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I don't know how many of you play this, but I'll set up here for now.

picrel: I thought the limited drops would end with the last update, so I panicked and spammed 3-1 pretty much a couple hours before maintenance. ~10 runs in, I finally got my first non-Chitose AV and my first foreign ship! hoping to get Fletcher or Isokaze next as I'm lacking in anti-air DDs, but that drop probably sucked up my luck for the month.

how's your base going, sushi?
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>Well pants isn't something you can wear unless you're a woman
That is very close-minded.


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>That is very close-minded.
It's better that way


I prefer its competition, AZURE LANE.


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The History Behind Kantai Collection


I prefer Azure Lane.

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 No.67[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hey sushirolls. What are some of the comfiest games you've ever played?

I recently just finished playing Va-11 Hall-A for the first time. It's not really a game by everybody's standards but it was really comfy and a great experience overall.

I'd totally recommend it to anybody with a rainy night, some tea, and time to waste.
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Little big planet


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Have any of you sushis tried webfishing? it's pretty comfy and fun


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I can vouch for this since a lot of the friends I have online have gotten very into it. It seems like a very comfy little chatroom game. Wish there were more games like it that kind of just come up with silly ways to create avatars and hang out in a virtual space.


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How would you compare webfishing to something like VR Chat? Is it that kind of active interaction or is it more slowed-down and text-based or something?


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I love it. Me, my bf and friends spend time there just fishing and chatting in a code-lobby. we stopped for a bit because of the pool staffs kindly advising us that the pond is closed because the pond has aids and they were so thoughtful to take control of host commands and kick us <3 /s
Just has the usual early chatting platform hiccups atm. Nothing serious. I do find it amusing that they are bringing back the pool's closed meme.

The only thing the two have in common, really, is the chatting and social aspect of the game. You have an avatar you can customize and the chat is txt based. The game is alot closer to Animal crossing's multiplayer than VR chat.

You'll be fishing or treasure hunting, playing guitar or drawing on the map while chatting with other folks in the lobby along the way. While interacting and playing with the few grief tools the game has like the boxing glove to push folks around (You can toggle the grief option off if that is not your style.)
It's silly fun.

Pic rel this was our first "big" catches :)

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Seems like they get a bad rep nowadays, I remember I used to look forward to them, but now that old graphics or game mechanics don't seem much of an issue, I can't help but seeing them as red flags.
What about you?
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Last years' Dead Space was a good remake too, but totally not necessary. I guess it was just a right move from the Excel spreadsheet standpoint. I wish big companies experimented more with new IPs, new ideas… This is why I go out of my way to learn about cool indie games and don't really bother with big series.


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Personally, I liked the original Resident Evil REmake. It felt like an improvement on the original bringing back pure survival horror. The prerendered backgrounds still look gorgeous too. Its an example of a remake done right. Generally, remakes are too faithful to the original or they change too much that they loose a connection to the source material. A good remake should be an alternative spin on the original, it has to get the spirit and feel of the original without being a predictable rehash. REmake nails this perfectly. The newer Resi remakes feel more like homages to the originals but I'm just happy to see some new survival horror.

Really they shouldn't remake classics but old games that were good but fell short and remained cult classics. I'd rather see a Clocktower remake than SH2.

>It definitely must suck seeing your favourite game warped and twisted to modern, politically correct standards.
Yeah it does. I've not been following the news on SH2. I'm really not looking forward to the remake. Did they remove the abstract rape scenes or something? Its pretty central to the plot of SH2. Why remake it anyway? SH2 was so good there's really not that much to build upon. Its near perfect as it is. You want to make a cynical cash grab? Just rerelease it simple. Its probably gonna flop anyway because hardcore SH2 fans won't buy it and most gamers these days have zero interest in horror that isn't the same Slender Friday Night and Freddy cheap jumpscare game.

>what irks me is that these remakes that have been coming out lately are for games that aren't even that old.

Corpos borrow strategies. Disney pumps out remakes because they know the children that watched this stuff in the 90s and 2000s are now adults with kids of their own, so they can appeal to people's nostalgia. I'm guessing video game corpos are just aping this trend. It doesn't make sense in SH2's case because I can't imagine introducing kids to that game and most gamers these days hate a narrative heavy single player horror. Since creative decisions are now made by suits and gaming is less auteur driven, the winning strategic is formula = $$$ so just mass produce stuff according to established formulas. Its why everything is so samey now. Remakes are low effort and low risk. Its basically rehashing anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I understand that some games simply cannot be accessed anymore and the only way to provide them is to make a port/remake, but I don't see the need to remake good games other than a quick cash grab. Demon's Souls certainly could have used a remake since it was a tech demo at best, but Silent Hill 2 doesn't need it. Resident Evil 1 had some nice quality changes, like preserving the direction you're moving across screen changes without moving the joystick. The newer REs with the 3rd person camera are junk if you ask me. At that level of investment, I think you would have a better time calling it something else.


I liked the RE4 remake it felt different enough from the original that it was fun to play through again and it didn't kill my desire to ever play the old one either


HD remasters of early 3D games with shitty graphics (or early 2D games without color) can be good if they're faithful and just strict graphical upgrades, but remakes are basically always bad. In theory they can be good when the original creators weren't able to achieve their vision because of technical limitations or production issues and want to go back and do it right, but in practice only games that were popular enough to sell on brand recognition get picked for remaking and those achieved that reputation by already being good. At best you get to buy the same game a second time but with a little bit of its soul sucked out. At worst you get a generic modern game wearing the skin of a classic to trick people into forking over cash. It's really telling how they stopped trying to replace the originals and are now trying to have them exist alongside the originals.

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Any sushis play MtG or other trading card games? What formats? Online or in paper?
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>but now my old friends are all gone and the LGS only really plays Commander
Story of my life sushi roll ;-; My one friend I used to play with and I drifted apart and I would go to matches at local cards shops but EVERYONE only plays Commander. As in, people seem weirded out if you casually play standard.


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As a red MtG player, direct damage is always appreciated….


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The BLOOMBURROW set is fun…


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Theme 7


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Foundations looks like a great set in a lot of ways but the fact that UB crossover stuff will be fully 50% of product going forwards and legal in all formats really killed my love for the game at the moment. I don't think I'll sell my cards or anything but it's really depressing watching Magic turn itself into genuinely soulless fortnite-style crossover slop. I get that there are fans of these things and I'm not against the idea of Magic as a rules framework for generic TCG gameplay, it's just sad to see the game I made so many friends through and loved change so much.

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How do you deal with your /arcade/ backlog?

Do you keep some time of the day/week/year to find and play things you've always wanted to, or do you act on istinct? I have a shit ton of games waiting in my room (or to be downloaded) but can't find a viable method to just jump in and finish some.
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>How do you deal with your /arcade/ backlog?
Man's time is finite and the backlog is almost infinite. There can only be two outcomes:
1. Augment man with sophisticated cyborg transhuman tech to play more in less time or some kind of time pausing technology
2. Give up


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One thing that drove me absolutely nuts was playing the first hour of a bunch of games I really liked and then never going back to them. I need some structure, I have brain problems and forget about things or try to do too many things at once.

I have a long list of art I want to experience. I'll choose a handful of them at a time and then I schedule them regularly in my calendar until I feel done with them. I'll never be able to get to all of them. Some things have been in there for almost 15 years. You just have to fully embrace the few things you can and let the rest go. Appreciate the time you have and try to spend it on things that you really like.


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My backlog is pretty small because I just play the games I want to play. I guess that's a weird way to put it but I just play them. I don't know. I will say, one game on my backlog is the Rhapsody sequel (pic rel) because I have a habit of skipping all dialogue in a video game so I have no clue what I'm supposed to do at this point of the game. (My character, i forgot her name, has to look for something. That's all I know is going on in the plot. I don't know what I'm looking for or what I'm doing or anything.)
At one point I thought about starting the game over and actually reading the dialogue so I know what's going on but on the other hand I don't feel like it.


I don't understand why would someone play and rpg and not pay attention to the story


The art is pretty, I like the music, and the fights are fun because the main character can summon candy to attack enemies. I like games where I can strategize fights (although Rhapsody is pretty simplistic in that nature… and the second game is even more simple than the first).
On the other hand, I also like playing VN/puzzle hybrid games and I will read the dialogue in VNs so it's not like I skip the dialogue in all games, just in most of them. Honestly, I just like playing them for the fighting and inventory management aspects.

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How come we don't have a roguelikes thread on /arcade/ yet?

What's your most recent social life killer? How do you usually try to build your character? Do you believe in optional content?

Recently I've been playing:

ToME - Very decent game if you enjoy taking it slow and playing in a reactive way. While there are enough fodder enemies, rares spawn with same classes, skillsets and progression a player character could have achieved at their level, which makes fights incredibly fun and complex, especially when you're facing three multi-classed enemies of your level who consist of a melee tank, a ranged DD and a CC mage.

Soulash 1/2 - fairly small roguelikes, can't recommend them for more than one night of fun, they attracted me with tank controls and FoV, which I personally would like to see in more top-down games, but turned out to be very shallow and felt rushed.

Also killed a few of my nights by playing DCSS again, constantly trying to go for a short blades all offense build.
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Every couple months I find myself obsessed with CDDA, it's such a cool game! Admittedly I'm pretty shit at it but it's fun seeing how long I can survive.


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the only roguelike/roguelite ive played was OTXO, and the reason i played it was due to the fact i wanted another hotline miami style game.
while i do love the gun-play, soundtrack, movement in the game the weakest element is the roguelike aspect.
i want saved spots ffs.


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I hadn't played any roguelikes before playing Pacific Drive, which is kind of a rougelike/lite, but I HAETD it! The first proper tutorial level felt like a punch to the guts. I had to play it across three days and even then I played it so little that I still managed to refund it! I guess I'm just too much of a casual.

Still, the concept of a car/vehicle maintenance and survival game is awesome. Too bad there are almost next to no *finished* games in this genre.


Yeah fair enough. Tbh a lot of Ultima-like roguelikes have this. They start out promising but then don't get updated enough.


I've also been playing ToME in long spurts. I really try to not die, but a random stronger enemy or getting mobbed kills me. I've almost gotten to level 20 before after a few hours. I find myself getting really bored by that time because of the samey gameplay. Still, it's an absolute gem. I love the concept of unlocking classes and lore through gameplay. I love finding items and discovered a little bit more of the world. I haven't played much, but I'm a bit disappointed in the summoner class. I really don't like having to summon constantly. It's a real burden to summon up some monsters when really, it's a lot more fun and straightforward to play a melee class. Still, I really didn't play for very long before getting killed. Because I was so weak at the beginning, it really only takes your summons getting killed before you're next. I hope the necromancer class isn't like this, but I'd bet it is.

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 No.894[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for TTRPG discussion and organization.

# What is a TTRPG?
TTRPG, sometimes TRPG, stands for TableTop Role-Playing Game. It includes big names, like D&D, and much less heard of ones, like Song of Swords. The rule systems run from extremely thorough, with rules for things like how many Thai chilli peppers you can eat before getting ill, to so broad as to be nearly nonexistent, with only basic guidelines on how to play. In almost all systems, the key component that sets it apart from video game RPGs is the presence of the Dungeon Master, Game Master, Referee, etc. They help to adjudicate edge cases not covered by rules and create exceptions to the rules in favour of fun, meaning a TRPG has much more freedom of action than a normal RPG.

# Where do I play?
Generally, TTRPGs, especially niche ones without large player bases, are played in-person, but there are also sites and apps that allow you to play over the internet and find groups. The biggest one right now is probably roll20; signing up is free, and as a player, you never need to pay for anything. Other applications include FoundryVTT (paid for by a GM), Maptools (free), AstralVTT (free), and Fantasy Grounds (expensive, but very nice). Some groups even play on Tabletop Simulator, which has the added bonus of letting you play poker or Life before a session starts or if someone flakes.

There's also the potential to show up at a gaming store; if you live in the US, Canada, or Europe, there's plenty of those around too. Gaming stores are in-person, obviously, but they also often boast long-time, highly experienced and confident game masters who are knowledgable at how to best cater to newbies trying to enter the hobby. There are many websites online to help you find game stores near you.

# Where do you get the rulebooks?
You can buy them from places like drivethrurpg, or you can pirate them from https://thetrove.net/. As a new player, you often don't need very many books; both Shadowrun and Pathfinder have relatively complete wikis online with all the setting-agnostic information you need, and Pathfinder even has a setting wiki so there's no reason to buy the books for their content.
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I have just bought physical Ryuutama rulebook. It is a system I have heard about many years ago and I kept it in my mind all this time. It's a Japanese game known for its cozy feel that focuses on travel, exploration and crafting. I am not sure if players even fight enemies there.

Gonna read the digital rulebook for now, here is the file.


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Woops, file too large. One can easily find the .pdf on google though.


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Any shadowrun players? It's been my main TTRPG for the last year or so, it's got a steep learning curve but it does a lot of things that I love and don't get from similar games.


Hey guys what do you think about OSR systems?


They're alright to me
Does feel like modern ones have too little rules and the old ones have too many rules

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Alright, i'll be the first to ask… anybody playing Monster Hunter World on PS4? anybody don't mind doing co-op even if I don't have a mic?

Image unrelated
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I've heard from other places thats it's been really streamlined and casualized with easy to spam combos and very predictable monster attacks. Any truth to this or is it just the usual shitposting.


To be honest, it has been a lot easier to figure out monster patterns. I wouldn't say it makes the game easier. As far as streamlining, whether or not it makes or breaks the game is dependent on your preferences. If anything, the first real problem I ran into was the amount of monsters at launch being so small,thankfully, combat is fun enough for me to not care about what i'm fighting, as long as i'm fighting.


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Monster Hunter co-op on pc? What a sweet dream.


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I've been playing World on PC a lot as of late, after beating Alatreon in 3U.
Got to Nergi but he one shot me. If there is anyone that wants to go huntan' my steam account is this one
(mind me, I wanna go huntan', not just get carried).
Also, I main HBG so I hope that isn't a deal breaker
My timezone is UTC-3


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It's more likely than you think

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there's a thread here ( >>196 ) on old source/goldsrc games which i enjoy.
this thread is for modern source/source 2.
i love counterstrike ive been playing it for 20+ years love every single iteration especially cs:go.
so, when i heard there was going to be a cs2 i was so excited.
the improved graphics are a major plus yet the movement feels a tad off, then there's the cheaters so many cheaters to the point where some matches might as well be HvH. cs:go wasnt perfectly balanced on release so im hoping in a year or two cs2 will be better balanced. last but not least in regards to cs2 maps are needed i miss train and cache.
oh yeah, deadlock beta is going on i got an invite to it but havent downloaded it yet cause i dont like the cartoony look its like they put every source game in a blender to make this thing.
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the turnoff for me was its not FPS.
i dislike the cartoony aesthetic.
interdasting, do you not play source games anymore?


yeah once I saw the whole MOBA aspect I lost what little interest I had in playing a Valve hero shooter


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>interdasting, do you not play source games anymore?

I wouldn't say no to playing TF2 once in a while if not for the fact the game went from about 3Gb on release to 50-something gigs after a decade of updates, so I've since uninstalled it to free up much needed space on my PC.


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I've been playing a lot but randoms are a mixed bag. If anyone would like to team up sometime I'm 7k in premier (yuropoor timezone/ping)


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ok I gave it a chance - two matches were quite fun but probably only because we won. i like that it seems there are no traditional moba roles here?

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most realistic elephant programmed ever
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I wish I had the programming skills to write a basic game or a VN. I'm pretty bad at writing characters and dialogues too. I sometimes get good ideas for scripts put they turn to slop when I try to write an actual scene. I guess I need to practice this more.


The only way to learn how to write is to write then read what you wrote. Same applies to code. Do that for like 3 years and you'll be competent.


we'll haffta think of more


sukeban with a new game? neat


not even slightly true.

watch and weep.

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