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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

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What are your hobbies besides browsing the web? What do you spend your spare time with?

Mine are
- cooking
- playing the guitar / making music
- drawing
- home gardening
- gaming
- sorting and tagging images


Here are all of my cool hobbies:

- buy games for steam library
- check my anime collection
- plan out new sewing projects
- dust my unplugged digital piano
- open lots of tabs of cool-looking japanese music videos on youtube
- collect woodworking tools
- think about leatherworking projects and buy a leather hide
- add more game design notes on my game projects
- review the footage i recorded in japan 10 years ago and look up alternatives for premiere pro
- download movies for the nice movie collection
- tsundoku


Some of mine
- Mushroom/Plant Foraging
- Blogging
- Video Edits/Anime Video Essays
- Hiking
- Web Design
- Photography
- Drawing
- Anything related to Vaporwave
- Yoga


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things i really enjoy and do often:
- making music
- finding new songs
- riding a bike
- posting on imageboards
- appreciating visual arts
- talking with people
- daydreaming
- practicing yoga
- troubleshooting at work
- reading mystery stories

when i had a car i also enjoyed:
- driving around at night

before my agoraphobia progressed:
- playing basketball


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-learning the meta for video games and getting into comp just to beat people for fun using dumb strategies
-producing music and sometimes playing guitar
-trying out weird restaurants with my friends every week
-photography (my skills are super rusty again though)
-listening to my favorite bands/musicians and writing in depth reviews nobody will read (although i had a few that got featured on the front page of a website though)
-writing lyrics and poems
-making weird visual video collages
-going on walks when its not dreadfully hot outside (i live in florida so its always hot and miserable except in winter though)
-cataloging strange things i find on the web
-running a niche community unrelated to this site (but similar in nature)


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Anime and video games of course. I also keep pet bugs (and a frog) in terrariums and take pictures of them. I like hiking with my dog too.
>Mushroom/Plant Foraging
That's super cool, I've always wanted to find and eat a Morel or Chicken of the Woods


I've got
-every once in a while I'll do non-internet computer things like programming or sorting music/images


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-reading books comics/manga
-working out
-making videos
-downloading videos/torrents
-listening to music


>- home gardening
what would that entail? recently I started to take care more of the plants in my garden, not much, but surely just some water is gonna help them


I have a lot of potted plants and occasionally try to grow something useful like spices and herbs. In the past I grew weed with hydroponics, which was a lot of fun too.


>I grew weed


-linguistics, literary theory, philosophy
-religion and the occult
-film and animation
-collecting extremist political literature and banned books, reading about t*rrori*m
-learning Asian languages


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It's like the third time I open this thread to write a reply, but every time I do it I add needless information so I'll try to make it short as well as keep it simple and focused this time:

- learning japanese
- translating (for MONEY… enough to take sweets and snacks off the monthly budget (thin person))
- programming (small things)
- violin (awful)

- playing videogames
- reading manga
- watching anime
- appreciation of tasteful intellectual otaku media

I think it's important to distinguish productive hobbies from recovery hobbies and find a balance.


- learning Japanese
- embroidery
- scrolling aimlessly on my phone
- cooking
- listening to weeb music


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- gaming
- anime
- manga
- looking for new music on youtube
- started playing piano again (learning about chord progression is fun)
- visiting thrift shops
- when it's cold I go on walks


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-waiting for death
-grieving for the loss
-hating existing
-wishing i was something else


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I browse
I noodle
I drink
I fight
At all times


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-making music
-coding websites


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I learn and make invented languages. My co-worker and I even designed a flag for our language.


I've always wanted to do this but have no idea how to start.


Looks like boobs


-studying languages


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cute flag, looks like a cat


Do which? Make a language or make a flag? Either way, it will require a few attempts to get it right!




Start with a concept then work towards the details.


I like androids. Alive or otherwise.

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