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/kawaii/ - cute things


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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

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Dicks > Bagina


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>tfw not a ddos


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cuteboy dicks > regular dicks


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I hope traps are fine too.


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As long as it's dicks, its a ok. ;)


File: 1495949871979.png (995.67 KB, 680x1000, 1495421011369.png)

This one seems really personal and intimate. :)


>Dicks > Bagina
>posts Naoto


File: 1526105861491-0.webm (365.25 KB, 720x480, sensual-face-touching.webm)

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This series has some nice cute stuff, out of its morbid context.


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If taking out of its morbid context is what I mean.


Kill yourself california roll.


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As far as boys go my heterosexuality only lets me like traps at the most.


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more boys….


Being a romantic gay is the worst suffering.


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not true, there are lots of very loving and romantic boys around, you just have to find them!


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Sigh….I know myself all too well.


hello, can someone please post another boy? thank you.


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I could fill this whole thread within minutes but I don't want to be a jerk and hog the thread.


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comfy thread comfy boys


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Just remembered this site exists!


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Are 3D boys allowed too?


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Some AI stuff I just "made"


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As you try to find your way between the unkept alleys trying to find the place, you try to avoid getting noticed. You wonder why your job always takes you to these places. This particular neighbourhood has always made you feel uneasy, it's all those monster kids roaming around. Left and right you see gangs of goblin kids, and what seem to be vampire, or demon, boys, you can never tell. But hey, it's daylight.
And yet, there is something luring about these monster kids. They are just so different. You cannot help but wonder, what kind of families do they come from, how is a regular household around these parts? So deep you are in your thoughts, that you didn't notice the two boys standing in your way, as you almost bump into them. They seem to be waiting for you, as they look at you, some funny business no doubt. It's a strange couple, a goblin and a vampire, both teenagers. "Hey gramps…", how rude, you think I am not that old! What is it they want…?


>Hey gramps
uwaaa…kusogakis out to harass me again…


i always had a suspicion that sushi had a decent lgbt userbase.


All sushis are gay, prove me wrong (kiss me to prove you aren't gay)


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My bf likes to send me art n stuff. He makes me really happy (*´▽`*)


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I'm sorry that I don't know the names of the artists, I think he gets these from Twitter. They just make me happy to look at them


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I'm also phone-posting too otherwise I would consolidate these to one post. Sorry sushis (* ´ ▽ ` *)ノ


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me on the left


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Sorry for the spam, forgot to post this one >.<


anybody here remember that gay webcomic?


home stvck?


i found the webcomic i was thinking of. it called prettyboy by omocat


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can you believe it that boys are just like allowed to show their chest sometimes like that?


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It's wonderful, isn't it?


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i love boys!


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boys forever in my brain eternal never changing


I've been on a bl/danmei binge for at least 18 months now. Just reading shit all day at work, even at stoplights and shit too what is wrong with me?


This thread is making me slowly loose attraction to women. What is happening?


File: 1727669832696.png (149.42 KB, 700x1019, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe don't read while driving? Just concerned for your safety. Nothing wrong with you, you just have an interest.

Discovering that sexuality is dynamic and can change


I did get into a car accident 2 months ago, but that was because I was looking at a map


women? what are those?
Jokes aside, I am attracted to women on a basic, physical level. Beyond that, I have zero interest in women.


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I feel your pain, I feel basic physical attraction to women but I don't think I could ever get in a relationship with a woman again. Just too much disconnect between me and women and I don't like them that much physically, somewhat mentally too. It's embarassing honestly because trying to be in a straight relationship feels like lying to myself but my parents pressure me super hard into straight relationships out of family values and carrying the family name.


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Sexuality is dynamic but its also annoying because sometimes there's a disconnect between what you want and what your body wants.

Why only women? I don't think I could have a relationship with anyone unless its a formality. Humans are impossible to deal with. I will inevitably marry a woman for family reasons but actually being in love blah blah no no way.

>my parents pressure me super hard into straight relationships out of family values and carrying the family name.

I do think carrying on the family name and having an heir is super important and don't mind being 'forced' into a straight relationship to do it. Western culture is obsessed with marraige equality, love marraige and monogamy which are all bad ideas.




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it was hard for me to put it into words but i realize now you're like some gross loveless sexless trad breeder. you'd probably sooner implant your seed into a womb with a syringe than actually love and fuck a person.

you'd be the shittiest fucking partner and the shittiest fucking parent, i hope you never have a child.


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I'm not a gay man but how do I get into yaoi? Are there any starter recommendations? I tried watching the Bananafish anime and thought it was boring by episode 2 so I might try reading the manga instead but I have a book I want to finish reading before that instead. Thanks.


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I'm just a borderline schizoid social recluse. Not sure why that upsets you. I suspect you have some ideological motive.

I probably would be a shitty partner but I like kids. Their the only humans that give me hope and feel like a joy to be around. I'd rather spend time with small children and animals than waste it with hypocrite adults and the evil world they've created.

Not Yaoi but check out Hagio Moto's work. Maajinaru, Poe no Ichizoku, and Thomas no Shinzou. But if you want terrible female orientated bordelrine porn slop then watch Zetsuai, Ai no Kusabi, and Level C and stay away from the awful awful trash that is Junjou Romantica.


File: 1729892525462.jpg (36.96 KB, 564x564, ty.jpg)

Thanks, man. Here's a drawing of a guy posing provocatively.


What the hell even is that pose?


an invitation


flossing is important


Is anal flossing a thing? He looks like he's trying to hang himself.


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cute fuwafuwa romance


homosexuality is wrong but cute pix thx ^_^


File: 1737285300040.jpg (61.24 KB, 500x696, 07d32c5d3a9377462f250147b9….jpg)

Riki and Kyousuke from Little Busters!

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