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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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File: 1679960038090.jpg (67.75 KB, 957x487, 31799a2030756e08b76bd3d74f….jpg)


I don't know about you guys, but this sonic, and his games have been really ticking me off lately. How can people say they still like these horseshoe games, and support hogwash like frontiers. Sonic fans! Let's talk it out!


File: 1679969194042.jpg (19.26 KB, 189x166, condescending sun.png.jpg)


WHen they made the hog a different shade of blue, I was really ticked off!


good to see they let you out of state custody!


thank you 💕💖💞 I eagerly await salvation


What do you think of his blue arms?


Sonic is in a really weird spot. It seems like Sega doesn't know what to do with him.
>3D sonic
They lost their way and don't know how to make a good one despite fans being vocal about it. Hell, just look at all those fangames that look and play great. It seems they don't want to make a good game.
Let's see how Sonic x Shadow generations does.

>2D sonic

I feel they already peaked with Mania. Superstars looks cool enough. Haven't played it yet.


We dont talk about the blue arms in here


anyone played p-06? I personally really enjoyed it.

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