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Just finished watching the first episode and I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing the rest.


I checked this out the other day, it was super cool. The 2nd episode is out! In case OP hasn't seen it already. Some of the historical stuff goes over my head but it's a beautiful looking show and I like the character drama. Also did some research on the story it's based on and it seems pretty interesting. I think think scenes with the white haired biwa player are narrating from the original epic


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damn what a cliffhanger


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random thoughts about the episode:

Did people really go to combat in those tall wooden sandal things? I can't imagine how you wouldn't twist your ankle and fall in such a scenario

I wonder what game Kiyomori is always playing. Looks like backgammon?

I'm slightly confused as to what Biwa was seeing while chasing Shigemori. Was it just the beheading of the monk dude? it didn't really look like him though.


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Oh also Biwa a cute. Her scene with Tokuko was really sweet. Having no idea about the actual history, I have to say I like her as an addition to it and a lens to look at the story through.

We get a slightly better look at this narrator lady again too. It's gotta be Biwa in the future, right?


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>I wonder what game Kiyomori is always playing. Looks like backgammon?
It is, they call it ban-sugoroku.

>I'm slightly confused as to what Biwa was seeing while chasing Shigemori

That wasn't a vision of hers, but an event that was going on simultaneously.
Yes, it was the execution of Saiko.


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>Biwa in the future
Yes, she has white longer hair and an older sounding voice. Though she has lost her heterochromia which I assume indicates that she's blind as most Biwa hoshi were.
On a side note here's a performance of the opening passage that I like, you can compare it to Biwa singing it in the first episode.


I didn't know Backgammon and its variants were so old and widespread. I guess a lot of board games are probably older than I would suspect
>she's blind as most Biwa hoshi were.
Cool, I'm getting a lot of interesting facts from this show


episode 4 is out!


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Lots of cute Biwa moments this episode
Does she seem a little bit taller/bigger standing next to the other characters, or is it just me?
They certainly make the retired emperor out to be a bro in this episode, I quite like him at this point


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This show moves awfully fast as well. Not complaining though, I still really like it.
They seem to be going further into the supernatural stuff going forwards, interested to see where that goes with Biwa getting Shigemori's eye
Also, who the heck is this guy in Shigemori's dream? I don't really get that sequence aside from simply that he was dreaming about the fall of the Heike

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