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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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does anypuppy here play guild wars 2?
ever since i learned it runs on my work computer its become my biggest comfort game.


File: 1694495673786.gif (974.44 KB, 300x229, 1690503692959640.gif)

I did sink into this game, 100 hours in a month earlier this year. Got few characters to max level, bought two expansions.

Problem was lack of a clear goal in the end game. I tried to do the story, but the writing was awful, missions hard and tedious.

Well, glad I lost my interest. I really can't justify this many hours put into gaming.


why is that girl sitting in that milk
isnt she gonna smell bad when she gets out


I will be a good friend, and help clean her up.


she is an adult, sushi roll, I don't think she needs any help. Just tell her where your towels are and let her be.


I don't want my towels soaked with milk.

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