to play up the neck!!! Is p fun, I enjoy it. I've also very much improved at improvising and coming up with my own takes on songs, which fills my spirit. I still need to work on my rhythm. Sounds fine when I play but when I listen to a recording I hear it wavering. Me and mr metronome have some long nights ahead of us…
I also need to learn how to record myself, goodness my recordings are rough
>>1901your playing leads me to believe your a hot, take-no-shit real life rock and roll superstar! Very nice sushi
>>2032If I had to hazard a guess the '1' is tuned to C, 2 will be tuned to D, and so on. Dots appear to deliminate between a high and low octave, guessing based on the relative size of the tongues. The instrument is tuned to a C major scale based on the amazon listing. In music the 1st is the base note of the key (C in our case), the 5th is 5 steps higher, so A. Try playing 1, 4, 5. This is the most common note/chord progression in western music. It'll probably sound nice. If it came with music I'd learn several songs and see if ya can do anything fun after.
I don't know what your goal for the instrument, but if you're just looking to learn to play ya outta pick up as many songs as possible. Once you have a good 5-6 non-trivial songs under your belt (and can play them clean with good rhythm) the instrument opens up a bit and you can learn to improvise and do your own thing, but first you gotta play the thing a lot.