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Alright, i'll be the first to ask… anybody playing Monster Hunter World on PS4? anybody don't mind doing co-op even if I don't have a mic?

Image unrelated


Personally I'm waiting for it to come out on PC.
I've got a couple of people to agree to play with me when it comes out. It will be the first time I will have played MH multiplayer so I'm pretty excited.


I personally couldn't wait for PC myself. Between PC delays, fucking around with steam controller support, and PS4 exclusive content I wanted, I caved and got the PS4 version. You've got more patience than I, and I promise you, you will be rewarded, because MHW is FANTASTIC. Literally the best it's ever been.


>>458>>459 I meant to reply to the post, god damn it.


I've heard from other places thats it's been really streamlined and casualized with easy to spam combos and very predictable monster attacks. Any truth to this or is it just the usual shitposting.


To be honest, it has been a lot easier to figure out monster patterns. I wouldn't say it makes the game easier. As far as streamlining, whether or not it makes or breaks the game is dependent on your preferences. If anything, the first real problem I ran into was the amount of monsters at launch being so small,thankfully, combat is fun enough for me to not care about what i'm fighting, as long as i'm fighting.


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Monster Hunter co-op on pc? What a sweet dream.


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I've been playing World on PC a lot as of late, after beating Alatreon in 3U.
Got to Nergi but he one shot me. If there is anyone that wants to go huntan' my steam account is this one
(mind me, I wanna go huntan', not just get carried).
Also, I main HBG so I hope that isn't a deal breaker
My timezone is UTC-3


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It's more likely than you think

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