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I have conducted a thorough analysis of anime from the year 2016. The primary purpose of this analysis is to identify works which have artistic merit, and to classify the nature of that artistic merit. Secondarily, my intent here is to rank the works in terms of their superiority in various categories. This will allow for comparison with other surveys of 2016 anime. This analysis is an expression of my own personal opinions and did not involve input from anyone else. I did this for my own intellectual and personal satisfaction, but I also hope that others may find it interesting or useful. At the very least, maybe this will generate some interesting discussion. Additionally, if you're looking for anime to watch, you can peruse through the specific categories I've provided to identify works that are likely to suit your tastes. 

Only anime which started airing in 2016 are considered here. Meaning that anime for which the first season aired before 2016 are not considered (ex. neither Hibike Euphonium nor Love Live are candidates here). The considered anime are evaluated on the basis of all seasons that have aired (not just the first season in 2016). Movies are not included unless they are related to a TV anime (ex. Bungou Stray Dogs). I am conducting reviews for other years using this same system. Annual reviews are typically done as soon as the year ends, but I believe my methodology here is superior for conducting reviews of years retrospectively. Furthermore, classifying the year's best works only by season/genre I find is an ineffective method for identifying meritorious works, so I've included more-specific categories. 

Categories and their results are listed below. Winning titles for each category are separated by commas, with the superior titles being listed first. For the genre categories I've provided two answers (the winning title followed by the runner up). However, polls for anime of the season and anime of the year typically list many top candidates in their results, so I've followed a similar procedure with my results here. For the anime of the season and year results, I've listed the top-5 candidates in order of superiority, with the winning title listed first and the progressively lesser titles listed afterwards.

Regarding the genre results, there are a couple important details:
Note: titles are classified by their superiority with respect to the stated genre alone, not overall quality (for example: x anime is a good sci-fi anime regardless of the writing being terrible, y anime is a good romance anime even though the comedy is unfunny, etc…). For classifications according to overall quality, please see the best-in-season and best-in-year results, or the list of highly scored anime that is provided much further below as well as in the attached table(pic related). Keep in mind that some highly rated shows don't necessarily fit neatly into a genre. Conversely, excelling in a genre category is not necessarily an indication of overall quality. 
Note: the romance genre here refers exclusively to conventional hetero romance; shoujo ai and shounen ai are provided here as separate genres. 

Best by season listed below.
Winter: Prince of Stride, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Koukaku no Pandora, Norn9, Reikenzan 
Spring: Sakamoto Desu ga, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Shounen Maid, Kuma Miko, Sansha Sanyou 
Summer: ReLIFE, Amanchu, Dream Festival, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Orange
Fall: Flip Flappers, Sangatsu no Lion, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Yuri on Ice

Best for the entire year: Flip Flappers, Sangatsu no Lion, Prince of Stride, ReLIFE, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume

Best for each genre listed below.
Action: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Bubuki Buranki 
Adventure: Flip Flappers, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Comedy: Sakamoto Desu ga, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Drama: Sangatsu no Lion, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Fantasy: Re Zero, Drifters
Historical: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Joker Game 
Military: Tenkyou no Alderamin, Drifters 
Music: Dream Festival, Magic-Kyun Renaissance
Mystery/Psychological: Joker Game, Bungou Stray Dogs 
Romance: Norn9, ReLIFE
Sci-Fi: Koukaku no Pandora, Flip Flappers
Shoujo ai: Amanchu, Flip Flappers
Shounen ai: Yuri on Ice, Shounen Maid
Slice of Life: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Shounen Maid 
Sports: Prince of Stride, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume 
Supernatural/Magic: Reikenzan, Bungou Stray Dogs 

Strongest genres of the year: Drama, Adventure, Sports, Shoujo ai, Comedy 
Weakest genres of the year: Fantasy, Mystery/Psychological 


Categories which evaluate other noteworthy characteristics are listed below, separated into 5 general sections. Some of these categories refer to characteristics that are ubiquitous to all anime, such as audiovisuals and story. However, other categories evaluate characteristics that are only relevant to a smaller subset of anime, such as humour or suspense. To reflect the differing amount of potential candidates in either case, three winning titles per category are provided for ubiquitous characteristics, whereas only two winning titles are provided for characteristics that are less consistently relevant. Again, winning titles are listed first and the runner(s) up are listed afterwards ordered by superiority with respect to the specified category. In other words, this template is used:
[Category]: [best title], [second best title], [third best title]

Visual Characteristics
Best art style: Flip Flappers, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Prince of Stride
Best animation: Kiznaiver, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Flip Flappers
Best cinematography: Orange, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Yuri on Ice
Best character designs: Yuri on Ice, Drifters, Amanchu
Best outfits: Yuri on Ice, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Amanchu

Audio Characteristics
*Best soundtrack: Norn9, Planetarian, Prince of Stride
Best voice acting: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, ReLIFE, Bungou Stray Dogs
Best OP music: Flip Flappers, Dimension W, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Best ED music: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Sangatsu no Lion(S1ED1&3), Flip Flappers
*Best character songs: Dream Festival, Magic-Kyun Renaissance

Writing-Related and Directorial Characteristics
Best direction: Sangatsu no Lion, Prince of Stride, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Best writing: Flip Flappers, Sangatsu no Lion, ReLIFE
Best plot/story: Reikenzan, ReLIFE, Orange
Best script: Sangatsu no Lion, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Drifters
Most creative: Flip Flappers, Koukaku no Pandora, Sakamoto Desu ga
Best character development: Sangatsu no Lion, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, ReLIFE 
Best character interaction/chemistry: Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Koukaku no Pandora, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru
Best setting: Flip Flappers, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, High School Fleet
Best atmosphere: Flip Flappers, Amanchu, Planetarian
Best world building: Tenkyou no Alderamin, Drifters
Most wasted potential: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Norn9, High School Fleet

Viewer-Experience and Genre-Specific Characteristics
Most likable cast: ReLIFE, Dream Festival, Shuumatsu no Izetta
Best humour: Sakamoto Desu ga, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Most fun: Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Koukaku no Pandora
Most emotional: Sangatsu no Lion, ReLIFE
Most suspenseful: Joker Game, ReLIFE
Most exciting: Prince of Stride, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Most romantic: Amanchu, Norn9
Most relaxing/comfy: Amanchu, Amaama to Inazuma 
Most cute: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Sansha Sanyou 
Most wholesome: Shounen Maid, Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Best 'page-turner': ReLIFE, Bungou Stray Dogs
Best escapism: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Tenkyou no Alderamin
Best human contact simulator: ReLIFE, Sangatsu no Lion 
Best rewatch value: Flip Flappers, Yuri on Ice, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar

Reputational Characteristics
Most underrated: Flip Flappers, Prince of Stride, Koukaku no Pandora
Most underwatched: Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Koukaku no Pandora, Flip Flappers


Finally, here is a list of all titles considered in this analysis that I rated at least 6/10. Respective overall scores for each title are indicated in brackets (/10).
List of anime rated ≥6/10: Flip Flappers(10), Sangatsu no Lion(10), Prince of Stride(9), Amanchu(8), Hai to Gensou no Grimgar(8), Koukaku no Pandora(8), ReLIFE(8), Sakamoto Desu ga(8), Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume(8), Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge(8), Dream Festival(7), Drifters(7), Hina Logi(7), Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru(7), Kuma Miko(7), Norn9(7), Orange(7), Reikenzan(7 [S1=6, S2=8]), Sansha Sanyou(7), Shounen Maid(7), Shuumatsu no Izetta(7), Tenkyou no Alderamin(7), Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari(7), Yuri on Ice(7), Bungou Stray Dogs(6.8 [S1-S3=7, movie=5]), Bubuki Buranki(6), Joker Game(6), Long Riders(6), Magic-Kyun Renaissance(6), Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai(6)

Total number of anime viewed for this analysis: 104 (including dropped series, NOT including shorts or movies, NOT counting donghua, NOT counting sequels – ex. all of Bungou Stray Dogs is counted as 1 anime total)
Among those 104 viewed anime, 58 were dropped (not watched to completion, likely due to their low quality from my point of view). Therefore my completion rate was 44.2% (46 of 104). My average score (/10) among completed anime was 6.39. Dropped anime were not considered as candidates in any category. I should mention that although my drop probability is mainly a function of enjoyment, I will sometimes complete disliked shows for idiosyncratic reasons, such as curiosity or cultural interest. For this reason, my completion rate and average score are somewhat arbitrary. Furthermore, a year having a lot of bad shows doesn't diminish the artistic value of its best works.

I did not evaluate the shorts as rigorously as other anime. Nevertheless, here is the list of shorts that I rated at least 6/10 (specific rating in brackets): Shelter(10), Honobono Log(8), Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko(8), Omoi no Kakera(8), Sekkou Boys(6), Sushi Police(6), Tabi Machi Late Show(6) 

For various reasons, I tend to enjoy movies less than the average person. However, I am still providing a list of my favoured 2016 movies, but please be mindful of my lack of enthusiasm for movies in general. For this list, only movies which are not sequels and not associated with TV anime are considered (ex. Initial D Movie - Legend 3 is NOT a candidate). The list of movies that I rated at least 6/10 (specific rating in brackets): Da Yu Hai Tang(6), Glass no Hana to Kowasu Sekai(6)


To more thoroughly identify and map out the meritorious attributes of 2016 anime, I have also completed a survey for ‘honourable mentions.’ This survey follows the same format as the sections above, except that there are no winners included here – only titles which merit recognition in the specified categories but didn’t make it into the awards already provided above.

Honourable mentions for each genre listed below.
Action: Bungou Stray Dogs 
Comedy: Kuma Miko, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai
Drama: ReLIFE 
Fantasy: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar 
Military: High School Fleet
Romance: Orange, Magic-Kyun Renaissance
Sci-Fi: Planetarian, Dimension W 
Shoujo ai: Shuumatsu no Izetta, Koukaku no Pandora, Hina Logi
Shounen ai:
Slice of Life: Amanchu, Sangatsu no Lion, Sansha Sanyou, Hina Logi, Amaama to Inazuma, New Game 
Sports: Long Riders, Yuri on Ice
Supernatural/Magic: Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku 

Visual Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
Art style: Sangatsu no Lion, Magic-Kyun Renaissance
Animation: Yuri on Ice, Sansha Sanyou 
Cinematography: Prince of Stride, Flip Flappers, Amanchu, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Bubuki Buranki
Character designs: Flip Flappers, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Sangatsu no Lion, Bungou Stray Dogs, Prince of Stride, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Outfits: Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Hina Logi, Magic-kyun Rennaissance

Audio Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
*Soundtrack: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Bubuki Buranki, Drifters, Koukaku no Pandora, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Dream Festival, Amanchu, Bungou Stray Dogs, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Voice acting: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Dream Festival, Bubuki Buranki, Sansha Sanyou, Kuma Miko, Hina Logi, High School Fleet
OP music: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Sangatsu no Lion(S1OP1&2, S2OP1), Bungou Stray Dogs(S1,S2&S3), Dream Festival(S1&S2), High School Fleet, Bubuki Buranki(S1), Prince of Stride, Norn9, Re Zero(S1&S2), Long Riders, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Reikenzan(S1&S2), Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Magic-Kyun Renaissance, Kiznaiver, Yuri on Ice, Amanchu(S1), Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai, Shounen Maid, Idol Memories, New Game(S1&S2)
ED music: Drifters, Dimension W, Bubuki Buranki(S1), Bungou Stray Dogs(S1,S2&S3), Prince of Stride, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Norn9, Dream Festival(S1), Reikenzan(S1&S2), Planetarian, Re Zero(S1&S2), Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, ReLIFE(ED1&3), Idol Memories, Yuri on Ice, Magic-Kyun Renaissance, New Game(S1&S2), Hina Logi, Amanchu(S1), Amaama to Inazuma
*Character songs: New Game, Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Prince of Stride, Norn9(Nagi Yanagi), Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume

Writing-Related and Directorial Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
Direction: Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru, Dream Festival, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Amanchu
Writing: Shounen Maid, Amanchu, Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Plot/story: Drifters, Re Zero 
Script: ReLIFE, Amanchu, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Kuma Miko, Planetarian, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai
Creative: Bungou Stray Dogs, Bubuki Buranki, Norn9, Kuma Miko, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Planetarian 
Character development: Dream Festival, Bungou Stray Dogs 
Character interaction/chemistry: ReLIFE, Shuumatsu no Izetta
Setting: Norn9, Amanchu, Magic-Kyun Renaissance, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Bubuki Buranki 
Atmosphere: Bungou Stray Dogs 
World building:
Wasted potential: Orange, Kiznaiver, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Drifters, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Dimension W, Bakuon, Anne Happy, Girlish Number

Viewer-Experience and Genre-Specific Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
Likable cast: Shounen Maid, Bungou Stray Dogs, Prince of Stride, Bubuki Buranki 
Humour: Kuma Miko, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai
Fun: Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai, Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru, Bubuki Buranki, High School Fleet, Yuri on Ice, Time Travel Shoujo
Emotional: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Suspenseful: Re Zero, Bungou Stray Dogs
Romantic: ReLIFE, Shuumatsu no Izetta 
Cute: Hina Logi, High School Fleet, Kuma Miko 
Wholesome: Amanchu, Amaama to Inazuma, Long Riders 
'Page-turner': Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Re Zero
Escapism: Long Riders, Norn9, Re Zero, Planetarian
Human contact simulator: Long Riders, Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Girlish Number, New Game, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai
Rewatch value: Prince of Stride, Amanchu, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Norn9, Long Riders 

Reputational Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
Underrated: Sangatsu no Lion, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Amanchu, Kuma Miko, Norn9
Underwatched: Hina Logi, Amanchu, Dream Festival


>but what about my favourite anime?? 
I'll answer questions ITT and I invite feedback from you. I'm happy to hear suggestions and criticisms towards both my methodology and personal tastes. Feel free to respond with your own answers to my categories. Comments regarding the formatting and design of this analysis are also welcome. If anything is unclear or poorly explained then please don’t hesitate to ask me to clarify.

I watched more 2016 anime than are actually named above. Unsurprisingly, the best shows excel in multiple categories and so the results are dominated by a small subset of the total considered sample size. I'm not particularly fond of action as anything more than a side dish at most, so action/shounen/mecha series are possibly undersampled or underappreciated in this analysis. The same applies for ecchi and harem series. I also tend to be less fond of sports, comedy, and psychological series relative to the average person, so anime of these genres may also be underappreciated. 

Takeaway thoughts on 2016: 
Give shows the benefit of the doubt even if you think you can judge things before watching. I was pleasantly surprised by some shows, and also found that many things did not match their descriptions. 2016 was a pretty strong year for female-target-audience stuff as well. As for the best anime of the year, both Flip Flappers and Sangatsu no Lion are deserving of the award, but for different reasons. Ultimately it depends on which aspects (see categories listed above) you value more. Similarly, whether or not someone considers 2016 a good year for anime will depend on their genre preferences. My thoughts on this are already summarized in the strongest and weakest genres categories, and I think that comparing those answers with the seasonal and genre-specific results is fairly self-explanatory. 

Among the common staple genres, I was somewhat disappointed by slice of life. Despite the large number of works and my affection for the genre, only a few slice-of-life anime were particularly noteworthy or even merited any recognition at all. Fantasy was similarly disappointing. Admittedly, fantasy is a more subjective genre, but regardless I found creativity in this realm to be lacking. There wasn't any show that used fantasy elements in a notably unique or compelling way. Most 2016 fantasy shows didn't bring much to the table beyond the classic cookie-cutter fantasy setting we've all seen countless times before. I've named Re Zero and Drifters as the best in the fantasy genre only due to lack of better options. Drifters' anachronistic spin on things is at least somewhat creative, although otherwise it is a fairly typical dark fantasy story. These observations aside, I think 2016 had strong representation across different genres. Most common genres had at least one above-average title, which is not something I expected when I began this investigation; this is another indication of the strong performance of 2016 anime as a whole. 

Analyzing things by season is somewhat arbitrary in my view, but this is how anime discussions are often framed so I'll offer some brief commentary here (within the context of the already outlined constraints of this entire analysis). The Fall season was by far the strongest of 2016, followed by Winter. If I had to pick the weakest season, it would be Spring. 

From my perspective, 2016 was a great year for anime overall. I think this is best demonstrated by there being 10 shows that I rated at least 8/10. Another metric to consider would be my average rating among my top-5 anime-of-the-year candidates, which is 9. 2016 was also a surprising year for me in that the distribution of scores did not reflect my usual genre preferences. In fact some of my top shows came from genres that I am typically less fond of, such as sports and comedy. When I peruse the catalogue of shows that aired in 2015 and 2017, the year 2016 looks like a comparatively better year for anime overall. Of course I can't say that with certainty because I have not evaluated those years as thoroughly as 2016, and a more exhaustive analysis of those years could lead to the unexpected discovery of anime that I value highly. I look forward to making more-robust comparisons between years. 

Some numerical metrics are provided below in the following format.
[Time period]: [# of shows rated ≥8], [average score of the top-5 shows]
Entire year: 10, 9.0
Winter season: 3, 7.8
Spring season: 2, 7.4
Summer season: 2, 7.4
Fall season: 3, 8.4


A few other assorted footnotes:

I did try to watch 2016 donghua as well, but many of them do not have any subtitles available. The donghua that I did find subtitles for were typically unremarkable at best, so I doubt I'm missing out on much. The only donghua I did not drop was Nuwa Chengzhang Riji (although I was forced to stop watching due to subtitles not being released). 

If you're wondering about why I included Hina Logi, it's a spinoff of Luck & Logic (2016) so I decided to include it in this analysis even though it aired in 2017. I treated it as a separate series from Luck & Logic because they were practically entirely different anime. 

*The results for the soundtracks and character songs are only preliminary because I'm still waiting to get a hold of some content. So the titles listed for these categories are not final. I will update this post with my final judgments for these categories. This caveat is more relevant to the character songs as obviously I was able to hear all the soundtracks while viewing. Even so, I'd like to sit down and formally evaluate each of the soundtracks among all the considered titles. 
[Franchise music not yet formally evaluated: Hina Logi, Re Zero, Bungou Stray Dogs, Joker Game, High School Fleet, Orange, Amaama to Inazuma, Amanchu, Yuri on Ice, Girlish Number, Long Riders]

At the time of writing (July 2021), I have not yet seen the following sequels: Re Zero season 2

This evaluation was last updated on: July 6th 2021


Can't believe it's been 5 years since flip flappers aired…


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If you dropped it, I'd highly recommend giving Kuromukuro another shot. Maybe you're not a mecha fan, I don't even see that listed in the genres, but Kuromukuro was probably the best "new" (not from an existing franchise) mecha show of the decade.


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If my original posts are difficult to read you can paste them into a word processor and increase the font size and line spacing. I realize the formatting is not ideal, but I am limited by the imageboard platform. Also, if there is a particular anime you're interested in you can just ctrl+f the title. For people who don't feel like reading everything, only the first few paragraphs are necessary for understanding the award lists.

>If you dropped it, I'd highly recommend giving Kuromukuro another shot. Maybe you're not a mecha fan, I don't even see that listed in the genres, but Kuromukuro was probably the best "new" (not from an existing franchise) mecha show of the decade.
Yeah, as I said in my original posts, I tend not to enjoy mecha much. I thought about giving mecha its own genre category, but I think the action/sci-fi/military genre categories more or less cover it. Maybe in a mecha-heavy year I would give it its own category.

I dropped Kuromukuro pretty early in the series, and I think it's very unlikely I'll enjoy it if I picked it up again. What did you like about Kuromukuro?

I actually liked Bubuki Buranki way more than I expected. It's a mecha show. Have you seen Bubuki Buranki?


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More than anything, Kuromukuro told a great story. It has some similarities to eva, with the unknown threat from space and humanity is relying on a robot powered by poorly understood technology to defend them, but the plot develops in a more straightforward manner with the threat turning out to be an advanced race of aliens who are trying to colonize Earth. Leans harder on the science side of science fiction, they at least try to give explanations of how the technology could work. It's got a fair amount of humor in it too, much of which centers around the fact that you've got a Heian era swordsman trying to adjust to life in the 21st century. And it raises some moral questions, you've got this guy who's very much human that for a while they've got more or less chained up like a dog and only let out to fight. It was one of those shows I was always excited for the next episode, and I felt like it often gave something to think about.

I know I watched one or two episodes of Bubuki Bubranki, but I can't remember much of anything about it except the CGI characters. What would you say was surprisingly good about it?


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Thanks for explaining, but like I said, it's just not the show for me personally. I'm glad that you found some enjoyment from it though.

>I know I watched one or two episodes of Bubuki Bubranki, but I can't remember much of anything about it except the CGI characters. What would you say was surprisingly good about it?

I thought it was creative and fun to watch. The antagonist characters were memorable and had good voice acting. The soundtrack was good.



OP here. I recently realized that there was an 8-episode Shaft OVA (about equivalent to a cour in runtime) which I overlooked that technically began airing in Fall 2016, so should have been included in this analysis. The OVA is titled Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregototsukai, and you can read my review for it in another thread if you’re interested. I rated it 5/10 and the only noteworthy qualities it had were script, OST, and cinematography. It merited honourable mentions in these categories (see further below).

I’ve also been rethinking the mystery/psychological genre category. This was in part triggered by my (presently almost complete) rewatch of Flip Flappers. For some reason I overlooked Flip Flappers as a candidate in this category, when it is in fact a good so-called ‘psychological’ show that also has mystery elements. It won so many other categories, it was like it was hiding in plain sight to me. Kubikri Cycle also has some notable mystery elements.

Accordingly, I’ve changed my mystery/psychological winners to the following:
(HM = Honourable Mention)

Mystery/Psychological: Flip Flappers, Joker Game
Mystery/Psychological(HM): Kubikiri Cycle, Re Zero

Consequently, I’ve now removed mystery/psychological from the weakest genres list, which now only includes fantasy (2016 had good genre diversity).

Weakest genres of the year: Fantasy

And the inclusion of Kubikiri Cycle has changed the following honourable mention lists:

Cinematography(HM): Prince of Stride, Flip Flappers, Amanchu, Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Kubikiri Cycle, Bubuki Buranki
Script(HM): ReLIFE, Amanchu, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Kuma Miko, Kubikiri Cycle, Planetarian, Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai

and Kubikiri has been added to the OST(HM) category as well (see the music-specific post after this).

The inclusion of Kubikiri Cycle also slightly changed the stats I presented in my original post, and the two relevant sentences have been updated to the following:
“Among those 105 viewed anime, 58 were dropped (not watched to completion, likely due to their low quality from my point of view). Therefore my completion rate was 44.8% (47 of 105). My average score (/10) among completed anime was 6.37.”


For anybody wondering about the state of my ongoing 2016 anime music review, the award lists in their present form are provided below. At the moment, I still haven’t formally evaluated the music of the following franchises: Hina Logi, Re Zero, Bungou Stray Dogs, Kubikiri Cycle, Orange, Yuri on Ice

Audio Characteristics
*Best soundtrack: Norn9, Planetarian, Prince of Stride
Best voice acting: Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, ReLIFE, Bungou Stray Dogs
Best OP music: Flip Flappers, Dimension W, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Best ED music: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Sangatsu no Lion(S1ED1&3), Flip Flappers
*Best character songs: Dream Festival, Magic-Kyun Renaissance

Audio Characteristics (Honourable Mentions)
*Soundtrack: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri, Bubuki Buranki, Drifters, Koukaku no Pandora, Shuumatsu no Izetta, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Dream Festival, Amanchu, Bungou Stray Dogs, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, Kubikiri Cycle
Voice acting: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, Dream Festival, Bubuki Buranki, Sansha Sanyou, Kuma Miko, Hina Logi, High School Fleet
OP music: Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, Sangatsu no Lion(S1OP1&2, S2OP1), Bungou Stray Dogs(S1,S2&S3), Dream Festival(S1&S2), High School Fleet, Bubuki Buranki(S1), Prince of Stride, Norn9, Re Zero(S1&S2), Long Riders, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Reikenzan(S1&S2), Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Magic-Kyun Renaissance, Kiznaiver, Amanchu(S1), Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai, Shounen Maid, Idol Memories, New Game(S1&S2)
ED music: Drifters, Dimension W, Bubuki Buranki(S1), Bungou Stray Dogs(S1,S2&S3), Prince of Stride, Tenkyou no Alderamin, Norn9, Dream Festival(S1), Reikenzan(S1&S2), Planetarian, Re Zero(S1&S2), Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, ReLIFE(ED1&3), Idol Memories, Magic-Kyun Renaissance, New Game(S1&S2), Amanchu(S1), Amaama to Inazuma
*Character songs: New Game, Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Prince of Stride, Norn9(Nagi Yanagi), Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Girlish Number


File: 1633991057311-0.png (613.26 KB, 3284x5128, 2016_Anime_Highly_Scored.png)

File: 1633991057311-1.png (449.61 KB, 4755x3234, 2016_Genre_Awards.png)

File: 1633991057311-2.png (138.7 KB, 6233x920, 2016_Seasonal_Awards.png)

I’ve also gone ahead and put the primary award lists into tables, to enhance readability and perhaps lead to more-effective long-term archiving. These tables are attached to this post and the one afterwards. I realize that I probably should have done this from the start. I will definitely make tables like this for my 2017 analysis, which I am making good progress on by the way, despite some stubborn torrents that have been stalled for months.


File: 1633991136460-0.png (355.51 KB, 6403x1848, 2016_Audiovisual_Awards.png)

File: 1633991136460-1.png (557.5 KB, 6800x3188, 2016_Experience_Awards.png)

File: 1633991136460-2.png (359.38 KB, 7014x1860, 2016_Writing_Awards.png)

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