No.6082[Last 50 Posts]
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My spirit animal goes all out and the result is catastrophic. Hitting the net is indeed Kuroba's secret technique, but it doesn't look like it's all too intentional.
Some notes concerning the translation:
- The screaming SFX all over the first pages are, obviously, Burasuwa fans cheering.
- Kuroba seems to have a tendency to end her sentences on that polite interrogative "ne" ねぇ ( "seems like nice weather,
doesn't it?"), which I translate by adding a ", huh?" whenever she does it.
>>6083Kiruka is saying something to the effect of getting one win in to preserve some measure of dignity.
>>6087>Heavens meKuroba is literally saying "Aa", but using kanji for the effect. It's meant to be dramatic (as illustrated in her pose/expression). Something like "alas" could also work.
>>6090I translated the SFX for the ball hitting the net ("PON") as "WOB". To me, it feels like it fits, but you could leave it as "PON".
>>6092>Net-inI tried to look in western table tennis glossaries for this term or something similar, but I couldn't find any. Therefore, I left the term as a literal translation.
>>6095>If I had to compare>>6096>It's like (…)As per my usual MO, I moved the line to the next page for stronger dramatic effect. Mogami's line at page 15 is "It's [just] like…" and then she makes the analogy on page 16.
That's all I cant think of for now.
>>6097Still regarding Mogami's analogy:
She literally says
"It's like being enveloped in a cold something"
"And the fighting spirit [heart] grows colder"
Feel free to use whichever analogies you prefer.
And I only just noticed while translating this chapter that Mogami re-added the table tennis racket to her hairpin, even though the koma of her and Agari hugging being one of my all-time favourites (it's a big list).
>>6082They actually made a pretty cool promotional video huh? Already ordered my volumes, but I wont get the bonus content.
>>6097Awesome set of covers.
>>6083Still wonder how these 5 lost.
>>6088>>6089>>6094Is this actually not doing it on purpose? She looks more like a sadist now, even though she didn't back in chapter 0.
>>6093>>6096Yeah poor dog. This is basically her hard counter, she's a simple girl who enjoys fun above all else and smashes because it FEELS GOOD. And now she's playing a girl who completely denies you that. Maybe Agari or Hanabi could have done better against that? Hanabi's gimmick is being fast after all.
>>6097>Hitting the net is indeed Kuroba's secret technique, but it doesn't look like it's all too intentional.>>6101>Is this actually not doing it on purpose? She looks more like a sadist now, even though she didn't back in chapter 0.That part stuck out as weird to me too. Taken at face value, she's kind of saying it's unintentional, a sort of "curse", but it could also be something like… she wants to have fun playing table tennis, but when she really needs to win at any cost, she uses the sure-win technique that sucks the fun out the match for both of them.
It could go either way, we'll just have to wait and see the continuation.
>>6098I'm thinking
It's like // a chill that envelops you until / even your heart grows cold…
is sufficiently dramatic.
The rest is pretty straightforward, just need to finish up redrawing tomorrow.
>>6097I don't think I've heard a specific term for it either, I like net-in.
>>6092>>6101>>6118This is an interesting way to do it.
In practice matches at least, if you get a point from a net ball it's common to raise your paddle in a little "sorry", same with clipping the edge, since often times it's impossible to do anything about it.
While it can be very fun when someone saves a net ball and the rally can pick up again, I've certainly seen people get really frustrated when someone gets repeated net-ins.
It's usually advised to keep your shots low on the table anyway, so net-ins aren't uncommon at all.
Realistically they occur more when playing closer to the table and shooting slower shots, while in a driving rally or something, I feel like the power would make it where shots like
>>6091 this are more rare. Usually the ball would clip and just go flying over the table, or clip and still go forward decently far where Koyori could still return it. But it certainly happens this way too.
Especially with top spin the ball can kind of "roll" over the net. I've seen balls climb straight up it or ride it sideways even!
A panel of her double checking the tightness of the net when she arrived would have been great foreshadowing.
>>6098I want that paddle protector.
Typeset chapter is out: at Dog getting mindbroken by this absolute bullshit. The page where Heartslut unleashes her dark side powers reminds my of Kumami. "It's too much" was used there too.
Oh, and are there any changes or extras in the volumes? The original series had character sheets and Wanko bonus pages and it'd be neat to have extra info on the other teams. That second volume cover is false advertising, though. Ace doesn't even get to play in it.
>>6138Thank you! Nice font choice for the net-ins, they really look frustrating.
>are there any changes or extras in the volumes? Doesn't look like there are to me. We already got the 4-komas a few chapters ago.
>That second volume cover is false advertising, though. Ace doesn't even get to play in it.She did… offscreen!
Oh well at least it looks really good when you put them side by side.
>that new chapter
I guess ACE kino is back on the menu!
Any new of TLs?
>>6276I thought I had translated and dumped the latest chapter here already, but that wasn't the case. Weird.
Expect the TL tomorrow.
TLsushi roll has died…
>>6312Tomorrow is still yesterday somewhere in the world.
Audience screaming, of course, it's Burasuwa fans being Burasuwa fans.
>>6351>>6352>>6353I tried to drag it for as many pages as Asano-sensei himself, but essentially what Koyori is saying is "I never played against such un-dokidoki table tennis before"
>>6355>Your brand of table tennis sets your partners' heart ablaze… It's a living, breathing, ever-evolving table tennisKuroba says "a table tennis of evolution" and the furigana reads "living table tennis"
>>6356Kuroba's goodbye is the dramatic, good-bye-forever version of goodbye. She literally says "Sayonara". I was tempted to write "this is the end, Koyori-chan" to make it sound as definitive, but then I had Gohan Blanco flashbacks and decided against it. It's up to you to decide what fits best.
>>6357>>6362Referencing each other directly. Koyori "still could", while Kuroba "still can". Keep that in mind when considering how to better bring this across.
I added bold to certain parts of the text to give emphasis to parts which are emphasized in the original (with dots next to each kanji/kana).
>>6360>>6363 ("break through" should be in bold, although it's not exactly what's written. More like "respond"/"adapt"/"incorporate into")
>>6371>>6372 doesn't count. I just put ACE in bold because the
ACE is the
>>6369>…I will stop at nothing for that to happen. Kuroba is myYAAAWWNN….The original text has Chiharu yawn halfway through saying Kuroba. I added in "is my" to better transition into the yawn.
>UNCOUTH!Could be "LEWD!", "HOW VULGAR!" and such.
>>6371>THE ONE WHO CAN DO THAT>IS NO-ONE ELSE BESIDES MEConsidering the entire page layout and dramatic timing, this feels like a very foreshadowy, kind of plot-relevant line. I translated it in a hurry and it came out kind of redundant.
>"THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO THAT">"IS ME"Also works, but to me, Agari is using a tone that excludes everyone else (including that spiky ball of genki that's known to always play singles 1). So, "no-one else besides me", "nobody but me", etc. sounds more fitting to me, but it's up to you as always.
Forgot some more:
>>6362"Shinigami ga aisareta" doesn't translate directly into "grim reaper". She is loved BY the grim reaper.
>After "the grim reaper's beloved" brings her game to a close, it seems like this is the only way she has to calm herself downWould be more accurate
>>6363>The only one who can break through this curseThe more I think about this, the more I think it doesn't fit. It implies Chiharu is stronger than Kuroba, which doesn't necessarily seem to be the place. She can neutralize Kuroba's curse. That's all we know at this point.
>>6366>…It makes me feel so fulfilled to know my brand of table tennis can satisfy youChiharu is talking to no-one in particular. She's not directly addressing Kuroba, but she could. I compromised by making the more intimate line directed at Kuroba and the more calculated line directed at no-one in particular, as if to explain herself to Mogami.
>>6367>…The stage that is the city tournamentAnother furigana compromise. "City tournament" in full kanji, "stage" as furigana.
>>6372>WHEN THE TEAM IS FEELING DOWN…Team in full kana, "everyone" in furigana.
>(Spirit rekindling!!)This line has furigana as well. It reads as "reburn", of course.
And above all, most importantly…
>>6360>[Kanji too blurry to check so here's an old school TL note instead]suzu middle schoolRemember fansubs that outright wrote "unintelligible"? Did you miss them?
I can tell the second kanji is 鈴 ("rin", "suzu") and the first kanji kind of reminds me of 驚, but there's no word matching that. Knowing that these schools are all named for small birds (sekirei meaning "wagtail"), I went looking for possible matches with or without 鈴 in the name, but I came up empty. After about an hour, I called it quits. If you manage to understand what it is, good job. I might need glasses.
>>6360>>6374I think it might be 鷺 after all. That would make it Sagisuzu middle school.
I'm pretty sure we were doing "buchou" as "captain" in the original series so I'm sticking with that here. Working on redrawing now, so it should clear QC in a couple days.
>>6360What are the bits on the right of the paper? W/L and ???
>>6370What's the small text on Chiharu's middle bubble?
>>6373I think the first three pages are mirroring what she said to Agari on page 13 of this chapter, so I just reused that line.
>nobody else can do this!>I'm the only one!Seems to reinforce how little faith she has in the jobber well.
>>6374We used "god of death" before, so "the girl loved by the girl of death" is going here. This mirrors what she said when she introduced the concept.
>the only one who doesn't succumb to this curseMight work better.
The switching addressee felt weird to me, so I'm just going to use "is satisfactory" and have the whole bit be her talking to herself/Mogami.
>… the city tournament isn't… a stage where Kuroba can shine.I hope that gets the dual meaning across. The size of those bubbles is kind of limiting.
>>6378Another possibility would be the uguisu 鶯 "Japanese bush warbler", would be more consistent with the small songbird theme. Hard to tell without a higher resolution image.
>>6387>What are the bits on the right of the paper? W/L and ???"Rank"
>What's the small text on Chiharu's middle bubble?I put it all in one sentence. In the original she says:
>Slipping it off?>[small words] the skirt
>>the only one who doesn't succumb to this curse>Might work better.Not 100% exactly. The curse affects Kuroba, not her opponents. It's more like when Kuroba plays with Chiharu, Kuroba's curse doesn't take over and she can give her all in playing table tennis and having fun.
Chiharu can override Kuroba's curse somehow.
>>6390>Another possibility would be the uguisu 鶯 "Japanese bush warbler"I considered this too, and honestly this kanji feels a little closer to what's on the image than 鷺, but I can't figure out how it's supposed to be read. The names usually have a bird and then a habitat name attached (
SuzumegaHara (sparrow meadow),
MozuYama (shriek mountain – sounds super metal!),
MejiroSaka (white-eye hill)) and most of the time they're read with the japanese reading rather than the on'yomi. Exceptions exist for these rules, as well as the small songbird theme (Tsubame Jogakuin (Swallow girls academy - no habitat); Tei
Koku (imperial swan, on'yomi reading – although in this case Koku is also used to refer to the animal); Hayabusa (falcon - not a songbird)).
All this to say, 鶯 is a strong option but it sounds weird with 鈴. UguisuSuzu? UguiSuzu? UguiZusu? UguisuRin? OuRin?
Sagisizu isn't the most poetic name in the world but rolls out of the tongue slightly better.
Maybe not as much as OuRin… But OuRin is using on'yomi for the bird kanji when that never happens… But what if it's the exception to the one rule that hasn't been broken yet? But OuRin doesn't sound japanese-y enough…
These were literally the things I was thinking about when trying to figure what was written.
Anyone's guess is as good as mine, essentially.
Maybe it's best to leave that paper unedited, leave a note at the end of the chapter and then come back to it when we can see the character without all the jpg artifacts.
Meanwhile, there's a bangaihen to translate…
>>6398Shouldn't Agari be used to see ventriloquism at this point?
TL Notes later.
>>6399But from the belly?
Alright, the final part of chapter 7 is done: look on Hanabi's face here after ACE calls her out is heartbreaking. I'm fucking hype for Agari finally getting to play, though.
>>6392I'm just going to go with Sagisuzu and we can update it if it turns out wrong. It's pretty minor text at this point so I don't think we need to point out it might be wrong.
>>6396This is some Japanese culture shit where they call stomach growls a bug, right? Probably need to come up with something else so it doesn't read like they're sick.
>>6398>Originally, ventriloquism was a religious practice. The name comes from the Latin for 'to speak from the stomach': Venter (belly) and loqui (speak). The Greeks called this gastromancy (Greek: εγγαστριμυθία). The noises produced by the stomach were thought to be the voices of the unliving, who took up residence in the stomach of the ventriloquist. The ventriloquist would then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as well as foretell the future.The more you know.
>>6405Thanks! I'm glad we caught up.
Hanabi not playing now is clearly just part of the plan for her to pick up the slack and save everyone's asses soon. Actually, I'm starting to think her moment might come in the next match.
>>6403Should I be waiting for these TL notes?
>>6422Apologies. Not really. The big one's already been figured out, about the stomach bug thing. I left it in literally so as to not add to the confusion.
The only other noteworthy one is for
>>6401Kiruka is using 難儀 which is a bit of a literary way to talk about Hanabi's trouble. "Such trouble/hardship/suffering" could work too. I went for "what a pickle" because to me it carries across the same playfulness of the original.
4-koma is up now:>>6423Okay, thanks. The pickle thing works well.
>>6415I love the girl, but she has not contributed anything so far. She's only going to win her next match because it's the only way for them to advance and it'll be on the back of Ace's morale boost.
Just like that, there's two new chapters.
I'll be dumping those tomorrow, most likely.
Lots of focus on Hanabi again. Soon! In the meantime, I'll enjoy the new local schizo. I guess she's more of an M than an S for once though?
And so, exactly 24 hours later, here is the translation.
>>6392>But OuRin doesn't sound japanese-y enough…And so the japanese nightingales have come home to roost. If figuring out Christine's dyslexia was a feather in my cap, this was my biggest hubris. It turns out indeed the name of the final school is Ourin academy. Typesetter-kun, if you can somehow edit the previous chapter and replace it on mangadex, that would be great…
There's moments when it's not entirely certain who is saying which lines, such as
>>6653 bottom panel (except for Madoi's line) or
>>6654 center-left (prayer). I made assumptions based on what little character traits we're shown during the characters' introductions (Kurara prays, Tomono comments on the Lord being surprised, Uika's nervous whispers, etc.).
Concerning Madoi:
She has a couple of speech quirks.
The first is the use of ス, ッス (su, ssu).
It's like a shorthanded "desu" type of thing. I was tempted to add "'s" to her speech ("Doesn't it make you sad to say it
yourself's?"; "My playstyle depends a
lot's on it")
Secondly, the GUILTY thing.
>>6650Madoi uses the word 罪(sin/guilt) but it's read as guilty (giruti~).
I assume most of what she means using this kanji (even when not with the guilty okurigana) refers more to guilt than it does to sin. More on that on Chapter 8 part 2.
The last one is a bit more straightforward
>>6652>It makes me smile [makes me high]She literally says it makes her high. Westwards this has a stronger connotation with drugs but that's obviously not the case here.
I leave the inclusion/exclusion of all these speech quirks up to you, typesetter-kun.
Part 2 coming after a short break.
And that's part 2 of 2.
>>6659 this is not a mistake.
Not a lot to say here outside the fact Hanabi's expressions are breaking my heart.
>>6663I decided not to go overboard with creative license regarding what's written on the bottle. Essentially:
OSUYON (lit: it's vinegar [cutesy sentence ending particle] → "It's/Here's vinny!"?)
>>6666>THE GUILT I MUST CARRY>>6667>Guilty… You're rightIn these instances, no indication is given as to what Madoi exactly means. With the former, I'm going with "guilt" because that's the meaning she attributes the word in all other instances of her saying it. With Agari, I went for "guilty" because she's directly replying to Madoi saying "guilty", so it'd look awkward to switch it to "sin". Although, Agari is more or less translating/interpreting the english "guilty" Madoi threw at her. To my ability, this is not the type of bilingual moment that can be reinterpreted in an english translation.
I understand 罪 can mean both "sin" and "guilt" but I consider it pertinent to make the distinction considering Sekireikan are a bunch of pseudo-nuns and the subtleties in meaning can be influential in this context. Although, perhaps Asano-sensei didn't think about it this deeply…
And that's chapter 8. I hope you enjoy it, and a belated happy birthday to the dojikko buchou, Zakuro!
>>6663>Kurara:>The Lord likes big boobsI have NO IDEA what kind of crazy magic cult these chicks are into, but their deity got at least one thing right.
>>6658>It's like a shorthanded "desu" type of thing. I was tempted to add "'s" to her speech ("Doesn't it make you sad to say it yourself's?"; "My playstyle depends a lot's on it")First time I see this localization idea. I think it's pretty good.
>Madoi uses the word 罪(sin/guilt) but it's read as guilty (giruti~).Just how far do the puns go?
>>6662C-cool ACE…
>>6668Things actually got pretty tense. This is Agari's first real onscreen match in the sequel, and it might go either way since she goes first. If she loses it puts Suzumegahara in an even tighter spot and it means Hanabi has to be the hero. On the other hand even if Agari wins it's still going to be hard, most of these girls are 3rd year…
>>6658I never throw away psds, so updating old chapters is easy. I think it was just that one page that had it, in which case the MD version is fixed now.
>it makes me highMy first instinct is to do something like
"I feel uplifted."
since that's both pretty in line with the literal translation and it sounds kind of religious, which matches these girls.
>>6659Hopefully this isn't my hubris, but I'm going to assume this is just a recap because the chapters were split up and omit one. If it turns out to be foreshadowing a time loop or something I'll repent for my arrogance and start worshiping the god of big boobs.
>>6670Thank you!
I knew we had a new best girl in town (chapter 9-1 released).
I like Agari's attitude here too, she's a lot less dramatic than before.
Some details/errata I forgot:
>LordThe Sekireikan girls never use the direct word, "god". I think this is important.
>>6670>PLEASE LOOK OVER THIS GIRL WHO FIGHTS WITH SIN>THE GIRL COVERED IN GUILT, MADOIAfter that big note about guilt/罪/sin, I forget about this. I used "sin" here to not be too repetitive, but you could use "guilt for both"
For example
who faces guilt (okurigana: who fights – I merged both)
>THE GIRL AT ODDS WITH GUILT, MADOIOr whatever you've come up with.
I hope I'm not too late in mentioning these.
>>6704Everyone kept joking about Takkyuu going the way of Saki with its gimmicks. Instead, it's getting closer to Baki. No.6726
>>6711>it's getting closer to BakiI can kinda see it. Is it because we're seeing more freaks with special conditions?
I'm glad it's Baki though, imagine if we were going the Kengan Omega brainrot path.
>if Zakuro wasn't tired, I would have definitely lost…>you were awesome, Bear… top 5 ping pong players I played No.6748
Typeset chapter is on MD: opted to leave out the -ssu because it feels like it's not any more substantial than the desus and we've been ignoring those outside of very specific circumstances.
I also had Agari just give her interpretation of guilty as a followup to replicate that.
I used "confronts" to capture fights and faces.
I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything good for the ecchi sketchy bit.
I can't get over them having a wanko shrubbery in the town square.
>>6748Nice! I like that even the intro pages are translated.
The newest chapter is out and it sure is going places…
(Same pictures as
>>6642 >>6643 >>6644)
Sorry I took so long, but I'm afraid I've been rather busy with many other things that are as rewarding as translating takkyuu for sushigirl. Believe it or not, I only had the time to read the new chapter now.
>>6818Looks like this "high" thing goes deeper. The word used is "smile" but the furigana is "high".
>>6820>>6821>Agari: I'LL MAKE SURE A GOOD START…>Madoi: AIN'T EVER COMING YOUR WAYAgari is about to finish her line but Madoi butts in and finishes it herself.
A more direct translation would be something like:
>Agari: AN AUSPICIOUS // START WILL>Madoi: BE CUT[INTERRUPTED] BY ME-ssuPick whatever flavor of prose you'd prefer for this.
>>6825>Her twisty swings remind me of a sea animal"Sea" was added by me. Tomomo says simply "animal"
I did so to tie it slightly better with:
>>6826>UMIBOUZU [Devilfish]I wanted to commit and go with "Her twisty swings reminds me of an octopus", since devilfish can be so many different things besides "octopus", but "umibouzu" is a similarly archaic word for "octopus", so I didn't commit fully to my desecration of the original script (it's built up as a surprise until the pages with the octopus show up)…
Lots of takkyuu lingo in this chapter as well. I did the best I could researching to make sure I am not committing takkyuu heresy but, nevertheless, rechecking isn't a bad idea.
>>6820>And then nail this point on the third hitOn the third overall racket hit (Agari's serve plus Madoi's receive plus Agari's planned final hit)
>>6822>A receive ace…!?That's the furigana. The main text reads "an attack on the second [ball] hit…!?"
>She went on the offense against my serve…!!Original text is something like: "she attacked me all of a sudden starting from my serve…!!"
>>6823>>6824>ChiquitaIf Sekireikan middle school has an orphanage motif on top of the religious motif, I think I'll know where Asano-sensei's inspiration comes from.
Even more takkyuu lingo here. From what I researched, this should be correct. Note that I don't know if "on top of the table" is the correct terminology. What I'm trying to say is that Madoi is doing it close the to the table, without stepping back to create space or anything similar.
Part 2 coming after a short break.
>>6820>I'll serve at my opponent's backhandI meant to write
My apologies…
I'll write notes later. Tomomo destroyed me. I'm off to bed.
>>6827Love the classic Japanese painting imagery. Feels like Asano is doing more of this lately
>>6837So this is basically the 2.0 of the Zakuro match
>>6846>>6844Hard to see if she's a sadist or just a weirdo.
>>6847Thank you!
>>6858It even ended on the same cliffhanger… but I bet Kumami would be seething to see this happen. She might have a better chance against Madoi since she's a high speed + chops type.
>>6823CHIQUITA>>6829I think you did good with terminology.
"Over the table" might imply it's closer than it actually is, so I like "on top of the table".
Another fantastic chapter, another snafu. I was so focused on the general surface-level, diagram-supported table tennis terminology that I didn't give a second thought to Tomo
no (with an N)'s line.
>>6825>>6841>テイクバック>TakebackApparently, this is lingo used throughout all racket-based sports to define the moment when you readjust the racket and stabilize momentum after hitting the ball with a backhand swing (with the forehand equivalent being the フォロースルー - followthrough). Kind of like "swing recoil". It's why Madoi's super fast-paced rallies are troublesome, because they don't allow Agari to get in position and/or pace herself. I sort of incorporated it in the translation of Tomomo's line in
>>6841 but in
>>6825 you'll need to spare me a lot of good faith and squint very hard to make it fit.
>>6825, Tomono is saying because Madoi is so flexible, she can build up her swing with a ton of takeback behind it (meaning, Madoi hits the ball with such strength that the swing recoil is very pronounced, meaning there'll be a lot of spin on her balls).
Essentially, the whole page should be re-written, so here it is:
Tomomo:She's so flexible that her range of motion is really wide! The
takeback on her swings is huge!
SFX: streetch)
Tomomo:It's the reason why Madoi's chiquitas have a ton of spin
She uses the recoil of her swings!!
Her twisty swings remind me of a certain animal
It's why I call her technique…
Of course, feel free to apply whatever sort of artistic freedom you'd like when typesetting this.
Add this to the fact that I saw
forehand in
>>6820 but wrote
backhand, misinterpreted the flow of the game and suddenly I'm very confused when Madoi says she's better with backhands at
And the notes aren't over.
>>6833Connects with the final line of the previous page. Agari is saying "Suzumegahara (furi: everyone)".
All together:
"[Because] the only ones who should be smiling are Suzumegahara [everyone]"
>>6837>A chiquita is not used for receive aces…
>It's used to tilt the of the game towards the backhand side…!"It's a strategy to accumulate balls on the backhand side"
>>6842>Using my fast backhands [furi: "this"]
>I pin down [lit: crucify, written in hiragana] my opponents to their backhand side
>And I don't let go until their final moment (their last breath)!>>6843>CRUCIFIXIION PENALTY (using kanji) [Furi: hitting endlessly, beating up comprehensively (uses the "tako", the word for octopus)]Visual puns within textual puns within historical references within textual puns within visual puns.
The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic. Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).
So you see, Madoi crucifies with an octopus that beats up her opponents without rest, keeping them unable to move until they breathe their final breath.
I think Asano had a lot of things thought out while drawing takkyuu for the first time, but undoubtedly he refined his ideas during his imposed hiatus to an amazingly elegant degree. He pulls all of this off without a hint of awkwardness neither in the script nor in the action.
>>6862>The octopus imagery is front and center with Madoi, as is the whole "GUILTY", "PENALTY" thematic.As well as the "high" thing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm using "uplifted"/"uplifting" whenever that word shows up.
>>6858I noticed this and thought I should get on with reading chapter 9 part 2 and translate it as a birthday present to the most tragic girl in the series, unawares that the chapter would end up being so fitting.
I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably both.Either Agari loses this game to get the ball rolling and finally allow Hanabi a moment to shine, or she learns from Koyori's bout with Christine, takes a huge gamble, wins and inspires the rest of the team and Koyori in particular (it's game 1, there's plenty of leeway to create the opportunity to put Hanabi in the spotlight).
>>6804This might sound hypocritical coming from me, but I'd appreciate it if you put images like these in spoilers if the chapter isn't translated yet. I have the self-control not to open these, but I can still see major elements in the thumbnail.
>>6726Sure, but can you imagine how troublesome it will be to keep up with Hokuto's gimmick? There's only so many types of panties. No.6864
>>6863I don't think it's Hanabi's turn quite yet, she still has to meet "that person" at the tournament. It's probably foreshadowing for more Hanabi backstory.
>I wonder if she's in the audience, savoring all of A-chan, or if she's worried for her friend. Considering it's Kumami, probably bothNo way. If imagining Agari enjoying herself with Koyori made her violent, then seeing Madoi break Agari is on the same level, maybe worse, double NTR. I bet she'd want to 1v1 Madoi herself.
Also, Asano messed up the first drawing and didn't add the moon highlight. It feels different despite it being a minor part of the picture…
>spoiler pageYeah I messed up, sorry.
>>6862The TAKO is in katakana too.
>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).I tried googling this and I only see this really occurring in Japan (水磔 lit. water crucifixion)
Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXION
>>6875So there was a picture like this and no one told me…
>>6872>Would it be wrong to just make up a chuuni name for it? Like HIGH TIDE CRUCIFIXIONIf you want to, go for it. Although depicted not in a deeply disrespectful way, Asano seems to be using the nun motif with more of an aesthetic focus (he goes for an allusive outfit but doesn't make any direct references to christianity in the dialogue – I'm not very religious but I'd say he's not trying to anger anyone).
Tidal cross (Juumonji!?), Deep sea cross (Juumonji!?), High tide crucifixion… I think that would be better than going for more direct christian references (although I think "cross" (Juumonji!?) should be preferred to "crucifixion" and "crucifix", but that's just me being extra mindful)… It's very difficult to keep the "endlessly beating [octopus]"+"crucifixion" combination from getting lost in translation, but I'm the type who would try to find a way.
Having spent the last 30 minutes thinking about it (not counting the time spent thinking about it at the time of the translation), I can't think of any way that would sound good (Octopus cross (Juumonji!?)? Tentacle cross (Juumonji!?)?, Takoful cross (JUUMONJI!?)? Neverending squeeze? What am I even talking about?). I suppose there might be no choice besides fanciful chuuni.
>>6899"High tide" has the ocean theme and also the "high" theme. Maybe RISING TIDE CRUCIFIX would sell that more.
Anyway "Crucifixion" is not necessarily christian, what is happening to ACE in that page is definitely crucifixion. I seems to me "磔刑" pretty directly means that too.
I'm just checking dictionaries, you're the expert, but where is the hitting "endlessly" coming from?
Isn't the furigana saying "タコ殴り"? So more like simply "octopus attack"? In which case I think just OCTO-CRUCIFIXION or TENTACRUCIFIX or something would work too.
>>6901>"High tide" has the ocean theme and also the "high" theme.That has more thought behind it than I gave credit when I first read it. Are you considering reintegrating the "high" thing into the translation, or simply using this as a way to bring it across?
>where is the hitting "endlessly" coming from? It's an idiom. Jisho has a good amount of them in its database (as is the case with this one) but when that's not the case but you still suspect it might be an idiom, you can put it on google with either "表現" or "慣用句" (and if the expression you're looking for uses only kanji, add an extra "とは" to filter out all the chinese results you'll get) and if there's a result it'll pop up.
>>6832>You'd better not play with meAm I right in thinking this is more of an exclamation like "don't screw with me!" or "don't give me that crap" than a literal "you shouldn't play ping pong against me"?
>>6833>SUZUMEGAHARA FRIENDSI think "teammates" sounds better here, unless the friends part needs emphasis. But I'm assuming this is just nakama things.
>>6837I'm assuming the text in the top middle bubble is "Sidespin".
>>6899I also like to make things fit. The easiest way might be to separate the kanji and furi with a colon, like "Crucifixion Penalty: Endless Octo Assault". Though this is coming off the last page's line, so it's the name of her brand of takkyuu rather than of a specific super move so that doesn't sound great in that context.
It's annoying that she doesn't do anything eight times to justify the only usable part of the English name going in there. I'm trying to branch out terms and "cephalopounding" was definitely one of the things I thought of.
I feel like the tako is just a cutesy wordplay and not that important, though. I'll brainstorm ways to work the crucifixion penalty in first.
>>6863Pretty sure all the other teams are playing at roughly the same times, so they're not watching each other's matches.
And there is a 0% chance of ACE losing after all this set up about how they need perfect wins to look good after the humiliation Teikoku gave them.
>>6862>Crucifixions during the time of the christian persecutions were often carried out on beaches and the condemned would be subject to the rising tide until they drowned (if the cruxifixion process itself hadn't done them in before that).But the Japanese sort of crucifixion involved stabbing the crucified person 30 times with spears (source:磔).
This seems more in line with the "hitting endlessly" furigana.
>>6901>Isn't the furigana saying "タコ殴り"? So more like simply "octopus attack"?It's not known for sure what metaphor the expression was originally meant to evoke
>タコを料理する際にすりこぎや大根で叩いて軟らかくすることが語源や、タコの8本足で殴るように無数の拳を叩きつける、或いは手数を費やして殴りに殴るという姿をタコになぞらえたとも言われるが、定かではない。 No.6934
>>6930Okay, so I'm pretty sure the point Madoi is making is that her brand of takkyuu is "crucifixion", i.e. keeping her opponent tied up in an uncomfortable position until they succumb. The endless barrage of backhands are the rope/nails/tentacles holding Agari there. It's kind of long, but to get all that across I'm thinking:
"My brand of table tennis is…
the penalty of crucifixion by an endless wave of attacks!"
I think "the penalty of" is redundant and makes things too long, but you mentioned this is recurring wordplay so I left it in.
"Wave" at least keeps some sea imagery even if it's not tako specific.
"Attacks" could be anything if you think there's a better option. "Strikes", maybe.
Let me know if that works.
>>6930>Am I right in thinking this is more of an exclamation like "don't screw with me!" or "don't give me that crap" than a literal "you shouldn't play ping pong against me"?It didn't occur to me at all that this misunderstanding could arise from me translating it like that. Indeed, it's the "don't screw with me" variety, except Agari says it in her usual haughty tone.
>Suzumegahara friendsAs mentioned before, her line uses "Suzumegahara" but the furigana reads "everyone". It would be strange for Agari to say "You'd best not be smiling because of me, because the only ones who can is everyone". "Teammates" (or "my team") as you propose fits much better.
>I'm assuming the text in the top middle bubble is "Sidespin".Side-spin to the right. Right-faced side-spin…?
>>6934I've come to be of the opinion that we should let the picture speak for itself. Tomono already builds up the octopus theme with the chiquita, and the reveal of Madoi's takkyuu is more connected with an endless wave of attacks, which comes next. Madoi's brand of table tennis is a fake-out with the octopus, setting up the crucifixion. Perhaps referencing only the endless wave and letting the visual metaphor make the connection with Tomono's is for the best. "A rising tide", "Endless tide", "Endless waves".
"A tidal binding", since she's forced to stay in the same place. Maybe "tidal bondage" to make the James Bond types (
>>6908) happy.
>"cephalopounding"Sounds very fun but I agree.
>>6934>"My brand of table tennis is…>the penalty of crucifixion by an endless wave of attacks!"It sounds rather long-winded, making it lose dramatic impact, but if the point is to be as complete as possible, this is probably the best approximation of all the puns/references Asano-sensei is making.
New chapter out. I'll wait for you to finish typesetting this chapter.
Chapter is up on MD: tried to shorten it while still hitting the important points.
I believe in ACE.
New chapter is out! And it's pretty dark…
I've been busier than usual, so I haven't had the time to look into takkyuu properly. Sorry about that. I'll probably dump translations tomorrow.
Waking up in the middle of the night, remembering I forgot to translate this. Sorry again for being so late.
>>7070I'm about to go read it. I hope I don't get hit by a truck of takkyuu musume melodrama, but I see it coming, I know I'm not ready, but I'll dive in regardless.
And I didn't make it past the first page.
Good Lord I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep after this.
>>7097Stop with the damn vinegar!
>>7100That's bitter.
>>7103Thank you as always! You expected right but still went through with it, good job going back to sleep now.
crying in bed panel really gets to me for some reason, I can almost feel the negative emotions when I see stuff like this.
>>7106>good job going back to sleep nowMeant good luck.
Anyway, the second part of the new chapter is in two days. Hopefully things can get better.
This girl is crazier than Bear, isn't she? No.7108
>>7107It wasn't my plan to go back to sleep before translating both parts, which I'm about to do.
Give me fifteen minutes.
Asano-sensei has more tricks in his hat that a wizard. This time he pulled out yet another ticket to yet another unpredictable emotional rollercoaster.
>>7090The original title isn't as on the nose about the religious theme. It's close to "that which I carry" if you prefer to be literal.
>>7092Yet again using the "sin" kanji for everything. This time, the line says "sin" but the furigana reads "duty/obligation".
>>7093>YE-… UNDERSTOOD!!Or rather "Y-YES!!" considering how small the speech bubble is…
And the sin/guilty thing comes up again.
>>7094>「I came to love my onee-sama, who was always so gentle to me」Just a literary device to bring Madoi emotionally closer to Tomono. Dropping the "my" is just as valid. I interchange the use of it depending on the situation. I felt it was warranted here.
FWOOO is the sound of the air dryer…
>>7096>You were sleeping so soundly I felt kinda guilty about itNo relation with the sin/guilty thing, she just says she felt bad waking Madoi up. "I'd feel bad waking you up" might be better, but if you want the sin/guilt thing to be floating about so the readers won't forget it, dropping it casually like this might not too bad.
>>7098>ON IT!!Madoi says "YES!!" but I didn't want to repeat myself.
>>7101You can rearrange this text much better. I worded it this way for the benefit of whoever is reading the translation ITT.
>>7102>「But」>「Such joyous days would never come」Now that I'm reading it, I thing "Those joyous days would never come" would sound better.
For the record, a more literal translation of what Madoi is saying would be "The day when that [being a regular together with Onee-sama] becomes a reality didn't come]
>>7109>If I didn't exist>Onee-sama would still be a regular!!The first line would more directly be "if we weren't together" but I took a slight liberty. The way Madoi words it in the original doesn't specify "together in practice", it generalizes it. If Madoi wasn't there, Tomono would still be a regular. If she didn't exist. To drive the point about the depths of her sadness and despair.
>>7110>WHAT D'JA THINK YER DOIN' ARRIVING LATER THAN THE RESERVE!!>THINK YA OWN THE PLACE??Tomono isn't talking exactly like this, but she's using expressions to convey a sense of friendly banter. Specifically 重役出勤, arriving late at work as if she's an executive (who lords over everyone in the company). Not as concise a translation as the original text, but naturally you can have a crack at it.
>>7112>If something's wrong, I can take that regular spot from you if you'd like!Or rather "if you're not feeling well, (…)"
>>7114>You can be an octopus too with this book!!>Joints? What's thatOctopus-man* but I omited that on purpose.
>>7117>I'm consumed by such guilt…Again, the line reads sinful, furigana reads guilty (in katakana, the english word, as usual).
>>7118The "high" thing begins coming closer and closer to the actual literal english slangy definition of "high"…
Left it as "uplifted" for consistency. It still fits well enough.
Next some things I found interesting that I read in the lull between dumping parts 1 and 2.
Concerning the wagtail (sekirei):
Most distinctively found with the black-and-white pattern, being black along the back, then black on the chest area, with the lower portion of the body white.
Wild speculation:
In japanese, to be black means to be guilty (of a crime, sin…). The wagtail is black on the back and chest. It carries guilt on its back and has guilt buried in its heart.
The wagtail in the edo period is said to be the inspiration for the hokushin ittouryuu, a sword style by Chiba Shuusaku Narimasa, one of the last to earn the title of sword saint. The style is characterized by having as little wasteful movement as possible. Instead of being
tense and applying strength when crossing blades, the style favors
relaxing the body to allow a
wider range of motion in riposte.
I added bold so I don't have to repeat myself in wild speculation.
The wagtail is also the bird of happy marriages, having been involved in the creation myth of japan, helping Izanagi and Izanami. It's the bird that signals autumn, inspiration in haiku, fearless in confrontation, and you can read more about it's importance and symbolism in japanese culture here: Asano-sensei think of all of this?
>>7109It's hard to swallow because she's probably right in a way, having to take care of her probably did take some of Tomono's time. On the other hand, she probably helped Tomono get further and be motivated so…
>>7110>>7111Healthy way to process this at least. Tomono couldn't contain her emotions when she lost but she put things back on the right track.
>>7120>the style favors relaxing the body to allow a wider range of motion in riposteThat's kinda genius. I'm not too sure about the chest/back guilt but the sword style seems like an intentional reference. Pretty nice bit of trivia.
Typesetting is done and I'm about halfway through the redrawing. Should I be waiting for a TL of part 3, which came out earlier this week, before releasing or just go ahead with these two once they're done? I think there's still at least one more part left to go before Asano finishes the chapter, so the numbering is going to be messy either way, but if the TL will be done soon we might as well put them all out at once.
I really hate how this series gets released.
>>7097What's the sign in the bottom right panel say?
>>7150Maybe releasing these two parts first might be better, considering it looks like this new part doesn't add much in terms of dramatic tension and seems to signal Agari's comeback. In short, I think releasing part 3 with parts 1 and 2 will lessen the impact of Madoi's backstory.
I'm hoping Agari loses but in such a way that raises everyone's morale. Think bear's love game.And ever since
>>6665 pointed out eyebags, I've been looking at
>>7111 and seeing them there as well. I might be reading too much into it, but I'm wondering if Madoi was really the only one going through a crisis that evening.
>What's the sign in the bottom right panel say?City of Tokyo middle school [cut]
Table tennis tournam [cut]
Sorry about that.
TS chapter for parts 1 and 2 is up. really fucked up thing is that Madoi turned "having Onee-sama as a reserve is reassuring" into an excuse to risk injury to herself. Like deep down she's hoping to hurt herself so that Onee-sama can fill her role, but even if that happens they still won't be able to play side-by-side.
>>7119>The first line would more directly be "if we weren't together" but I took a slight libertyI think the root of this is that she's thinking that her enjoying being treated like a little sister is what caused onee-sama to lose, which is more specific than just "existing". I went with "If I weren't beside her…" to keep the self-blaming phrasing while still pointing to her thinking them being together is bad.
>>7168>I'm hoping Agari losesBlasphemy. Ace will break these psychos like she broke Bear.
>>7168>I'm wondering if Madoi was really the only one going through a crisis that eveningInteresting. The eyebags are clear on that picture, the only question is whether we're going to get a Yomono flashback from that night specifically. I guess Yomono tagging in and replacing Madoi is out of question but that'd be interesting as well.
>>7175>The really fucked up thing is that Madoi turned "having Onee-sama as a reserve is reassuring" into an excuse to risk injury to herselfIt definitely is. I think the most messed up part about all of this is that it's strangely… rational. There's a sense of cold logic and calm behind all this unhinged conflict, and that makes it even more unsettling. That "And I hope that wont be needed" line from Yomono has some pretty dark implications, she clearly doesn't want something to happen but you feel it might.
>Ace will break these psychos like she broke BearShe made Bear happy again and that's why I'll forgive her for her flaws.
Still, it's hard to tell if she's winning this. If she gets a heroic loss that could lead to Hanabi stepping up in the fourth match.
I came here to ask about the typesetting status and realized I haven't translated any of the new chapters. My bad. I'll try to put some time aside to go through them tomorrow.
New chapter is out (well, part 1), new volume cover is out and new volume bonus are out as well!
Is it just me or does Asano uses a lot more thick lines in his art nowadays? It works pretty well imo.
So far this match is really close to the Bear one with the 100% Agari buff>>7400Gambare!
Are we dead?