For a regular hotdog, just a standard ketchup and mustard. Fry up some onion if I'm feeling particularly fancy. Not really much of a hotdog topping culture where I am.
But something hotdog adjacent I love, is a tunnbrödsrulle (literal translation: thin bread roll, tunnbröd being a type of flat bread). Essentially a large warm wrap, with hotdog/sausage, mashed potatoes, lettuce, raw onion, maybe some condiments. Supposedly there should be shrimp salad in it as well but I've never had one come with it.
Delicious and actually filling compared to a regular hotdog, but easier to eat standing/walking than a burger or something. Perfect streetfood.
Haven't had one in years, could really go for one right now.
>>963That sounds delicious! Love avocado, gonna have to try that out sometime.