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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1702833763965.png (1.55 MB, 1061x1500, mignon-art-book-yummy-tumm….png)

 No.5724[View All]

84 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1721499585587.jpg (243.11 KB, 1048x1654, DvK2FtmUUAA6r-4.jpg)

WHOA those are some HOT meganekkos!


thats too lewd…


File: 1721579407938.jpg (1.24 MB, 1062x1985, GJCbVIkaoAAgzCW.jpg)

Stop fetishizing 10000-year-old pharmacists.


File: 1721584822250-0.jpg (127.25 KB, 1268x1600, GHSywPpagAAEOy8.jpg)

File: 1721584822250-1.jpg (125.81 KB, 1200x1550, GR9uam8bsAAoMWt.jpg)

Not much else to do when her voluptous body is being practically thrown at me!


File: 1721603433498.jpg (228.3 KB, 1417x2000, FxOARZUagAAAoZW.jpg)



File: 1721665414413.jpg (1.36 MB, 2201x3447, c7bbede4fa4dbf6681968d8280….jpg)

dreamy tummy


File: 1721672528011-0.jpg (331.79 KB, 1448x2048, @Danaid_Taies.jpg)

File: 1721672528011-1.jpg (112.7 KB, 676x1200, @Yome_an.jpg)

File: 1721672528011-2.jpg (159.76 KB, 705x1000, @xephyrks.jpg)

>The body was too short or empty.
I beg to differ…


File: 1721675401878-0.jpg (196.55 KB, 1508x1500, 4df5cdd6c0fe28b6c34207f419….jpg)

File: 1721675401879-1.png (7.97 MB, 5031x3579, 0649f18da1541028560fe10423….png)





File: 1721747263881.jpg (1006.42 KB, 1672x2182, GTGq5yhbEAAOHKL.jpg)

Do NOT skip your planks!


File: 1721774254448.jpg (188.19 KB, 1280x1856, GKzwJLoa0AA4jd6.jpg)



Kind request to refrain from posting AI generated or AI assisted works
Thank you


File: 1721830972751.jpg (558.44 KB, 888x1200, 1721663037458.jpg)

in this thread full of lust i will post something pure


File: 1721831774261-0.jpg (479.42 KB, 782x1150, GTPPx1raYAMPWyj.jpg)

File: 1721831774261-1.jpg (96 KB, 893x1263, GP1-AJWbEAA-oQi.jpg)

File: 1721831774261-2.jpg (461.04 KB, 874x1205, Fmqr3HxaAAEwjBj.jpg)

Wakame-sensei, I may not have read any of your manga but thank you for bringing miracles in our world


File: 1721839215420.jpg (106.52 KB, 627x951, F9m6bxBawAAGYzn.jpg)



File: 1722039426165.png (1.16 MB, 1200x849, a298657c9a84a22643e08cbc0d….png)



File: 1722087834039.jpg (827.73 KB, 1500x1999, GP-K_t0bEAElv0j.jpg)

FRIENDLY reminder to NOT skip your planks!


File: 1722325127460-0.jpg (597.29 KB, 2289x4096, GTtejPxaEAAkmHQ.jpg)

File: 1722325127460-1.jpg (747.99 KB, 875x1400, GAwIe6EXYAA69N5.jpg)

pull up your panties please


File: 1722425022989.jpg (1.09 MB, 2000x3148, F2NLvldaYAMV2OG-orig.jpg)

Artist is whoisshewh


File: 1722455138662-0.png (2.13 MB, 1051x1868, ff2e52f9f9faa1237abe867f70….png)

File: 1722455138662-1.jpg (153.07 KB, 800x1295, F0_LMdjaYAAr7MI.jpg)

File: 1722455138662-2.jpg (1.79 MB, 1300x2394, GTt98PXbAAA_NUt.jpg)

File: 1722455138662-3.png (2.32 MB, 2500x5000, d96d2b100d81b1022de6f61f81….png)

this thread is getting too lewd….


File: 1722623429614.jpg (297.05 KB, 1152x2048, @reverseki_ya.jpg)

I'm only here to appreciate the beautiful things in the world


File: 1722876709890.jpg (644.43 KB, 2926x4096, @k20_draw.jpg)

Some abs to Admire


File: 1724881979765.jpg (281.29 KB, 2438x3322, DMkeNyDVAAAls-Y.jpg)

>armpits are an extension of midriffs
Any thoughts on this?


File: 1724882486505.jpg (147.72 KB, 1511x2185, img_3_1722039314848.jpg)



File: 1724947212803.jpg (546.55 KB, 1145x1600, GWE9D4HbIAERFUu.jpg)



File: 1724972559633.png (401.16 KB, 660x880, F02Em_faMAAqJ7Q.png)

Oh right it was Makoto's birthday yesterday.
Somehow I get the feeling she already had her birthday…


File: 1725033748538.jpg (410.71 KB, 1560x2203, 54f01be5e65a1e85b626eaf346….jpg)

The armpit is a complex structure shaped by a combination of muscles such as the deltoid muscle, the pectoralis major, the biceps and even back muscles that reach around such as the latissimus Dorsi. While it could be argued that the armpit could be an extension of the chest or the back, it is false to assume that it's an extension of the midriff as none of the abdominal muscles are directly connected to the armpits.


File: 1725207223313.png (1.15 MB, 900x2100, Fbilb_HVUAEnK8t.png)

People tend to overlook Shamico because she's a total dork so they often forget her body is world class.


File: 1725210947730-0.jpg (206.19 KB, 1000x1636, 8a9a8519424cb933c1ad0a7805….jpg)

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File: 1725210947730-3.jpg (247.36 KB, 1000x1940, e2f211106c3193c8e6dff1c38c….jpg)



before this thread sushigirl was sfw heheh


gj on ruining it


File: 1725228185420.png (925.96 KB, 1300x2250, 119835964_p14.png)

There is nothing anywhere close to pornographic about this thread.


File: 1725229786460-0.jpg (150.13 KB, 565x800, b922e4ff1ecce71cf9a8fa1b34….jpg)

File: 1725229786460-1.jpg (414.86 KB, 2800x2836, 1b9b7eb5f452ec233da8521576….jpg)

File: 1725229786460-2.jpg (141.71 KB, 900x1125, d79c49afac5255ba660d2282eb….jpg)

it was just a joke! how can sushigirl be considered sfw given that it occasionaly hosts children pornography?


File: 1725307063597.jpg (224.12 KB, 1697x1200, GWd5HXeaUAAN92L.jpg)

That's just like, your opinion man.


File: 1725571047261.jpg (410.81 KB, 1657x2880, GQrC9kgb0AAL60j.jpg)

Still in time to show everyone your beach body.


File: 1726849008261.jpg (1.48 MB, 1250x2150, GXV8zOabgAAXPx_.jpg)

Still summer


File: 1726851494625.jpg (264.53 KB, 1832x2048, FmyuT9MaUAAPYPc.jpg)



File: 1726865478675.jpg (1.35 MB, 1033x1530, @lu_i_su.jpg)

Summer in the southern hemisphere is right around the corner


File: 1727126228401.jpeg (365.03 KB, 1800x2400, b0808b93001f236d18dc03318….jpeg)


File: 1727200825614.jpg (826.43 KB, 848x1200, GYEZy_vb0AEWorf-.jpg)

You haven't forgotten, have you?


about what?


File: 1728497188690.jpg (656.15 KB, 1847x3127, GUmXAguXUAAoOU2.jpg)

Doing your PLANKS.


File: 1728497762457-0.jpg (843.64 KB, 1150x2046, 94059447ef4cac103cc9d55c24….jpg)

File: 1728497762457-1.jpg (599.75 KB, 1048x1654, f5c9ab0fb979bcc1642009d4d3….jpg)

i will start doing them.. just for you


File: 1728497901098.jpg (602.58 KB, 2178x4096, GWdU9f8acAAl1YG.jpg)

You'd better be a hella hot chick


File: 1735319270478-0.jpg (160.89 KB, 830x1663, 3a18c873901bf48e13ccdc69b6….jpg)

File: 1735319270478-1.jpg (1.51 MB, 1348x2675, e346f2b7c5114c7d38c72c2ccc….jpg)

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File: 1735320953010-0.jpg (315.25 KB, 1744x3170, @mix020511.jpg)

File: 1735320953010-1.jpg (230.2 KB, 1525x2987, Ge1ewhfa0AAaihQ.jpg)

File: 1735320953010-2.jpg (272.91 KB, 1701x2827, Gd4ETGjbEAALDCR.jpg)

That artist is gives Ryou a very generous body, but I do love the way he renders stuff


dios mio ryou…


File: 1741122848826.jpg (117.69 KB, 1000x1000, 99600aaaf5ef2b81c79c224d54….jpg)


File: 1742579103541.jpg (54.18 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-184007.jpg)

This is neither proper golf attire nor proper golf form.


That appears to be "tripping over herself trying to brain you with a golf club" form.

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