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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.


Instruments with personality.


Posting any kind of virtual live or unconventional instrument is fine.



I honestly have no idea what is going on here, but it's mesmerising. I thought the preview frame looked like static cover art for some vapourwave album and not a real working instrument, lol.


I love this, thank you for sharing.


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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:
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this is so utterly beautiful…


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few songs make me drop whatever I am doing. such a pleasure this one is. vibe rhythm and miku sounds so warm and motherly… heheh


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this is not a flood vichan… but i don't have time to wait. just like her time seems to be running out



Post your favorite MADs ITT.
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Thanks Deeply-san. I don't even know these guys.


The last year was not so bad after all.


long live otomad


(I think this counts) inmufags are something else

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Share Music! Have fun!
Please try to be detailed about what your sharing. Include the artist, title of release, cover art, and file type.

Tell us why you love it! Include a link to where we can buy a copy, because piracy is only fun if the artists keep making music!
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Hello samachan,

I have found this artist 猫祭り姫 (Nekomatsurihime, "cat festival princess") in a record store in Tokyo. I bought the album HAKOIRI because the cover is cool and I was surprised to find out the music is really, really good

It's very quaint desktop pop music set in a cute shinto world. A lot of influence from Akino Arai and light post-punk/indie bands like Nav Katze, Zabadak, D-Day, Zelda, but it's not rock music. There's a minimal and DIY feel on a lot of it. She rereleased 3 albums a couple years ago on CD and streaming, めぐる is my favorite

I found her old website, it had some free downloads. It hasn't been updated in almost 20 years. These are early variations of songs later on albums, songs on albums unavailable since 2002 and some one-offs. I also checked everything I could through wayback machine to find a couple songs that I don't think anybody has heard in 2 decades. I compiled them here:

猫祭り姫 - 宵町

Most of the audio is very low quality because they are .rm files from 2000-2005. I find the dated encoding charming and fitting. The cover is artwork she had on her site in 2000.

Thanks for reading, gurochan. I'm hoping to dump rare stuff I come across from time to time in this thread


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Hello 38chan,

I was going to wait less than 8,000 years to post this but I kept feeling too demotivated to do anything. The last album I posted was of 猫祭り姫, so it makes sense that next is 幼虫社 (YohChuSha, "larva house".) They are a duo of producer/composer 井蛹机/Tsukue and singer/keyboardist ヂヂ/dgidgi. Tsukue helped to produce many of Nekomatsurihime's music (but I think most or all songs on the last post here are produced by her) and has a similar range of influences and very post-punk tinged style of pop music. Also like Nekomatsurhime, it has a distinctive early DTM feel I find endearing (although I think it's all rompler-produced.)

In this case it is particularly easy to tell who the influences are because the producer had a last.fm account https://www.last.fm/user/tsukue

YohChuSha's first album is a collection of demo recordings from 92 to 98. For the first 3 or 4 years, Tsukue was the only real member, with whichever friend or classmate he could perform live with but never being in the group for long. Some recordings are Dgidgi's vocals over these older compositions, and some are newer ones she helped compose herself. The album was released on cassette, but all of these mp3s are free downloads from their website. It's the earliest instance I know of a band uploading their (physically released) album for free online. Very dreamy and borderlines ambient music at times

幼虫社 - 幼虫期

Their second and only "real" album came out in 2001. Only one demo song made it onto here, with the album having a more dramatic overall style while still being heavy on atmosphere

幼虫社 - 廃園Eden
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Hello world2ch,

I have learned to stop rambling. Here's some quirky 90s Japanese avant-pop by experimental/punk guys (mainly Lion Merry, who was also in Yapoos.) It is mostly upbeat, with some ironic and ill-fitting lyrics at times, and very purposefully corny sounds at times.


There is also a VHS with different recordings and live versions of 6 songs. They are here officially: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsPOaTYmN7xshTpXx6X8c8gd-sbBlLqzq


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Here are the albums "What Do You Think You Think ?" by Crack Und Ultra Eczema(Noise Rock, Post-Punk) and "Zwei" by Heimat(Art Pop, Post-Punk).
I bought these CDs when I saw Heimat live in a small Bunker in my Hometown. The Singer on both albums is Armelle Oberle who i had a little chat with when i bought the albums. She was really nice and concert was great.
If someone likes her music he can buy more here: https://meineheimat.bandcamp.com/music


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This is some very interesting stuff, I particularly enjoy it.

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Anything goes, as long as it sounds incredibly cool to you, and as long as there is a very small chance that someone else has heard it before.

I am somewhat scared to share the following song.
For almost 2 years, it has been a favorite of mine and as a result, i've created a sort of personal bond with it, but at the same time, i think i really trust you fellows, so whatever.


Hope more fellows come and drop their tunes
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cool! good! DTM! indie! cute! nice! EeL!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myh3DJXtFFI the full album!



A smaller name in j-rock for sure. It seems like one of their videos popped off in the past year, but in general most of their other stuff is pretty unknown in comparison.


nice j-rock thing, it only has 600 views right now, but another one of their videos has 146k views, so maybe they're actually really popular.

>tiny yawn "euphoria" release party

>Act : tiny yawn、Lucie, Too、水中スピカ

This line up looks so cool, bet it'd be a fun gig, I wish i could go.


its not the most unknown thing ever but this is a personal niche favorite of mine



can we have a comfy indie rock thread? i've been in the mood for it recently, specifically punk rock-ish stuff.

emo/punk/math rock songs welcomed too
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Here's a cool pop-punk song that was considered lost for a while.


song so good that when i heard it for the first time it made me get out of bed in the morning almost immediately


Advantage Lucy is always great!


These are both really beautiful. I love female driven punk/indie bands, I don't think females get enough credit for basically shaping a lot of the scene to be honest.


God, I can't get over how absolutely beautiful this album is and how heartfelt yet distressing it is. The album is mostly about the singer's experiences with heroin addiction, going to jail and losing his lover and friends in the process, some because of his own actions, and others because they died (as a result of heroin use). I could write an essay worth on some of the themes tackled in this album and the album they released prior to this one but I highly recommend this album. Not only is the subject matter and lyrics brutally real and encompassing, but the musicality of the project is impressive. The sound harkens back to 90s indie rock similar to Sebadoh or Polvo but with a stylish, contemporary sheen of the present day that touches upon elements of modern day fifth wave emo, post-hardcore, and math rock.

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Post your flashes with good music in them!
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olde thred desu ne


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Share mixes and podcasts you enjoy. Any music genre. When working on my projects I'm listening to a lot of ambient, drone, downtempo, techno, idm, so I'll be sharing mostly that.
Here a few for a start:


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Full of ambient bangers this one:


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made a very amateur trip hop & dnb mix rather impulsively a couple days ago. don't really have anything i can do with it, i'll post here. about half-vocal half-instrumental. some sections are more ambient, dream pop or shoegaze. mostly aimed to avoid artists the average person might know, and tracks from lesser known releases by the few bigger names in it

please excuse the cover art as i spat it out in 3 minutes in paint.net

you may ask why it starts with a song that is neither of the genres the mix is based around. don't concern yourself with such queries. turn around, keep walking


Here it is, the promised Touhou music thread.

Starting with Shibayan because that's what I listened to earlier.
Download here: http://kuukunen.net/toh/[ShibayanRecords]/2011.10.30%20[STAL-1101]%20ムソウマテリアライズ%20[M3-28]
Alternatively you can check out tlmc.eu if you want that lossless goodness.

I will try to post some more later. If someone has requests for certain genres, I'll try to see what I can find. No promises, though.
Everyone else, post your favourite albums, circles or whatever it is you want to share!
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Important lore implications for this one.


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The song
無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare
I see translated as "The Bell of Avici - Infinite Nightmare"

Avici is the lowest layer of hell in Buddhism, in Japanese called 無間地獄
But 地獄 is the part that means hell.
無間 is more like boundless/timeless (無 meaning "without" and 間 meaning a "period" or "section" of time or space)

so 無間の鐘 to me reads more like "The Bell of Eternity"

I wonder if "The Bell of Avici" is an official translation or not
I mean it does say "infinte nightmare" so it's not exactly a happy title, but 無間の鐘 doesnt have any negative connotation to me, rather I find it kinda beautiful and nice
but maybe 無間 has a stronger association with 無間地獄 than with its literal meaning



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ZUN says in the official song comments:


He talks about the worst hell of Naraka in this description, so while it isn't an official translation, I think "Bell of Avici" is the best translation.


【東方Vocal】Graveyard Memory ~ Secret Activity【GET IN THE RING】

Ngl, this is one of my favorite Touhou arranges. There's another one by the same group based around the same theme that I'm sure I'll post later.


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Get in the Ring is such a good fucking circle, peak Touhou arranges.


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I have been in a bit of a lull as of late, and picking up guitar helped make time feel a bit better
Figure I'd ask if anyone here is into it, I am no professional, but I do like spending time stringing strings
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Aqua from the ARIA OST


>skill level
Personally I think it's about how much you're physically capable of combined with how much a mind you have to learn/make musical choices.
If you haven't heard this type of advice already, practice the piece at as slow a tempo as you can stand, and if you can, try and memorize the melody to the point of being able to hum phrases from it accurately with all the little fills and such.
It's jazz, so perhaps the melody is better analyzed by how it relates to the comp chords.



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Ahh, didn't practice for a month or so and my fingers are back to normal!

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