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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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I really like Ka. He gets me in a particular mood which I actually enjoy a lot.
But today I was struggling to find anything similar. I could find other rappers along the line, but I need something without vocals.
Something that keeps this kind of tone. Please?
Sushies are good for this hence I ask. Thank you very much.



File: 1594442175928.gif (1.27 MB, 550x275, 20200705.gif)


File: 1618639509195.gif (20.34 KB, 143x128, 20210000.gif)

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[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]