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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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How come we don't have a roguelikes thread on /arcade/ yet?

What's your most recent social life killer? How do you usually try to build your character? Do you believe in optional content?

Recently I've been playing:

ToME - Very decent game if you enjoy taking it slow and playing in a reactive way. While there are enough fodder enemies, rares spawn with same classes, skillsets and progression a player character could have achieved at their level, which makes fights incredibly fun and complex, especially when you're facing three multi-classed enemies of your level who consist of a melee tank, a ranged DD and a CC mage.

Soulash 1/2 - fairly small roguelikes, can't recommend them for more than one night of fun, they attracted me with tank controls and FoV, which I personally would like to see in more top-down games, but turned out to be very shallow and felt rushed.

Also killed a few of my nights by playing DCSS again, constantly trying to go for a short blades all offense build.


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Couldn't upgrade my gear since D:14 and through Lair, Spider Nest, Swamp, Orc Mines and half of Elven Halls, RNG loves me


> What's your most recent social life killer?


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git gud nerd


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Not much of a traditional roguelike, I like to play Hyperrogue, a roguelike in the hyperbolic plane!


Tried getting into Elona if that counts, keep getting filtered. Any sushi rolls know this feeling….?


Last time I played DCSS I had a really fun time with the martial arts god. Got several wins with him too! I haven't payed attention to the game in about a year, I'm still not sure how I feel about them removing random energy and adding opportunity attacks but I didn't *hate* them like a lot of people did. It's at least a fun reason to play Tengu now cuz once you get the 0.9 move speed you can kite like the old days hehe


i've been playing a lot of adom, unreal world and elona+. i've got not idea what i'm doing in any of them and have at no point made anything which can be considered progress

how do i become good at the video game?


>not sure how I feel about them removing random energy and adding opportunity attacks
After I made this post I checked the website and it looks like they're testing something that approximates the old system in trunk. Interesting


Elona is a very specific one, can't even count it as a roguelike, more like a massive-massive sandbox. Can't blame you!

Wu Jian? The one which allows you to jump from walls and slash everything around you? He's my favorite, he's essentially just a movekit for very stylish executions and doesn't limit at all unlike other gods.

Whenever you die - try to think about what you could have done to prevent that death. Whenever you feel like your character is having troubles with creatures of your "level" think of what part of your build could have been prioritized more to help you out. Generally you want to find the silver line between broad skillset and narrow expertise to be able to respond to any kinds of threats with decent skills.
Although this advice is mostly for adom, the other two games you played are so specific and I don't have enough experience with them to help you.


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Unreal World has a tutorial, like right there at the start!!!

very rare for a roguelike tbh ww


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This thread got me back into playing DCSS too
Right now just clearing Vestibule and trying to decide whether to take my 5-rune win or not
This character is very OP


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gonna take this as an invitation to shill Lost Branch of Legend!
It's basically a Touhou reskin for Slay the Spire and it doesn't even pretend not to be one. But it also introduces some really really cool mechanics such as Magic-style colored mana, more interesting action economy, and a whole lot more. It genuinely destroyed my free time for the first couple days I've tried it, and they're *still* adding more stuff.

Insanely good, go try it


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SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!


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Wu Jian gang
Heavenly Storm is so good


Shadow of the Wyrm is underrated and you'll like it if you like ADOM and CoQ. Also recently found this one: https://aukustus.itch.io/the-temple-of-torment


>The Temple of Torment
I want to like this game (story, classes/races/divinities are very well rounded) but it's missing a ton of QoL things that feel like necessities at this point. Menus can't be navigated with the keyboard, firing projectiles is dependent on using the mouse, the item menu usage is clunky and it's a slog to have to look for the shops in each town to buy/sell stuff. Having a fast-travel option for towns (to go to shops and leave town) feels like the bare minimum to make this game slightly more enjoyable. I like my time during combat, exploring and piecing together the lore, but what connects all those things is such a hindering chore.


Every couple months I find myself obsessed with CDDA, it's such a cool game! Admittedly I'm pretty shit at it but it's fun seeing how long I can survive.


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the only roguelike/roguelite ive played was OTXO, and the reason i played it was due to the fact i wanted another hotline miami style game.
while i do love the gun-play, soundtrack, movement in the game the weakest element is the roguelike aspect.
i want saved spots ffs.


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I hadn't played any roguelikes before playing Pacific Drive, which is kind of a rougelike/lite, but I HAETD it! The first proper tutorial level felt like a punch to the guts. I had to play it across three days and even then I played it so little that I still managed to refund it! I guess I'm just too much of a casual.

Still, the concept of a car/vehicle maintenance and survival game is awesome. Too bad there are almost next to no *finished* games in this genre.


Yeah fair enough. Tbh a lot of Ultima-like roguelikes have this. They start out promising but then don't get updated enough.


I've also been playing ToME in long spurts. I really try to not die, but a random stronger enemy or getting mobbed kills me. I've almost gotten to level 20 before after a few hours. I find myself getting really bored by that time because of the samey gameplay. Still, it's an absolute gem. I love the concept of unlocking classes and lore through gameplay. I love finding items and discovered a little bit more of the world. I haven't played much, but I'm a bit disappointed in the summoner class. I really don't like having to summon constantly. It's a real burden to summon up some monsters when really, it's a lot more fun and straightforward to play a melee class. Still, I really didn't play for very long before getting killed. Because I was so weak at the beginning, it really only takes your summons getting killed before you're next. I hope the necromancer class isn't like this, but I'd bet it is.

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