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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches

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Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif, webm below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)

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I hope op does not follow this advice. It would make the site better in every conventional sense, but the unrefined unprocessed feel has charm that polished corporate sites don't.


The truth is that the message matters more than the format. If you're bringing people together for a purpose, it doesn't matter if it's a website or an IRC channel. Anyone worth a damn will figure it out and most those who don't bother aren't worth the effort it would take to include them.

Inclusion is a corporate game, gaming for numbers. Authenticity and purpose is what the rest of us have.


Thanks for the advice and for showing the love in my site :). Means a lot.


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Hello I'm from India. Are you detective Goonkesh Hawshi from indiachan.net(if you want to advertise, use the sticky thread on /lounge/)


What is your goal through? Do you have people you wish to bring together? Any sort of glue, legacy or personalities that will make the users wish to join and stay? Any blogs, regular content or articles they aren't reading elsewhere? This is personally much more important than however the page itself looks, people are using IRC to this day and it's definitely not because of its superiority 🤷

Tech-wise: I might sound ironic but either make the entire site stretch its reply boxes across the page or align and add margins for everything, especially the posts. Whether or not content should be columnized is a personal preference but consistency is my motto.

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Ever programmed a malware sushi roll?
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Wouldn't that be mean?



No but that would be cool since I'm now watching videos about malware that I think I should just make some of my own.


Yeah with Game Maker.
It was disguised as IE on the library computers in high school. It was a tacky VIRUS screen full of system animations and random paths flashing below pointless loading bars. If you managed to kill it, it would just respawn twenty times, choking the computer.
The joke backfired when they closed all of the computors at the library, which is where I pretty much lived.
Almost got expelled for that, too.


ive never messed with malware but i have programed an autohotkey script that plays text adventures. also i was thinking programming an malware with the renpy game engine that encrypts your files and the only way to decrypt them is answering questions to an goth anime girl about sysadmin stuff.

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P-p-post your best music and books torrents senpai, FLAC means extra points n.n
Iĺl start
40GB of super eurobeat

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Magnet link of old /g/entoomen library from https://g.sicp.me/books/


FLAC is just the container, it really depends on the audio stored within. You can copy the audio stream from an MP3 into a FLAC and it won't sound any different, but you may be able to hear a difference from an original lossless recording, and something compressed like you would download from youtube. Usually you'd rip the lossless from a vinyl, and occasionally it's distributed on official CDs


>occasionally it's distributed on official CDs
CDs have their own audio format which is lossless but is different from FLAC. In fact, it's not even split into files at all - it's actually just one long audio stream with a "table of contents" which specifies where each track starts and ends. If you buy an album on CD which ends up being a CD-ROM with FLAC files on it, then someone somewhere did something very wrong.


A dumb friend of mine actually believes this.


Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is "lossy". What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange is well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.

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Can we finally agree that Twitter's nee CEO and the "genius" behind the Las Vegas RGB "hyperloop" is just a conman? The dude can't even build tunnels at prices thst competitive with his competitots. I doubt he has invented a single new technology.

Everything he has takes credit ftom was pretty much just him buying the companies and patents of someone else came up with. (Like Tesla's faster chargers.)


In that video I linked there's a Musk fanboy who buys two ten cent cinder bricks Elon Musk had made for $400. Musk had claimed they were stronger than regular bricks and he would make a ton from waste soil dug up out of the ground. He never made any more than two and engineers say you can't make stronger bricks with any random soil. Just like how you can't make concrete with random dirt, it has to be the right gravel and sand and stuff mixed together.

He never ever hits his dates either but pushes them back and people just forget. Cybertruck is like 8 years late.
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Musk does SpaceX so that basically makes up for any failed business venture or innovation his other companies do.


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Is there any CEO or capitalist frontman that isnt at least partially a conman?
It's not about having invented anything, it's about delivering product and manufacturing interest.
Advertising & delivery (of the things that actually matter).

My take on Elon though is, he's a bright dude and a fellow channer at heart, but he's in a fucking weird position of understanding where humanity/earth is going and not having enough influence to make the good thing happen, so he's kinda forced to embrace the absurdist run of being a human being.

But also that absurdist embrace has led to some nihilist downward spiral pathways of fuck-it-all, as in monkey abuse to further neuraLink endavours where macaques are in fucking hellworld left in experiment void puking to death in some weird pseudo-existence interacting with something that should never be. Not fucking okay. Nuclear eradication of earth is preferable to incarnating into one life of that existence. Make it fucking stop.


No, because there can't be. Can't really elaborate without getting political, but if you look into any CEO's past, they didn't get there by hard work, they got there by cheating.


Elon musk fans have to be the most braindead people in the world.

Remember Hyperloop?

Soon enough these hyperinflated companies will just fall same as hyperloop


Nobody remembers anything the musktard does, fortunately.

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I use a lot of obscure websites, mainly imageboards, and I play on a lot of small vidya servers. I need a vpn so I can stop letting random people know where I live. I'd like it to be relatively obscure, so it isn't included in vpn blacklists. Are there any good vpns that aren't too popular?
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TempleVPN and riseupVPN are pretty noname services. They were free last time I used them


Mullvad, if you need port forwarding (useful for torrenting) then AirVPN


I use Mullvad.


Why has everyone forgotten about proxies. Just scrape some proxies, and use those. They work fine. Most folks who need a VPN just need a proxy. If you don't know what the difference is chances are you don't need to pay for a VPN service.



I went with PrivateInternetAccess, it's cheap(buy a year or two or three), and supports port forwarding/torrenting. May not be entirely as good a "safehaven" as mullvad, but it just werks with better features.

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Does anyone have any recommendations for a safe browser to use while exploring all these chans and neocities sites? So I can keep pretending I'm some kind of old internet researcher while not getting my address on 10 thousand different blacklists.

Any other app or tip would be appreciated too!
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i highly doubt that you are going to be on a list for browsing imageborads and neocities. most of the people there aren't doing anything illegal. the ones that are i hope they have good opsec and practice internet safety.


You can check here how well you can be tracked by any site.


It's almost impossible to stay sushi rollymous. The best you can do is use the most common client with the most common settings and environment to disappear in the crowd to some degree. Otherwise your best shot would be to fake a second online identity, ideally with a different machine you scavenged from a junk yard at least 30 miles away from your location with a separate gateway/vpn to access the web.


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You can clean the referer by dragging the link to a new tab.


Apparently I'm unique. It got my keyboard layout wrong, though.

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These are our newest images from the surface of another world. It's really, genuinely beautiful.
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I always feel melancholic about achievements in space exploration.
If I had sucked up to my profs more, I might have been able to get into their research labs for space tech. That could have been fun


I love it like everyone else, but I need more people. We need to get out of LEO again.

I know that feel. I work for NASA, but just having a bachelors (CS), I basically do industry, rather than research. Two sides of the same coin, I suppose. Grass is always greener as well.
Either way, follow your passion.

Don't know how old you are but I can almost guarantee it will happen, but as >>1774 said, small settlements will come before self-sustaining economies.


Fake photos…


Imagine being so gullible and retarded to think these are real lmfaoo


Why tho? What makes you think they are fake? If you say quality just remember that you probably have a 4k camera in your pocket right now.

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Crypto thread? Personally I think crypto is the future. No more centralization, no more states fucking you in the ass.
I also don't want to become a wage slave so I hope to make it thanks to crypto. Life is too short to not do what you like.
What cryptocurrencies have you invested in sushinons? What are you bullish on?
It would be cool that we all make it.

Personally I am extremely bullish on Bitbay. I missed the Ethereum train but I think Bitbay will be the next moon mission in 2018. It is the sole working decentralized marketplace and trustless contracting platform while fixing many BTC flaws and planning to have a decentralized peg that brings price stability by preventing volatility, especially from whales shady manipulation. The price is still fucking low (23m market cap) so there is a lot of growth potential. For instance, to have a x2 ROIs with ETH, it would need 30 fucking billions of dollars, while with bitbay it would only need 23m. It is far more likely in the latter for this very reason.
Pics related why I am bullish on it. It has both mainstream and darknet potential.
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It has.


what purpose does crypto have that does not involve selling crypto?


obfuscation of monetary transactions, decentralized banking, circumvention of domestic regulations


Scamming pople off their real money
I kid, there's no such thing as real money.


I'll buy in!

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where did real /tech/ go
i miss those guys
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I'm not so sure people want to make genuine friendships online anymore either. I'd say it feels harder than ever to make real connections with strangers online, though I'm not exactly sure why. But I do agree that the airline-bar sort of experience like you mentioned is gone too, which I really miss. So we're just in a strange void where we have… neither?

Most normal people only use the internet to talk to people they already know in real life, in private chats; or to yell into the void on platforms like Twitter or Reddit or the unending Discord servers.


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This sums it up pretty well. I am sorry for the downer but people like yelling into the void for some reason. Maybe some of them should consider getting a rubber duck instead.


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This is actually true. The airlines are closed. But let me state my defense.

The towns, the bars and the pubs are not yet closed. They might be sparse and in the middle of nowhere a lot of the time but there are still plenty of them waiting for new and interesting people like you. And there are still plenty of regulars like me visiting them ever-so-often, so don't feel shy to wander a bit.

After all, Hermes is still here for you!


What makes a person interesting anyway?


Liking a thing! Literature, mechanics, agriculture, horticulture, husbandry, puzzles, philosophy, religion, chemistry, collection, animation, anything and everything that can be liked is interesting someone.

The thing is that "interesting" isn't an innate quality. It means that you interest someone. And everything interests someone. You just have to find those people that are interested in it!

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Most people in the modern Western world use Technology every day in some way, shape or form. The term Technomancy itself combines the prefix "techno-", originating from the Greek word tékhnē, meaning “skill, art or craft”, with the suffix "-mancy", used to denote any way or form of divination and magic.

How many sushi rolls here have checked out or tried Technomancy?

Technomancy 101: https://technomancy101.com/



As a methodology for wholeheartedly embracing technology and learning a lot about it to create whimsy and joy in our lives, I’m into the concept. Kind of like a less cynical cyberpunk mindset. We’re surrounded by technology but it’s very rarely truly “ours”.


In the sense of whether it's "ours" or not, there's this idea called panpsychism. It's about things that arent seem as sentient or less sentient than animals / mammals as having consciousness to some degree. This includes "inanimate objects" like rocks, metals, crystals, plants; etc. and extends to computer components. Considering that computers, smartphones, TVs and more possess metals and crystals within them, which the latter are noted in soiritual communities as being particularly conscious, it all points to technology having consciousness; agency in some way.


Yeah I've used sigil generators and tarot bots but those are jusr rng right???

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