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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Any Psychonaut fans here?
What were your thoughts on Psychonauts 2?
I enjoyed it for the most part. Graphics and gameplay were vastly improved, but what made the first Psychonauts so great for me, was its writing, and unfortunately, the writing felt weaker here. Found it to be a lot less funny, didn't have its dark, cynical humour like before, but I guess pic related explains that change.


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I like it, but would have liked it more if (Hot Topic warning) The gay couple was less hamfisted. I dunno why, but it seems common for western developers to put gay relationships in a pedestal while normal ones are ostracized. I think they should make these relationships more flawed because, human beings are that way and we can't be all kooky about something which is still being taboo in many societies. Even the silliest romcom has characters with flaws in them. Scholars of the Wilbur Sin for example has a gay couple but it's actually very well written, with highs and lows, just to give an example
Other than that, the Jimi Hendrix level was really really good. I think the game was, because of what I said before, not that great, but it could have been better really.
inb4 i get called a shitlord


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I suppose if you compare how Helmut and Bobs relationship was showcased with Ford and Lucrecia's, theirs was made to look flawless while bob's and lucrecia's had a lot of problems. In terms of being hamfisted, I thought it wasn't made immensely grandiose, but maybe I'm just used to it as you see a lot of homos in western media now. I just wished the comedic writing had more balls like the first one, them taking the piss out of the mentally unwell was funny (like the milk man) but I guess now the game has to be about being a 'decent human being' by caring about mental health, so you can't do characters like that anymore. You could do both, have comedic moments about how insane someone is while slowly fixing them with care. At least overall its aesthetics (even though in unreal engine everyone looks they were coated in Vaseline so it looks less gritty then the first one), gameplay, and level designs were great. The controls on Raz are way tighter, and the new variety of enemies you have which force you to make use of your new, different powers were definitely and improvement on the first one. I think I prefer the level designs in the Psychonauts 1 as they were far crazier, but in 2, all the levels have a special uniqueness to them, which make them very fun to explore. I think I enjoyed Ford's Fractured Minds levels the most, but the jimi hendrix one was great, very colourful and vibrant.


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I think something that was fairly lackluster as well is how the other campers, I forgot the name of them, don't get much spotlight for the whole game until the final boss.
Like, it would have been cool to do some side missions with them instead of just collecting things in the overworld. The one baking was the one I liked the most, I wish her story was more fleshed out.
Even then, I am glad something like this got out. It was better than most current vidya as of late.


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>I think something that was fairly lackluster as well is how the other campers, I forgot the name of them, don't get much spotlight for the whole game until the final boss.

This is something I forgot to mention. Yes, I completely agree with you, they're barely used, and all of them (except Sam Boole) are completely unlikeable. Not that there wasn't unlikeable characters in the first one, but they at least had funny, interesting character traits, while these ones in 2 are just narcissistic teens who are 'too cool for school'. But if they were more fleshed out and the game showed other sides to their personality in, as you said, some cool side missions, rather than just collecting shit around the map, that would've been great. At least the Psychic Seven were fun and sort of made up for the lackluster campers.

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Anyone else get the game? I'm having a lot of fun with it so far.
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Please don't do that. Focus on your studies!


Well I did sent my PC to a service so I haven't been playing much of it as of late.
But even then, there's a horrible visual glitch with the shadows in The Mountains of Giants that makes it unplayable for me, along with the constant crashes and resource draining.
Hopefully I get my PC ready before Thursday next week. And even more hopefully, that bug is patched by then, since it makes the game look incredibly ugly


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Elden Ring or Dark Souls 4?


Elden Ring made me get into Monster Hunter so it's not all lost


Elden sovls

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Does sushi know of any VN or otome game to heal the heart?
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My fave was Dorothy she's the cutest


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I feel sort of bad for her though
Is she literally talking to herself via the cat?


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Absolutely viable, she is funny and cute, her stories made me laugh quite a few times.
She is. Maybe she is that lonely? Or she somehow speaks her mind like that? No idea. It was very funny when Dana noticed this tough. Maybe she just considers it funny imagining what he would say? I also yell stupid shit when I am on my own, which makes me laugh. …Yes, I am lonely.


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>she is funny and cute


Enjoying playing VNs a lot, I often catch myself smiling at the silly lines of some characters, or just the cute camaraderie.

I'm currently playing Summer Pockets and I must say it is quite healing, the mystical escapades in a summer night. Fateful encounters in places nobody should be at. Great recommendation Sushi.

Cannot wait to play the other games sushis recommended

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Post sales and giveaways here! Maybe you can help a fellow sushiroll find a new favorite game.

Currently on Steam: Devolver Digital Publisher Sale is ongoing until May 11
also for Free: Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome

For free on Epic Games: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/pine

Currently on GOG: the Polish Games Festival, going on until May 10

Feel free to add to and update this thread if you ever see a sale or promotion going on.
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Is it possible to buy a full game anymore? Something with all the expansions and bits added to the main game. I have FOMO and really need to budget myself…


some of the disgaea games, the complete editions, are on sale on the switch eshop right now. i bought the fifth one, i hope it's good because it's the first non-demo game i'm gonna play on my new soy machine


GOG? They even go a step further and might include fan patches to fix games with issues that never got patched. Otherwise you can always torrent.

Disgaea is great, but you have to like it's sense of humor. Just know that 5 is loaded with QoL improvements over the earlier games and it can be rough trying to play the others. Even the remasters didn't add a whole lot of what 5 has. 6 looks like shit though. I can't stand that 3D CGI crap compared to the sprites the rest of the series uses.


for anyone interested, crypt of the necrodancer, a hat in time, and touhou genso wanderer are all on sale on the switch
>Disgaea is great, but you have to like it's sense of humor.
so far i like it, it doesn't make me laugh out loud but it's pretty funny, especially when the characters argue with each other.
>Just know that 5 is loaded with QoL improvements over the earlier games and it can be rough trying to play the others. Even the remasters didn't add a whole lot of what 5 has.
thankfully, i'm used to downgrades in qol because of series like fire emblem and megaten, unless in disgaea it's especially horrible or something
>6 looks like shit though. I can't stand that 3D CGI crap compared to the sprites the rest of the series uses.
bullet dodged i guess

really glad i bought this game, it's great value considering the fact that i'm probably gonna put hundreds of hours into it. it's really suited for a handheld too


Player DARKMAUS ~ a top-down indie game where you control a mouse fighter in a spooky environment. Twas a fun souls-like game.

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hi sushi! any games that can run in my laptop?

specs: intel celeron, 1.60 ghz, 4GB ram.

thanks for replying!
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For minecraft, maybe try version 1.7.10 with Optifine, FoamFix, and Fastcraft. 1.7.10 is the oldest patch that'll let you play on minigame servers (or any other server that has implemented backwards compatibility, for that matter) So it might perform well? I remember playing 1.5.2 on a celeron like yours without those performance mods, so 1.7 should be possible. If you want to try later patches, the latest you'll want to go is either 1.14.x or 1.16.x .Either of those with the sodium modloader and jellysquid's performance mods (found on modrinth.com) might work, although it'll probably be unplayable, if I'm being honest. There are more exotic things to do as well, like JVM arguments and editing the actual core assets (because using a texture pack actually makes you lose performance, despite being 8x8) but those usually result in minimal gains, assuming you have enough RAM allocated. Worst comes to worst, you could always run minetest instead. Lainchan had a nice server up, iirc, which you could play on. Sorry for the longpost about minecraft, but it's one of my favorites that I play with friends and it needs a lot of optimization that mojang is unwilling to do.


Dwarf Fortress can run on those specs, but keep all of your world settings on small/low, or you'll never be able to generate a world.


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Any sprite-based game or 3dcg before 1999.


>Any sprite based game…
You would actually be surprised how heavy some 2D games can be.
Blame Unity.


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Really? That's news to me.

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Are you on team Steam, or are you a local copy kind of person?

I'm on both sides of the fence, but I find myself leaning towards the latter lately.

No matter how much money Valve makes, I still feel like they'll go the way of AOL and Myspace one day.

Or perhaps not.. Steam has been around in some form for over 10 years, an eternity in the software world. Users still enjoy frequent sales, access to the latest titles, and the vibrant social networking. Steam makes it easier for people to organize multiplayer games, and lets friends with like minded tastes stay in touch.

And you can't understate the growing popularity of esports, where Counter Strike and DOTA hold prestigious positions, both requiring Steam in order to play.

There are many other features I could go into with VR, automatic updates, good support for GNU/Linux(Gabe Newell uses Debian iirc), ect..

The bottom line: Steam is convenient, easy, and rules the market.

So I'm wondering, what makes it so desirable to leave the Steam client behind? My first argument was that your local games will always be yours so long as you maintain the data. Meaning you just need to avoid having the games deleted, and if your storage drive fails, have backups of your games.
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Just remember to back-up your games occasionally.


It's honestly less about any sort of moral values I might have about Steam and more about the fact that buying physical copies of things is not actually practical or even possible most of the time these days.

I don't know about you, but I don't actually have any gamestops near me. Plenty of indie games, or games from smaller companies just clean up do not release their games on disc.

Obviously I can pirate games and then keep a local copy, and I do do that, but on some level I feel like that's missing the point.


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I prefer disc but a lot are shifting to digital copies. Saying that, the last thing I bought was a digital version of Torchlight pack; going backup that so I always have a copy.


Honestly, even though I bought many a game from steam, I'm a local storage kind of guy. Further, I confess that I either used steamless or cracked the drm myself for the games I paid for. Paying for a license to a game is right up there with compound interest for "most usurious crap ever".

There may be some games I want on origin or whatever, I'm not sure. If I get those, I'm not sure how I'll crack them, but I'll probably find a way as long as its a single person game that I don't need a constant connection with a server in order to play.

In any case, it looks like either GOG, or FOSS gaming. And the later isn't always bad believe it or not. I'll always like Quake III, but OpenArena is like a kroger generic version of it, it's fun as hell, and I can meet up with people involved in the broader foss/linux/bsd/etc community.

I still have my steam account, but I rarely use it anymore.


I haven't bought games in a while, but when I do I prefer local/hard copies. I don't think steam will go unless the who net dies. Still though, I'd rather my access to what I paid for not be determined by a third party.

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If you choose the wizard/mage/sorcerer class when available in games, this is the thread for you!
Which games you've played have had the most fun/interesting magic system?
What is your favourite in-game spell you've encountered?
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That's the one! Thanks. I loved this game as a kid.


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I'm still in the middle of playing early game Oblivion and just started opening up the Frostcrag Spire which should eventually lead to custom spells, looking forward to it. Been taking a break from Oblivion right now, though.

Fable TLC was really fun, when you're getting to endgame its fun to spawn all the passive spells/ ones that stay on you until they're used.
>Summon lower mob
>Summon ghost swords to protect you
>Turn on shield
>Enchant your bow so it has a glowing aura (multi-shot spell)

There's a pretty large variety of spells in this game
Slow time
Increase your strength with a berserk spell
You can 'teleport' behind enemies like its nothing personnel
And your healing spell when its high can heal literal crowds of people which I always do in the pubs because it makes everyone love you.

I hope they make a of this old system in the new upcoming Fable.
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I'm super glad someone else liked this game! I was a bit upset looking it up that it had such poor reviews, but it was a really good game.


I forgot to add my favorite in-game spell. That's tied between Force Push, Heal, and Divine Fury. All three equally fun when dealing with crowds of people or mobs.


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I like Magic: The Gathering's mana system. Small spells first while you get attempt to accumulate enough mana (via lands) to cast the bigger spells.

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What PS2 games are you sushi rolls playing?

Been playing Armored Core 2. So bad From Software won't do another one. Also some DMC as usual.
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I never had a PS2 growing up, though I do have nice memories of playing that one DBZ fighting game with friends in primary school. I bought FFX because I saw it cheap, one day I'll get around to getting something to play it on.


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Been playing Phantom Brave recently. NIS were really good during the PS2 era

I loved Shinobi, need to replay it again.


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Actually bouncing betweeun Gungrave Over Dose and Shinobi atm.


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I haven't played PS2 in over 10 years. The only game I would buy for it now is Metal Gear Online, but that's RIP. One of the best games I've played, or maybe it was just cool to me back then and would suck now.


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I would play SOCOM II for hours on the PS2

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Aye! Champions of Ash, Ember, and old Humanity! Shall we establish a PvP club for DS3?

Why 3? It's got the best PvP I've seen, I don't have 2, It's also the only one I've finished
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Yeah!! It's open


I can't find it.


It might appear as if you can't find it, but I think it's rather that there is only you and I trying to join, and we are in different timezones….


I'll keep it open then. If any of you join the channel you can say something there or message _dks on #sushigirl.


Everyone's moving to ELDEN RING.

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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a fighting game tournament. Score as high as you are able and earn glory for yourself and/or your board.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUSUMMER
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/YqyzwFiOym

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.
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I missed it again



SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/tbeojAEAiI
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney



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THIRD TOURNAMENT STARTS AT JULY 31ST, 8PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20210731T20

BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUDUELIST
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/DyLvyC1y7h
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney


https://cytu.be/r/touhourney - PRESTREAM UP https://prolikewoah.com/t/20210731T20 TOURNAMENT BEGINS IN ABOUT AN HOUR GET IN HERE

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