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File: 1633498338757.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Takt Op. Dest….png)


1st episode is out, anyone else watching this?


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File: 1633498548541-3.png (1.59 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Takt Op. Dest….png)

Was not expecting this to be a post-apocalyptic American road trip anime, but I'm all for it. Actually quite excited, even. The fantasy stuff in it is also cool, I was thinking they would just have vaguely music themed powers but the concept of music ties into the world and enemies and the main character in a really cool way. Fantastic animation as well.


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I like this girls outfit and weapon, white + red is very cool color scheme. And the weapon transformation stuff is just eye candy action stuff but I'm a sucker for that. She reminds me a little of Chaika in personality, but not quite as cute. Still some good autismoe.


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I wonder what the deal with the Musicarts and the Conductors are, like how accurate was that storybook at the start?

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