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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1735647725598.jpg (157.06 KB, 1080x1512, 1735581823130601.jpg)


please change deleted image thumbnail to something more in line with site's theme

ADMIN EDIT: Please submit your original deleted image thumbnail art here for staff's consideration.
14 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I've noticed that IRC has been pretty dead as of late, while the activity on the boards has remained fairly constant. I feel like this is due to IRC quickly becoming a niche thing. My other imageboard Uboachan switched to Discord some years back and the chat has been explosively active ever since. So, I am wondering if anyone still prefers IRC, or if we ought to try moving to Discord and see how that works out. Thoughts?
27 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Any service that requires a phone number gets a hard no from me.


Haven't used Rizon for around 5 years or so now. Quality among a lot of channels had dropped before I left but it would definitely be a better entry point for those interested in trying out IRC who hasn't before. Their bouncer and cloaks are extremely easy to obtain and configure.

Same here. I don't even own a phone to give a number to these platforms even if I were to be willing to do so. Most won't even accept a temp number from various websites either. Discord's UI is attrocious in my opinion as well. I do like the matrix/element idea. While I haven't personally used it myself, it seems to be a better alternative to Discord.


I would warn, Rizon requires a working email in order to register your nick. I tried with 10minutemail but never received anything and gave up after 2 tries.

Plus there's a lot of un-comfy IBs that use rizon for their irc channel, which means you'd have to put up barriers to entry or else have lots of Ops monitoring the chat to put down raids.


>or else have lots of Ops monitoring the chat to put down raids
I've used Rizon frequently since ~2008 and have maybe seen one raid, and that was 10+ years ago. Raids are very uncommon, and if the channel is set to not appear in /whois will be even rarer.

Wasn't aware about needing a "proper" email to register, though. That's unfortunate for those who want privacy in that regard.


irc.blackaster.xyz seems to be down

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I have modified the software today to be able to block the actual endpoints of the shortened URLs usually included in CP spam. This should help a lot with slowing down the spam; the spammers have infinite URL shorteners but so far they all point to the same few places. We will start checking endpoints and adding them to the blocklist soon. Hopefully browsing will become less stressful.

This modification has also been submitted as a pull request to the main vichan repo. Hopefully they pick it up and other sites can start using it.

P.S. I also upgraded us to the newest version of the software. Stuff could break so please let me know if something isn't working right.
18 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Install firewalld
sudo apt update
sudo apt install firewalld

Install Python requests module
pip3 install requests

Download vpn_block.py
https://pastebin.com/raw/83DWqSJp <- download raw, i despise space indentation

Run script (at your own risk)
sudo python3 /path/to/vpn_block.py

disclaimer: haven't tested it yet lol. copilot, chatgpt and pylint (with style/pep warnings disabled) all say "looks good to me". made sure to ask them thoroughly about whether there could be any conflicts/issues with iptables and ufw, that this won't possibly leave junk behind, etc. they said nope.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Changing my mind about this. There are some people who use VPNs on our site, so I think it's better to just add another SQL query step in post.php and block them at the database (MySQL/MariaDB) level by adding another table of just these CIDR addresses instead of blocking them with firewalld, because otherwise they may assume the site is down or something. I don't think it should be a problem to just create a new table with 500k entries, and continue to have a cron job to clear and update it annually.


Currently the precedent is not to blanket-ban any and all suspected datacenters and VPNs from viewing the site. Using these methods is not bannable and doing so would generally hurt our users. I see that you have figured that out yourself.

Even then, vichan already supports DNSBL, why is this needed?

In addition, it won't generally stop CP4 as they are not using obvious datacenter IPs anymore. I still believe content-based filtering is the only long-term solution with a plausible effect. And empirically it seems to work pretty well.


File: 1735501004537.webm (10.67 MB, 650x576, usagi_be_like.webm)

Thanks to the moderation team for their work this year.

Do you think the weaponry finally did its trick? Or do you believe we are still losing users left and right due to slow moderation?

Please do not bonk me for the vid, it took forever to render.


Saved - I read every post from the webm "live"… :D It was a fun year. Recently I gave up on contributing here, though. It just felt like talking to myself. Maybe my posts were not worth a reply..? There is hardly any new threads, too. Board seems barren even more so when you consider sushigirl's Discord is beaming with life.

Staff is not too fast with the cleanup either, and its weird to me that the anal poster is not dealt with via software - like, with "take action now.*anal" regex filter?

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Thought this would be a good place to post any issues users run into. The only one I have dealt with yet is that attempting to go to the catalog of any board returns a 404.
PS. Ty for bringing back this lovely place <3
62 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


made a mistake, you need nginx-ctl when doing it in cron, it needs to be:
0 0 * * 0 /usr/bin/certbot renew –nginx-ctl /usr/sbin/nginx –quiet

(dash dash for nginx-ctl and quet, not emdash)
and if you're not on root account make sure you edit crontab with sudo crontab -e and not just crontab -e


i meant true


> Failed to resize image! Details: convert-im6.q16: CorruptImageProfile `/tmp/phpQuAvZv' (XMP) @ warning/profile.c/ValidateXMPProfile/1675.
When trying to post this https://files.catbox.moe/v18w4y.webp file.


Can recreate while using ImageMagick 6.9.11-60; likely an outdated software problem. Using an image editor to modify the XMP data seems to fix the issue.


that works on our board. yo soysatsu do the following

sudo apt update
sudo apt install graphicsmagick
sudo apt install gifsicle

in inc/config.php or inc/instance-config.php (the latter overrides the former), set the following
$config['thumb_method'] = 'gm+gifsicle';

instead of the default 'gd' value or if you set it to 'convert'.

if posting that file still emits that error, plz post graphicsmagick version by typing in terminal
gm version

ours is "GraphicsMagick 1.3.37 2021-12-12 Q8"

File: 1694038182483.png (584 B, 800x480, Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png)


back in the day i was a heavy 4chan user, maybe around 2009 or so. I was younger and dumber but I miss that environment. The image board culture is one I miss and wish I could immerse myself in again.

I browse sushigirls occasionally but honestly I can't quite nail down if I am "welcome" here.

I'm a smelly commie, I'm a trans woman, im a furry piece of shit, and frankly I can't tell if this board is a "we're all bigots but want a good face so we dont let each other talk about it" or a genuinely safe place with a few hateful weirdos sprinkled in as a minority.

where exactly does this website fall on the "these people want me dead" scale? i love the environment but I cant tell if sticking around here would require me to accept that the people im talking to want me to die or not.
47 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I can't tell if this board is a "we're all bigots but want a good face so we dont let each other talk about it" or a genuinely safe place with a few hateful weirdos sprinkled in as a minority.
Not trans but I have these thoughts too. I end up being negative and hesitant to post because I suspect the niceness is all for show and if people knew what I really look like things would be different. You end up automatically suspecting people. Sometimes I kind of prefer 4chan because small boards and forums are a small club and things seem nice until you realize the majority of people you've been hanging out with are actually hateful /pol/ adjacent freaks. At least 4chan is big enough you can get lost in the crowd and hatefulness is just the background radiation there.


>small boards and forums are a small club
only kakashi nenpo was fake nice. sushi has a few fake nice people, but otherwise it's genuine. guca, tea, whatever /a/ /jp/ etc spinoff, most boards are (were) genuine to how they present.


I used to be anti-trans OP. I don't mind anymore.

I'm not sure I can tell. I'm not sure I want to. I've never been attacked here. The best way to use this place is like a ghost, wandering in to make a few posts, and wandering out but that reclusiveness is sad. Sometimes you want a community to hang around.

Its always strange when someone other a-nonymous on another imageboard thanks you for something or show that he enjoys exchanging with you only to rip into a minority group elsewhere in his post without knowing you are one of them. Its so strange. It feels good at first but after a while you just get tired of it. Exhausting. sushi rollymity is a beautiful thing in its own way. In theory, although not in practice, it makes fools of us all. I think this was its original purpose. It was supposed to level the playing field but results were mixed.


I haven't been on this board in a few years, but I remember entering and lurking the discord for a bit. It was pretty racist, standard imageboard fare, which surprised me since the board seemed nice enough. Reading through the rest of this thread gives me no real confidence that anything has changed other than accepting trans people more, since they seem to be very represented on imageboards in general.


It seems like a common attitude is "hey you are free to do what you want but don't signpost your identity or express your background" where maintaining sushi rollymity is wheeled out as an excuse to ignore people of certain backgrounds. But this can lead to policing of what people are allowed to express. But the kind of aggressive wear it on your sleeve oppression Olympics you see on other sites is really not desirable either. On the average imageboard, you are likely to take heat if you post anything mildly trans or minority related even if you aren't being a social media attention whore. Its probably worse for blacks and Africans though. And the obvious problem is when an identity is politicized, simply talking about anything vaguely related is likely to be interpreted as political and uncomfy.

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it's not like it really makes a difference or anything, but is there any reason the audio on the main page comes from an embedded youtube video rather than just an uploaded file? i guess it works either way
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I have added this, above the post form.


I am not seeing the catalog link unless I am in reply mode. Also the sushi gif vanished and so vital "Remember to keep it cozy" text.


also cant post images without a body .. unless it is a countermeasure to these ugly gallery threads on kawaii


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Kind of late, but thank you!


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sometimes i think the same

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what's up with the cringe
i know i am being kinda cringe but you don't have to hop onto that train
only makes it more noticeable for everyone to see and this isn't a kindergarten
and in general go easy on gatekeeping and attributing motives to people, not only is it not nice to anyone, you are making mistakes by doing so
i am not going to spam or harm the site in any way
also you're banning tor exits in case you wanted to make your board proxy-proof, and there are more proxies to go around which are seemingly not banned other than tor

sorry if my post is misplaced, i just don't know where to put it
>you are not welcome
i don't really dislike the site or the people, i started posting here
it's just you can find a million sites like this one imo(GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SITE)
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File: 1722440642503.jpg (96.53 KB, 987x1039, cutinside.jpg)

Excellent thread guys. Congratulations for this, seriously. Don't be shy, have an upvote!


do you really want me to write it in public? i guess i would like to do it in the dc chat then at least (i imagine i'm banned though i never tried accessing it after i was kicked)
and what i mean to say is that they don't have to accept it, so "preventing it in the future" might be unnecessary at all as we go our own ways. i do have a way of preventing it though i suppose


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Nice digits! Upvoted!

Well, it's your last option for "clear communication". Take it or leave it.




You do not have the right to apologize to or say goodbye to a person who doesn't want to talk to you. Further attempts at communication will be banned and deleted on sight. This is literally stalking. You are a stalker.

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What ever happened to the sushichan stickers thing?
From the archive: https://archive.sushigirl.us/lounge/res/964.html

Is someone going to put this back into action? Sushichan stickers seemed like a neat idea.
70 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Just got 2 of each, I'm excited!


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Will get myself one.


cute stickers!


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madotsuki is protected /what/ heritage (endangered), she shouldn't have been commandeered for sushigirl….

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I remember using this site around 2017/2018 but then it got shut down around 2019. I kept coming back for 1-2 years to check occasionally only to get a message that it wouldn't get maintained.

Anyways, I'm so glad it's back :D! It's like meeting a weird stranger who imprinted on you a long time back. I missed this


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i know ownership changed but i don't remember it being shut down, at least not for long.


Thank you ^^

As for shutdown, yeah you're probably right. Most likely it wasn't for long.
Though I do feel it went on hiatus for a year or so. I'm just confirming if my memory is playing tricks on me (-‿-")

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I get this error message when posting, but only most of the time. Some files get accepted.

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