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/kawaii/ - cute things


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 No.1436[Watch Thread][Reply]>>1437



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>>1436 (OP)
Lies, mother. I can watch ninja turtles anytime i want. FUCK OFFF


woah, easy with the skulls
they're spooky




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>friendly lady
heheheh gottem


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 No.1914[Watch Thread][Reply]>>2907

because someone has to keep the house clean
9 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


why my soulful contributions to kawaii keep getting spoilered?!



if (image.lewd > image.kawaii) spoiler(image);




File (hide): 1742909849587.jpg (129.53 KB, 1002x2048, 1706440164463690.jpg)

>>1914 (OP)
imagine…having someone at your service

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 No.2725[Watch Thread][Reply]

3 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click to expand.




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 No.2650[Watch Thread][Reply]

shh.. doll is eep
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realistic cuties making comeback…


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I would buy these few in a heartbeat, goddamn. They are so beautiful, my heart cannot handle it.


Ugh why are so many people so talented at any niche I like and I'm not. I want to make cute things too.

I'm not real keen on idea of using stickers but does seem a good starting point over having to learn to properly airbrush features.

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File (hide): 1737363038773.jpg (76.86 KB, 771x667, Gho_pGDbgAALFVt.jpg)

 No.2648[Watch Thread][Reply]

42 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


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i wish i named this thread `wip`. i just used a random symbol

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File (hide): 1742572861233.jpg (421.63 KB, 1444x2048, Gmkhb8qaEAIQppN.jpg)

 No.2882[Watch Thread][Reply]

tomo is most wonderful


i was too late… gomen tomo-tan…


if anything you were early


I don't know who Tomo is, but it certainly appears to be her day. Happy day to her!

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File (hide): 1736380952273.jpg (331.67 KB, 2048x1428, GgxIQfcaUAAAVve.jpg)

 No.2613[Watch Thread][Reply]

brown girls and feet
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They are ugly and smelly! But fine! If brown girls and feet are what you smelly footfags want then here.


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it sad that you only ever experienced ugly and smelly feet… maybe in the next life buddy


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 No.2398[Watch Thread][Reply]

I like Touhous.
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File (hide): 1742335241970.jpg (Spoiler Image, 267.3 KB, 2048x1725, GmUPF3CbkAAD5ud.jpg)


lewd mouse



this isn't nazrin. fake rat

wonderful nazrins. i would do disgusting things to the third one.


File (hide): 1742480350012.jpg (436.49 KB, 1365x2048, GmaAmZSa8AAhUxi.jpg)

oh right - that might not have been Nazrin, but she was naked so good enough for me to post

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File (hide): 1742004341892.png (3.1 MB, 1366x1366, mid pyro art no2.png)

 No.2849[Watch Thread][Reply]

what do u guys think of my fat pyro fanart :3

i'm not really into fat stuff myself but i would love to cuddle with a big character like this.

weirdly enough this is a lot fatter than what i would be interested in irl

but i don't really like real people anyway…
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


wtf where did you find this


i might. send a picture of you in your most fashionable outfit, with good hair? then we'll see


File (hide): 1742037173505.jpg (193.38 KB, 1051x1500, GkSwIqSXAAAvKRr.jpg)

t-there you go


one reverse image search led to the post a post on the pyro sub with this image. just looked at the account that posted it after that.


ok cool :3

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File (hide): 1548705394458.jpg (325.17 KB, 1000x750, fl_kagamin_01_01.jpg)

 No.550[Watch Thread][Reply]

I recently found this and thought it might be worth a thread. Sauce is in the pic I guess.
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Happy birthday!


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I wanted to buy one of these lewd Tifa figures but they're over $700. What a ripoff.


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I bought a gunpla today! I've never put together a model but I'm having a ton of fun with this. The only part I dread is putting on the tiny little stickers, I have shaky hands.


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Complete! Except for the aforementioned tiny stickers, and his weaponry. I really had fun building this, I might try experimenting with some paint on the leftover spare parts because I know a lot of the fun of this kind of thing is customizing them


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