behavior.


>I find it interesting that many Buddhist precepts restrict in a simmilar way to Islamic law and Jewish Halacha (abstinance from intoxicants, smoking, avoiding shows, wearing ornaments) but whereas those religions are depicted as cruelly harsh and unbearing Buddhism doesn't have such a negative reputation.
Yes, a lot of the deal with Buddhism is renunciation. It's such an incredible amount of the religion, but this is lost in the distorted view many westerners have of just meditating. The importance of renunciation in the religion runs so deep that the final step to enlightenment is letting go of everything that got you to enlightenment and the bliss associated with advanced meditative states. It's all aesthetics, and right now there are prevailing ideas in western society that we are at war with Islam, and so we perceive Islam as brutish and ascribe it a negative and oppressive aesthetic. I can't say I've experienced Judaism having even a comparable level of stigma outside of some certain unsavory places, though, even if there is still a perception of Judaism as a religion of hard rules.
>Although it seems like most of these rules apply to monks and not so much laity. A rule like 'no wearing fancy clothes' is hard to really sustain in a liberal society where fashion and defining your own identity through clothing is now a surrogate religion leading to an insane amount of wasteful behavior.
The vinaya is for monastics, but the precepts are for laity. The 5 precepts are the bare minimum one must do to ensure they are at least reborn as a human after death. The 8 precepts are for a more advanced lay practice and are usually only observed a few days a month. Some people do follow the 8 precepts full time and they are called anagarikas. Anagarikas deal with the clothing rule by wearing white robes, eschewing jewelry and ornamentation of all forms, and (usually) shaving their heads. This is far from the only way this can be done, though, and I would contend your point about the rule being unsustainable in liberal society. Rather, I think it's that it requires specifically eschewing many values that exist in western societies and that takes a degree of courage. Being a strict holder to the 1st, 3rd, and 5th precepts also inherently have this issue as well. People often believe in the death penalPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>I would contend your point about the rule being unsustainable in liberal society. Rather, I think it's that it requires specifically eschewing many values that exist in western societies and that takes a degree of courage.
Within a tradition, rules are a means of self-cultivation and taking care of the self within a shared collective. Modernity makes it hard to sustain these ethical commitments. Liberals (who may be conservative or progressive) have their own moral sensibilities. Young people today believe everyone has an individual identity and a true self and that a person can determine their own truths without oppressive external rules. There was a sushi in another thread who said the Quran had stupid rules like discouraging men from wearing ornaments. Why? Because young people feel that dictating someone's dress is wrong and infringes on personal autonomy. The real difference between our time and the Buddha's isn't just access to luxuries but a certain type of self-centered individualism has become the dominant value system. In the age of "be yourself," the idea of no-self is a hard sell. Its interesting that some Western Buddhists claim the 3rd precept simply means non consensual sex wheres Alexander Berzin has written that this isn't true and that early Buddhists forbid anal sex, sex between men etc. In today's world, suggesting a sex act is immoral isn't acceptable to people because they see it as part of their identity. Its certainly possible to live these rules today but going against the grain creates friction with society and breeds rejection.

Rules shouldn't be overbearing but without praxis all those fancy metaphysical beliefs are redundant.


Still, I have to contend your point here. I think you are throwing too much blame on liberalism and too ready to engage in juvenoia. Individualism as a value is not uniquely western or modern even if it is a pretty defining feature of many modern/liberal western societies. It's also not that individualist societies are more uniquely hostile to this kind of thing. Rather, individualism tends to eschew applying such rules universally while being more reticent in regards to what others do. This is a double-edged sword. That individualism by and large operates in this way means it is more readily available for people to break from social norms, but that people are overall less inclined to feel a need to do so when their deviation from such is inspired by groups rather than one's own motivations. More communitarian viewpoints have the opposite problem. The friction that does arise from deviating from the social norm is principally a result of two factors: doing so in a way that proposes an objective morality that precludes much of society and when doing so is a visible deviation from social norms in a way that crosses the less individualistic aspects of society.
>In the age of "be yourself," the idea of no-self is a hard sell.
Then let me surprise you in noting that anatta is one of the concepts that converts are generally much more receptive of. Anatta is not the idea that you must sacrifice yourself for a greater idea as you seem to be suggesting, but is a pretty narrow philosophical tenet about not being able to find a source of self in things, not even the mind or the dhamma.
>Its interesting that some Western Buddhists claim the 3rd precept simply means non consensual sex wheres Alexander Berzin has written that this isn't true and that early Buddhists forbid anal sex, sex between men etc.
Even scholars who are fairly conservative in the dhamma (not in cultures) tend to admit there is no reason to consider homosexuality or sodomy to fall under sexual immorality. Thanissaro Bhikkhu, a monk who has some famously strict interpretations of rules, even notes that the vinaya doesn't bar homosexuals from ordaining despite how some have interpreted certain sections of it. There is some room to say that it's immoral to be overly disruptive to social cohesion just to engage in sexual pleasures, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Individualism, in the modern sense of the word, does not simply mean prioritizing oneself at the expense of the group. Regardless of any similarities, "the individual" as we know it today is a construction of European modernity. It is tied to specific concepts, ideas, behaviors, economic conditions, and sensibilities and, while it has been more or less globalized, cannot be seen as something timeless or universal. Individualism isn't a value or a principal for organizing societies, but a set of moral ideas that structures our lives and shapes our sense of selfhood. The command to find our true identity, to explore ourselves etc. are specific. These are new ideas, not timeless ones. I get the feeling that many religious people equate individualism with 'good' and are keen to show that their tradition leaves room for the individual, but this forgets that individualism is something that should be questioned. Modernity is not all good.

>individualism tends to eschew applying such rules universally while being more reticent in regards to what others do

The feeling here is that individualism is an abstract and neutral principal that describes how a society is organized. Instead, I'd say that, rather than eschewing universal rules, liberal individualism is in fact yet another belief system and collection of ideas whose proponents see it, in contrast to religion or Marxism, as objective, scientific, and universally true. True enough to fight and kill others in its name. The point I want to make, is that liberal society isn't (as right wingers claim) amoral and unprincipaled, but has its own value system, beliefs, and mythologies. The moral systems of religious communities have to compete with a hegemonic and domineering rival set of moral values that often undermines religious claims. The Confuciuan principal of serving your parents is undermined by the liberal principal of being a self-defining free spirit unshackled by social obligations that are non-voluntary. Since this liberal ideal is enshrined in law and culturally dominant, it makes it hard to sustain an ethical culture that takes 'serve your parents' seriously as something to live by. The liberal aversion to rules is rooted in a particular moral worldview of its own. This worldview, from a religious perspective, is clearly flawed and obscurantist but we must somehowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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New year, new thread
What are you watching sushi?
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anime is a psyop to export weird japanese fetishes to the west


Uika/Saki arc was kinda weak and way too long for not much happening, but there's still 1 more episode. I'm guessing it peaked with the Mutsumi arc though.


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I thought that was the last episode, ok - nevermind. Good you told me, lol.


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I sure hope you're not one of those nerds who skips the ED/PV :P


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If you :P me I might think you hate me.

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The 27th anniversary of Hunter x Hunter's first chapter has passed by recently, and I thought it might be a fun idea to stream the 1999 anime series.

Stream link: https://cytu.be/r/GreedIsland

The stream will officially begin on March 13th, 20:00 UTC. See you there!
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Stream time is for the time being moved to 21:00 UTC. This is the schedule were going to be running on from now on!

We'll be starting in 2 hours at https://cytu.be/r/GreedIsland


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Bonus stream today at 22:00 UTC on https://cytu.be/r/GreedIsland
We'll be watching Gundam F91. It's unrelated to any of the current series we are watching, so you don't miss out on anything. Feel free to show up though!


Souren-san, you should make announcements a couple hours in advance. I was busy sleeping.


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I always forget


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BONUS STREAM TODAY AT 24:00 UTC on https://cytu.be/r/GreedIsland
We'll be watching Kurosawa's Kagemusha a 993 hours from now. Feel Free to show up!

There. I did it for you.

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 No.98[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Talk about what manga you've been reading!

I've been reading an older manga called Yume Tsukai by Ueshiba Riichi. It's about magical shrine maidens with weird powers solving paranormal mysteries and stuff. Fairly standard concept but what makes it good in my opinion is just how crazy and bizarre the stories get, as well as some really fantastic art and a nostalgic sort of comedy. It's sometimes goofy, sometimes quite emotional, and other times borders on Junji Ito-esque horror scenarios. I really like the creepy body horror stuff, and the comedy between the weirdo cast is fun. I especially like the over the top lolicon character.
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One of the best manga I've read recently, really cool twists, great paneling, cute characters with nice development even though the arcs are never particularly long. It's monthly but every chapter's like 60 pages long.

Shocking it hasn't gained any traction really, the Vinland Saga author recommended it but I dunno why it seems it has no momentum, it doesn't even get ranked. It's somehow got an official English translation though, so it must be making some kind of money.


Can confirm, that's a good one.


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we are just living in her world…


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I want to have a kid as cute as Hime T_T


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Abe sponsored this manga

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The Spring 2025 season is nearly upon us. What are you looking forward to sushis?


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(other than naked dark elf feet)


The dying witch show seems cool, maybe that sightseeing show? What are you interested in, OP-kun?


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Takamine-san… are there ecchi shows where MC actually grows some balls by the end and makes it hentai?


The other witches show (but I bet stream will HATE it)

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I've read Alien Nine like around December 14 2024, and it really intrigued me about the characters and the world (and it was really a screwed up manga lol), that I want people to learn more about it! Have any of you read it? What do you think of it? Hope we can have a conversation about it.

(This is my first time using an imageboard, so hopefully I can learn how to use them…)
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I haven't read it what do *you* think about it?


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made by arilphys on tumblr


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>I haven't read it what do *you* think about it?

To be honest, while it's nice to see new concepts and see the (traumatic) adventures of the girls continue (plus, there's Monami, so that's nice), I just feel it was just rushed and once a concept appears in the manga, it just disappears the moment you blink. Plus, things just go a tad bit "too" fast for its own good, not letting you breathe of what happened earlier. I believe it has the potential to be even grander than the original Alien Nine and know who Monami (the girl with crazy hair, the one you see on the cover image I posted) is, but 7 chapters was ""TOO"" short to have the concepts stay for a bit longer. While I still enjoyed it, it's just a shame it was rushed…

Also Kumi looks like Mangle from FNAF, I don't know why I think that… XD


This is so cool, it makes me imagine a game where you can rollerskate around and do tricks with your borg wings while catching aliens


That's a billion dollar idea. Subway Surfers, but Alien 9…

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Yet another thread >>3309 vanquished by the bump limit!
What are you watching right now, sushi? This one is just for your non-airing anime discussion!
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I wrote a bit about the Gundam GquuuuuX film (I liked it), probably a bit too much to put in a thread comment
some minor spoilers but really just in certain lines of dialogue and not any plot events


Not that sushi, but I just finished this anime and was wondering where's the best place to pick up the story with the manga.


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Genshiken. It will always remind me of my collage days. We had a similar room where we gathered and discussed everything, had fun, did karaoke and drank stupid.



Sorry, i don't, music distracts me when reading manga.

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 No.6517[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ
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HxH stream starting in 10 minutes! Feel free to come and join us!



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gomen for missing this one, keep it up you're doing good work though


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stream's ideal girl


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC (that's about 3 hours and 20 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're watching more Key and the usual seasonals
Hope to see you there!


Can't wait to be there!!

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 No.5724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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That artist is gives Ryou a very generous body, but I do love the way he renders stuff


dios mio ryou…


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This is neither proper golf attire nor proper golf form.


That appears to be "tripping over herself trying to brain you with a golf club" form.

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