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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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This is a niche title to be sure but among those who know, all agree it’s the best “Master of Magic-like” fantasy holy war simulator. Now in its 6th iteration!
As a primarily multiplayer game, it is best with 4-8 players; it is my hope we can organize a sushi community for batting bloodthirsty elves against the forces of Central American frog warriors, Monkey people from Hindi legends and surprisingly mundane Germans in heavy plate.


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I tried to get into Dominions 5 years ago but got filtered
Recently though I put 100-ish hours into Age of Wonder and it reminded me quite a bit of when I played Dominions ages ago, so maybe I'd be more into it this time around.

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I got myself a 3ds a while ago, mostly to emulate stuff but also to play games exclusive to the DS and the 3DS. I couldn't fathom emulating them so I bought one.
Trouble is I can't imagine any game on the DS or 3DS that I'd like to play.
Does sushi know any cool games on it? I'm a fan of the platformers the most, but if it's from another genre don't be afraid of posting it.
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Flipnote is really fun if you like drawing. I still make things in it. As for real games you should try Henry Hatsworth if you like platformers.

I have the exact same feeling. I think it's a combination of the game design being for pick up and play, the design of the console being for kids so its made to just be thrown in a backpack vs the switch or steamdeck that require a case, and the lower technical barrier meaning there was room for small and interesting games from developers since it was relatively cheaper and you could do it with small teams and a quick turnaround.


imagine them taking turns on your dick


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I'd suggest Kid Icarus:Uprising. It's a shooter/action game and is super fun. I heard the online mode still has enough players too. Shame it never got a sequel :/


This is my favorite 3ds game!


set up custom firmware so you can use hShop to download all teh games for free

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Even if Nintendo got almost everything wrong with this console starting from horrible loading times to censoring content, I still find it extremely comfy - the menu music, the forgotten games, the whole experience still has something other consoles do not have.

What are you playing right now? I'm going through Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. I was mad when they showed that it wasn't gonna be a true SMT x FE back in 2015, but a colourful, cool and comfy adventure in modern Tokyo with an idol show business setting is good too.
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its so soulful. i really like the controller screen gimmick too tbh…

i wish with the switch that miis were more prevalent, miiverse still existed, everything had nice cozy music and the background wasn't just 1 solid color for minimalism. just like the good old wii u. but i don't think they'll ever go back to that style because making the software for the switch 'soulless' kinda contributes to its success because it's less childish in a way…


>censoring content
when did this happen? i dont remember this at all lmao


It's also been a favorite of mine, I've been doing some theory crafting on it lately, mind if I share?


As a playstation owner i give my honor to the wii menu and opening screen. There is something so unique about the square grid like composition that gives it that console feel unlike any other and i have played a handful myself. I would go as far as even saying i dont think any upcoming consoles can match.


So I'm missing half of my Wii U because my brother accidentally took it with him when he moved away, but I would play it if I still could. The thing I miss the most about it is it's probably one of the last gimmick consoles there will probably ever be (maybe I'm being pessimistic).

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does anypuppy here play guild wars 2?
ever since i learned it runs on my work computer its become my biggest comfort game.


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I did sink into this game, 100 hours in a month earlier this year. Got few characters to max level, bought two expansions.

Problem was lack of a clear goal in the end game. I tried to do the story, but the writing was awful, missions hard and tedious.

Well, glad I lost my interest. I really can't justify this many hours put into gaming.


why is that girl sitting in that milk
isnt she gonna smell bad when she gets out


I will be a good friend, and help clean her up.


she is an adult, sushi roll, I don't think she needs any help. Just tell her where your towels are and let her be.


I don't want my towels soaked with milk.

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Exercising with Mamiya!
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Basically it's a shadowboxing rhythm game. You hold the joycons in your hand and do punches in time with the music.

There's also a "battle" mode where you beat up outlaws (by successfully completing rhythm combos). The outlaws don't really fight back though, they just stand there and shout stuff like "ABESHI" when you knock them out, or trash talk you if you mess up your combos.


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Even if you have no friends or family…Kenshiro is still here for you.


You wa shock!


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Nice jacket, bro


Video game version of the wooden dummy practise?

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Sushies into Interactive Fiction? I'm once again looking into it, and I also want to write some.
I like the idea of making a virtual world to explore. I also like it as a medium for worldbuilding. Then there is also it's value as a literary medium. Like a step further from traditional linear storytelling (not to diminish the value of it of course).
Along these lines I ask you, do you have any preferred genre or style of IF?
One specific I'm wondering about is the distinction between a short story with a clear impact and carefully crafted to deliver that impact, or perhaps a long and involved story with several branches on an open world?
There's so much variation here that I'll probably be bringing up more questions in the future. In the mean time feel free to bring out your own ideas, and for those who actually do write, let's get your thoughts on design.
Also, What is your favorite game? Advent? Zork? Hitchhiker's? I'm a big fan of Suspended though I haven't by far made much progress…
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So, I ended up going on IFMud and asking the residents there, and from my description they knew right away which game I was talking about. The text adventure I lost that I really liked was called "Losing your Grip" by Stephen Granade. Highly recommend. https://ifdb.tads.org/viewgame?id=folz7olvvczasp88


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used AI Dungeon to get high in a shower and yell at Todd Howard


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Been having a go at Anchorhead recently, really improves the mood to add a backing soundscape, it's set in a rainy coastal town so this ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppYmntFVY3g ) fit really well. Haven't gotten very far, but what I've seen I like, only gotten stuck a tiny bit, I'm not very proficient at adventure games so most times I try them out I tend to do so. The good atmosphere in this one is keeping me motivated to keep at it without looking at any hints or guides though.


This thread is the first time i heard of the idea, besides a few meh text-based android games. The idea of how they work sounded fun so i checked out >>872 and had a blast lol really nice content
Im curious about what i can find on the genre, gonna try the ones on the thread that sound more surreal


I want to write a text game where you're in charge of fixing a malfunctioning spaceship that is drifting through space. Half of the game would happen in the empty corridors and rooms of a dark and silent ship humming with the sound of machines, finding missing pieces and so on, the other half would take place in a console trying to "debug" what is wrong with the different systems of the ship.
I should probably use inform, though I'd also like to write it in a lisp language.

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We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, January 23:
1556 – The deadliest earthquake in history killed about 830,000 people in Shaanxi Province, China.
1793 – The Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia partitioned the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth for the second time.
1915 – The Chilembwe uprising, regarded as a key moment in the history of Malawi, began as rebels, led by a minister, attacked local plantation owners.
1942 – World War II: Japan began its invasion of the island of New Britain in the Australian Territory of New Guinea.
1968 – USS Pueblo was seized by North Korean forces, who claimed that it had violated their territorial waters while spying.

# Random Country Picker

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Weirdly enough I only go to 4chan for /vg/ to get torrents and download links so to see this thread here is pretty suprising. But anyways whats with the fakey general image being posted around lately, is someone trying to shill their mod and decided to post it here because they got banned or are people legitmately trying to discuss grandstrat games here?


>EU4 is agreed to be the old flagship
>EU4 is old now
How time flies.
I remember back when it launched I would play as England and lose against France no matter what I did.
It makes me sad when you get to know a game quite well, but doing so takes the magic away a little.


Command & Conquer forever!


What the hell there's a /gsg/ here
Are we all W&B?


can one of you 2018 people look in the moqugasume hastebin and tell me what the russian piracy site is that i forgot the name of

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I am looking for PC-98 games to try out. I am not very familiar with the platform, but I know it is filled with obscure retro maximum fun. I have played Touhou 5, and Peret em Heru (pictured, translated), both excellent games.


Windows 98 ran visual novel games just fine.


Sex 2 on the PC-98


if sex is so good

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Been trying to find this. Looked for auctions and nothing. Know a guy who owns it but they have no interest in ripping/sharing the game, because Japan's copyright rules are trash. Pic related


Well rip. Does anyone know where I can post?


Buy/borrow it from him?


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Sorry for the necro, but the game was finally found!


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 No.1[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

honestly I just want the first post in this board so,
what are you playing right now sushirolls?

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I've been playing the Sonic games for the first time. 1 was kind of rough but 2 was fantastic. Going to CD now.


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I'm playing around with Open Surge; an open source Sonic-clone/game engine.
I really dig how the physics feel, and the game is very easy to modify, so I've been trying my hand at doing some game design. Right now I'm still just testing out how to make and apply assets, but it seems writing new mechanics and interactions will be pretty easy when I get to it.


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I'm playing Atelier Ayesha and I think it's very cute but also atmospheric.


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Playing Pathfinder: WotR from Owlcat, a CRPG (so like BG, DOS, and NWN)
Very well-written, some of the better companions I've seen in ages. Also mandatory buffstack picture.


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I've been playing a lot of Cyberpunk 2077. While it's definitely a flawed game, it's nowhere near as bad as I heard it was before I got it (I like to pick up "bad" games when they go on sale and check them out for myself) If you're interested in the game I would say get it, but keep in mind that it's not perfect and the "100% redeemed!" people are kinda lying imo.
something that I thought was really neat about the game but is something of a spoiler is that the main plot sort of psychs you up into thinking the game is about making it big in night city before they drop the real themes of the game on you, which is about accepting death as a part of life, what defines identity, and what it means to live and die within an uncaring society where life is cheap.

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