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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Is anyone here into this style of music? I used to dig it really hard, when I was a teenager and recently rediscovered it for my liking.


Happy hardcore is great to keep a bit of energy about what you're doing.

I always listen to happyhardcore.com if I'm gonna listen to it.

Not really a genera I'd give any specific recommendations for, but the embed is a good track.


Heck yes.
Recently rediscovered these songs from my internet youth. The static anime girl images on the videos are nostalgic as fuck.


hell yeah


get some


in ya


Absolute classic but I got one better


Honestly I should get into more Happy Hardcore. its a really nice genre and makes me feel happy and warm



Nightcore Säkkijärven Polkka Remix


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