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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Do people still make high quality written reports of their video game playthoughts? I'm looking for stuff like lparchive.org/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri/
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I guess the forumfags did something right.


A game which makes for very interesting written reports and for which written reports are relatively common is the Dominions series. There are many written accounts of Dominions 3 and 4 multiplayer games from each player's perspective, as >>311 points out most are from SA. I also love the format and would like to read anything anyone had to link


I haven't seen any recently. You could make one. Just go nuts on that screenshot button and write it as you play so that you don't lose track of what happened in the past in the game.
Or at least write it one section at a time, so that it has some sense of narrative and you can be surprised when surprising things happen.


When you look into it there's actually a lot of interesting stuff that's happened on there. Sadly most of it is gone now.


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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a fighting game tournament. Score as high as you are able and earn glory for yourself and/or your board.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/MASHFIGHT
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/8V5KD80C1F#/signup/269mgr143wj
If you do not want to register, post the name that you are signing up with in a central thread. You will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.

Full installation: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ulje2arv05zjbg/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_%252B_Full_Unlock_%252B_SokuRoll_%252B_SWRSToys_%252B_Tensokukan.zip/file

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It was cool. There's a link to stream archives at the end of the 8moe thread, mega a shit though so you might have to fuck around with download tools a bit.


I tuned for a bit too, watched 3 games, then came a dry spell with no games whatsoever and a lot of dolphin talk, something about other stream then came a mirror match and I left.
At the very least in my time there I could confirm there was 2hu talk and games there every once in a while, good for you lads.


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We're having another tournament over at https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/1860.html . Your board is once again cordially invited to participate.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/MYSTERY_BOX
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/EJDpLCI3AT#/signup/kyd03y2f608



ALTERNATIVE STREAM ROOM LINK - https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru
Organizing with PMs is easier here.


Pull out that comfy commander chair, Sushi Rolls. General discussion on RTS and RTT goes here.

>What are you playing/have been playing?

>Favorite game?

>Favorite Faction?
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I've been entertaining the thought of getting involved in the age of empires 2 online community.


Age of Empires II DE is pretty decent for beginners, although there's recently been some kind of influx of rude tryhards on the ladder, the types of blowhards who don't say glhf or gg.


NOOOOOO being the silent ownage machine was supposed to be MY GIMMICK!!!


idk man it makes me really pissed off when people don't say glhf back or at least u2


I don't mind quality of life changes but there's something about the grime of StarCraft


Sony is being shit again.
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Yea, see, college is nothing like real life. I work with computers quite a lot, and a lot of the computers I work on are never Macs. They tend to be old Compaqs/HPs or Toshibas aka the shit you get from Walmart. And in this group, these people get Windows because it isn't that much harder to use and it comes with the computers. Plus a lot of their software is often Windows only anyhow. Again, people don't buy Macs just like these people aren't getting Alienware or the Surface Book. Too expensive.

The use of consoles especially among older people is likely from the massive PC vs Console difference in terms of games of the past. When people bring up great 90s games, a lot of people mention Quake or Serious Sam along with all those cartoony adventure games OR they mention games like Mario Bros or Final Fantasy. I mean, how many people were playing Quake on their tv back in the 90s like people play CoD on a tv now? Kids nowadays are playing Minecraft which while on consoles, I think the rise of Let's Players has resulted in younger generations of kids getting into PC gaming, kids are also playing more games on a smartphone or tablet. The next generation of gamers seem to favor more multi-function devices like smartphones and PCs over consoles.


Good one, but my iPad is the least fashionable piece of tech I own. No crazy colors, overly minimalistic, the newer iPad Pro looks tacky as shit when you charge that overpriced "Apple Pencil" in the lighting port. Apple is the grandma of tech if you want to talk about nice looking devices. Now something like Asus looks pretty nice despite going for the minimal look.


>and a lot of the computers I work on are never Macs.
Don't apple have their own "genius" pseudo monopoly on maintenance?

With pc gaming having the better controls, hardware and options it's easily taking the more dedicated gamers, and mobile shit is eating up the casual players. Consoles are being ripped in half, their only real future is probably portable consoles. I dare say there's not going to be enough room in the marketplace for sony, microsoft and nintendo soon.

Apple is still fashionable in the same way a corpse sits up by it's own rigor mortis. But it is still sitting.
I'm pretty certain the apple vogue will be replaced within the next half decade. Not sure what will replace it though since there's no dominant force of such magnitude in computing, it's pretty fractured.


True, and a lot of there stuff is soldered and being based on BSD, macOS doesn't have the same issues that Windows often does. But again, the bulk of people I help often cannot afford a Mac in the first place, my main point is that Macs are pretty uncommon, only people who are students, got plenty of money or really scraped and saved have a Mac, everyone else just buys a computer with Windows or builds it and then puts Windows on it.

I agree with your second point but I feel that it's more that people want more functionality from their devices more than "casual vs dedicated". A popular casual game, Just Dance is on the PC and emulators as well as companies trying to push mobile gaming to more hardcore heights with special hardware like controllers and more serious titles makes me feel that devices that only serve one purpose, much like the MP3 Player or iPod before it are getting further pushed out.

I hope that we get tech in awesome/cute colors again. When I had a Lumia it was a pretty nice cyan color, otherwise I'm going to have to spraypaint my next phone or something. Everything is just grey/black/gold and sometimes white.


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Get thee to PSV.


Playstation Five wil be henceforth known as PSV.

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Do you guys know real time battle ? It's a game were you program robots and make them fight in an arena.


I thought it may interest you.

I'm already building mine since my boss challenge me at a match to DEATH.


Buelbe argot ;_;
How come this thread was necrobumped with no replies? A Mystery!


Whoa I didn't even notice the post date, scary stuff!

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I'm new here and things seem sort of quiet so I thought I'd make a thread anyone could post in pretty easily: old school favourites.

Everyone's got a game they loved from a time gone by, so let's talk about them!

Here's one of my all time favourites to start us off: Crystalis on the NES. It felt so much smoother than any other game I'd played around that time and you were so free to travel around, the magic was interesting and the world was constructed so well.. I almost wish I could forget everything about it so I could experience it all over again as if it were new.

It was sure a good looking game for the system too.
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Myst is incredible, I wish I had gotten the chance to play it when it was first released. Despite its age, I haven't ever played another game that can mimic its atmosphere.


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The suikoden series.


I played it back in 1995, but i was so young then, I didn't understand much about the game, or what to do in that kind of game. I think I would appreciate it a lot more if I played it today.


I have this game on the SNK 40th anniversary collection and on NES Online on Switch. I might give this a shot, thanks sushi!


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prince of persia ii
i loved the atmosphere as a kid
and the mystery of the various environments

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Hey friends! I've created a comfy Minecraft Realm. If you'd like to join, drop your username below. Hope to see you there! <3

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I haven't bought the game yet and I wanna hear what more people think of it before I make a decision. The game seems to be getting poor reviews but a fair deal of them look like review bombs from people who haven't actually played the game.


Pro reviews seem fine with it, only unhappy with the closed world which is a bit unfair as the story seems consistent anyway


i haven't played either of the games, but it seems that from the people's perspective, the gameplay is still dull and they utterly butchered the story

without spoiling anything, they basically shat on the first game's legacy for the sake of a bad revenge plot


From what ive seen, its a hallway simulator with all the latest tenets of the New Religion. I will watch a playthrough of it though, looks like a train wreck.
Polite sage.


The first one was fine. Dull at times, and with stupid zombies again. But it was beautiful, it probably was the game that pushed ps3 to its computational limits.
I won't buy the second game, we all know why. I won't look it up or watch it either.
Polite sage.


I have actually played TLOU2 and it was a great game. Most of the bad reviews are from review bombs from idiots who haven't even played the game relying on misinformed leaks (as you can see from this thread) and/or people that wanted a game that plays it safe but also has an amazing story like the first, which it's impossible to have both. I really enjoyed the story (my only complaint is one section of the game was a little underwhelming from a story perspective but it makes more sense later) and I really appreciate the risk they took to try to deliver a great story that could compete with the TLOU and I think it paid off. As long as you have an open mind for how the story could play out, you will enjoy it. The game play was really fun and expanded upon the first game very naturally. The environments in the game are consistently breathtaking and also lend themselves so well to game play. There are quite a few sections of the game with more open areas than in TLOU (though not open world) that give you a lot interesting ways to approach stealth/combat. I guess the only other issue anyone might have is the inclusion of LGBT characters. There are multiple LGBT characters in the game (and were already a part of the series prior to TLOU2 so Idk what people were expecting) and they aren't forced into it as some say; the characters and their relationships fit very naturally. My suggestion: if LGBT stuff bothers you, get over yourself and enjoy a great game, or just don't play it.

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This is a sequel to Rolypolys here https://compu-lsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rolypolys_no_Nanakorobi_Yaoki

https://compu-lsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rolypolys_no_Sekai_Ryokou This game here, on the right. Anyone have any ideas? Where to talk?


I don't think you'll have much luck on the english speaking internet, I think your best bet is to check japanese auction sites or ask around in unexpected places for people who might have a copy to upload a disk image.


(of course if you're looking for no nanakorobi yaoki [which I don't think you are?] it's up at http://satoarchives.com )


Ah made a mistake there, I did. I'm searching for World Tour!
I'm trying to find it on Japanese auction sites, but no luck there, game's rare. And I don't think even if I find a Japanese owner they'll want to rip it, Japanese copyright laws are wack



Can you update this thread if you ever have any luck? I'm intrigued by all this

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I set up a Minecraft Lost Cities modded server to play around with. Take a look. It's a mapgen mod, so the world is an auto-generated abandoned city in all directions. If there is enough interest for me to find donors, I will add some more features and plugin support. Currently it is otherwise vanilla, with 12 player slots.

There are skyscrapers, highways, bridges, tunnels, subways, and other structures. Forever. Treasure boxes and mob spawners are scattered randomly about, making it a very hostile world with infinite exploration value.

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Looks like it is online. Runs on 1.12.2 (limited by the mods the server runs with), so not the latest version.


Thank you friend
I will be playing soon :)


The server works with legal copies only? :(


Currently there are not many plugins for Minecraft Forge 1.15, and there is no way to authenticate logins from cracked Minecraft clients. So, if I allowed them, anyone could just connect as me and have op powers. Allowing cracked clients will depend on a server-side auth mod being developed for Forge.


Fun server. Played a few weeks back but have been busy.

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