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 No.74[View All]

>what is it?
An operating system that respects your freedom
>why would I use it?
If you are tired of having your OS use you and always wanted to use your computer instead
>What do you mean by freedom?
Write your own programs. use source code from the internet in seconds. update when you want to not when it tells you.
Want to run a website? cool! you can set one up in minutes.
Want to adjust your hardware to your liking? Awesome!
Want to stop or make a new feature to a program you use every day? Go for it!

Its your computer! use it how you want!
171 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think you can do it by changing the groups the user is part of


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I use Debian and manage my connections with the program nmtui - I believe it came installed by default. In nmtui, when you edit a connection, you can set it to not be available to all users - see picrel. Maybe you'd want to do that.

However, I also like >>1823 idea about making a VM for your minimal setup. Once you've set it up (it's very easy if you use a GUI like virt-manager), you can just go fullscreen in your VM and pretend you're on a different system entirely.


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Im glad to see this thread is still going almost 5 years later.
Thanks sushies!


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>>1758 here. When I said Manjaro won't break your system entirely, I was apparently wrong. Time to finally install Mint on this PC I guess.


I have a raspberry pi which I want to turn into a wireless router. I don't have a monitor to connect to it, so I have to use it headless. I need the Pi to connect to the LAN and listen on ssh.
I've been trying with raspbian, but it doesn't seem to connect to the network for some reason (even using an ethernet wire), and my router is ABSOLUTE SHEIT and it shows really scarce information, specifically, it doesn't even show ip addresses of connected devices. Just the MAC addresses. I tried doing a broadcast ping on the lan and I only got 1 response from 3 connected devices (4, if the pi ever joined).
I tried Openwrt but that didn't work either.
I'll keep trying, but I might just have to do it all from scratch, ie, use buildroot to make a system with just the config I need.



Well, I finally managed to do it. All I had to do was actually do a bruteforce search, I tried to ssh into every address in the LAN (using a simple script, obvs), and just like that, I found it. Now for the next step, which is to find the proper driver for the wireless adapter, which should already be somewhere in /lib/modules, load it and make an interface for it (and get it to happen automatically on boot). Then setup hostapd and ip routing, however that last part is done.

Had this been needed a few years ago, I'd be thrilled. Today I have other learning priorities. However, I did likethe idea of building an embedded system, and I just might in the future, but right now I need to get this working.
Which also comes to show how extrinsic motivators could be much stronger than intrinsic ones at times. I wanted to do this in the past but I had no pressing reason to actually go through the process.

I try and make do with what I have, plus, it should be doable.


I've been using Linux for around 4 1/2 years now and I'd like to move up to something a bit more advanced and customizable. I've been getting by with Devuan + XFCE but it has become tiring. From random, esoteric bugs to missing functionality to a lack of a strong, central community, its just not cutting it anymore.

I've been looking at:
(And I might try out Gentoo as well as Slackware just for fun)
As security is one of my main focuses, Systemd is a no-go for me.

What resources do you recommend to learn the entire Linux ecosystem from the ground-up? Are there any quirks/tips I should know about related to the distros I've listed?


Have you heard of Linux From Scratch? It guides you through the process of building your own distro. It's not really suitable or intended to be used as a daily distro but as a learning experience instead.



Slackware is the ultimate comfy linux experience, everything is quite simple to achieve and you really can just slack off once you understand the main things (which isn't much, and what there is is never overcomplicated). The lightweightness and simplicity of customizing FluxBox goes really well with it, can recommend. And also if you like Slackware more than any other distros, chances are that you would feel right at home in OpenBSD too (which would also zoom right in on your security focus).

I've tried a handful of systems, only ever felt comfortable in Slackware, then years later tried OpenBSD, realized that was the problem all along, I'm not really the linux type at all, I'm a BSD person. The core should not be a hodge-podge of random bits, but something put together well, to the same standard of quality.
Funny tidbit, Slackware actually did grow out of a LinuxFromScratch setup originally, that the guy maintained for a couple of people that used his scripts rather than make their own.


Currently running Slackware 15.0 RC1 on my daily driver. It's pretty comfy. I can't update it yet since there are no 15.0 mirror directories last I checked. It also isn't detecting my wireless KB/mouse, but that could be my fault. Otherwise, this can do 96% of what I need a computer to do. If you need the other 4%, MX Linux is a good option. Dual-booting with Slackware and MX Linux seems ideal. How are your impressions w/ Slackware? Any plans of trying out Slackware 15 when it fully releases?


I am on artix right now and I can comfortably recomend it.


Posting from mint for a little trial run.
Once I get my new computer I will boot it with my favorite, hook up a VPN, and wipe my slate clean.
Thank you for guiding me!


Mint is as comfy as it gets imo. Glad you like it sushi!


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been using linux for about 9-10 years, despite this im still an ubuntoid.
luv me 'buntu.
void was okay, but i had no real use for it.
thinking of trying bedrock though.


Ubuntu is a great distro for many use cases as it 'just werks'.

Personally, I've been using Fedora at work for over a year now and quite like it. Soonish I'm going to switch to MacOS, I'm wondering how long it will take me to get used to it.


I branched out a bit with void and bunsenlabs, but ubuntu is just so reliable.
I hear fedora is basically the same in that regard.
I do recommend bunsenlabs for anyone running a really old/underpowered system, it's basically the new crunchbang (rip)


> I hear fedora is basically the same in that regard.
Reinstalling it as we speak. Gonna stick with it from now on, every other distro has its cons but Fedora always "just works" in my experience.


Finally managed a minimal install Debian, always feared setting up X11, because of how badly I messed it up few times. Running i3 with terminator, fish and not much else. Set up for SC61A, lots of fun.


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it's nice to see how consistent mint has been over the years. over 4 years later and your setup almost looks exactly the same as mine does. Neat. Anyways, thumbnail support is (finally) being merged, hopefully it'll get in soon.



What are sushis running on their servers?

I'm currently using CentOS, thinking about switching away to free- or OpenBSD though.


I use FreeBSD on my file server. I don't do much with it. ZFS and Samba, it's my file server.

I have an older home server that runs CRUX. That's been my server for minecraft and various other games in the past. Thinking about replacing this with FreeBSD too.


Seconding this (albeit a tad late :D)


I have TrueNAS Core running on my homeserver and FreeBSD on my VPS


If I can poke this, I've been using slackware for 10+ years. I've also used mint, arch, manjaro, haiku, and pop.

I highly recommend slackware because its as close to "feature complete" as I would call any OS. Once you get it set up (which let's not act like you won't learn a ton just doing that) its pretty much done and done. "It just werks" unironically.


i like linux but it makes me so mad that the software i want is not on linux.


I've come to realize the only true purpose for using linux is for programming and web hosting stuff. You will take this pill too.


I don't wanna >:(
u can't make me


>I've come to realize the only true purpose for using linux is for programming and web hosting stuff. You will take this pill too.

As opposed to what, in say, Windows or FreeBSD? I mean to say, what do people use on those platforms that you don't on linux? I don't want to argue, though. I recognize linux having so little market share that doing simple things like "gaming" would be frustrating for most. I guess I ask why it is "only" for those. Maybe I'm being pedantic.


Do you sushi rolls host anything interesting? I've been hosting a personal wiki and it's been pretty fun. I also host some game servers, a pubnix, a FTP server, and a few static websites.

Gaming on Linux isn't too bad these days. Most things Just Work, and older games to have fewer issue on Linux than Windows. The main remaining stumbling block to it being good enough is anticheat

Proxmox for the hypervisor, Rocky Linux for server, and OPNsense for firewall/routing/general networking. Not a huge fan of RHEL distros, but I use them at work and value having just one environment. I've been meaning to use BSD for a while. When it comes time to have a dedicated NAS instead of everything on the hypervisor I'll likely use some flavor of BSD.


its absolutely just the case that people who make posts like the one you are replying to use computers exclusively for gaming so actually having the capability to do real work with less friction like linux allows is not really considered a useful tradeoff.


Maybe I'm a bit crazy but I can't quite decide what kind of a system I want to have. I have a few ideas. I have enough disk but an underpowered old little netbook. Compiling a kernel takes a day, a toolchain, maybe a couple more days, X11 half another day, and I can't be thinking about including rust or LLVM, that's fine, I would like simple stuff anyway. I would be using plan9 but it's a bit too ideal if you get my meaning.
My current idea is to use linux as a hypervisor, and a different system on each vm, so that I could even run ubuntu one day from my main build, not that I would actually do that.
The remaining question is what is the host system going to be? I am inclined for keeping the bare minimum, a few services and such, and instead of loading a user environment it can open one of a number of guest systems.
I am not too concerned with the performance penalty, as I wouldn't likely be jumping between whole systems, and once I get the whole thing running I am rather frugal.
Finally, am I able to pull this off? It involves many things I've never done before, time will tell.


sounds like you were to stupid to use linux


*too :^)


depends on the speed of the device. some of my old usb flash drives from like 2012-2018 take forever (25+ minutes). but sd cards ive been using lately take maybe five minutes. actual CDs will take 40+ minutes.


I agree - it is steadily getting better but I always felt like you have to settle for inferior software and support when doing creative work.


I don't feel comortable with Linux. I'm more used to BSD but Linux is great for all kinds of little projects and is much more usable for the average person. Gaming is the only drawback that kills its mass appeal. I also feel the Linux community has become another snobby elite in group and totally forgot the original mission of GNU and Linux and now its little more than a cult. Sad.


I'm using Linux Mint and it's pretty good. The only complaint I have is that I can't run Lightroom on it. But the android app works well enough for me, so it's not that bad overall.


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Hmm… I will have to take that back. The software that I currently use - Bitwig, Unity, Blender and Rider - are all great and seem to be actively supported on Linux.


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despite me not using and working with computers much due to recent life and wageslaving, i still use Arch Linux as my desktop daily driver. i still avoid using windows completely, unless i will have to dabble in it to get into tech jobs. i haven't done much technical stuff compared to the past few years, i just mindlessly browse the internet often at this point. burnout perhaps. despite the burnout, i still completely avoid windows.
i've been looking at other fancy distros like Bazzite/Fedora Kinoite, but i never grasped their different workflows despite their immutable system advantages and still stuck with arch. maybe those immutable distros will click in the next time i try distro hopping to those. maybe i may continue sticking with Arch anyways. i really like the AUR.

i used to host a bunch of static websites over the years, but they all died. i used to host a XMPP server trying both Prosody and ejabberd, that died too. i used to host minetest servers, but they all died. i could self host almost anything as long as it can run on a VPS, but i have nothing that motivates me to self host anymore. there's just no more point in me self hosting anything for now, unless something clicks in.

i never grasped NixOS, probably out of laziness or just quick burnout.


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Decided to make use of the less intense period at work and tried switching to KDE. Package manager threw an error in the middle of installation and it bricked my system. Just my luck…


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i ended up switching to Bazzite on both my desktop (i went with Aurora first, but i ended up rebasing to Bazzite not long ago) and my steam deck. best decision ever in a while, at least so far. only some niche use-cases don't exactly work, but i can figure it all out anyways.


I'm looking for a good lightweight distro I can throw on a USB stick as a persistant portable OS. I know there's tails but the whole amnesia thing isn't what I'm looking for.


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can you say something moar about your experience with Bazzite? why do you prefer it than SteamOS?

issues I have is that switching between gaming mode and desktop mode takes time, part of filesystem is wiped by updates and browsing web in gaming mode is not ideal. in particular cant save things or summon file picker for image upload.


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i haven't used Bazzite desktop mode much, however switching to desktop mode is the same speed as the current stable SteamOS version. part of the FS being wiped by updates also happens in SteamOS. i haven't tried browsing the web in gaming mode yet, nor tried to save things or upload images yet.

other than that it just werks for me so far. faster than SteamOS with no issues with my emulated games as well.


bazzite sucks on desktop. it's good on the deck though.
i went back to arch on my desktop anyways


I like Linux. I used to dabble in it with my old computer (that's now dead). It gave it a lot of life before it eventually died. I currently use a Windows comp for gaming and a bit of browsing, so I'm mostly on Windows. If I were just browsing, I'd probably use Linux. I like the idea of freedom and the concept of the computer as a hobby as well. I'm not too much into using the most lightweight distro and programs and such that other Linux users seem to be into, but I think Linux is a good step into getting privacy back and taking back the internet from big companies. It definitely brings a lot more competition. I think a lot of people can afford moving to Linux if they don't require programs that specifically need Windows to function (for like, work or school). I think I did some school work on a Linux OS.


anyone here ever used public access unix systems (pubnix) such as sdf.org or tilde.club? I figure it's relevant to this thread since they're running linux or some bsd flavor.


I am in tilde.club


I should have written a bit more, lol.
I am making my personal website there. They also have a webring of all the sites, most of which are abandoned, but there are a few good-ish ones? They have very little content for the most part, quite unlike neocities where people make an effort to make really good sites.
You also get an email address in there, and there is an "email club" where you can sign up to get mail from others in the club… I haven't gotten any so far, but I guess I should start by sending one myself. I wonder whether most of those who signed up are still active.
The irc is not quite dead, but it has a very few active users.
Besides html it also gives you a gopherhole and a gemini capsule. In http you can use a few languages to make cgi scripts, among them perl, tcl and common lisp (sbcl), and of course, bash.
I joined because I actually want to try and make a little mud on common lisp, and a pubnix server is exactly the platform to do that.

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