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This technique…

The chiquita…!?

(Diagram: top to bottom:
Around here

It's a type of backhand drive done right on top of the table

It's effective against shallow serves near the net and is meant to take initiative at the second touch

A chiquita hitting the ball from above, creating top spin

A chiquita hitting the ball from the side, creating side spin)

Nowadays, the top-spin type of chiquita which prioritizes speed is more popular

Our opponent, Mayonaka-san is using the side spin type which bends the ball's trajectory

But even so…


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To be able to bend it that sharply is very rare…!!

My chiquita is not your usual type


You see…


My body is rather flexible



(SFX: Gugu)

What incredible flexibility…!!


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She's so flexible that her range of motion is so wide! She can receive most backhands!

SFX: streetch)

It's the reason why Madoi's chiquitas have a ton of spin

She uses the recoil of her movements!!


Her twisty swings remind me of a sea animal

It's why I call her technique…


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(Agari) TWO
(Madoi) SIX

You look like you're having a lot of fun

Forgive me


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Getting to use my special technique to score

Is so uplifting


She is… Smiling…?


Sorry I took so long, but I'm afraid I've been rather busy with many other things that are as rewarding as translating takkyuu for sushigirl. Believe it or not, I only had the time to read the new chapter now.

Looks like this "high" thing goes deeper. The word used is "smile" but the furigana is "high".


Agari is about to finish her line but Madoi butts in and finishes it herself.

A more direct translation would be something like:

Pick whatever flavor of prose you'd prefer for this.

>Her twisty swings remind me of a sea animal
"Sea" was added by me. Tomomo says simply "animal"

I did so to tie it slightly better with:
>UMIBOUZU [Devilfish]

I wanted to commit and go with "Her twisty swings reminds me of an octopus", since devilfish can be so many different things besides "octopus", but "umibouzu" is a similarly archaic word for "octopus", so I didn't commit fully to my desecration of the original script (it's built up as a surprise until the pages with the octopus show up)…

Lots of takkyuu lingo in this chapter as well. I did the best I could researching to make sure I am not committing takkyuu heresy but, nevertheless, rechecking isn't a bad idea.
>And then nail this point on the third hit
On the third overall racket hit (Agari's serve plus Madoi's receive plus Agari's planned final hit)

>A receive ace…!?
That's the furigana. The main text reads "an attack on the second [ball] hit…!?"

>She went on the offense against my serve…!!

Original text is something like: "she attacked me all of a sudden starting from my serve…!!"


If Sekireikan middle school has an orphanage motif on top of the religious motif, I think I'll know where Asano-sensei's inspiration comes from.

Even more takkyuu lingo here. From what I researched, this should be correct. Note that I don't know if "on top of the table" is the correct terminology. What I'm trying to say is that Madoi is doing it close the to the table, without stepping back to create space or anything similar.

Part 2 coming after a short break.


>I'll serve at my opponent's backhand

I meant to write forehand.
My apologies…


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Playing with a smile, huh…





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Another chiquita!!


You'd better not play with me

The only people who should be smiling because of me


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So naive!!

If you're gonna get me so many times with that move…

Don't expect me to not catch on!!


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In fact, I was baiting all along



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My actual forte

Is my backhand!!

She's focusing her attack on Agari's backhand…

What a fast-paced rally…

So that was it…

A lead-in to a backhand speed rally…!

That was the opponent's goal all along


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It's easy to hit a ball with extreme right sidespin at the opponent's backhand…

A chiquita is not used for receive aces…

It's used to tilt the of the game towards the backhand side…!


It looks like our opponent has complete faith in her backhand



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Such sharp, quick backhands…!

…This is bad

This rally's pace is so quick I can hardly hit them back…!!

I don't even have leeway to try to switch into a forehand…


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I HAVE to move away from the backhand side

I can't put up any offense liike this…!!

Agari plays best from her forehand…!

If she gets stuck in a fast paced backhand rally, there's no way she can bring those out…!



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She creates her openings with a forehand loop drive

Then she settles it with a forehand smash…!

Agari's play is focused on spin

Getting drawn into speedy rallies is the worst possible outcome…!


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Loop drives, smashes…

No matter the technique you use, if you can't control your racket's momentum, you can't put power into your swings!!

Madoi's fast-paced drives don't give her opponents the chance to do that!!




Using the chiquita as my starting point


I drag my opponents into fast-paced backhands!!



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Using my fast backhands

I pin down my opponents to their backhand side

And I don't let go until their final moment!


This is my brand of table tennis


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(Madoi) ELEVEN
(Agari) FOUR





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Agari of all people…

She was pinned down, helpless and lost game one decisively…!


O, Lord

Forgive me, who is uplifted





I'll write notes later. Tomomo destroyed me. I'm off to bed.


good night friend


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Crushed Ace, a fitting present for best girl's birthday.


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Love the classic Japanese painting imagery. Feels like Asano is doing more of this lately

So this is basically the 2.0 of the Zakuro match

Hard to see if she's a sadist or just a weirdo.

Thank you!

It even ended on the same cliffhanger… but I bet Kumami would be seething to see this happen. She might have a better chance against Madoi since she's a high speed + chops type.



I think you did good with terminology.
"Over the table" might imply it's closer than it actually is, so I like "on top of the table".


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Oddly similar


Another fantastic chapter, another snafu. I was so focused on the general surface-level, diagram-supported table tennis terminology that I didn't give a second thought to Tomono (with an N)'s line.


Apparently, this is lingo used throughout all racket-based sports to define the moment when you readjust the racket and stabilize momentum after hitting the ball with a backhand swing (with the forehand equivalent being the フォロースルー - followthrough). Kind of like "swing recoil". It's why Madoi's super fast-paced rallies are troublesome, because they don't allow Agari to get in position and/or pace herself. I sort of incorporated it in the translation of Tomomo's line in >>6841 but in >>6825 you'll need to spare me a lot of good faith and squint very hard to make it fit.

In >>6825, Tomono is saying because Madoi is so flexible, she can build up her swing with a ton of takeback behind it (meaning, Madoi hits the ball with such strength that the swing recoil is very pronounced, meaning there'll be a lot of spin on her balls).

Essentially, the whole page should be re-written, so here it is:

She's so flexible that her range of motion is really wide! The takeback on her swings is huge!

SFX: streetch)

It's the reason why Madoi's chiquitas have a ton of spin

She uses the recoil of her swings!!


Her twisty swings remind me of a certain animal

It's why I call her technique…

Of course, feel free to apply whatever sort of artistic freedom you'd like when typesetting this.

Add this to the fact that I saw forehand in >>6820 but wrote backhand, misinterpreted the flow of the game and suddenly I'm very confused when Madoi says she's better with backhands at >>6836.

And the notes aren't over.

Connects with the final line of the previous page. Agari is saying "Suzumegahara (furi: everyone)".
All together:
"[Because] the only ones who should be smiling are Suzumegahara [everyone]"

>A chiquita is not used for receive aces…

>It's used to tilt the of the game towards the backhand side…!

"It's a strategy to accumulate balls on the backhand side"

>Using my fast backhands [furi: "this"]

>I pin down [lit: crucify, written in hiragana] my opponents to their backhand side

>And I don't let go until their final moment (their last breath)!

>CRUCIFIXIION PENALTY (using kanji) [Furi: hitting endlessly, beating up comprehensively (uses the "tako", the word for octopus)]

Visual puns within textual puns within historical references within textual puns within visual puns.

The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic. Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).

So you see, Madoi crucifies with an octopus that beats up her opponents without rest, keeping them unable to move until they breathe their final breath.

I think Asano had a lot of things thought out while drawing takkyuu for the first time, but undoubtedly he refined his ideas during his imposed hiatus to an amazingly elegant degree. He pulls all of this off without a hint of awkwardness neither in the script nor in the action.


>The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic.
As well as the "high" thing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm using "uplifted"/"uplifting" whenever that word shows up.

I noticed this and thought I should get on with reading chapter 9 part 2 and translate it as a birthday present to the most tragic girl in the series, unawares that the chapter would end up being so fitting. I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both.

Either Agari loses this game to get the ball rolling and finally allow Hanabi a moment to shine, or she learns from Koyori's bout with Christine, takes a huge gamble, wins and inspires the rest of the team and Koyori in particular (it's game 1, there's plenty of leeway to create the opportunity to put Hanabi in the spotlight).

This might sound hypocritical coming from me, but I'd appreciate it if you put images like these in spoilers if the chapter isn't translated yet. I have the self-control not to open these, but I can still see major elements in the thumbnail.

Sure, but can you imagine how troublesome it will be to keep up with Hokuto's gimmick? There's only so many types of panties.


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I don't think it's Hanabi's turn quite yet, she still has to meet "that person" at the tournament. It's probably foreshadowing for more Hanabi backstory.

>I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both

No way. If imagining Agari enjoying herself with Koyori made her violent, then seeing Madoi break Agari is on the same level, maybe worse, double NTR. I bet she'd want to 1v1 Madoi herself.

Also, Asano messed up the first drawing and didn't add the moon highlight. It feels different despite it being a minor part of the picture…

>spoiler page

Yeah I messed up, sorry.


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The TAKO is in katakana too.

>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).

I tried googling this and I only see this really occurring in Japan (水磔 lit. water crucifixion)

Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXION


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CANNOT believe Agari got PINNED DOWN and ENDLESSLY POUNDED to submission right in front of Koyori. What is the world of scorching table tennis coming to…


So there was a picture like this and no one told me…


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Why does the dominatrix aesthetic fit Desu so well


>Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXION

If you want to, go for it. Although depicted not in a deeply disrespectful way, Asano seems to be using the nun motif with more of an aesthetic focus (he goes for an allusive outfit but doesn't make any direct references to christianity in the dialogue – I'm not very religious but I'd say he's not trying to anger anyone).

Tidal cross (Juumonji!?), Deep sea cross (Juumonji!?), High tide crucifixion… I think that would be better than going for more direct christian references (although I think "cross" (Juumonji!?) should be preferred to "crucifixion" and "crucifix", but that's just me being extra mindful)… It's very difficult to keep the "endlessly beating [octopus]"+"crucifixion" combination from getting lost in translation, but I'm the type who would try to find a way.

Having spent the last 30 minutes thinking about it (not counting the time spent thinking about it at the time of the translation), I can't think of any way that would sound good (Octopus cross (Juumonji!?)? Tentacle cross (Juumonji!?)?, Takoful cross (JUUMONJI!?)? Neverending squeeze? What am I even talking about?). I suppose there might be no choice besides fanciful chuuni.


"High tide" has the ocean theme and also the "high" theme. Maybe RISING TIDE CRUCIFIX would sell that more.

Anyway "Crucifixion" is not necessarily christian, what is happening to ACE in that page is definitely crucifixion. I seems to me "磔刑" pretty directly means that too.

I'm just checking dictionaries, you're the expert, but where is the hitting "endlessly" coming from?
Isn't the furigana saying "タコ殴り"? So more like simply "octopus attack"? In which case I think just OCTO-CRUCIFIXION or TENTACRUCIFIX or something would work too.


>"High tide" has the ocean theme and also the "high" theme.

That has more thought behind it than I gave credit when I first read it. Are you considering reintegrating the "high" thing into the translation, or simply using this as a way to bring it across?

>where is the hitting "endlessly" coming from?

It's an idiom. Jisho has a good amount of them in its database (as is the case with this one) but when that's not the case but you still suspect it might be an idiom, you can put it on google with either "表現" or "慣用句" (and if the expression you're looking for uses only kanji, add an extra "とは" to filter out all the chinese results you'll get) and if there's a result it'll pop up.


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Guys since we're being referential and considering all the depth of themes to Madoi's takkyuu I think we should rework the name of her technique. Let's think about it, it uses an octopus theme and it beats until it can't beat no more. And if you check out her dialogue with Agari before the match, you get this big "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die" vibe out of the whole thing, so if you really think about it you only really need to bring extra emphasis to the point Agari's getting a beating, reference the obvious James Bond reference and then associate it all with an octopus through an adjective.

All this considered, you should probably name it something like OCTOPUSSY POUNDING (keeps the James Bond/Ian Fleming reference and totally brings across the beating Agari is taking – with an octopus theme!). Something like "Madoi is OCTOPUSSY POUNDING Agari! With her slippery takkyuu!"

You're welcome.


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So these are the forbidden arcane localization tricks… Impressive…


>You'd better not play with me
Am I right in thinking this is more of an exclamation like "don't screw with me!" or "don't give me that crap" than a literal "you shouldn't play ping pong against me"?

I think "teammates" sounds better here, unless the friends part needs emphasis. But I'm assuming this is just nakama things.

I'm assuming the text in the top middle bubble is "Sidespin".

I also like to make things fit. The easiest way might be to separate the kanji and furi with a colon, like "Crucifixion Penalty: Endless Octo Assault". Though this is coming off the last page's line, so it's the name of her brand of takkyuu rather than of a specific super move so that doesn't sound great in that context.
It's annoying that she doesn't do anything eight times to justify the only usable part of the English name going in there. I'm trying to branch out terms and "cephalopounding" was definitely one of the things I thought of.
I feel like the tako is just a cutesy wordplay and not that important, though. I'll brainstorm ways to work the crucifixion penalty in first.

Pretty sure all the other teams are playing at roughly the same times, so they're not watching each other's matches.
And there is a 0% chance of ACE losing after all this set up about how they need perfect wins to look good after the humiliation Teikoku gave them.


>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).
But the Japanese sort of crucifixion involved stabbing the crucified person 30 times with spears (source: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/磔).
This seems more in line with the "hitting endlessly" furigana.


>Isn't the furigana saying "タコ殴り"? So more like simply "octopus attack"?
It's not known for sure what metaphor the expression was originally meant to evoke


Okay, so I'm pretty sure the point Madoi is making is that her brand of takkyuu is "crucifixion", i.e. keeping her opponent tied up in an uncomfortable position until they succumb. The endless barrage of backhands are the rope/nails/tentacles holding Agari there. It's kind of long, but to get all that across I'm thinking:
"My brand of table tennis is…
the penalty of crucifixion by an endless wave of attacks!"

I think "the penalty of" is redundant and makes things too long, but you mentioned this is recurring wordplay so I left it in.
"Wave" at least keeps some sea imagery even if it's not tako specific.
"Attacks" could be anything if you think there's a better option. "Strikes", maybe.
Let me know if that works.


>Am I right in thinking this is more of an exclamation like "don't screw with me!" or "don't give me that crap" than a literal "you shouldn't play ping pong against me"?

It didn't occur to me at all that this misunderstanding could arise from me translating it like that. Indeed, it's the "don't screw with me" variety, except Agari says it in her usual haughty tone.

>Suzumegahara friends

As mentioned before, her line uses "Suzumegahara" but the furigana reads "everyone". It would be strange for Agari to say "You'd best not be smiling because of me, because the only ones who can is everyone". "Teammates" (or "my team") as you propose fits much better.

>I'm assuming the text in the top middle bubble is "Sidespin".

Side-spin to the right. Right-faced side-spin…?

I've come to be of the opinion that we should let the picture speak for itself. Tomono already builds up the octopus theme with the chiquita, and the reveal of Madoi's takkyuu is more connected with an endless wave of attacks, which comes next. Madoi's brand of table tennis is a fake-out with the octopus, setting up the crucifixion. Perhaps referencing only the endless wave and letting the visual metaphor make the connection with Tomono's is for the best. "A rising tide", "Endless tide", "Endless waves".

"A tidal binding", since she's forced to stay in the same place. Maybe "tidal bondage" to make the James Bond types (>>6908) happy.


Sounds very fun but I agree.

>"My brand of table tennis is…
>the penalty of crucifixion by an endless wave of attacks!"

It sounds rather long-winded, making it lose dramatic impact, but if the point is to be as complete as possible, this is probably the best approximation of all the puns/references Asano-sensei is making.

New chapter out. I'll wait for you to finish typesetting this chapter.


Chapter is up on MD:

I tried to shorten it while still hitting the important points.

I believe in ACE.


New chapter is out! And it's pretty dark…


I've been busier than usual, so I haven't had the time to look into takkyuu properly. Sorry about that. I'll probably dump translations tomorrow.

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