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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Hey sushirolls, you up for some minecraft?
sushi rolls over at 8ch/v/ made a server and it's pretty comfy. It's vanilla 1.10 as of yet, but maybe we'll keep the map and upgrade it and install some mods.
The spawn is still WIP, but there's a town called Jewville if you want to build in a safe spot.

Server IP:


It should be noted that at this point the thread has 404'd and the server is mostly dead.


Wasn't sure if this should be on /silicon/ but do you susheys know any games where you're required to write code?

I haven't played this but it looks pretty neat
There's also a yt tutorial


Dug around a bit from what I remembered being things:
- Shenzhen IO (ASM)
- TIS-100 (ASM)

- Hackmud
- Screeps (Multiplayer focused, but can be played alone)

Beware, MP ones are VERY not comfy according to user reviews. People who played both of these games fell victim to the fun vacuum of "script cartels" and people who had way too much industry experience caring way too much about the game. I'm still thinking about getting into Screeps just for the SP side and pseudo-JS.

The singleplayer ones are available DRM-free via GOG but the latter two are on Steam.


This is really more about reverse engineering than actual programming.
I really like this one, well, from a viewer's perspective lol. I haven't really invested enough to write a decent warrior, but I really like the whole idea behind this game.
This is for the real hardcore hex jockeys. I don't know what's going on here, hardly anyone does.
Some script kiddie fun! Also available through telnet


File: 1498333772427.png (4.31 KB, 416x164, RealTimeBattle (FMC block ….png)

Oh, I didn't see this thread and I made one just for the game I found.

This is the game

The objective is program a robot and let it fight in an arena.

The interaction with the program it's relatively easy, the real difficulty is on the strategy you use to defeat your opponents!

We are thinking, with a sushi on the irc, to make a tournament or something and maybe streaming it if we get some ppl to join and made their own robots.

Here is the other thread (https://sushigirl.us/arcade/res/363.html)


>I really like this one, well, from a viewer's perspective lol
CW is so awesome but just as you I haven't invested myself in writing a warrior. The idea is great though, and the theory is very interesting


Despite it's lack of gamey-ness, this is shaping up to be one of my favorite video games of all time. It without a doubt disproves people who say video games can't be art, in my eyes at least.

I'd love to discuss it, if any other sushi rolls have played it.


Here's the trailer to the first episode, if anyone's interested.


It's like a point and click adventure game but there's little if any puzzle-solving. It's all about story and atmosphere. It's usually described as magical realism. It has a very dreamlike feel to it and you visit some very strange places. If you like Yume Nikki you might like KRZ too.

I haven't played Act IV yet. I was going to play the first three acts again, but I've been preoccupied with other things.


So Act V is not out yet? I remember playing the first act a very long time ago.
I've been considering buying it for a while, but I couldn't really spare 25 bucks for three or four acts with no guarantee that the devs would deliver all five. I mean, it's been more than 3 years since the first act came out, and act IV is still not complete.
Anyhow, the first act was really cool.
>It without a doubt disproves people who say video games can't be art, in my eyes at least.
I've always found the "are videogames art" argument stupid, I've personally always believed that not only videogames are art, but that they are more so than any other art form out there.


Act IV came out relatively recently, after years of nothing but promises by the devs. A lot of people assumed (not unreasonably) that the game was abandonware that would never be finished since the devs refuse to set release or completion deadlines.

Personally, I don't regret paying the 25 dollars at all, since the game is something I can come back to every once in a while, to let some of the scenes sink in a little better. But that's just my personal experience, and I can understand why other people might hesitate.

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