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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Volumes 1 and 2 on sale NOW
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Chapter 7 part 2: My heart didn't race

(Screaming SFX permeate the whole page)

The match count is at 0-4…
Our loss is already decided, but still…

I really want us to have at least one win…


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(Screaming SFX all over the page)

We're counting on you, Koyori…!!

(SFX: Haa Haa Haa)

A left-handed penholder with an intense forehand smash!!
And an RPB that is just as strong!!

A beautiful brand of table tennis, without any weaknesses




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You surprised me, Koyori-chan
You're super strong!

More than that, your love and excitement for table tennis really come through!!
It's making my heart flutter

I better get serious!

Or else your excitement will do me in, huh



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Koyori-chan's really having so much fun, huh

Your table tennis is stirring me up!

It's begging me to give you more and more






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Heavens me [Aa]……


You just won't stop!!

(SFX: Tap)

I really don't want to do this to you

But I'm at my limit…

(SFX: Kyuuun)


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The net…?



(SFX: Tap tap tap tap)

(Koyori) FIVE
(Kuroba) THREE


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Wan point:
Net-in: when the ball touches the net but lands on the receiver's court!
Hitting the net drastically slows down the rally, shortening its distance, creating an irregular shot that is very hard to return!


It looked liike something big was gonna happen but suddenly…

A net-in…?




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(Haa haa haa)

What is…

What is going on…??


All her shots are hitting the net and I can't get to them…!!

There's no way to counter this…!!

(SFX: Tap)

Hasn't she been landing a ton of net-ins!?

Even pros have a hard time countering those!!



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You see, when I end up playing for keeps
My balls tend to all hit the net

It doesn't happen much when I hold myself back
But it keeps happening whenever I get serious

I'm carrying this curse

I'm sorry my table tennis is so dull


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(SFX: mope)

This is weird…
She was so intense and making my heart race so much just a moment ago…

(SFX: Gyu…)

It must be so frustrating

Giving it your all and being no match is one thing
But this is being forced in a position in which it's not possible to even respond

If I had to compare…


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It's like being enveloped in a freezing mist

And the heart grows cold with it…


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My spirit animal goes all out and the result is catastrophic. Hitting the net is indeed Kuroba's secret technique, but it doesn't look like it's all too intentional.

Some notes concerning the translation:

- The screaming SFX all over the first pages are, obviously, Burasuwa fans cheering.

- Kuroba seems to have a tendency to end her sentences on that polite interrogative "ne" ねぇ (i.ie "seems like nice weather, doesn't it?"), which I translate by adding a ", huh?" whenever she does it.

Kiruka is saying something to the effect of getting one win in to preserve some measure of dignity.

>Heavens me

Kuroba is literally saying "Aa", but using kanji for the effect. It's meant to be dramatic (as illustrated in her pose/expression). Something like "alas" could also work.

I translated the SFX for the ball hitting the net ("PON") as "WOB". To me, it feels like it fits, but you could leave it as "PON".


I tried to look in western table tennis glossaries for this term or something similar, but I couldn't find any. Therefore, I left the term as a literal translation.

>If I had to compare
>It's like (…)

As per my usual MO, I moved the line to the next page for stronger dramatic effect. Mogami's line at page 15 is "It's [just] like…" and then she makes the analogy on page 16.

That's all I cant think of for now.


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Still regarding Mogami's analogy:

She literally says
"It's like being enveloped in a cold something"
"And the fighting spirit [heart] grows colder"

Feel free to use whichever analogies you prefer.

And I only just noticed while translating this chapter that Mogami re-added the table tennis racket to her hairpin, even though the koma of her and Agari hugging being one of my all-time favourites (it's a big list).


They actually made a pretty cool promotional video huh? Already ordered my volumes, but I wont get the bonus content.

Awesome set of covers.

Still wonder how these 5 lost.

Is this actually not doing it on purpose? She looks more like a sadist now, even though she didn't back in chapter 0.

Yeah poor dog. This is basically her hard counter, she's a simple girl who enjoys fun above all else and smashes because it FEELS GOOD. And now she's playing a girl who completely denies you that. Maybe Agari or Hanabi could have done better against that? Hanabi's gimmick is being fast after all.


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>(Screaming SFX permeate the whole page)
It's cheering, see the ワ on the previous page, together they're ワアアアアアアアア


>Hitting the net is indeed Kuroba's secret technique, but it doesn't look like it's all too intentional.
>Is this actually not doing it on purpose? She looks more like a sadist now, even though she didn't back in chapter 0.
That part stuck out as weird to me too. Taken at face value, she's kind of saying it's unintentional, a sort of "curse", but it could also be something like… she wants to have fun playing table tennis, but when she really needs to win at any cost, she uses the sure-win technique that sucks the fun out the match for both of them.
It could go either way, we'll just have to wait and see the continuation.


I'm thinking
It's like // a chill that envelops you until / even your heart grows cold…
is sufficiently dramatic.

The rest is pretty straightforward, just need to finish up redrawing tomorrow.



I don't think I've heard a specific term for it either, I like net-in.

This is an interesting way to do it.
In practice matches at least, if you get a point from a net ball it's common to raise your paddle in a little "sorry", same with clipping the edge, since often times it's impossible to do anything about it.
While it can be very fun when someone saves a net ball and the rally can pick up again, I've certainly seen people get really frustrated when someone gets repeated net-ins.
It's usually advised to keep your shots low on the table anyway, so net-ins aren't uncommon at all.

Realistically they occur more when playing closer to the table and shooting slower shots, while in a driving rally or something, I feel like the power would make it where shots like >>6091 this are more rare. Usually the ball would clip and just go flying over the table, or clip and still go forward decently far where Koyori could still return it. But it certainly happens this way too.

Especially with top spin the ball can kind of "roll" over the net. I've seen balls climb straight up it or ride it sideways even!

A panel of her double checking the tightness of the net when she arrived would have been great foreshadowing.

I want that paddle protector.


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Typeset chapter is out:

Laughing at Dog getting mindbroken by this absolute bullshit. The page where Heartslut unleashes her dark side powers reminds my of Kumami. "It's too much" was used there too.

Oh, and are there any changes or extras in the volumes? The original series had character sheets and Wanko bonus pages and it'd be neat to have extra info on the other teams. That second volume cover is false advertising, though. Ace doesn't even get to play in it.


Thank you! Nice font choice for the net-ins, they really look frustrating.

>are there any changes or extras in the volumes?

Doesn't look like there are to me. We already got the 4-komas a few chapters ago.

>That second volume cover is false advertising, though. Ace doesn't even get to play in it.

She did… offscreen!
Oh well at least it looks really good when you put them side by side.


>that new chapter
I guess ACE kino is back on the menu!

Any new of TLs?


I thought I had translated and dumped the latest chapter here already, but that wasn't the case. Weird.

Expect the TL tomorrow.


TLsushi roll has died…


Tomorrow is still yesterday somewhere in the world.

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