Gentlemen, I have returned.
Age brings wisdom but kills motivation. So ill simply start with some updates:
>Engine:Going ok, I have the main loop and initialization methods currently work but he victory condition check is not working properly and Im not quite sure why. Once this section is done I will be moving it to the rails application that currently has a DB and framework with enough to speed up the testing and creation of objects by quite a lot.
>Format: Not much of the rules have changed, Ive settled on 2 players with 3 characters each. Both players take their turn at once and the action stack is decided by the character speed value at the start of the round. Rails new Cable method will make the player connect seamless, so this shouldnt be a problem once the application is in testing.
>Story:A (macguffin)is discovered by an imperial empire that has magnetic and bio-energetic properties. Over a 20 year span the macguffin becomes a source of immense power as its properties are expounded upon, tested and refined through several experiments. Some benign, some malicious. Massive improvements in power generation, transport and
other more mysterious advancements were made causing, in essence, a second industrial revolution. Like all revolutions, things change rapidly.
The once pastoral live enjoyed by a majority of the people were now swiftly being swept away and replaced with the new means of production and a new way of living. Under the stress of change and the pull to various utopian ideals of how to use this new power, the empire shattered in to 3 major factions now wrestling for control over the best uses of the limited material.
:names pending:
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