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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Does anybody here play "I wanna be the guy" fangames? Maybe even the original. They are quite fun, i am currently playing "I wanna kill the Kamilia 2" and at the end of stage 6. Share your progress if you do play them here.


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I used to play them a lot
It's a pretty niche thing but I also really like them, the satisfaction you get from beating them is just so good.
Also Kamilia 2 is really fucking tough. I think I started my playthrough in 2015 and took long breaks from playing it because of how tough it was (got stuck for hours on the boss rush)
I just finished it last year with pic related as my death count and timer
Have you tried "Not Another Needle Game"?


Yeah, at 15Xth level on NANG. At boss rush in Kamilia, beat destination and trying crimson now.


Nice, destination and crimson are definitely the hardest bosses.
If you're not already doing it, you should really try to find all the secrets in NANG. It's really worth it for what you get.


I played Jumper and Jumper II, the prequels of Super Meatboy and iwbtg I guess. Ogmos jump sound is super cute.


I beat NANG on bad ending going for the good ending.

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It's so sad that no one is talking about this game. I get the price might scare away the general audience and the fact that action-puzzle games have been tainted by phone games doesn't help either, but this game is seriously a lot of fun! I guess it's cool that the few people who bought this game are also enjoying it as much as
I am, but considering that this is a nintendo game stuck on the switch and the 3ds, and the fact that the price is $50 means this game is probably destined to fail.
If you have a switch and want to play this game, just do what I did! I used those nintendo gold coins you get when you buy stuff from the eshop and knocked the price down to $43.
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In the US new games for all systems have been $50-60 for many years. The only new games that go for $30-40 are re-releases of old games, or games for handhelds.


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And then there is inflation.


Holy shit wtf??? How the hell did Nintendo even make sales with that highway robbery??


What options where there? The Genesis? You can charge whatever you want when you are the only player in the game.

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Have you played crystal chronicles?
Did you like it?
I've only played the DS games and i loved them, their story, gameplay and music were great.
Any more games like this series?


I played the one on the Gamecube, I think that was the first, and the one on the Wii.
The gamecube one was fun and sort of simple. I replayed it again recently and I can see that it is meant for multiplayer but even alone it offers a neat little game of trying to manage your movement options and inventory/attack choices. Plus it feels really comfy like you really are just the guy out on a journey for your town, little bits of lore thrown in like you're hearing stories from people around the area before you go in. So alone it's comfortable and relaxing while still being engaging, can't speak for multiplayer.

The wii one I remember less, didn't remember finishing it or really enjoying it too much but I might replay it eventually.


I'd like to when I'll get a ds.


I only played the original on gamecube. Beat the whole game in multiplayer a couple times. I keep really fond memories of it. Maybe gameplay it is a little too simple and repetitive, but the atmosphere and the ost are amazing. If you have the chance to play it with friends you definitely should.

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Anybody watching the E3 down here?
Anything you found funny from it?


I'll wait and watch what I think seems interesting later. I'll end up missing work if I watch the live streams.

Hoping to see more sweet stuff for next year. Really enjoyed RE2, even tho I was skeptical of the trailer from last year (too gory to be atmospheric).


There was a guy called Matt Booty on the Microsoft presentation, which was mildly funny


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I did not expect the bethesda presentation to end up this adorable. She saved all of E3 2019.


Keanu Reeves.


Just watching these shows makes me uncomfortable. I can't put a finger on it, but something about this event feels incredibly hypocritical and cringy to me.

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oc from me


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whoops th


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Moved to >>>/hell/2164.

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Pure anarchy, no plugins besides /spawn. Do anything you like, say whatever. build whatever.

IP - dial274.mcpro.io


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Are you ready?
Don't update your systems if an update pops up!
Hack it!
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Once you've CFW'd it, Homebrew Launcher has a direct menu option to launch a region-locked game.


Yeah it's great. Been playing a lot of the fan translated puyo puyo and got a bunch of people I know via irc in on it too.


If I hack it, is there a snes emulator? That's all I really care about when it comes to hacking a console, emulation, especially if it's a snes emulaor.


Yeah, there's BlargSNES and Snes9x, both very functional. Old 3DS and Old 2DS do struggle with enhancement chips tho. Other than that it runs most games fine, and there's also emulators for most retro consoles (stuff like GBC, NES, Mega Drive, etc) and native support for GBA games


If you've got a new model you can also inject your snes roms into the official nintendo snes emulator. They only used it to release a few titles on n3ds, but I hear it runs really well.

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Hey sushirolls, you up for some minecraft?
sushi rolls over at 8ch/v/ made a server and it's pretty comfy. It's vanilla 1.10 as of yet, but maybe we'll keep the map and upgrade it and install some mods.
The spawn is still WIP, but there's a town called Jewville if you want to build in a safe spot.

Server IP:


It should be noted that at this point the thread has 404'd and the server is mostly dead.


Wasn't sure if this should be on /silicon/ but do you susheys know any games where you're required to write code?

I haven't played this but it looks pretty neat
There's also a yt tutorial


Dug around a bit from what I remembered being things:
- Shenzhen IO (ASM)
- TIS-100 (ASM)

- Hackmud
- Screeps (Multiplayer focused, but can be played alone)

Beware, MP ones are VERY not comfy according to user reviews. People who played both of these games fell victim to the fun vacuum of "script cartels" and people who had way too much industry experience caring way too much about the game. I'm still thinking about getting into Screeps just for the SP side and pseudo-JS.

The singleplayer ones are available DRM-free via GOG but the latter two are on Steam.


This is really more about reverse engineering than actual programming.
I really like this one, well, from a viewer's perspective lol. I haven't really invested enough to write a decent warrior, but I really like the whole idea behind this game.
This is for the real hardcore hex jockeys. I don't know what's going on here, hardly anyone does.
Some script kiddie fun! Also available through telnet


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Oh, I didn't see this thread and I made one just for the game I found.

This is the game

The objective is program a robot and let it fight in an arena.

The interaction with the program it's relatively easy, the real difficulty is on the strategy you use to defeat your opponents!

We are thinking, with a sushi on the irc, to make a tournament or something and maybe streaming it if we get some ppl to join and made their own robots.

Here is the other thread (https://sushigirl.us/arcade/res/363.html)


>I really like this one, well, from a viewer's perspective lol
CW is so awesome but just as you I haven't invested myself in writing a warrior. The idea is great though, and the theory is very interesting

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Dreamcast/ドリームキャスト general
Elysian Shadows edition

I am not sure if you guys make Dreamcast generals here since I am new but I didn't find any live so I created one

Few weeks ago I randomly stumbled upon on this YT channel Elysyan shadows.
Eminently I fallen in love with their content and their personalities.
They are making "next gen 2D RPG".Main guy Falco is THAT one techy C programmer who started this project 7 years ago with few friends. Basically they made 3D engine for 2D game.I highly suggest you to watch their YT Adventures In Game Development series.They are successfully founded on Kickstarter and planing to release game in 2017.
Also I was blown away with the fact that there are indie developers still working and publishing games for Dreamcast

BTW I just found ouy that they had huge problems with team so after all this yeras only two guys are working on this Falco and Patryk.I really hope they finish
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And that would matter because …?



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"We didn't get the turn out that we thought we'd get so instead of a top 10 we have a top 6"

>start making a dreamcast/ouya rpg over 14 years ago
>somehow manage to raise over 300,000 dollars through kickstarter and ouya funding
>game is already passed a year late, almost everyone quit the project
>nobody cares about it anymore, CEO is openly ridiculed (see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQaM-5TjqTjbkbmHhrI9mA)
>can't even get 10 fan submissions

Is this the most pathetic indie game project of all time?


Why are they even trying anymore?


yes, you don't get funded unless you have something to show already.
I'd be ashamed to ask for money with such shit standards for my own work

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