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If you answer correctly you will be rewarded thusly. Merry Christmas!


Because she is beautiful, talented, cute, charming, funny, awesome and lovely of course!


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Whatever >>5795 said, a multifaceted character who always has a way to surprise you, in addition to the fact that she's the one who convinced (coerced) Mio and Mugi into creating a band. Furthermore she has competent leadership skills and as a drummer she's the backbone of the band. Simply put, Ritsu is the glue that holds Houkago Tea Time together and without her there would be no K-ON!!.


Because Yui was busy


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She's cool and a little rough around the edges. A lot of fun to hang out with, spending time alone with her is almost like being on a date with a boy!


Her chemistry and friendship with Yui is a highlight of the show for me, I love when they bond over silly stuff like refusing to learn english or roleplaying being stranded on a beach

Her confidence and genki energy make me smile


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I never really liked her or her anime, but I once had a friend who did.


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Her forehead is very kissable.


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She is simultaneously a great friend and a desirable waifu, that's 200% value for many otaku.


I think this is a rhetorical question since every time someone talks about k-on, there's a lot of love for Ritsu.


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Sawa has deemed it so. If you don't think so, then consider the following


ritsu is dumb and her forehead is too big. alice bands are stupid.

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