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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Launch party never ends :D


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>no more umbrella armbands
>no soviet announcer either????
>some crowdfund stuff removed
>forced sol-badguy-but-loli-character
>forced parasoul-lite character
>genuine feedback shruged off as offtopic, still fails to get filtered in reviews
>apparently head guy in charge is super autistic??
>online is still filled with tryhards that force you to block the entire round


1) the changes were made by the original creators by their own decision, not because of complaints.
2) The new characters are amazing and have massively boosted the games popularity
3) "genuine feedback" from people who bought the game in 2013, played for an hour and never touched it again
4) Mike Z was removed from the team a long time ago
5) play a fighting game


Not that sushi but whose decision it was and how many hours you have in the game doesn't change the fact that the changes are retarded.


>"genuine feedback" from people who bought the game in 2013, played for an hour and never touched it again
That's because the game was re-released like three times which reset the players' playtime.


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So they just decided it was a good idea to introduce such a big change out of nowhere? Interesting behaviour.

They are boring as hell, and the only thing that got boosted were the negative reviews. I learned about SG way back while i was playing JoJo HFTF on Fightcade, i bought Skullgirls in June 2022 when it was on sale. Not everyone can afford 50€+ games that change every fucking week and also have half of the cast locked behind another paywall.

There's nothing and i mean nothing skillful or honourable in not letting your opponent play. Just because you fried your dopamine receptors and resort to practising sweat of death combos on regular basis, doesn't mean everyone else should fall a victim to your shenanigans. I remember when frame data wasn't that known, and i'd play fightans with my friends head-first.

"play a fighting game"
man, with friends like you…


I have been waiting for Marie for like 10 years. But after all the drama I don't really want to support them. Well, at least before the lawsuit resolution.
It doesn't feel right to me.

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