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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Comfy gamedev thread
If you've got a project, post what you're working on!
If you don't, feel free to comment, feedback and discussion is always welcome


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Until I can think of a better name, this is Martial Grinder.
I'm working on the combat first, then everything else once that's decent.

In this gif you see the player in the upper right walk over to an enemy and kill them by touching them. The stamina bars on the left are per limb, you walk by alternating left and right legs.


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Hopefully this thread keeps me motivated!

I've been working on a project in gamemaker (GML), mostly just frame work so far. I'm sure there are lots of ready-made isometric toolboxes but I've been having a lot of fun figuring things out and learning from scratch!

Here is an old video that shows keyboard controls, interacting with entities, and mouse controls/pathfinding.
And a new video showing the map editing tool.


I look foward to more updates!
Is the individual leg control to allow for some sort of technique or is it more as a handicap?


I want to do a TRPG that decides your ending based on how well you do battle…maybe this thread will help with that


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Added punches and knockback
I'm going to rethink this and disable knockback on normal punches, it's unsatisfying to be unable to chain punches because of it. I'll leave knockback for a special move.

I want movement to be deliberate, and the other half of the game that I haven't made yet (training) will work nice with this control scheme and be consistent. It's also because I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never made an action game before. The player is going to get much faster as the game progresses and hopefully the somewhat clunky feeling disappears, otherwise I may have to rework movement.

Looks nice, the map editor looks super useful. Is this going to be a turn-based tactics game?

Branching stories get complicated fast. I love them though.

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Hello everybody, I need a comfy place to talk about VNs. /vn/ on 4chan is filled with literal pedos who only talk about eroge, and I don't like Reddit's format enough to use r/visualnovels. So what have you all been reading lately? What are some great games that we've been missing out on?
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did you finish it? any thoughts?


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fata morgana was a glorious adventure


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I'm currently stuck on Never 7: The end of infinity. Currently at Yuka's route. Unfortunately, I never try reading it much due to life n' me being lazy.

While at first the characters seem boring, I think I enjoy some of the banters here and there, and I enjoyed the drunken Yuka moments.


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Not sure if you are still out there, but I have finished the last entry of the series. I don't want to get overly sappy, but the series moved me like nothing else. It was sickening at times and disturbing throughout, but it leaves me hopeful. These past few quarters of my life will be forever defined by Kara no Shoujo.

I did enjoy how it evolved towards lighter tones, and I loved all mysteries that it portrayed and resolved. I also liked how playful it was with christian themes, almost mockingly. And I did shed a tear during the true finale, it was woven so beautifully.


Not to say that I had no problems with the games, there were some some issues that I am happily overlooking.

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Hey friends! I've created a comfy Minecraft Realm. If you'd like to join, drop your username below. Hope to see you there! <3
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Is the realm still open?


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Just need to get this DeLorean up to 88 mph and we'll be ready to join!


oh. i'll take that as a no then


if i hosted a realm
would there be any interest…?


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I'd play. Though to be honest, I'm not terribly interesting in vanilla minecraft. But I do have a modded SMP, if anyone wants to play.

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Any sushis play MtG or other trading card games? What formats? Online or in paper?
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Theme 7


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Foundations looks like a great set in a lot of ways but the fact that UB crossover stuff will be fully 50% of product going forwards and legal in all formats really killed my love for the game at the moment. I don't think I'll sell my cards or anything but it's really depressing watching Magic turn itself into genuinely soulless fortnite-style crossover slop. I get that there are fans of these things and I'm not against the idea of Magic as a rules framework for generic TCG gameplay, it's just sad to see the game I made so many friends through and loved change so much.


but i like doctor who… fallout was good…

it's normie nerd slop like assassin's creed, marvel, and lotr that pisses me off. if it feels a few degrees removed from magic, thematic but not too out there, i think it works.

what i hate most about the game is that the playerbase is full of disgusting gibbering spergs, but i'll spare you the details.


Yeah I like some of the properties too, I just wish Magic could be its own thing. Maybe that's selfish of me but that's the version of it I grew up with and like the most


i can get behind this. maybe if they were normally priced commander-only secret lair drops?

also, can i have some advice on my miku deck? https://moxfield.com/decks/mWEOlav1REKFcC0O7RxsPQ

i need some alternatives to the expensive cards…

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Since there was no thread for this topic I decided to do it myself. I'll start.

I've finished The World Ends With You, and I left it fairly cold.
It's partially my fault for playing an undub on a game that has no subtitles for its cutscenes, but even after seeing the ending on youtube, so much feels as if all that happened in the game was pointless. Which sucks because I really liked the game up until the ending.
What is happening with me that I'm not appreciating games as much as I should? Same thing happened to me with Omori, I went in thinking it would be a surreal game with some Mother inspirations but the game was far too tame for me personally. Even after hearing about the topics that the game tackles.

If sushi finished a game and also wants to talk about it he can post here freely.
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Disco Elysium.


I have so many fond memories of playing Burnout 2's crash mode lol. I really wish they'd bring that series back.


Pirate Yakuza
It's fun; <3 the minigames


If you like DCSS, I also recommend Zorbus! Great and underrated roguelike


Previous post was meant for this

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HAPPY MAR10 DAYYY! show your appreciation for Mr. Videogame here!!!!


its me Mario!


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Super Mario Sunshine is /sushi/core


I loved the Gamecube games so much as q kid. I wish I could go back to those days.. Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Power tennis, Party etc etc. I think it's an underrated era in Mario

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Dreamcast/ドリームキャスト general
Elysian Shadows edition

I am not sure if you guys make Dreamcast generals here since I am new but I didn't find any live so I created one

Few weeks ago I randomly stumbled upon on this YT channel Elysyan shadows.
Eminently I fallen in love with their content and their personalities.
They are making "next gen 2D RPG".Main guy Falco is THAT one techy C programmer who started this project 7 years ago with few friends. Basically they made 3D engine for 2D game.I highly suggest you to watch their YT Adventures In Game Development series.They are successfully founded on Kickstarter and planing to release game in 2017.
Also I was blown away with the fact that there are indie developers still working and publishing games for Dreamcast

BTW I just found ouy that they had huge problems with team so after all this yeras only two guys are working on this Falco and Patryk.I really hope they finish
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"We didn't get the turn out that we thought we'd get so instead of a top 10 we have a top 6"

>start making a dreamcast/ouya rpg over 14 years ago
>somehow manage to raise over 300,000 dollars through kickstarter and ouya funding
>game is already passed a year late, almost everyone quit the project
>nobody cares about it anymore, CEO is openly ridiculed (see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQaM-5TjqTjbkbmHhrI9mA)
>can't even get 10 fan submissions

Is this the most pathetic indie game project of all time?


Why are they even trying anymore?


yes, you don't get funded unless you have something to show already.
I'd be ashamed to ask for money with such shit standards for my own work


What games were exclusive to Dreamcast?

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Resurrecting this thread out of the .tokyo archives. Any sushi rolls here own a VR headset? Any rolls just curious about them? What games/experiences are you trying these days? Any small projects that you would recommend trying?

The last thread was made just as the two main PC headsets (Oculus Rift and Vive) were coming out in 2016. In the two years since, we've seen slow but constant growth in both headset sales and the number of available games. In addition, the lineup of Windows Mixed Reality headsets is making room-scale VR with hand tracking more affordable than ever. Beat Saber is helping to push VR to arcades across the country and I really hope this is the time when VR makes it to the mainstream.
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I tried a VR headset once at a local convention five or so years ago but I got motion sickness from it.


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I have a rift and right now I've been playing a bunch of Vox Machinae and Pavlov. I got this thing back in January and I really enjoy all the games I got for this thing, even emulating some older gamecube games using it feels refreshing. As for my recommendations, Vox and Pavlov are both great if a little arcadey, Onward is an excelent milsim, Beatsaber with mods is a treat and will help you get your vr legs.


Try Resonite. It is better than VRChat in nearly every way.


i've been trying to enjoy the blade and sorcery full release but i think i've gone too schizo to use my headset anymore. cameras constantly scanning my house/room, controllers tracking my movement and gait data. just feels very invasive to my aging schizo brain.


VR looks silly to spectators

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what are you doing in this situation?
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i think i'd help her up and tell her that it's time to mix drinks and change lives. also i'd ask her if we could be girlfriends but that's later on.


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Create gothic art

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So E3 is over, and in the spirit of looking forward to better times, what games are you feeling optimistic about?

That new Zelda has some potential.
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MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA for Halloween 2021




Warpath - Official Live Action Film (Showdown II: Centenary)




Oh no, more Madoka gacha hell. Wasn't that TV series like finished?

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