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Let's go fishing!


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Unfortunately delayed until further notice. The 3 released eps were fun though.


She is so unremarkably hot.


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The face of a cold-blooded murderer.


I've been trying to watch this very slowly but inadvertently went through 2 of the 3 episodes in 4 days…


That's it.
I'm gonna watch the third episode.


So is ths show just low-key cancelled or what


It's rescheduled for next season but I don't know if they'll air 12 episodes or less.


Rest in peace


It'll be resuming on July 7th.
They're still going to air all 12 episodes.


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mfw the new episode comes out


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I suddenly realize I never actually watched the third episode
What's so embarassing about a pull cart/hand cart? Is it just considered super provincial or what? But aren't they provincials anyway?


I dunno man, the very next episode they act like wearing a plain-looking jacket would be incredibly embarrassing. I don't understand their thought process at all.


Who knows, maybe it's just a teenage girl thing.


Oh wow it's back I gotta watch this


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Nicest girl you'll ever meet


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Doga kobo know exactly what they're doing with this scene composition.


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The colors are pretty questionable but I don't see anything wrong with the jacket itself? Looks like a pretty normal outdoors jacket. I guess it's not fashionable per-se, but it doesn't strike me as an immediate 'damn that's ugly as all fuck'. Maybe I'm just not understanding girl thought?


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Literally the only difference is the direction the color line goes, what the fuck?


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Why is she telling them this? They were there. At first I thought it might've just been narration, but then they actually react to what she's saying.
Also, I absolutely love the phrase "beer-baka."
I friggin' knew the teacher was gonna eat that clam.


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Disgusting. At least cover those things up with some mud or something.


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Legitimately didn't know that squid ink used melanin to color itself, I always thought it was its own thing. That's actually pretty interesting, I wonder if melanin is actually a common pigment in the animal world.


It's pretty common.
You have some in your skin, hair and irises.


Are you by any chance mistaking melanin with melatonin?


After seeing the teibous make clams, I decided to make some clams myself for the first time. It was a great success, thank you nice anime for helping me expand my cooking skills.


I used to love clams and oysters and that sort of thing until I randomly became allergic to them ;_;
It's probably not the most immediately appetizing thing but if you have the chance to try raw oyster it's really fantastic, provided you don't mind the texture.


What did you make?


I mean I knew it was what humans used to pigment their own stuff but I thought it was a human/primate thing. Aren't cephalopods pretty distant from primates?


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Natsumi looks like such a goof here, it's hilarious


They are, but melanin is a pretty ubiquitous pigment. Glad you learned something new with fishing girls, sushi roll!


I like her fang


clams steamed in a tomato based sauce, with lots of vermouth and garlic. I over salted it a little but for a first attempt it was really nice.


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Well, that's it for this season's three episodes. Time to wait until next season for 7-9. なんちゃって

Hina's delusional gutting trance was pretty creepy. I like it.


>Well, that's it for this season's three episodes. Time to wait until next season for 7-9.
Wait hold the fuck up what? Is this real or are you pulling my leg?


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It's joke


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Nendoroid release for next year, that was quick. waiting on a club president one


totemo very kawaii
I want Ohno-senpai.


Personally I find it weird how much stuff that she's spooked by
What's weird about octopi?


It seems to me like she's just scared of slimy wriggley stuff in general. It's more like she's spooked by a broad category of things rather than a wide variety of different things. Besides, having a general phobia of ocean life isn't unheard of - H. P. Lovecraft famously had that, which is why most of his monsters had some sort of nautical element to them.


Lovecraft was afraid of literally everything though, by all accounts he lived life six inches and one glance from a black guy away from a nervous breakdown.


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>What's weird about octopi?
It's a cultural thing. You wouldn't get it.


This is very cool sushi, and hot if I do say so myself. I didn't know hentai and weird fetishes went so far back


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Some things are as old as humanity itself


what rig do i need to catch a okaasan?


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this one


Isn't that rig a bit too big for what we're hunting?


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She's losing it!
They're strangely self aware. Hina was singing the theme song
Okasan's are hard to catch sometimes


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Are they that hard from where you come or perhaps we might have different definations of Okaa-san's.


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To a trained hand of course, Oka-san's can be caught in a matter of minutes. Not to mention the many different types of Okaasans. I hear that sea almanacs can be a big help as well as heavy training, which is what I'm doing


Hina should put her craft skills to use and make some flies. http://www.hi-ho.ne.jp/amago/b-streams/flytying/tenkara.html


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I bid you with lot's of luck on your journey and hope you'll catch one.


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Thanks I won't let you down! One day, be it one year or 30 years, I will be back to share my good tidings and wisdom!


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I want to marry Kotani-sensei and keep her on a short financial leash forcing her to use her charm to make me get her more booze and letting me motorboat her pantyhose-covered thighs whenever I want AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


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Then she gets her booze and turns into a kiss fiend and then we kiss each other all over private sensitive areas and then AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I want to marry Kotani-sensei!!!


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I can't believe sensei is fucking dead


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Why haven't you saved her!?


Fucming dead people


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tori kirai…


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Aaah I didn't want to watch the final episode because it means no more cute girls fishing, but I ended up watching it anyway…

From coronavirus casualty to highlight of the (next) season. Doga kobo always delivers.


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Yes, it was a nice laid-back anime with good character interaction and situational comedy. Almost makes me want to go fishing but I know how cruel the 3D world is so I won't even try.


I don't even know where I'd go fishing, the rivers here are all polluted and probably fenced off anyway


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eats ur nose


noselessness among modern anime girls is an epidemic, please do your part and don't encourage this cruel practice

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